blob: 637d20298676ea08882f22c4ab023db4653da423 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/cfile/cfile_reader.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <utility>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/cfile/binary_plain_block.h"
#include "kudu/cfile/block_cache.h"
#include "kudu/cfile/block_compression.h"
#include "kudu/cfile/block_handle.h"
#include "kudu/cfile/block_pointer.h"
#include "kudu/cfile/cfile.pb.h"
#include "kudu/cfile/cfile_util.h"
#include "kudu/cfile/cfile_writer.h" // for kMagicString
#include "kudu/cfile/index_btree.h"
#include "kudu/cfile/type_encodings.h"
#include "kudu/common/column_materialization_context.h"
#include "kudu/common/column_predicate.h"
#include "kudu/common/columnblock.h"
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/encoded_key.h"
#include "kudu/common/key_encoder.h"
#include "kudu/common/rowblock.h"
#include "kudu/common/types.h"
#include "kudu/fs/error_manager.h"
#include "kudu/fs/io_context.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/basictypes.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stringprintf.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/array_view.h"
#include "kudu/util/bitmap.h"
#include "kudu/util/cache.h"
#include "kudu/util/coding.h"
#include "kudu/util/compression/compression_codec.h"
#include "kudu/util/crc.h"
#include "kudu/util/debug/trace_event.h"
#include "kudu/util/fault_injection.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/logging.h"
#include "kudu/util/malloc.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/overwrite.h"
#include "kudu/util/object_pool.h"
#include "kudu/util/pb_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/rle-encoding.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/trace.h"
DEFINE_bool(cfile_lazy_open, true,
"Allow lazily opening of cfiles");
TAG_FLAG(cfile_lazy_open, hidden);
DEFINE_bool(cfile_verify_checksums, true,
"Verify the checksum for each block on read if one exists");
TAG_FLAG(cfile_verify_checksums, evolving);
DEFINE_double(cfile_inject_corruption, 0,
"Fraction of the time that read operations on CFiles will fail "
"with a corruption status");
TAG_FLAG(cfile_inject_corruption, hidden);
using kudu::fault_injection::MaybeTrue;
using kudu::fs::ErrorHandlerType;
using kudu::fs::IOContext;
using kudu::fs::ReadableBlock;
using kudu::pb_util::SecureDebugString;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace cfile {
const char* CFILE_CACHE_MISS_BYTES_METRIC_NAME = "cfile_cache_miss_bytes";
const char* CFILE_CACHE_HIT_BYTES_METRIC_NAME = "cfile_cache_hit_bytes";
// Magic+Length: 8-byte magic, followed by 4-byte header size
static const size_t kMagicAndLengthSize = 12;
static const size_t kMaxHeaderFooterPBSize = 64*1024;
static Status ParseMagicAndLength(const Slice &data,
uint8_t* cfile_version,
uint32_t *parsed_len) {
if (data.size() != kMagicAndLengthSize) {
return Status::Corruption("Bad size data");
uint8_t version;
if (memcmp(kMagicStringV1,, kMagicLength) == 0) {
version = 1;
} else if (memcmp(kMagicStringV2,, kMagicLength) == 0) {
version = 2;
} else {
return Status::Corruption("bad CFile header magic", data.ToDebugString());
uint32_t len = DecodeFixed32( + kMagicLength);
if (len > kMaxHeaderFooterPBSize) {
return Status::Corruption("invalid data size for header",
*cfile_version = version;
*parsed_len = len;
return Status::OK();
CFileReader::CFileReader(ReaderOptions options,
uint64_t file_size,
unique_ptr<ReadableBlock> block) :
memory_footprint()) {
Status CFileReader::Open(unique_ptr<ReadableBlock> block,
ReaderOptions options,
unique_ptr<CFileReader>* reader) {
unique_ptr<CFileReader> reader_local;
const IOContext* io_context = options.io_context;
*reader = std::move(reader_local);
return Status::OK();
Status CFileReader::OpenNoInit(unique_ptr<ReadableBlock> block,
ReaderOptions options,
unique_ptr<CFileReader>* reader) {
uint64_t block_size;
const IOContext* io_context = options.io_context;
unique_ptr<CFileReader> reader_local(
new CFileReader(std::move(options), block_size, std::move(block)));
if (!FLAGS_cfile_lazy_open) {
*reader = std::move(reader_local);
return Status::OK();
Status CFileReader::InitOnce(const IOContext* io_context) {
VLOG(1) << "Initializing CFile with ID " << block_->id().ToString();
// Parse Footer first to find unsupported features.
RETURN_NOT_OK_HANDLE_CORRUPTION(ReadAndParseFooter(), HandleCorruption(io_context));
RETURN_NOT_OK_HANDLE_CORRUPTION(ReadAndParseHeader(), HandleCorruption(io_context));
if (PREDICT_FALSE(footer_->incompatible_features() & ~IncompatibleFeatures::SUPPORTED)) {
return Status::NotSupported(Substitute(
"cfile uses features from an incompatible bitset value $0 vs supported $1 ",
type_info_ = GetTypeInfo(footer_->data_type());
VLOG(2) << "Initialized CFile reader. "
<< "Header: " << SecureDebugString(*header_)
<< " Footer: " << SecureDebugString(*footer_)
<< " Type: " << type_info_->name();
// The header/footer have been allocated; memory consumption has changed.
return Status::OK();
Status CFileReader::Init(const IOContext* io_context) {
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(init_once_.Init([this, io_context] { return InitOnce(io_context); }),
Substitute("failed to init CFileReader for block $0",
return Status::OK();
Status CFileReader::ReadAndParseHeader() {
TRACE_EVENT1("io", "CFileReader::ReadAndParseHeader",
"cfile", ToString());
// First read and parse the "pre-header", which lets us know
// that it is indeed a CFile and tells us the length of the
// proper protobuf header.
uint8_t mal_scratch[kMagicAndLengthSize];
Slice mal(mal_scratch, kMagicAndLengthSize);
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(block_->Read(0, mal),
"failed to read CFile pre-header");
uint32_t header_size;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(ParseMagicAndLength(mal, &cfile_version_, &header_size),
"failed to parse CFile pre-header");
// Quick check to ensure the header size is reasonable.
if (header_size >= file_size_ - kMagicAndLengthSize) {
return Status::Corruption("invalid CFile header size", std::to_string(header_size));
// Setup the data slices.
uint64_t off = kMagicAndLengthSize;
uint8_t header_scratch[header_size];
Slice header(header_scratch, header_size);
uint8_t checksum_scratch[kChecksumSize];
Slice checksum(checksum_scratch, kChecksumSize);
// Read the header and checksum if needed.
vector<Slice> results = { header };
if (has_checksums() && FLAGS_cfile_verify_checksums) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(block_->ReadV(off, results));
if (has_checksums() && FLAGS_cfile_verify_checksums) {
Slice slices[] = { mal, header };
RETURN_NOT_OK(VerifyChecksum(slices, checksum));
// Parse the protobuf header.
header_.reset(new CFileHeaderPB());
if (!header_->ParseFromArray(, header.size())) {
return Status::Corruption("invalid cfile pb header",
VLOG(2) << "Read header: " << SecureDebugString(*header_);
return Status::OK();
Status CFileReader::ReadAndParseFooter() {
TRACE_EVENT1("io", "CFileReader::ReadAndParseFooter",
"cfile", ToString());
CHECK_GT(file_size_, kMagicAndLengthSize) <<
"file too short: " << file_size_;
// First read and parse the "post-footer", which has magic
// and the length of the actual protobuf footer.
uint8_t mal_scratch[kMagicAndLengthSize];
Slice mal(mal_scratch, kMagicAndLengthSize);
RETURN_NOT_OK(block_->Read(file_size_ - kMagicAndLengthSize, mal));
uint32_t footer_size;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseMagicAndLength(mal, &cfile_version_, &footer_size));
// Quick check to ensure the footer size is reasonable.
if (footer_size >= file_size_ - kMagicAndLengthSize) {
return Status::Corruption(Substitute(
"invalid CFile footer size $0 in block of size $1",
footer_size, file_size_));
uint8_t footer_scratch[footer_size];
Slice footer(footer_scratch, footer_size);
uint8_t checksum_scratch[kChecksumSize];
Slice checksum(checksum_scratch, kChecksumSize);
// Read both the header and checksum in one call.
// We read the checksum position in case one exists.
// This is done to avoid the need for a follow up read call.
Slice results[2] = {checksum, footer};
uint64_t off = file_size_ - kMagicAndLengthSize - footer_size - kChecksumSize;
RETURN_NOT_OK(block_->ReadV(off, results));
// Parse the protobuf footer.
// This needs to be done before validating the checksum since the
// incompatible_features flag tells us if a checksum exists at all.
footer_.reset(new CFileFooterPB());
if (!footer_->ParseFromArray(, footer.size())) {
return Status::Corruption("invalid cfile pb footer", footer.ToDebugString());
// Verify the footer checksum if needed.
if (has_checksums() && FLAGS_cfile_verify_checksums) {
// If a checksum exists it was pre-read.
Slice slices[2] = {footer, mal};
RETURN_NOT_OK(VerifyChecksum(slices, checksum));
// Verify if the compression codec is available.
if (footer_->compression() != NO_COMPRESSION) {
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(GetCompressionCodec(footer_->compression(), &codec_),
"failed to load CFile compression codec");
VLOG(2) << "Read footer: " << SecureDebugString(*footer_);
return Status::OK();
bool CFileReader::has_checksums() const {
return footer_->incompatible_features() & IncompatibleFeatures::CHECKSUM;
Status CFileReader::VerifyChecksum(ArrayView<const Slice> data, const Slice& checksum) const {
uint32_t expected_checksum = DecodeFixed32(;
uint32_t checksum_value = 0;
for (auto& d : data) {
checksum_value = crc::Crc32c(, d.size(), checksum_value);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(checksum_value != expected_checksum ||
MaybeTrue(FLAGS_cfile_inject_corruption))) {
return Status::Corruption(
Substitute("Checksum does not match: $0 vs expected $1",
checksum_value, expected_checksum));
return Status::OK();
namespace {
// ScratchMemory acts as a holder for the destination buffer for a block read.
// The buffer itself could either be allocated on the heap or be the value of
// a pending block cache entry.
// In the case of the default DRAM-based cache, these two are equivalent, but we still
// make a distinction between "cache-managed" memory and "on-heap" memory. In the case of
// the NVM-based cache, this is a more important distinction: we would like to read (or
// decompress) blocks directly into NVM.
// This class tracks the block of memory, its size, and whether it came from the heap
// or the cache. In its destructor, the memory is freed, either via 'delete[]', if
// it's heap memory, or via Cache::Free(), if it came from the cache. Alternatively,
// the memory can be released using 'release()'.
class ScratchMemory {
ScratchMemory() : ptr_(nullptr), size_(-1) {}
~ScratchMemory() {
if (!ptr_) return;
if (!from_cache_.valid()) {
delete[] ptr_;
// Try to allocate 'size' bytes from the cache. If the cache has
// no capacity and cannot evict to make room, this will fall back
// to allocating from the heap. In that case, IsFromCache() will
// return false.
void TryAllocateFromCache(BlockCache* cache, const BlockCache::CacheKey& key, int size) {
from_cache_ = cache->Allocate(key, size);
if (!from_cache_.valid()) {
} else {
ptr_ = from_cache_.val_ptr();
size_ = size;
void AllocateFromHeap(int size) {
ptr_ = new uint8_t[size];
size_ = size;
// Return true if the current scratch memory was allocated from the cache.
bool IsFromCache() const {
return from_cache_.valid();
BlockCache::PendingEntry* mutable_pending_entry() {
return &from_cache_;
uint8_t* get() {
return DCHECK_NOTNULL(ptr_);
Slice as_slice() {
return Slice(ptr_, size_);
uint8_t* release() {
uint8_t* ret = ptr_;
ptr_ = nullptr;
size_ = -1;
return ret;
// Swap the contents of this instance with another.
void Swap(ScratchMemory* other) {
std::swap(from_cache_, other->from_cache_);
std::swap(ptr_, other->ptr_);
std::swap(size_, other->size_);
BlockCache::PendingEntry from_cache_;
uint8_t* ptr_;
int size_;
} // anonymous namespace
Status CFileReader::ReadBlock(const IOContext* io_context, const BlockPointer &ptr,
CacheControl cache_control, BlockHandle *ret) const {
CHECK(ptr.offset() > 0 &&
ptr.offset() + ptr.size() < file_size_) <<
"bad offset " << ptr.ToString() << " in file of size "
<< file_size_;
BlockCacheHandle bc_handle;
Cache::CacheBehavior cache_behavior = cache_control == CACHE_BLOCK ?
BlockCache* cache = BlockCache::GetSingleton();
BlockCache::CacheKey key(block_->id(), ptr.offset());
if (cache->Lookup(key, cache_behavior, &bc_handle)) {
TRACE_COUNTER_INCREMENT("cfile_cache_hit", 1);
*ret = BlockHandle::WithDataFromCache(&bc_handle);
// Cache hit
return Status::OK();
// Cache miss: need to read ourselves.
// We issue trace events only in the cache miss case since we expect the
// tracing overhead to be small compared to the IO (even if it's a memcpy
// from the Linux cache).
TRACE_EVENT1("io", "CFileReader::ReadBlock(cache miss)",
"cfile", ToString());
TRACE_COUNTER_INCREMENT("cfile_cache_miss", 1);
uint32_t data_size = ptr.size();
if (has_checksums()) {
if (PREDICT_FALSE(kChecksumSize > data_size)) {
return Status::Corruption("invalid data size for block pointer",
data_size -= kChecksumSize;
ScratchMemory scratch;
// If we are reading uncompressed data and plan to cache the result,
// then we should allocate our scratch memory directly from the cache.
// This avoids an extra memory copy in the case of an NVM cache.
if (codec_ == nullptr && cache_control == CACHE_BLOCK) {
scratch.TryAllocateFromCache(cache, key, data_size);
} else {
uint8_t* buf = scratch.get();
Slice block(buf, data_size);
uint8_t checksum_scratch[kChecksumSize];
Slice checksum(checksum_scratch, kChecksumSize);
// Read the data and checksum if needed.
Slice results_backing[] = { block, checksum };
bool read_checksum = has_checksums() && FLAGS_cfile_verify_checksums;
ArrayView<Slice> results(results_backing, read_checksum ? 2 : 1);
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(block_->ReadV(ptr.offset(), results),
Substitute("failed to read CFile block $0 at $1",
block_id().ToString(), ptr.ToString()));
if (has_checksums() && FLAGS_cfile_verify_checksums) {
Status s = VerifyChecksum(ArrayView<const Slice>(&block, 1), checksum);
if (!s.ok()) {
s.CloneAndPrepend(Substitute("checksum error on CFile block $0 at $1",
block_id().ToString(), ptr.ToString())),
// Decompress the block
if (codec_ != nullptr) {
// Init the decompressor and get the size required for the uncompressed buffer.
CompressedBlockDecoder uncompressor(codec_, cfile_version_, block);
Status s = uncompressor.Init();
if (!s.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to validate compressed block " << block_id().ToString()
<< " at " << ptr.offset() << " of size " << block.size() << ": "
<< s.ToString();
return s;
int uncompressed_size = uncompressor.uncompressed_size();
// If we plan to put the uncompressed block in the cache, we should
// decompress directly into the cache's memory (to avoid a memcpy for NVM).
ScratchMemory decompressed_scratch;
if (cache_control == CACHE_BLOCK) {
decompressed_scratch.TryAllocateFromCache(cache, key, uncompressed_size);
} else {
s = uncompressor.UncompressIntoBuffer(decompressed_scratch.get());
if (!s.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to uncompress block " << block_id().ToString()
<< " at " << ptr.offset()
<< " of size " << block.size() << ": " << s.ToString();
return s;
// Now that we've decompressed, we don't need to keep holding onto the original
// scratch buffer. Instead, we have to start holding onto our decompression
// output buffer.
// Set the result block to our decompressed data.
block = Slice(buf, uncompressed_size);
} else {
// Some of the File implementations from LevelDB attempt to be tricky
// and just return a Slice into an mmapped region (or in-memory region).
// But, this is hard to program against in terms of cache management, etc,
// so we memcpy into our scratch buffer if necessary.
// It's possible that one of the TryAllocateFromCache() calls above
// failed, in which case we don't insert it into the cache regardless
// of what the user requested. The scratch memory includes both the
// generated key and the data read from disk.
if (cache_control == CACHE_BLOCK && scratch.IsFromCache()) {
cache->Insert(scratch.mutable_pending_entry(), &bc_handle);
*ret = BlockHandle::WithDataFromCache(&bc_handle);
} else {
// We get here by either not intending to cache the block or
// if the entry could not be allocated from the block cache.
// Since we allocate memory to include the key for the cache entry
// we must reset the block.
DCHECK_EQ(, buf);
*ret = BlockHandle::WithOwnedData(scratch.as_slice());
// The cache or the BlockHandle now has ownership over the memory, so release
// the scoped pointer.
return Status::OK();
Status CFileReader::CountRows(rowid_t *count) const {
*count = footer().num_values();
return Status::OK();
bool CFileReader::GetMetadataEntry(const string &key, string *val) const {
for (const FileMetadataPairPB &pair : header().metadata()) {
if (pair.key() == key) {
*val = pair.value();
return true;
for (const FileMetadataPairPB &pair : footer().metadata()) {
if (pair.key() == key) {
*val = pair.value();
return true;
return false;
void CFileReader::HandleCorruption(const fs::IOContext* io_context) const {
LOG(ERROR) << "Encountered corrupted CFile in filesystem block: " << block_->id().ToString();
ErrorHandlerType::CFILE_CORRUPTION, io_context->tablet_id);
Status CFileReader::NewIterator(CFileIterator** iter, CacheControl cache_control,
const IOContext* io_context) {
*iter = new CFileIterator(this, cache_control, io_context);
return Status::OK();
size_t CFileReader::memory_footprint() const {
size_t size = kudu_malloc_usable_size(this);
size += block_->memory_footprint();
size += init_once_.memory_footprint_excluding_this();
// SpaceUsed() uses sizeof() instead of malloc_usable_size() to account for
// the size of base objects (recursively too), thus not accounting for
// malloc "slop".
if (header_) {
size += header_->SpaceUsed();
if (footer_) {
size += footer_->SpaceUsed();
return size;
// Default Column Value Iterator
Status DefaultColumnValueIterator::SeekToOrdinal(rowid_t ord_idx) {
ordinal_ = ord_idx;
return Status::OK();
Status DefaultColumnValueIterator::PrepareBatch(size_t *n) {
batch_ = *n;
return Status::OK();
Status DefaultColumnValueIterator::Scan(ColumnMaterializationContext* ctx) {
ColumnBlock* dst = ctx->block();
if (dst->is_nullable()) {
ColumnDataView dst_view(dst);
dst_view.SetNullBits(dst->nrows(), value_ != nullptr);
// Cases where the selection vector can be cleared:
// 1. There is a read_default and it does not satisfy the predicate
// 2. There is no read_default and the predicate is searching for NULLs
if (value_ != nullptr) {
if (ctx->DecoderEvalNotDisabled() &&
!ctx->pred()->EvaluateCell(typeinfo_->physical_type(), value_)) {
SelectionVectorView sel_view(ctx->sel());
return Status::OK();
if (typeinfo_->physical_type() == BINARY) {
const Slice *src_slice = reinterpret_cast<const Slice *>(value_);
Slice dst_slice;
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!dst->arena()->RelocateSlice(*src_slice, &dst_slice))) {
return Status::IOError("out of memory copying slice", src_slice->ToString());
for (size_t i = 0; i < dst->nrows(); ++i) {
dst->SetCellValue(i, &dst_slice);
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < dst->nrows(); ++i) {
dst->SetCellValue(i, value_);
} else {
if (ctx->DecoderEvalNotDisabled() && !ctx->EvaluatingIsNull()) {
SelectionVectorView sel_view(ctx->sel());
return Status::OK();
Status DefaultColumnValueIterator::FinishBatch() {
ordinal_ += batch_;
return Status::OK();
// Iterator
CFileIterator::CFileIterator(CFileReader* reader,
CFileReader::CacheControl cache_control,
const IOContext* io_context)
: reader_(reader),
io_context_(io_context) {
CFileIterator::~CFileIterator() {
Status CFileIterator::SeekToOrdinal(rowid_t ord_idx) {
// Check to see if we already have the required block prepared. Typically
// (when seeking forward during a scan), only the final block might be
// suitable, since all previous blocks will have been scanned in the prior
// batch. Only reusing the final block also ensures posidx_iter_ is already
// seeked to the correct block.
if (!prepared_blocks_.empty() &&
prepared_blocks_.back()->last_row_idx() >= ord_idx &&
prepared_blocks_.back()->first_row_idx() <= ord_idx) {
PreparedBlock* b = prepared_blocks_.back();
for (PreparedBlock* pb : prepared_blocks_) {
} else {
// Otherwise, prepare a new block to scan.
if (PREDICT_FALSE(posidx_iter_ == nullptr)) {
return Status::NotSupported("no positional index in file");
KeyEncoderTraits<UINT32, faststring>::Encode(ord_idx, &tmp_buf_);
pblock_pool_scoped_ptr b = prepared_block_pool_.make_scoped_ptr(
RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadCurrentDataBlock(*posidx_iter_, b.get()));
// If the data block doesn't actually contain the data
// we're looking for, then we're probably in the last
// block in the file.
// TODO(unknown): could assert that each of the index layers is
// at its last entry (ie HasNext() is false for each)
if (PREDICT_FALSE(ord_idx > b->last_row_idx())) {
return Status::NotFound("trying to seek past highest ordinal in file");
PreparedBlock* b = prepared_blocks_.back();
// Seek data block to correct index
DCHECK(ord_idx >= b->first_row_idx() &&
ord_idx <= b->last_row_idx())
<< "got wrong data block. looking for ord_idx=" << ord_idx
<< " but got dblk " << b->ToString();
SeekToPositionInBlock(b, ord_idx - b->first_row_idx());
last_prepare_idx_ = ord_idx;
last_prepare_count_ = 0;
seeked_ = posidx_iter_.get();
CHECK_EQ(ord_idx, GetCurrentOrdinal());
return Status::OK();
void CFileIterator::SeekToPositionInBlock(PreparedBlock *pb, uint32_t idx_in_block) {
// Since the data block only holds the non-null values,
// we need to translate from 'ord_idx' (the absolute row id)
// to the index within the non-null entries.
uint32_t index_within_nonnulls;
if (reader_->is_nullable()) {
if (PREDICT_TRUE(pb->idx_in_block_ <= idx_in_block)) {
// We are seeking forward. Skip from the current position in the RLE decoder
// instead of going back to the beginning of the block.
uint32_t nskip = idx_in_block - pb->idx_in_block_;
size_t cur_blk_idx = pb->dblk_->GetCurrentIndex();
index_within_nonnulls = cur_blk_idx + pb->rle_decoder_.Skip(nskip);
} else {
// Seek backward - have to start from the start of the block.
pb->rle_decoder_ = RleDecoder<bool>(pb->, pb->rle_bitmap.size(), 1);
index_within_nonnulls = pb->rle_decoder_.Skip(idx_in_block);
} else {
index_within_nonnulls = idx_in_block;
DCHECK_EQ(index_within_nonnulls, pb->dblk_->GetCurrentIndex()) << "failed seek";
pb->idx_in_block_ = idx_in_block;
Status CFileIterator::SeekToFirst() {
IndexTreeIterator *idx_iter;
if (PREDICT_TRUE(posidx_iter_ != nullptr)) {
idx_iter = posidx_iter_.get();
} else if (PREDICT_TRUE(validx_iter_ != nullptr)) {
idx_iter = validx_iter_.get();
} else {
return Status::NotSupported("no value or positional index present");
pblock_pool_scoped_ptr b = prepared_block_pool_.make_scoped_ptr(
RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadCurrentDataBlock(*idx_iter, b.get()));
last_prepare_idx_ = 0;
last_prepare_count_ = 0;
seeked_ = idx_iter;
return Status::OK();
Status CFileIterator::SeekAtOrAfter(const EncodedKey &key,
bool *exact_match) {
DCHECK_EQ(reader_->is_nullable(), false);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(validx_iter_ == nullptr)) {
return Status::NotSupported("no value index present");
Status s = validx_iter_->SeekAtOrBefore(key.encoded_key());
if (PREDICT_FALSE(s.IsNotFound())) {
// Seeking to a value before the first value in the file
// will return NotFound, due to the way the index seek
// works. We need to special-case this and have the
// iterator seek all the way down its leftmost branches
// to get the correct reslt.
s = validx_iter_->SeekToFirst();
pblock_pool_scoped_ptr b = prepared_block_pool_.make_scoped_ptr(
RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadCurrentDataBlock(*validx_iter_, b.get()));
Status dblk_seek_status;
if (key.num_key_columns() > 1) {
Slice slice = key.encoded_key();
dblk_seek_status = b->dblk_->SeekAtOrAfterValue(&slice, exact_match);
} else {
dblk_seek_status = b->dblk_->SeekAtOrAfterValue(key.raw_keys()[0],
// If seeking within the data block results in NotFound, then that indicates that the
// value we're looking for fell after all the data in that block.
// If this is not the last block, then the search key was 'in the cracks' between
// two consecutive blocks, so we need to advance to the next one. If it was the
// last block in the file, then we just return NotFound(), since there is no
// value "at or after".
if (PREDICT_FALSE(dblk_seek_status.IsNotFound())) {
*exact_match = false;
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!validx_iter_->HasNext())) {
return Status::NotFound("key after last block in file",
RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadCurrentDataBlock(*validx_iter_, b.get()));
SeekToPositionInBlock(b.get(), 0);
} else {
// It's possible we got some other error seeking in our data block --
// still need to propagate those.
last_prepare_idx_ = b->first_row_idx() + b->dblk_->GetCurrentIndex();
last_prepare_count_ = 0;
seeked_ = validx_iter_.get();
return Status::OK();
Status CFileIterator::PrepareForNewSeek() {
// Fully open the CFileReader if it was lazily opened earlier.
// If it's already initialized, this is a no-op.
// Create the index tree iterators if we haven't already done so.
if (!posidx_iter_ && reader_->footer().has_posidx_info()) {
BlockPointer bp(reader_->footer().posidx_info().root_block());
posidx_iter_.reset(IndexTreeIterator::Create(io_context_, reader_, bp));
if (!validx_iter_ && reader_->footer().has_validx_info()) {
BlockPointer bp(reader_->footer().validx_info().root_block());
validx_iter_.reset(IndexTreeIterator::Create(io_context_, reader_, bp));
// Initialize the decoder for the dictionary block
// in dictionary encoding mode.
if (!dict_decoder_ && reader_->footer().has_dict_block_ptr()) {
BlockPointer bp(reader_->footer().dict_block_ptr());
// Cache the dictionary for performance
reader_->ReadBlock(io_context_, bp, CFileReader::CACHE_BLOCK, &dict_block_handle_),
"couldn't read dictionary block");
dict_decoder_.reset(new BinaryPlainBlockDecoder(;
Substitute("couldn't parse dictionary block header in block $0 ($1)",
seeked_ = nullptr;
for (PreparedBlock *pb : prepared_blocks_) {
return Status::OK();
rowid_t CFileIterator::GetCurrentOrdinal() const {
CHECK(seeked_) << "not seeked";
return last_prepare_idx_;
string CFileIterator::PreparedBlock::ToString() const {
return StringPrintf("dblk(%s, rows=%d-%d)",
// Decode the null header in the beginning of the data block
Status DecodeNullInfo(Slice *data_block, uint32_t *num_rows_in_block, Slice *null_bitmap) {
if (!GetVarint32(data_block, num_rows_in_block)) {
return Status::Corruption("bad null header, num elements in block");
uint32_t null_bitmap_size;
if (!GetVarint32(data_block, &null_bitmap_size)) {
return Status::Corruption("bad null header, bitmap size");
*null_bitmap = Slice(data_block->data(), null_bitmap_size);
return Status::OK();
Status CFileIterator::ReadCurrentDataBlock(const IndexTreeIterator &idx_iter,
PreparedBlock *prep_block) {
prep_block->dblk_ptr_ = idx_iter.GetCurrentBlockPointer();
RETURN_NOT_OK(reader_->ReadBlock(io_context_, prep_block->dblk_ptr_,
cache_control_, &prep_block->dblk_data_));
uint32_t num_rows_in_block = 0;
Slice data_block = prep_block->;
if (reader_->is_nullable()) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(DecodeNullInfo(&data_block, &num_rows_in_block, &(prep_block->rle_bitmap)));
prep_block->rle_decoder_ = RleDecoder<bool>(prep_block->,
prep_block->rle_bitmap.size(), 1);
BlockDecoder *bd;
RETURN_NOT_OK(reader_->type_encoding_info()->CreateBlockDecoder(&bd, data_block, this));
Substitute("unable to decode data block header in block $0 ($1)",
// For nullable blocks, we filled in the row count from the null information above,
// since the data block decoder only knows about the non-null values.
// For non-nullable ones, we use the information from the block decoder.
if (!reader_->is_nullable()) {
num_rows_in_block = bd->Count();
io_stats_.cells_read += num_rows_in_block;
io_stats_.bytes_read += data_block.size();
prep_block->idx_in_block_ = 0;
prep_block->num_rows_in_block_ = num_rows_in_block;
prep_block->needs_rewind_ = false;
prep_block->rewind_idx_ = 0;
DVLOG(2) << "Read dblk " << prep_block->ToString();
return Status::OK();
Status CFileIterator::QueueCurrentDataBlock(const IndexTreeIterator &idx_iter) {
pblock_pool_scoped_ptr b = prepared_block_pool_.make_scoped_ptr(
RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadCurrentDataBlock(idx_iter, b.get()));
return Status::OK();
bool CFileIterator::HasNext() const {
CHECK(seeked_) << "not seeked";
CHECK(!prepared_) << "Cannot call HasNext() mid-batch";
return !prepared_blocks_.empty() || seeked_->HasNext();
Status CFileIterator::PrepareBatch(size_t *n) {
CHECK(!prepared_) << "Should call FinishBatch() first";
CHECK(seeked_ != nullptr) << "must be seeked";
rowid_t start_idx = last_prepare_idx_;
rowid_t end_idx = start_idx + *n;
// Read blocks until all blocks covering the requested range are in the
// prepared_blocks_ queue.
while (prepared_blocks_.back()->last_row_idx() < end_idx) {
Status s = seeked_->Next();
if (PREDICT_FALSE(s.IsNotFound())) {
VLOG(1) << "Reached EOF";
} else if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
// Seek the first block in the queue such that the first value to be read
// corresponds to start_idx
PreparedBlock *front = prepared_blocks_.front();
front->rewind_idx_ = start_idx - front->first_row_idx();
front->needs_rewind_ = true;
uint32_t size_covered_by_prep_blocks = prepared_blocks_.back()->last_row_idx() - start_idx + 1;
if (PREDICT_FALSE(size_covered_by_prep_blocks < *n)) {
*n = size_covered_by_prep_blocks;
last_prepare_idx_ = start_idx;
last_prepare_count_ = *n;
prepared_ = true;
VLOG(1) << "Prepared for " << (*n) << " rows"
<< " (" << start_idx << "-" << (start_idx + *n - 1) << ")";
for (PreparedBlock *b : prepared_blocks_) {
VLOG(1) << " " << b->ToString();
VLOG(1) << "-------------";
return Status::OK();
Status CFileIterator::FinishBatch() {
CHECK(prepared_) << "no batch prepared";
prepared_ = false;
DVLOG(1) << "Finishing batch " << last_prepare_idx_ << "-"
<< (last_prepare_idx_ + last_prepare_count_ - 1);
// Release all blocks except for the last one, which may still contain
// relevent data for the next batch.
for (int i = 0; i < prepared_blocks_.size() - 1; i++) {
PreparedBlock *b = prepared_blocks_[i];
PreparedBlock *back = prepared_blocks_.back();
DVLOG(1) << "checking last block " << back->ToString() << " vs "
<< last_prepare_idx_ << " + " << last_prepare_count_
<< " (" << (last_prepare_idx_ + last_prepare_count_) << ")";
if (back->last_row_idx() < last_prepare_idx_ + last_prepare_count_) {
// Last block is irrelevant
} else {
prepared_blocks_[0] = back;
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (VLOG_IS_ON(1)) {
VLOG(1) << "Left around following blocks:";
for (PreparedBlock *b : prepared_blocks_) {
VLOG(1) << " " << b->ToString();
VLOG(1) << "-------------";
last_prepare_idx_ += last_prepare_count_;
last_prepare_count_ = 0;
return Status::OK();
Status CFileIterator::Scan(ColumnMaterializationContext* ctx) {
CHECK(seeked_) << "not seeked";
// Use views to advance the block and selection vector as we read into them.
ColumnDataView remaining_dst(ctx->block());
SelectionVectorView remaining_sel(ctx->sel());
uint32_t rem = last_prepare_count_;
DCHECK_LE(rem, ctx->block()->nrows());
// Determine the matching codewords for dictionary encoding if they haven't
// yet been determined for this CFile.
if (dict_decoder_ && ctx->DecoderEvalNotDisabled() && !codewords_matching_pred_) {
size_t nwords = dict_decoder_->Count();
if (nwords > 0) {
codewords_matching_pred_.reset(new SelectionVector(nwords));
for (size_t i = 0; i < nwords; i++) {
Slice cur_string = dict_decoder_->string_at_index(i);
if (ctx->pred()->EvaluateCell<BINARY>(static_cast<const void *>(&cur_string))) {
BitmapSet(codewords_matching_pred_->mutable_bitmap(), i);
for (PreparedBlock *pb : prepared_blocks_) {
if (pb->needs_rewind_) {
// Seek back to the saved position.
SeekToPositionInBlock(pb, pb->rewind_idx_);
// TODO: we could add a mark/reset like interface in BlockDecoder interface
// that might be more efficient (allowing the decoder to save internal state
// instead of having to reconstruct it)
if (reader_->is_nullable()) {
size_t nrows = std::min(rem, pb->num_rows_in_block_ - pb->idx_in_block_);
// Fill column bitmap
size_t count = nrows;
while (count > 0) {
bool not_null = false;
size_t nblock = pb->rle_decoder_.GetNextRun(&not_null, count);
DCHECK_LE(nblock, count);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(nblock == 0)) {
return Status::Corruption(
Substitute("Unexpected EOF on NULL bitmap read. Expected at least $0 more rows",
size_t this_batch = nblock;
if (not_null) {
if (ctx->DecoderEvalNotDisabled()) {
} else {
RETURN_NOT_OK(pb->dblk_->CopyNextValues(&this_batch, &remaining_dst));
DCHECK_EQ(nblock, this_batch);
pb->needs_rewind_ = true;
} else {
#ifndef NDEBUG
kudu::OverwriteWithPattern(reinterpret_cast<char *>(,
remaining_dst.stride() * nblock,
if (ctx->DecoderEvalNotDisabled() && !ctx->EvaluatingIsNull()) {
// Set the ColumnBlock bitmap
remaining_dst.SetNullBits(this_batch, not_null);
rem -= this_batch;
count -= this_batch;
pb->idx_in_block_ += this_batch;
} else {
// Fetch as many as we can from the current datablock.
size_t this_batch = rem;
if (ctx->DecoderEvalNotDisabled()) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(pb->dblk_->CopyNextAndEval(&this_batch, ctx, &remaining_sel, &remaining_dst));
} else {
RETURN_NOT_OK(pb->dblk_->CopyNextValues(&this_batch, &remaining_dst));
pb->needs_rewind_ = true;
DCHECK_LE(this_batch, rem);
// If the column is nullable, set all bits to true
if (ctx->block()->is_nullable()) {
remaining_dst.SetNullBits(this_batch, true);
rem -= this_batch;
pb->idx_in_block_ += this_batch;
// If we didn't fetch as many as requested, then it should
// be because the current data block ran out.
if (rem > 0) {
DCHECK_EQ(pb->dblk_->Count(), pb->dblk_->GetCurrentIndex()) <<
"dblk stopped yielding values before it was empty.";
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(rem, 0) << "Should have fetched exactly the number of prepared rows";
return Status::OK();
Status CFileIterator::CopyNextValues(size_t* n, ColumnMaterializationContext* ctx) {
return Status::OK();
} // namespace cfile
} // namespace kudu