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= Known Issues and Limitations
:author: Kudu Team
:imagesdir: ./images
:icons: font
:toc: left
:toclevels: 3
:doctype: book
:backend: html5
== Schema
=== Primary keys
* The primary key may not be changed after the table is created.
You must drop and recreate a table to select a new primary key.
* The columns which make up the primary key must be listed first in the schema.
* The primary key of a row may not be modified using the `UPDATE` functionality.
To modify a row's primary key, the row must be deleted and re-inserted with
the modified key. Such a modification is non-atomic.
* Columns with `DOUBLE`, `FLOAT`, or `BOOL` types are not allowed as part of a
primary key definition. Additionally, all columns that are part of a primary
key definition must be `NOT NULL`.
* Auto-generated primary keys are not supported.
* Cells making up a composite primary key are limited to a total of 16KB after the internal
composite-key encoding done by Kudu.
=== Columns
* DECIMAL, CHAR, VARCHAR, DATE, and complex types like ARRAY are not supported.
* Type and nullability of existing columns cannot be changed by altering the table.
* Tables can have a maximum of 300 columns.
=== Tables
* Tables must have an odd number of replicas, with a maximum of 7.
* Replication factor (set at table creation time) cannot be changed.
=== Cells (individual values)
* Cells cannot be larger than 64KB before encoding or compression.
=== Other usage limitations
* Kudu is primarily designed for analytic use cases. You are likely to encounter issues if
a single row contains multiple kilobytes of data.
* Secondary indexes are not supported.
* Multi-row transactions are not supported.
* Relational features, like foreign keys, are not supported.
* Identifiers such as column and table names are restricted to be valid UTF-8 strings.
Additionally, a maximum length of 256 characters is enforced.
* Dropping a column does not immediately reclaim space. Compaction must run first.
* There is no way to run compaction manually, but dropping the table will reclaim the
space immediately.
== Partitioning Limitations
* Tables must be manually pre-split into tablets using simple or compound primary
keys. Automatic splitting is not yet possible. Range partitions may be added
or dropped after a table has been created. See
link:schema_design.html[Schema Design] for more information.
* Data in existing tables cannot currently be automatically repartitioned. As a workaround,
create a new table with the new partitioning and insert the contents of the old
* Tablets that lose a majority of replicas (such as 1 left out of 3) require manual
intervention to be repaired.
== Cluster management
* Rack awareness is not supported.
* Multi-datacenter is not supported.
* Rolling restart is not supported.
== Server management
* Production deployments should configure a least 4GB of memory for tablet servers,
and ideally more than 16GB when approaching the data and tablet <<Scale>> limits.
* Write ahead logs (WAL) can only be stored on one disk.
* Disk failures are not tolerated and tablets servers will crash as soon as one is detected.
* Failed disks with unrecoverable data require the formatting of all the Kudu data for
that tablet server before it can be started again.
* Data directories cannot be added/removed; all must be reformatted to change the set
of directories.
* Tablet servers cannot be gracefully decommissioned.
* Tablet servers can’t change address/port.
* Kudu has a hard requirement on having up-to-date NTP. Kudu masters and tablet servers
will crash when out of sync.
* Kudu releases are only tested with NTP. Other time synchronization providers like Chrony
may or may not work.
== Scale
* Recommended maximum number of tablet servers is 100.
* Recommended maximum number of masters is 3.
* Recommended maximum amount of stored data, post-replication and post-compression,
per tablet server is 8TB.
* Recommended maximum number of tablets per tablet server is 2000, post-replication.
* Maximum number of tablets per table for each tablet server is 60, post-replication,
at table-creation time.
== Replication and Backup Limitations
* Kudu does not currently include any built-in features for backup and restore.
Users are encouraged to use tools such as Spark or Impala to export or import
tables as necessary.
== Security Limitations
* Authorization is only available at a system-wide, coarse-grained level. Table-level,
column-level, and row-level authorization features are not available.
* Data encryption at rest is not built in. Kudu has been reported to run correctly
on systems using local block device encryption (e.g. `dmcrypt`).
* Kudu server Kerberos principals must follow the pattern `kudu/<HOST>@DEFAULT.REALM`.
Configuring an alternate Kerberos principal is not supported.
* Kudu's integration with Apache Flume does not support writing to Kudu clusters that
require Kerberos authentication.
== Other Known Issues
The following are known bugs and issues with the current release of Kudu. They will
be addressed in later releases. Note that this list is not exhaustive, and is meant
to communicate only the most important known issues.
* If the Kudu master is configured with the `-log_force_fsync_all` option, tablet servers
and clients will experience frequent timeouts, and the cluster may become unusable.
* If a tablet server has a very large number of tablets, it may take several minutes
to start up. It is recommended to limit the number of tablets per server to 100 or fewer.
Consider this limitation when pre-splitting your tables. If you notice slow start-up times,
you can monitor the number of tablets per server in the web UI.
* Kerberos authentication does not function correctly on hosts which contain
capital letters in their hostname.
* Kerberos authentication does not function correctly if `rdns = false` is configured
in `krb5.conf`.