blob: ee16249fb536d2dea30714443c28803bf780ac00 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/common/scan_spec.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/common/column_predicate.h"
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/encoded_key.h"
#include "kudu/common/partial_row.h"
#include "kudu/common/row.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/move.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/stringpiece.h"
#include "kudu/util/auto_release_pool.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
using std::vector;
namespace kudu {
class TestScanSpec : public KuduTest {
explicit TestScanSpec(const Schema& s)
: arena_(1024, 256 * 1024),
spec_() {}
enum ComparisonOp {
template<class T>
void AddPredicate(ScanSpec* spec, StringPiece col, ComparisonOp op, T val) {
int idx = schema_.find_column(col);
CHECK(idx != Schema::kColumnNotFound);
void* val_void = arena_.AllocateBytes(sizeof(val));
memcpy(val_void, &val, sizeof(val));
switch (op) {
case GE:
spec->AddPredicate(ColumnPredicate::Range(schema_.column(idx), val_void, nullptr));
case EQ:
spec->AddPredicate(ColumnPredicate::Equality(schema_.column(idx), val_void));
case LE: {
auto p = ColumnPredicate::InclusiveRange(schema_.column(idx), nullptr, val_void, &arena_);
if (p) spec->AddPredicate(*p);
case LT:
spec->AddPredicate(ColumnPredicate::Range(schema_.column(idx), nullptr, val_void));
template<class T>
void AddInPredicate(ScanSpec* spec, StringPiece col, const vector<T>& values) {
int idx = schema_.find_column(col);
CHECK(idx != Schema::kColumnNotFound);
vector<const void*> copied_values;
for (const auto& val : values) {
void* val_void = arena_.AllocateBytes(sizeof(val));
memcpy(val_void, &val, sizeof(val));
spec->AddPredicate(ColumnPredicate::InList(schema_.column(idx), &copied_values));
// Set the lower bound of the spec to the provided row. The row must outlive
// the spec.
void SetLowerBound(ScanSpec* spec, const KuduPartialRow& row) {
ConstContiguousRow cont_row(row.schema(), row.row_data_);
gscoped_ptr<EncodedKey> enc_key(EncodedKey::FromContiguousRow(cont_row));
// Set the exclusive upper bound of the spec to the provided row. The row must
// outlive the spec.
void SetExclusiveUpperBound(ScanSpec* spec, const KuduPartialRow& row) {
ConstContiguousRow cont_row(row.schema(), row.row_data_);
gscoped_ptr<EncodedKey> enc_key(EncodedKey::FromContiguousRow(cont_row));
Arena arena_;
AutoReleasePool pool_;
Schema schema_;
ScanSpec spec_;
class CompositeIntKeysTest : public TestScanSpec {
CompositeIntKeysTest() :
Schema({ ColumnSchema("a", INT8),
ColumnSchema("b", INT8),
ColumnSchema("c", INT8),
ColumnSchema("d", INT8, true) },
3)) {
// Test that multiple predicates on a column are collapsed.
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestSimplify) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", EQ, 127);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", GE, 3);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", LE, 127);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", LE, 100);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "c", LE, 64);
ASSERT_EQ(3, spec.predicates().size());
ASSERT_EQ("`a` = 127", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "a").ToString());
ASSERT_EQ("`b` >= 3 AND `b` < 101", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "b").ToString());
ASSERT_EQ("`c` < 65", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "c").ToString());
// Predicate: a == 64
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestPrefixEquality) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", EQ, 64);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
// Expect: key >= (64, -128, -128) AND key < (65, -128, -128)
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=64, int8 b=-128, int8 c=-128) AND "
"PK < (int8 a=65, int8 b=-128, int8 c=-128)",
// Predicate: a <= 126
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestPrefixUpperBound) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", LE, 126);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("PK < (int8 a=127, int8 b=-128, int8 c=-128)", spec.ToString(schema_));
// Predicate: a >= 126
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestPrefixLowerBound) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", GE, 126);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=126, int8 b=-128, int8 c=-128)", spec.ToString(schema_));
// Predicates: a >= 3 AND b >= 4 AND c >= 5
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestConsecutiveLowerRangePredicates) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", GE, 3);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", GE, 4);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "c", GE, 5);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=3, int8 b=4, int8 c=5) AND `b` >= 4 AND `c` >= 5",
// Predicates: a <= 3 AND b <= 4 AND c <= 5
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestConsecutiveUpperRangePredicates) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", LE, 3);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", LE, 4);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "c", LE, 5);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("PK < (int8 a=3, int8 b=4, int8 c=6) AND `b` < 5 AND `c` < 6",
// Predicates: a = 3 AND b >= 4 AND c >= 5
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestEqualityAndConsecutiveLowerRangePredicates) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", EQ, 3);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", GE, 4);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "c", GE, 5);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=3, int8 b=4, int8 c=5) AND "
"PK < (int8 a=4, int8 b=-128, int8 c=-128) AND "
"`c` >= 5", spec.ToString(schema_));
// Predicates: a = 3 AND 4 <= b <= 14 AND 15 <= c <= 15
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestEqualityAndConsecutiveRangePredicates) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", EQ, 3);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", GE, 4);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", LE, 14);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "c", GE, 5);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "c", LE, 15);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=3, int8 b=4, int8 c=5) AND "
"PK < (int8 a=3, int8 b=14, int8 c=16) AND "
"`c` >= 5 AND `c` < 16", spec.ToString(schema_));
// Test a predicate on a non-prefix part of the key. Can't be pushed.
// Predicate: b == 64
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestNonPrefix) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", EQ, 64);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
// Expect: nothing pushed (predicate is still on `b`, not PK)
EXPECT_EQ("`b` = 64", spec.ToString(schema_));
// Test what happens when an upper bound on a cell is equal to the maximum
// value for the cell. In this case, the preceding cell is also at the maximum
// value as well, so we eliminate the upper bound entirely.
// Predicate: a == 127 AND b >= 3 AND b <= 127
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestRedundantUpperBound) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", EQ, 127);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", GE, 3);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", LE, 127);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=127, int8 b=3, int8 c=-128)", spec.ToString(schema_));
// A similar test, but in this case we still have an equality prefix
// that needs to be accounted for, so we can't eliminate the upper bound
// entirely.
// Predicate: a == 1 AND b >= 3 AND b < 127
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestRedundantUpperBound2) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", EQ, 1);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", GE, 3);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", LE, 127);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=1, int8 b=3, int8 c=-128) AND "
"PK < (int8 a=2, int8 b=-128, int8 c=-128)",
// Test what happens with equality bounds on max value.
// Predicate: a == 127 AND b = 127
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestRedundantUpperBound3) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", EQ, 127);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", EQ, 127);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=127, int8 b=127, int8 c=-128)",
// Test that, if so desired, pushed predicates are not erased.
// Predicate: a == 126
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestNoErasePredicates) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", EQ, 126);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=126, int8 b=-128, int8 c=-128) AND "
"PK < (int8 a=127, int8 b=-128, int8 c=-128) AND "
"`a` = 126", spec.ToString(schema_));
// Test that, if pushed predicates are erased, that we don't
// erase non-pushed predicates.
// Because we have no predicate on column 'b', we can't push a
// a range predicate that includes 'c'.
// Predicate: a == 126 AND c == 126
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestNoErasePredicates2) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", EQ, 126);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "c", EQ, 126);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
// The predicate on column A should be pushed while "c" remains.
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=126, int8 b=-128, int8 c=-128) AND "
"PK < (int8 a=127, int8 b=-128, int8 c=-128) AND "
"`c` = 126", spec.ToString(schema_));
// Test that predicates added out of key order are OK.
// Predicate: b == 126 AND a == 126
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestPredicateOrderDoesntMatter) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", EQ, 126);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", EQ, 126);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=126, int8 b=126, int8 c=-128) AND "
"PK < (int8 a=126, int8 b=127, int8 c=-128)",
// Test that IS NOT NULL predicates do *not* get filtered from non-nullable
// columns. This is a regression test for KUDU-1652, where previously attempting
// to push an IS NOT NULL predicate would cause a CHECK failure.
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestIsNotNullPushdown) {
ScanSpec spec;
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("`d` IS NOT NULL", spec.ToString(schema_));
// Test that IN list predicates get pushed into the primary key bounds.
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestInListPushdown) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddInPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", { 0, 10 });
AddInPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", { 50, 100 });
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=0, int8 b=50, int8 c=-128) AND "
"PK < (int8 a=10, int8 b=101, int8 c=-128) AND "
"`a` IN (0, 10) AND `b` IN (50, 100)",
// Test that IN list mixed with range predicates get pushed into the primary key
// bounds.
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestInListPushdownWithRange) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", GE, 10);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", LE, 100);
AddInPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", { 50, 100 });
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=10, int8 b=50, int8 c=-128) AND "
"PK < (int8 a=100, int8 b=101, int8 c=-128) AND "
"`b` IN (50, 100)",
// Test redaction.
ASSERT_NE("", gflags::SetCommandLineOption("redact", "log"));
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=<redacted>, int8 b=<redacted>, int8 c=<redacted>) AND "
"PK < (int8 a=<redacted>, int8 b=<redacted>, int8 c=<redacted>) AND "
"`b` IN (<redacted>, <redacted>)",
// Tests that a scan spec without primary key bounds will not have predicates
// after optimization.
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestLiftPrimaryKeyBounds_NoBounds) {
ScanSpec spec;
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
ASSERT_EQ(0, spec.predicates().size());
// Test that implicit constraints specified in the lower primary key bound are
// lifted into the predicates.
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestLiftPrimaryKeyBounds_LowerBound) {
{ // key >= (10, 11, 12)
ScanSpec spec;
KuduPartialRow lower_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("b", 11));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("c", 12));
SetLowerBound(&spec, lower_bound);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
ASSERT_EQ(1, spec.predicates().size());
ASSERT_EQ("`a` >= 10", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "a").ToString());
{ // key >= (10, 11, min)
ScanSpec spec;
KuduPartialRow lower_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("b", 11));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("c", INT8_MIN));
SetLowerBound(&spec, lower_bound);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
ASSERT_EQ(1, spec.predicates().size());
ASSERT_EQ("`a` >= 10", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "a").ToString());
{ // key >= (10, min, min)
ScanSpec spec;
KuduPartialRow lower_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("b", INT8_MIN));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("c", INT8_MIN));
SetLowerBound(&spec, lower_bound);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
ASSERT_EQ(1, spec.predicates().size());
ASSERT_EQ("`a` >= 10", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "a").ToString());
// Test that implicit constraints specified in the lower primary key bound are
// lifted into the predicates.
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestLiftPrimaryKeyBounds_UpperBound) {
// key < (10, 11, 12)
ScanSpec spec;
KuduPartialRow upper_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("b", 11));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("c", 12));
SetExclusiveUpperBound(&spec, upper_bound);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
ASSERT_EQ(1, spec.predicates().size());
ASSERT_EQ("`a` < 11", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "a").ToString());
// key < (10, 11, min)
ScanSpec spec;
KuduPartialRow upper_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("b", 11));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("c", INT8_MIN));
SetExclusiveUpperBound(&spec, upper_bound);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
ASSERT_EQ(1, spec.predicates().size());
ASSERT_EQ("`a` < 11", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "a").ToString());
// key < (10, min, min)
ScanSpec spec;
KuduPartialRow upper_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("b", INT8_MIN));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("c", INT8_MIN));
SetExclusiveUpperBound(&spec, upper_bound);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
ASSERT_EQ(1, spec.predicates().size());
ASSERT_EQ("`a` < 10", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "a").ToString());
// Test that implicit constraints specified in the primary key bounds are lifted
// into the predicates.
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestLiftPrimaryKeyBounds_BothBounds) {
// key >= (10, 11, 12)
// < (10, 11, 13)
ScanSpec spec;
KuduPartialRow lower_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("b", 11));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("c", 12));
KuduPartialRow upper_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("b", 11));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("c", 13));
SetLowerBound(&spec, lower_bound);
SetExclusiveUpperBound(&spec, upper_bound);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
ASSERT_EQ(3, spec.predicates().size());
ASSERT_EQ("`a` = 10", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "a").ToString());
ASSERT_EQ("`b` = 11", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "b").ToString());
ASSERT_EQ("`c` = 12", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "c").ToString());
// key >= (10, 11, 12)
// < (10, 11, 14)
ScanSpec spec;
KuduPartialRow lower_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("b", 11));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("c", 12));
KuduPartialRow upper_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("b", 11));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("c", 14));
SetLowerBound(&spec, lower_bound);
SetExclusiveUpperBound(&spec, upper_bound);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
ASSERT_EQ(3, spec.predicates().size());
ASSERT_EQ("`a` = 10", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "a").ToString());
ASSERT_EQ("`b` = 11", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "b").ToString());
ASSERT_EQ("`c` >= 12 AND `c` < 14", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "c").ToString());
// key >= (10, 11, 12)
// < (10, 12, min)
ScanSpec spec;
KuduPartialRow lower_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("b", 11));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("c", 12));
KuduPartialRow upper_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("b", 12));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("c", INT8_MIN));
SetLowerBound(&spec, lower_bound);
SetExclusiveUpperBound(&spec, upper_bound);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
ASSERT_EQ(3, spec.predicates().size());
ASSERT_EQ("`a` = 10", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "a").ToString());
ASSERT_EQ("`b` = 11", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "b").ToString());
ASSERT_EQ("`c` >= 12", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "c").ToString());
// key >= (10, 11, 12)
// < (10, 12, 13)
ScanSpec spec;
KuduPartialRow lower_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("b", 11));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("c", 12));
KuduPartialRow upper_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("b", 12));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("c", 13));
SetLowerBound(&spec, lower_bound);
SetExclusiveUpperBound(&spec, upper_bound);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
ASSERT_EQ(2, spec.predicates().size());
ASSERT_EQ("`a` = 10", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "a").ToString());
ASSERT_EQ("`b` >= 11 AND `b` < 13", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "b").ToString());
// key >= (10, 11, 12)
// < (11, min, min)
ScanSpec spec;
KuduPartialRow lower_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("b", 11));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("c", 12));
KuduPartialRow upper_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("a", 11));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("b", INT8_MIN));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("c", INT8_MIN));
SetLowerBound(&spec, lower_bound);
SetExclusiveUpperBound(&spec, upper_bound);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
ASSERT_EQ(2, spec.predicates().size());
ASSERT_EQ("`a` = 10", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "a").ToString());
ASSERT_EQ("`b` >= 11", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "b").ToString());
// key >= (10, min, min)
// < (12, min, min)
ScanSpec spec;
KuduPartialRow lower_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("b", INT8_MIN));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("c", INT8_MIN));
KuduPartialRow upper_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("a", 12));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("b", INT8_MIN));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("c", INT8_MIN));
SetLowerBound(&spec, lower_bound);
SetExclusiveUpperBound(&spec, upper_bound);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
ASSERT_EQ(1, spec.predicates().size());
ASSERT_EQ("`a` >= 10 AND `a` < 12", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "a").ToString());
// Test that implicit constraints specified in the primary key upper/lower
// bounds are merged into the set of predicates.
TEST_F(CompositeIntKeysTest, TestLiftPrimaryKeyBounds_WithPredicates) {
// b >= 15
// c >= 3
// c <= 100
// key >= (10, min, min)
// < (10, 90, min)
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "b", GE, 15);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "c", GE, 3);
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "c", LE, 100);
KuduPartialRow lower_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("b", INT8_MIN));
CHECK_OK(lower_bound.SetInt8("c", INT8_MIN));
KuduPartialRow upper_bound(&schema_);
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("a", 10));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("b", 90));
CHECK_OK(upper_bound.SetInt8("c", INT8_MIN));
SetLowerBound(&spec, lower_bound);
SetExclusiveUpperBound(&spec, upper_bound);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, false);
ASSERT_EQ(3, spec.predicates().size());
ASSERT_EQ("`a` = 10", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "a").ToString());
ASSERT_EQ("`b` >= 15 AND `b` < 90", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "b").ToString());
ASSERT_EQ("`c` >= 3 AND `c` < 101", FindOrDie(spec.predicates(), "c").ToString());
// Tests for String parts in composite keys
class CompositeIntStringKeysTest : public TestScanSpec {
CompositeIntStringKeysTest() :
Schema({ ColumnSchema("a", INT8),
ColumnSchema("b", STRING),
ColumnSchema("c", STRING) },
3)) {
// Predicate: a == 64
TEST_F(CompositeIntStringKeysTest, TestPrefixEquality) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", EQ, 64);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
// Expect: key >= (64, "", "") AND key < (65, "", "")
EXPECT_EQ(R"(PK >= (int8 a=64, string b="", string c="") AND )"
R"(PK < (int8 a=65, string b="", string c=""))",
// Predicate: a == 64 AND b = "abc"
TEST_F(CompositeIntStringKeysTest, TestPrefixEqualityWithString) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", EQ, 64);
AddPredicate<Slice>(&spec, "b", EQ, Slice("abc"));
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ(R"(PK >= (int8 a=64, string b="abc", string c="") AND )"
R"(PK < (int8 a=64, string b="abc\000", string c=""))",
TEST_F(CompositeIntStringKeysTest, TestDecreaseUpperBoundKey) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", LT, 64);
AddPredicate<Slice>(&spec, "b", LT, Slice("abc"));
AddPredicate<Slice>(&spec, "c", LT, Slice("def\0", 4));
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ(R"(PK < (int8 a=63, string b="abc", string c="") AND )"
R"(`b` < "abc" AND `c` < "def\000")",
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", LT, 64);
AddPredicate<Slice>(&spec, "b", LT, Slice("abc\0", 4));
AddPredicate<Slice>(&spec, "c", LT, Slice("def"));
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ(R"(PK < (int8 a=63, string b="abc", string c="def") AND )"
R"(`b` < "abc\000" AND `c` < "def")",
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", LT, 64);
AddPredicate<Slice>(&spec, "b", LT, Slice("abc\0", 4));
AddPredicate<Slice>(&spec, "c", LT, Slice("def\0", 4));
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ(R"(PK < (int8 a=63, string b="abc", string c="def\000") AND )"
R"(`b` < "abc\000" AND `c` < "def\000")",
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", LT, 64);
AddPredicate<Slice>(&spec, "b", LT, Slice("abc"));
AddPredicate<Slice>(&spec, "c", LT, Slice("def"));
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ(R"(PK < (int8 a=63, string b="abc", string c="") AND )"
R"(`b` < "abc" AND `c` < "def")",
// Tests for non-composite int key
class SingleIntKeyTest : public TestScanSpec {
SingleIntKeyTest() :
Schema({ ColumnSchema("a", INT8) }, 1)) {
TEST_F(SingleIntKeyTest, TestEquality) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", EQ, 64);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=64) AND PK < (int8 a=65)", spec.ToString(schema_));
TEST_F(SingleIntKeyTest, TestRedundantUpperBound) {
ScanSpec spec;
AddPredicate<int8_t>(&spec, "a", EQ, 127);
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("PK >= (int8 a=127)",
TEST_F(SingleIntKeyTest, TestNoPredicates) {
ScanSpec spec;
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena_, &pool_, true);
EXPECT_EQ("", spec.ToString(schema_));
} // namespace kudu