blob: 648ae71dbaa8da97cca3300c5a399d023165ed58 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "kudu/common/timestamp.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/txn_metadata.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
class CountDownLatch;
class MonoTime;
namespace tablet {
class MvccManager;
// A snapshot of the current MVCC state, which can determine whether
// an op timestamp should be considered visible.
class MvccSnapshot {
// Create a kLatest snapshot with the current state of the given manager
explicit MvccSnapshot(const MvccManager& manager);
// Create a kTimestamp snapshot at a specific Timestamp.
// This snapshot considers all ops with lower timestamps to
// be applied, and those with higher timestamps to be non-applied.
// This snapshot considers all transactions with lower commit timestamps to
// be committed, and higher commit timestamps or no commit timestamp to be
// non-committed.
explicit MvccSnapshot(const Timestamp& timestamp);
// Create a snapshot which considers all ops as applied. This is mostly
// useful in test contexts.
static MvccSnapshot CreateSnapshotIncludingAllOps();
// Creates a snapshot which considers no ops applied.
static MvccSnapshot CreateSnapshotIncludingNoOps();
// Return true if the given op timestamp should be considered applied in
// this snapshot.
inline bool IsApplied(const Timestamp& timestamp) const {
// Inline the most likely path, in which our watermarks determine whether
// an op is applied.
if (PREDICT_TRUE(timestamp < all_applied_before_)) {
return true;
if (PREDICT_TRUE(timestamp >= none_applied_at_or_after_)) {
return false;
// Out-of-line the unlikely case which involves more complex (loopy) code.
return IsAppliedFallback(timestamp);
// Returns true if the given transaction should be considered committed in
// this snapshot. Calls to this should always return the same result
// assuming:
// - Txns start MVCC ops to track when they begin committing,
// - Txns assign commit timestamp that are higher than their MVCC ops
// timestamps,
// - Txns set either the aborted bit or the commit timestamp before finishing
// their MVCC ops.
// - If this is a kTimestamp snapshot, WaitUntil(ALL_APPLIED) was called with
// a timestamp equal to or higher than this snapshot's timestamp.
inline bool IsCommitted(const TxnMetadata& txn_metadata) const {
boost::optional<Timestamp> commit_mvcc_op_ts;
boost::optional<Timestamp> commit_ts;
txn_metadata.GetTimestamps(&commit_mvcc_op_ts, &commit_ts);
// If there is no commit MVCC op in the metadata, the transaction could not
// have been committed at the time this snapshot represents.
if (!commit_mvcc_op_ts) {
return false;
if (type_ == kLatest) {
// If the commit MVCC op finished applying, the commit process is
// complete, and commit status should be determined by whether there is a
// commit timestamp.
// NOTE: we must consult the metadata again *after* checking on the apply
// status of the MVCC op; if we were to check the abort status first, we
// could race with the transaction aborting, and erroneously return that
// an aborted transaction is committed.
if (IsApplied(*commit_mvcc_op_ts)) {
return !txn_metadata.aborted();
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(kTimestamp, type_);
DCHECK_EQ(all_applied_before_, none_applied_at_or_after_);
return commit_ts && *commit_ts < all_applied_before_;
// Returns true if this snapshot may have any applied ops with timestamp
// equal to or higher than the provided 'timestamp'.
// This is mostly useful to avoid scanning REDO deltas in certain cases.
// If MayHaveAppliedOpsAtOrAfter(delta_stats.min) returns true
// it means that there might be ops that need to be applied in the context of
// this snapshot; otherwise no scanning is necessary.
bool MayHaveAppliedOpsAtOrAfter(const Timestamp& timestamp) const;
// Returns true if this snapshot may have any nonapplied ops with timestamp
// equal to or lower than the provided 'timestamp'.
// This is mostly useful to avoid scanning UNDO deltas in certain cases.
// If MayHaveNonAppliedOpsAtOrBefore(delta_stats.max) returns false it
// means that all UNDO delta ops are applied in the context of this
// snapshot and no scanning is necessary; otherwise there might be some
// ops that need to be undone.
bool MayHaveNonAppliedOpsAtOrBefore(const Timestamp& timestamp) const;
// Return a string representation of the set of applied ops in this snapshot,
// suitable for debug printouts.
std::string ToString() const;
// Return true if the snapshot is considered 'clean'. A clean snapshot is one
// which is determined only by a timestamp -- the snapshot considers all ops
// with timestamps less than some timestamp to be applied, and all other ops
// to be nonapplied.
bool is_clean() const {
return applied_timestamps_.empty();
// Consider the given list of timestamps to be applied in this snapshot,
// even if they weren't when the snapshot was constructed.
// This is used in the flush path, where the set of applied ops going into a
// flushed file may not be a consistent snapshot from the MVCC point of view,
// yet we need to construct a scanner that accurately represents that set.
void AddAppliedTimestamps(const std::vector<Timestamp>& timestamps);
// Returns true if 'other' represents the same set of timestamps as this
// snapshot, false otherwise.
bool Equals(const MvccSnapshot& other) const;
friend class MvccManager;
FRIEND_TEST(MvccTest, TestMayHaveAppliedOpsAtOrAfter);
FRIEND_TEST(MvccTest, TestMayHaveNonAppliedOpsBefore);
FRIEND_TEST(MvccTest, TestWaitUntilAllApplied_SnapAtTimestampWithInFlights);
FRIEND_TEST(MvccTest, TestCorrectInitWithNoOps);
// TODO(awong): it may be worth compiling entirely separate MvccSnapshot
// classes for these.
enum SnapshotType {
// The snapshot is defined entirely by a single timestamp T, indicating
// that iterating with this snapshot should return mutations that are
// committed as of T.
// The snapshot tracks the latest ops that have been applied. Unlike a
// 'kTimestamp' snapshot, may include mutations of a timestamp even though
// there are in-flight (non-applied) mutations at a lower timestamps.
bool IsAppliedFallback(const Timestamp& timestamp) const;
void AddAppliedTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp);
// Indicates what kind of snapshot type this is, which determines how
// transaction commit ops are viewed in this snapshot.
SnapshotType type_;
// Summary rule:
// An op T is applied if and only if:
// T < all_applied_before_ or
// or applied_timestamps_.contains(T)
// In ASCII form, where 'C' represents an applied op,
// and 'U' represents an nonapplied one:
// ___ none_applied_at_or_after_
// /
// | \___\___ applied_timestamps_
// |
// \- all_applied_before_
// If this is a 'kTimestamp' snapshot, 'applied_timestamps_' is empty, and
// 'all_applied_before_' and 'none_applied_at_or_after_' are equal value.
// An op timestamp below which all ops have been applied.
// For any timestamp X, if X < all_applied_before_, then X is applied.
Timestamp all_applied_before_;
// An op timestamp at or beyond which no ops have been applied.
// For any timestamp X, if X >= none_applied_at_or_after_, then X is
// nonapplied. This is equivalent to max(applied_timestamps_) + 1, but since
// that vector is unsorted, we cache it.
Timestamp none_applied_at_or_after_;
// The set of ops higher than all_applied_before_timestamp_ which are applied
// in this snapshot.
// It might seem like using an unordered_set<> or a set<> would be faster here,
// but in practice, this list tends to be stay pretty small, and is only
// rarely consulted (most data will be culled by 'all_applied_before_'
// or none_applied_at_or_after_. So, using the compact vector structure fits
// the whole thing on one or two cache lines, and it ends up going faster.
std::vector<Timestamp::val_type> applied_timestamps_;
// Coordinator of MVCC ops. Threads wishing to make updates use
// the MvccManager to obtain a unique timestamp, usually through the ScopedOp
// class defined below.
// MVCC is used to defer updates until apply time, and allow iterators to
// operate on a snapshot which contains only applied ops.
// There are two valid paths for an op:
// 1) StartOp() -> StartApplyingOp() -> FinishApplyingOp()
// or
// 2) StartOp() -> AbortOp()
// When an op is ready to start making changes to in-memory data, it should
// transition to APPLYING state by calling StartApplyingOp(). At this point,
// the op should apply its in-memory operations and must finish applying in a
// bounded amount of time (i.e it should not wait on external input such as an
// RPC from another host).
// NOTE: we do not support "rollback" of in-memory edits. Thus, once we call
// StartApplyingOp(), the op _must_ finish applying.
class MvccManager {
// Returns an error if the current snapshot has not been adjusted past its
// initial state. While in this state, it is unsafe for the MvccManager to
// serve information about already-applied ops.
Status CheckIsCleanTimeInitialized() const;
// Adjusts the new lower bound on new ops, provided 'timestamp' is higher
// than the current lower bound. This also updates the clean time, which may
// also now be 'timestamp' (see AdjustCleanTimeUnlocked() for more details).
// This must only called when we are guaranteed that there won't be new ops
// started at or below the given timestamp, e.g. the op is consensus
// committed and we're beginning to apply it.
// TODO(dralves): Until leader leases is implemented this should only be
// called with the timestamps of consensus committed ops, not with the safe
// time received from the leader (which can go back without leader leases).
void AdjustNewOpLowerBound(Timestamp timestamp);
// Take a snapshot of the MVCC state at 'timestamp' (i.e which includes all
// ops which have a lower timestamp).
// If there are any in-flight ops at a lower timestamp, waits for them to
// complete before returning.
// If 'timestamp' was marked safe before the call to this method (e.g. by TimeManager)
// then the returned snapshot is repeatable.
Status WaitForSnapshotWithAllApplied(Timestamp timestamp,
MvccSnapshot* snapshot,
const MonoTime& deadline) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Wait for all operations that are currently APPLYING to finish applying.
// NOTE: this does _not_ guarantee that no ops are APPLYING upon return --
// just that those that were APPLYING at call time are finished upon return.
// Returns Status::Aborted() if MVCC closed while waiting.
Status WaitForApplyingOpsToApply() const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Returns the earliest possible timestamp for an nonapplied op. All
// timestamps before this one are guaranteed to be applied.
Timestamp GetCleanTimestamp() const;
// Return the timestamps of all ops which are currently 'APPLYING' (i.e.
// those which have started to apply their operations to in-memory data
// structures). Other ops may have reserved their timestamps via StartOp()
// but not yet begun applying.
// These ops are guaranteed to eventually FinishApplying() -- i.e. they will never
// Abort().
void GetApplyingOpsTimestamps(std::vector<Timestamp>* timestamps) const;
// Closes the MVCC manager. New ops will not start, in-flight
// ops will exit early on a best-effort basis, and waiting threads
// will return Status::Aborted().
void Close();
bool AreAllOpsAppliedForTests(Timestamp ts) const {
std::lock_guard<LockType> l(lock_);
return AreAllOpsAppliedUnlocked(ts);
int GetNumWaitersForTests() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
return waiters_.size();
friend class MvccSnapshot;
friend class MvccTest;
friend class ScopedOp;
FRIEND_TEST(MvccTest, TestAutomaticCleanTimeMoveToSafeTimeOnApply);
FRIEND_TEST(MvccTest, TestIllegalStateTransitionsCrash);
FRIEND_TEST(MvccTest, TestOpAbort);
enum OpState {
// Begins a new op, which is assigned the provided timestamp.
// Requires that 'timestamp' is not applied is greater than
// 'new_op_timestamp_exc_lower_bound_'.
void StartOp(Timestamp timestamp);
// Mark that the op with the given timestamp is starting to apply its writes
// to in-memory stores. This must be called before FinishApplyingOp(). If this is
// called, then AbortOp(timestamp) must never be called.
void StartApplyingOp(Timestamp timestamp);
// Abort the given op.
// If the op is not currently in-flight, this will trigger an assertion
// error. It is an error to abort the same op more than once.
// This makes sure that the op with 'timestamp' is removed from the in-flight
// set.
// The op must not have been marked as 'APPLYING' by calling
// StartApplyingOp(), or else this logs a FATAL error.
void AbortOp(Timestamp timestamp);
// Finish applying the given op.
// If the op is not currently in-flight, this will trigger an assertion
// error. It is an error to finish applying the same op more than once.
// The op must already have been marked as 'APPLYING' by calling
// StartApplyingOp(), or else this logs a FATAL error.
void FinishApplyingOp(Timestamp timestamp);
// Take a snapshot of the current MVCC state, which indicates which ops have
// been applied at the time of this call.
void TakeSnapshot(MvccSnapshot *snapshot) const;
bool InitOpUnlocked(const Timestamp& timestamp);
// TODO(awong) ponder merging these since the new ALL_APPLIED path no longer
// waits for the clean timestamp.
enum WaitFor {
struct WaitingState {
Timestamp timestamp;
CountDownLatch* latch;
WaitFor wait_for;
// Returns an error if the MVCC manager is closed.
Status CheckOpen() const;
// Returns true if all ops before the given timestamp are applied.
// If 'ts' is not in the past, it's still possible that new ops could
// start with a lower timestamp after this returns.
bool AreAllOpsAppliedUnlocked(Timestamp ts) const;
// Return true if there is any APPLYING operation with a timestamp
// less than or equal to 'ts'.
bool AnyApplyingAtOrBeforeUnlocked(Timestamp ts) const;
// Waits until all ops before the given time are applied.
Status WaitUntil(WaitFor wait_for, Timestamp ts,
const MonoTime& deadline) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Return true if the condition that the given waiter is waiting on has
// been achieved.
bool IsDoneWaitingUnlocked(const WaitingState& waiter) const;
// Applies the given op. Sets *was_earliest_op_in_flight to true if this was
// the earliest in-flight op.
void ApplyOpUnlocked(Timestamp timestamp,
bool* was_earliest_op_in_flight);
// Remove the timestamp 'ts' from the in-flight map.
// FATALs if the ts is not in the in-flight map.
// Returns its state.
OpState RemoveInFlightAndGetStateUnlocked(Timestamp ts);
// Adjusts the clean time, i.e. the timestamp such that all ops with lower
// timestamps are applied or aborted, based on which ops are currently in
// flight and on what is the latest value of
// 'new_op_timestamp_exc_lower_bound_'.
// Must be called with lock_ held.
void AdjustCleanTimeUnlocked();
// Advances the earliest in-flight timestamp, based on which ops are
// currently in-flight. Usually called when the previous earliest op
// finishes applying or aborts.
void AdvanceEarliestInFlightTimestamp();
typedef simple_spinlock LockType;
mutable LockType lock_;
// The kLatest snapshot that gets updated with op timestamps as MVCC ops
// start and complete through the lifespan of this MvccManager.
MvccSnapshot cur_snap_;
// The set of timestamps corresponding to currently in-flight ops.
typedef std::unordered_map<Timestamp::val_type, OpState> InFlightOpsMap;
InFlightOpsMap ops_in_flight_;
// An op timestamp at and below which no new ops can be
// initialized.
// We must apply ops in timestamp order, so if we've begun applying an op at
// a given timestamp, we must not initialize an op at or below that
// timestamp.
Timestamp new_op_timestamp_exc_lower_bound_;
// The minimum timestamp in ops_in_flight_, or Timestamp::kMax
// if that set is empty. This is cached in order to avoid having to iterate
// over ops_in_flight_ on every apply.
Timestamp earliest_op_in_flight_;
mutable std::vector<WaitingState*> waiters_;
std::atomic<bool> open_;
// A scoped handle to a running op.
// When this object goes out of scope, the op automatically finishes applying.
class ScopedOp {
// Create a new op from the given MvccManager.
// When this op is applied it will use MvccManager::FinishApplyingOp().
ScopedOp(MvccManager* manager, Timestamp timestamp);
// Finish applying the op referenced by this scoped object, if it hasn't
// already been applied.
Timestamp timestamp() const {
return timestamp_;
// Mark that this op is about to begin applying its modifications to
// in-memory stores.
// This must be called before FinishApplying(). Abort() may not be called after this
// method.
void StartApplying();
// Finish applying the in-flight op.
// Requires that StartApplying() has been called.
void FinishApplying();
// Abort the in-flight op.
// Requires that StartApplying() has NOT been called.
void Abort();
bool done_;
MvccManager * const manager_;
const Timestamp timestamp_;
} // namespace tablet
} // namespace kudu