blob: 6256e714b348634f35999d01eeb0dbc458f3afd4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <google/protobuf/message.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/request_tracker.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_header.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/countdown_latch.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/malloc.h"
#include "kudu/util/mem_tracker.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
namespace kudu {
class Status;
class Thread;
namespace rpc {
class RpcContext;
// A ResultTracker for RPC results.
// The ResultTracker is responsible for tracking the results of RPCs and making sure that
// client calls with the same client ID and sequence number (first attempt and subsequent retries)
// are executed exactly once.
// In most cases, the use of ResultTracker is internal to the RPC system: RPCs are tracked when
// they first arrive, before service methods are called, and calls to ResultTracker to store
// responses are performed internally by RpcContext. The exception is when an RPC is replicated
// across multiple servers, such as with writes, in which case direct interaction with the result
// tracker is required so as to cache responses on replicas which did not receive the RPC directly
// from the client.
// Throughout this header and elsewhere we use the following terms:
// RPC - The operation that a client or another server wants to execute on this server. The client
// might attempt one RPC many times, for instance if failures or timeouts happen.
// Attempt - Each individual attempt of an RPC on the server.
// Handler - A thread executing an attempt. Usually there is only one handler that executes the
// first attempt of an RPC and, when it completes, replies to its own attempt and to all
// other attempts that might have arrived after it started.
// Driver - Only important in cases where there might be multiple handlers (e.g. in replicated
// RPCs). In these cases there might be two handlers executing the same RPC, corresponding
// to different attempts. Since the RPC must be executed exactly once, only one of the
// handlers must be selected as the "driver" and actually perform the operation.
// If a client wishes to track the result of a given RPC it must send on the RPC header
// a RequestId with the following information:
// Client ID - Uniquely identifies a single client. All the RPCs originating from the same
// client must have the same ID.
// Sequence number - Uniquely identifies a single RPC, even across retries to multiple servers, for
// replicated RPCs. All retries of the same RPC must have the same sequence
// number.
// Attempt number - Uniquely identifies each retry of the same RPC. All retries of the same RPC
// must have different attempt numbers.
// When a call first arrives from the client the RPC subsystem will call TrackRpc() which
// will return the state of the RPC in the form of an RpcState enum.
// If the ResultTracker returns NEW, this signals that it's the first time the server has heard
// of the RPC and that the corresponding server function should be executed.
// If anything other than NEW is returned it means that the call has either previously completed or
// is in the process of being executed. In this case the caller should _not_ execute the function
// corresponding to the RPC. The ResultTracker itself will take care of responding to the client
// appropriately. If the RPC was already completed, the ResultTracker replies to the client
// immediately. If the RPC is still ongoing, the attempt gets "attached" to the ongoing one and will
// receive the same response when its handler finishes.
// If handling of the RPC is successful, RecordCompletionAndRespond() must be called
// to register successful completion, in which case all pending or future RPCs with the same
// sequence number, from the same client, will receive the same response.
// On the other hand, if execution of the server function is not successful then one of
// the FailAndRespond() methods should be called, causing all _pending_ attempts to receive the same
// error. However this error is not stored, any future attempt with the same sequence number and
// same client ID will be given a new chance to execute, as if it it had never been tried before.
// This gives the client a chance to either retry (if the failure reason is transient) or give up.
// ============================================================================
// RPCs with multiple handlers
// ============================================================================
// Some RPCs results are tracked by single server, i.e. they correspond to the modification of an
// unreplicated resource and are unpersisted. For those no additional care needs to be taken, the
// first attempt will be the only handler, and subsequent attempts will receive the response when
// that first attempt is done.
// However some RPCs are replicated across servers, using consensus, and thus can have multiple
// handlers executing different attempts at the same time, e.g. one handler from a client
// originating retry, and one from a previous leader originating update.
// In this case we need to make sure that the following invariants are enforced:
// - Only one handler can actually record a response, the "driver" handler.
// - Only one handler must respond to "attached" attempts.
// - Each handler replies to their own RPCs, to avoid races. That is, a live handler should
// not mutate another live handler's response/context.
// This is achieved by naming one handler the "driver" of the RPC and making sure that only
// the driver can successfully complete it, i.e. call RecordCompletionAndRespond().
// In order to make sure there is only one driver, there must be an _external_ serialization
// point, before the final response is produced, after which only one of the handlers will
// be marked as the driver. For instance, for writes, this serialization point is in
// TransactionDriver, in a synchronized block where a logic such as this one happens (here
// in pseudo-ish code):
// {
// lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
// if (follower_transaction) {
// result_tracker_->TrackRpcOrChangeDriver(request_id);
// continue_with_transaction();
// } else if (client_transaction) {
// bool is_still_driver = result_tracker_->IsCurrentDriver(request_id);
// if (is_still_driver) continue_with_transaction();
// else abort_transaction();
// }
// }
// This class is thread safe.
class ResultTracker : public RefCountedThreadSafe<ResultTracker> {
typedef rpc::RequestTracker::SequenceNumber SequenceNumber;
static const int NO_HANDLER = -1;
// Enum returned by TrackRpc that reflects the state of the RPC.
enum RpcState {
// The RPC is new.
// The RPC has previously completed and the same response has been sent
// to the client.
// The RPC is currently in-progress and, when it completes, the same response
// will be sent to the client.
// The RPC's state is stale, meaning it's older than our per-client garbage
// collection watermark and we do not recall the original response.
explicit ResultTracker(std::shared_ptr<kudu::MemTracker> mem_tracker);
// Tracks the RPC and returns its current state.
// If the RpcState == NEW the caller is supposed to actually start executing the RPC.
// The caller still owns the passed 'response' and 'context'.
// If the RpcState is anything else all remaining actions will be taken care of internally,
// i.e. the caller no longer needs to execute the RPC and this takes ownership of the passed
// 'response' and 'context'.
RpcState TrackRpc(const RequestIdPB& request_id,
google::protobuf::Message* response,
RpcContext* context);
// Used to track RPC attempts which originate from other replicas, and which may race with
// client originated ones.
// Tracks the RPC if it is untracked or changes the current driver of this RPC, i.e. sets the
// attempt number in 'request_id' as the driver of the RPC, if it is tracked and IN_PROGRESS.
RpcState TrackRpcOrChangeDriver(const RequestIdPB& request_id);
// Checks if the attempt at an RPC identified by 'request_id' is the current driver of the
// RPC. That is, if the attempt number in 'request_id' corresponds to the attempt marked
// as the driver of this RPC, either by initially getting NEW from TrackRpc() or by
// explicit driver change with ChangeDriver().
bool IsCurrentDriver(const RequestIdPB& request_id);
// Records the completion of sucessful operation.
// This will respond to all RPCs from the same client with the same sequence_number.
// The response will be stored so that any future retries of this RPC get the same response.
// Requires that TrackRpc() was called before with the same 'client_id' and
// 'sequence_number'.
// Requires that the attempt indentified by 'request_id' is the current driver
// of the RPC.
void RecordCompletionAndRespond(const RequestIdPB& request_id,
const google::protobuf::Message* response);
// Responds to all RPCs identified by 'client_id' and 'sequence_number' with the same response,
// but doesn't actually store the response.
// This should be called when the RPC failed validation or if some transient error occurred.
// Based on the response the client can then decide whether to retry the RPC (which will
// be treated as a new one) or to give up.
// Requires that TrackRpc() was called before with the same 'client_id' and
// 'sequence_number'.
// Requires that the attempt indentified by 'request_id' is the current driver
// of the RPC.
void FailAndRespond(const RequestIdPB& request_id,
google::protobuf::Message* response);
// Overload to match other types of RpcContext::Respond*Failure()
void FailAndRespond(const RequestIdPB& request_id,
ErrorStatusPB_RpcErrorCodePB err, const Status& status);
// Overload to match other types of RpcContext::Respond*Failure()
void FailAndRespond(const RequestIdPB& request_id,
int error_ext_id, const std::string& message,
const google::protobuf::Message& app_error_pb);
// Start a background thread which periodically runs GCResults().
// This thread is automatically stopped in the destructor.
// Must be called at most once.
void StartGCThread();
// Runs time-based garbage collection on the results this result tracker is caching.
// When garbage collection runs, it goes through all ClientStates and:
// - If a ClientState is older than the 'remember_clients_ttl_ms' flag and no
// requests are in progress, GCs the ClientState and all its CompletionRecords.
// - If a ClientState is newer than the 'remember_clients_ttl_ms' flag, goes
// through all CompletionRecords and:
// - If the CompletionRecord is older than the 'remember_responses_ttl_secs' flag,
// GCs the CompletionRecord and advances the 'stale_before_seq_no' watermark.
// Typically this is invoked from an internal thread started by 'StartGCThread()'.
void GCResults();
std::string ToString();
// Information about client originated ongoing RPCs.
// The lifecycle of 'response' and 'context' is managed by the RPC layer.
struct OnGoingRpcInfo {
google::protobuf::Message* response;
RpcContext* context;
int64_t handler_attempt_no;
std::string ToString() const;
// A completion record for an IN_PROGRESS or COMPLETED RPC.
struct CompletionRecord {
CompletionRecord(RpcState state, int64_t driver_attempt_no)
: state(state),
last_updated(MonoTime::Now()) {
// The current state of the RPC.
RpcState state;
// The attempt number that is/was "driving" this RPC.
int64_t driver_attempt_no;
// The timestamp of the last CompletionRecord update.
MonoTime last_updated;
// The cached response, if this RPC is in COMPLETED state.
std::unique_ptr<google::protobuf::Message> response;
// The set of ongoing RPCs that correspond to this record.
std::vector<OnGoingRpcInfo> ongoing_rpcs;
std::string ToString() const;
// Calculates the memory footprint of this struct.
int64_t memory_footprint() const {
return kudu_malloc_usable_size(this)
+ (ongoing_rpcs.capacity() > 0 ? kudu_malloc_usable_size( : 0)
+ (response.get() != nullptr ? response->SpaceUsed() : 0);
// The state corresponding to a single client.
struct ClientState {
typedef MemTrackerAllocator<
std::pair<const SequenceNumber,
std::unique_ptr<CompletionRecord>>> CompletionRecordMapAllocator;
typedef std::map<SequenceNumber,
CompletionRecordMapAllocator> CompletionRecordMap;
explicit ClientState(std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker)
: stale_before_seq_no(0),
CompletionRecordMapAllocator(std::move(mem_tracker))) {}
// The last time we've heard from this client.
MonoTime last_heard_from;
// The sequence number of the first response we remember for this client.
// All sequence numbers before this one are considered STALE.
SequenceNumber stale_before_seq_no;
// The (un gc'd) CompletionRecords for this client.
CompletionRecordMap completion_records;
// Garbage collects this client's CompletionRecords for which MustGcRecordFunc returns
// true. We use a lambda here so that we can have a single method that GCs and releases
// the memory for CompletionRecords based on different policies.
// 'func' should have the following signature:
// bool MyFunction(SequenceNumber seq_no, CompletionRecord* record);
template<class MustGcRecordFunc>
void GCCompletionRecords(const std::shared_ptr<kudu::MemTracker>& mem_tracker,
MustGcRecordFunc func);
std::string ToString() const;
// Calculates the memory footprint of this struct.
// This calculation is shallow and doesn't account for the memory the nested data
// structures occupy.
int64_t memory_footprint() const {
return kudu_malloc_usable_size(this);
RpcState TrackRpcUnlocked(const RequestIdPB& request_id,
google::protobuf::Message* response,
RpcContext* context);
typedef std::function<void (const OnGoingRpcInfo&)> HandleOngoingRpcFunc;
// Helper method to handle the multiple overloads of FailAndRespond. Takes a lambda
// that knows what to do with OnGoingRpcInfo in each individual case.
void FailAndRespondInternal(const rpc::RequestIdPB& request_id,
HandleOngoingRpcFunc func);
CompletionRecord* FindCompletionRecordOrNullUnlocked(const RequestIdPB& request_id);
CompletionRecord* FindCompletionRecordOrDieUnlocked(const RequestIdPB& request_id);
std::pair<ClientState*, CompletionRecord*> FindClientStateAndCompletionRecordOrNullUnlocked(
const RequestIdPB& request_id);
// A handler must handle an RPC attempt if:
// 1 - It's its own attempt. I.e. it has the same attempt number of the handler.
// 2 - It's the driver of the RPC and the attempt has no handler (was attached).
bool MustHandleRpc(int64_t handler_attempt_no,
CompletionRecord* completion_record,
const OnGoingRpcInfo& ongoing_rpc) {
if (PREDICT_TRUE(ongoing_rpc.handler_attempt_no == handler_attempt_no)) {
return true;
if (completion_record->driver_attempt_no == handler_attempt_no) {
return ongoing_rpc.handler_attempt_no == NO_HANDLER;
return false;
void LogAndTraceAndRespondSuccess(RpcContext* context, const google::protobuf::Message& msg);
void LogAndTraceFailure(RpcContext* context, const google::protobuf::Message& msg);
void LogAndTraceFailure(RpcContext* context, ErrorStatusPB_RpcErrorCodePB err,
const Status& status);
std::string ToStringUnlocked() const;
void RunGCThread();
// The memory tracker that tracks this ResultTracker's memory consumption.
std::shared_ptr<kudu::MemTracker> mem_tracker_;
// Lock that protects access to 'clients_' and to the state contained in each
// ClientState.
// TODO consider a per-ClientState lock if we find this too coarse grained.
simple_spinlock lock_;
typedef MemTrackerAllocator<std::pair<const std::string,
std::unique_ptr<ClientState>>> ClientStateMapAllocator;
typedef std::map<std::string,
ClientStateMapAllocator> ClientStateMap;
ClientStateMap clients_;
// The thread which runs GC, and a latch to stop it.
scoped_refptr<Thread> gc_thread_;
CountDownLatch gc_thread_stop_latch_;
} // namespace rpc
} // namespace kudu