blob: 67f12670f20cd14921e90a0d88cf1a0b3c9f0d9e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <random>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace boost {
template <class T> class optional;
} // namespace boost
namespace kudu {
namespace rebalance {
// A map from a count of replicas to a server identifier. The "reversed"
// relationship facilitates finding the servers with the maximum and minimum
// replica counts.
typedef std::multimap<int32_t, std::string> ServersByCountMap;
// Balance information for a table.
struct TableBalanceInfo {
std::string table_id;
// Mapping table replica count -> tablet server.
// The table replica count of a tablet server is defined as the number of
// replicas belonging to the table hosted on the tablet server.
ServersByCountMap servers_by_replica_count;
// Balance information for a cluster.
struct ClusterBalanceInfo {
// Mapping table skew -> table balance information. The "reversed"
// relationship facilitates finding the most and least skewed tables.
// The skew of a table is defined as the difference between its most
// occupied and least occupied tablet servers. Skew is considered to be
// improved both when the number of pairs of tablet servers exhibiting max
// skew between them decreases, or when the skew decreases.
std::multimap<int32_t, TableBalanceInfo> table_info_by_skew;
// Mapping total replica count -> tablet server identifier.
// The total replica count of a tablet server is defined as the total number
// of replicas hosted on the tablet server.
ServersByCountMap servers_by_total_replica_count;
// Locality information for a cluster: distribution of tablet servers among
// locations.
struct ClusterLocalityInfo {
// Location-related information: distribution of tablet servers by locations.
// Mapping 'location' --> 'identifiers of tablet servers in the location'.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> servers_by_location;
// Mapping 'tablet server identifier' --> 'location'.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> location_by_ts_id;
// Information on a cluster as input for various rebalancing algorithms.
struct ClusterInfo {
// Balance information for a cluster,
// excluding ignored tablet servers and replicas on them.
ClusterBalanceInfo balance;
// Locality information for a cluster.
ClusterLocalityInfo locality;
// A directive to move some replica of a table between two tablet servers.
struct TableReplicaMove {
std::string table_id;
std::string from; // Unique identifier of the source tablet server.
std::string to; // Unique identifier of the target tablet server.
// A rebalancing algorithm, which orders replica moves aiming to balance a
// cluster. The definition of "balance" depends on the algorithm.
class RebalancingAlgo {
virtual ~RebalancingAlgo() = default;
// The top-level method of the algorithm. Using information on the current
// balance state of the cluster in 'cluster_info', the algorithm populates
// the output parameter 'moves' with no more than 'max_moves_num' replica
// moves that aim to balance the cluster. Due to code conventions, 'int' is
// used instead of 'size_t' as 'max_moves_num' type; 'max_moves_num' must be
// non-negative value, where value of '0' is a shortcut for
// 'the possible maximum'.
// Once this method returns Status::OK() and leaves 'moves' empty, the cluster
// is considered balanced.
// 'moves' must be non-NULL.
virtual Status GetNextMoves(const ClusterInfo& cluster_info,
int max_moves_num,
std::vector<TableReplicaMove>* moves);
// Get the next rebalancing move from the algorithm. If there is no such move,
// the 'move' output parameter is set to 'boost::none'.
// 'move' must be non-NULL.
virtual Status GetNextMove(const ClusterInfo& cluster_info,
boost::optional<TableReplicaMove>* move) = 0;
// Update the balance state in 'balance_info' with the outcome of the move
// 'move'. 'balance_info' is an in-out parameter and must be non-NULL.
static Status ApplyMove(const TableReplicaMove& move,
ClusterBalanceInfo* balance_info);
// A two-dimensional greedy rebalancing algorithm. From among moves that
// decrease the skew of a most skewed table, it prefers ones that reduce the
// skew of the cluster. A cluster is considered balanced when the skew of every
// table is <= 1 and the skew of the cluster is <= 1.
// The skew of the cluster is defined as the difference between the maximum
// total replica count over all tablet servers and the minimum total replica
// count over all tablet servers.
class TwoDimensionalGreedyAlgo : public RebalancingAlgo {
// Policies for picking one element from equal-skew choices.
enum class EqualSkewOption {
explicit TwoDimensionalGreedyAlgo(
EqualSkewOption opt = EqualSkewOption::PICK_RANDOM);
Status GetNextMove(const ClusterInfo& cluster_info,
boost::optional<TableReplicaMove>* move) override;
enum class ExtremumType { MAX, MIN, };
FRIEND_TEST(RebalanceAlgoUnitTest, RandomizedTest);
FRIEND_TEST(RebalanceAlgoUnitTest, EmptyBalanceInfoGetNextMove);
FRIEND_TEST(RebalanceAlgoUnitTest, EmptyClusterInfoGetNextMove);
// Compute the intersection of the least or most loaded tablet servers for a
// table with the least or most loaded tablet servers in the cluster:
// 'intersection' is populated with the ids of the tablet servers in the
// intersection of those two sets. The minimum or maximum number of replicas
// per tablet server for the table and for the cluster are output into
// 'replica_count_table' and 'replica_count_total', respectively. Identifiers
// of the tablet servers with '*replica_count_table' replicas of the table are
// output into the 'server_uuids' parameter. Whether to consider most or least
// loaded servers is controlled by 'extremum'. An empty 'intersection' on
// return means no intersection was found for the mentioned sets of the
// extremely loaded servers: in that case optimizing the load by table would
// not affect the extreme load by server.
// None of the output parameters may be NULL.
Status GetIntersection(
ExtremumType extremum,
const ServersByCountMap& servers_by_table_replica_count,
const ServersByCountMap& servers_by_total_replica_count,
int32_t* replica_count_table,
int32_t* replica_count_total,
std::vector<std::string>* server_uuids,
std::vector<std::string>* intersection);
// As determined by 'extremum', find the tablet servers with the minimum or
// maximum count in 'server_by_replica_counts'. The extremal count will be set
// in 'replica_count', while 'server_uuids' will be populated with the servers
// that host the extremal replica count.
// Neither of the output parameters may be NULL.
Status GetMinMaxLoadedServers(
const ServersByCountMap& servers_by_replica_count,
ExtremumType extremum,
int32_t* replica_count,
std::vector<std::string>* server_uuids);
const EqualSkewOption equal_skew_opt_;
std::random_device random_device_;
std::mt19937 generator_;
// Algorithm to balance among locations in the cluster.
// The inter-location rebalancing is to minimize location load skew per table.
// The idea is to equalize the density of the distribution of each table across
// locations.
// Q: Why is it beneficial to equalize the density of table replicas across
// locations?
// A: Assuming the homogeneous structure of the cluster (e.g., that's about
// having machines of the same hardware specs across the cluster) and
// uniform distribution of requests among all tables in the cluster
// (the latter is questionable, but in Kudu there isn't currently a way
// to specify any deviations anyway), that gives better usage
// of the available hardware resources.
// NOTE: probably, in the future we might add a notion of some preference in
// table placements regarding selected locations.
// Q: What is per-table location load skew?
// A: Consider number of replicas per location for tablets comprising
// a table T. Assume we have locations L_0, ..., L_n, where
// replica_num(T, L_0), ..., replica_num(T, L_n) are numbers of replicas
// of T's tablets at corresponding locations. We want to make the following
// ratios to deviate as less as possible:
// replica_num(T, L_0) / ts_num(L_0), ..., replica_num(T, L_n) / ts_num(L_n)
// ******* Some Examples *******
// Table T of replication factor 5, and locations L_0, ..., L_4. Consider
// the following tablet servers disposition:
// ts_num(L_0): 2
// ts_num(L_1): 2
// ts_num(L_2): 1
// ts_num(L_3): 1
// ts_num(L_4): 1
// What distribution of replicas is preferred for a tablet t0 of table T?
// (a) { L_0: 1, L_1: 1, L_2: 1, L_3: 1, L_4: 1 }
// skew 0.5: { 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }
// (b) { L_0: 2, L_1: 2, L_2: 1, L_3: 0, L_4: 0 }
// skew 1.0 : { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }
// The main idea is to prevent moving tablets if the distribution is 'good
// enough'. E.g., the distribution of (b) is acceptable if the rebalancer finds
// the replicas already placed like that, and it should not try to move
// the replicas to achieve the ideal distribution of (a).
// How about:
// (c) { L_0: 0, L_1: 0, L_2: 1, L_3: 2, L_4: 2 }
// skew 2.0: { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0 }
// We want to move replicas to make the distribution (c) more balanced;
// 2 movements gives us the 'ideal' location-wise replica placement.
class LocationBalancingAlgo : public RebalancingAlgo {
explicit LocationBalancingAlgo(double load_imbalance_threshold);
Status GetNextMove(const ClusterInfo& cluster_info,
boost::optional<TableReplicaMove>* move) override;
FRIEND_TEST(RebalanceAlgoUnitTest, RandomizedTest);
typedef std::multimap<double, std::string> TableByLoadImbalance;
// Check if any rebalancing is needed across cluster locations based on the
// information provided by the 'imbalance_info' parameter. Returns 'true'
// if rebalancing is needed, 'false' otherwise. Upon returning 'true',
// the identifier of the most cross-location imbalanced table is output into
// the 'most_imbalanced_table_id' parameter (which must not be null).
bool IsBalancingNeeded(const TableByLoadImbalance& imbalance_info,
std::string* most_imbalanced_table_id) const;
// Given the set of the most and the least table-wise loaded locations, choose
// the source and destination tablet server to move a replica of the specified
// tablet to improve per-table location load balance as much as possible.
// If no replica can be moved to balance the load, the 'move' output parameter
// is set to 'boost::none'.
Status FindBestMove(const std::string& table_id,
const std::vector<std::string>& loc_loaded_least,
const std::vector<std::string>& loc_loaded_most,
const ClusterInfo& cluster_info,
boost::optional<TableReplicaMove>* move);
const double load_imbalance_threshold_;
} // namespace rebalance
} // namespace kudu