blob: e2a9400d73add9a7de6bc0e83dc958f93b7a8fd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/master/hms_notification_log_listener.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <rapidjson/error/en.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/util.h"
#include "kudu/hms/hive_metastore_types.h"
#include "kudu/hms/hms_catalog.h"
#include "kudu/hms/hms_client.h"
#include "kudu/master/catalog_manager.h"
#include "kudu/util/async_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status_callback.h"
#include "kudu/util/thread.h"
#include "kudu/util/url-coding.h"
#include "kudu/util/zlib.h"
DEFINE_uint32(hive_metastore_notification_log_poll_period_seconds, 15,
"Amount of time the notification log listener waits between attempts to poll "
"the Hive Metastore for catalog updates.");
TAG_FLAG(hive_metastore_notification_log_poll_period_seconds, advanced);
TAG_FLAG(hive_metastore_notification_log_poll_period_seconds, runtime);
DEFINE_int32(hive_metastore_notification_log_batch_size, 100,
"Number of notification log entries which are retrieved from the Hive Metastore "
"per batch when polling.");
TAG_FLAG(hive_metastore_notification_log_batch_size, advanced);
TAG_FLAG(hive_metastore_notification_log_batch_size, runtime);
DEFINE_uint32(hive_metastore_notification_log_poll_inject_latency_ms, 0,
"Inject latency into the inner polling loop of the Hive Metastore "
"notification log listener. Only takes effect during unit tests.");
TAG_FLAG(hive_metastore_notification_log_poll_inject_latency_ms, hidden);
TAG_FLAG(hive_metastore_notification_log_poll_inject_latency_ms, unsafe);
TAG_FLAG(hive_metastore_notification_log_poll_inject_latency_ms, runtime);
using boost::optional;
using rapidjson::Document;
using rapidjson::Value;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace master {
// Status message returned when the task is shutdown.
static const char* kShutdownMessage =
"Hive Metastore notification log listener is shutting down";
HmsNotificationLogListenerTask::HmsNotificationLogListenerTask(CatalogManager* catalog_manager)
: catalog_manager_(catalog_manager),
wake_up_cv_(&lock_) {
HmsNotificationLogListenerTask::~HmsNotificationLogListenerTask() {
if (thread_) {
Status HmsNotificationLogListenerTask::Init() {
CHECK(!thread_) << "HmsNotificationLogListenerTask is already initialized";
return kudu::Thread::Create("catalog manager", "hms-notification-log-listener",
[this]() { this->RunLoop(); }, &thread_);
void HmsNotificationLogListenerTask::Shutdown() {
CHECK(thread_) << "HmsNotificationLogListenerTask is not initialized";
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(lock_);
closing_ = true;
Status HmsNotificationLogListenerTask::WaitForCatchUp(const MonoTime& deadline) {
Synchronizer synchronizer;
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(lock_);
if (closing_) {
return Status::ServiceUnavailable(kShutdownMessage);
"failed to wait for Hive Metastore notification log listener to catch up");
return Status::OK();
void HmsNotificationLogListenerTask::RunLoop() {
vector<StatusCallback> callback_batch;
while (true) {
Status s = Poll();
WARN_NOT_OK(s, "Hive Metastore notification log listener poll failed");
// Wakeup all threads which enqueued before beginning the poll.
for (auto& cb : callback_batch) {
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(lock_);
// Check if shutdown was signaled while polling.
if (closing_) {
callback_batch = std::move(catch_up_callbacks_);
// Check if a waiter thread enqueued while polling. If not, then wait for
// up to a poll period to elapse.
if (catch_up_callbacks_.empty()) {
// Swap the current queue of callbacks, so they can be completed after
// polling next iteration.
// Check if shutdown was signaled while waiting.
if (closing_) {
for (auto& cb : callback_batch) {
namespace {
// Returns a text string appropriate for debugging a notification event.
string EventDebugString(const hive::NotificationEvent& event) {
return Substitute("$0 $1 $2.$3", event.eventId, event.eventType, event.dbName, event.tableName);
// Deserializes an HMS table object from a JSON notification log message.
Status DeserializeTable(const hive::NotificationEvent(event),
const Document& message,
const char* key,
hive::Table* table) {
if (!message.HasMember(key)) {
return Status::Corruption("field is not present", key);
if (!message[key].IsString()) {
return Status::Corruption("field is not a string", key);
const Value& value = message[key];
Slice slice(value.GetString(), value.GetStringLength());
return hms::HmsClient::DeserializeJsonTable(slice, table);
} // anonymous namespace
Status HmsNotificationLogListenerTask::Poll() {
if (!catalog_manager_) {
// Unit-test mode.
return Status::OK();
// This method calls the catalog manager directly, so ensure the leader lock is held.
CatalogManager::ScopedLeaderSharedLock l(catalog_manager_);
if (!l.first_failed_status().ok()) {
VLOG(1) << "Skipping Hive Metastore notification log poll: "
<< l.first_failed_status().ToString();
return Status::OK();
// Cache the batch size, since it's a runtime flag.
int32_t batch_size = FLAGS_hive_metastore_notification_log_batch_size;
// Retrieve the last processed event ID from the catalog manager. The latest
// event ID is requested for every call to Poll() because leadership may have
// changed, and another leader may have processed events.
int64_t durable_event_id = catalog_manager_->GetLatestNotificationLogEventId();
// Also keep track of the latest event ID which has been processed locally.
int64_t processed_event_id = durable_event_id;
vector<hive::NotificationEvent> events;
while (true) {
std::lock_guard<Mutex> l(lock_);
if (closing_) {
return Status::ServiceUnavailable(kShutdownMessage);
processed_event_id, batch_size, &events),
"failed to retrieve notification log events");
for (const auto& event : events) {
VLOG(1) << "Processing notification log event: " << EventDebugString(event);
// Check for out-of-order events. Out-of-order events are skipped, since
// refusing to process them by returning early would result in the
// notification log listener indefinitely short-circuiting on the same
// invalid event.
if (event.eventId <= processed_event_id) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Received out-of-order notification log event "
<< "(last processed event ID: " << processed_event_id << "): "
<< EventDebugString(event);
Status s;
if (event.eventType == "ALTER_TABLE") {
s = HandleAlterTableEvent(event, &durable_event_id);
} else if (event.eventType == "DROP_TABLE") {
s = HandleDropTableEvent(event, &durable_event_id);
// Failing to properly handle a notification is not a fatal error, instead
// we continue processing notifications. Callers of WaitForCatchUp have no
// way of indicating which specific notification they are waiting for, and
// returning early with error pertaining to a different notifications
// could result in not waiting long enough.
// Consider a CREATE TABLE call which succeeds in adding an entry to the
// HMS, but fails to write to the sys catalog, because leadership has been
// lost. In this case a rollback attempt will occur, and the entry will be
// deleted from the HMS. When the notification for that delete is
// processed by the listener, it will necessarily fail to apply, since the
// table never existed in Kudu. It's critical that in cases like this
// the notification log listener continues to make progress.
// TODO(KUDU-2475): Ignoring errors could result in a client receiving an
// ack for a table rename or drop which fails.
WARN_NOT_OK(s, Substitute("Failed to handle Hive Metastore notification: $0",
// Short-circuit when leadership is lost to prevent applying notification
// events out of order.
if (l.has_term_changed()) {
return Status::ServiceUnavailable(
"lost leadership while handling Hive Metastore notification log events", s.message());
processed_event_id = event.eventId;
// If the last set of events was smaller than the batch size then we can
// assume that we've read all of the available events.
if (events.size() < batch_size) break;
// The durable event ID gets updated every time we make a change in response
// to a log notification, however not every log notification results in a
// change (for instance, a notification pertaining to a Parquet table). To
// avoid replaying these notifications we persist the latest processed
// notification log event ID after polling. This is best effort, since failing
// to update the ID should only results in wasted work, not an unsynchronized
// catalog.
if (durable_event_id < processed_event_id) {
"failed to record latest processed Hive Metastore notification log ID");
return Status::OK();
Status HmsNotificationLogListenerTask::HandleAlterTableEvent(const hive::NotificationEvent& event,
int64_t* durable_event_id) {
Document message;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseMessage(event, &message));
hive::Table before_table;
RETURN_NOT_OK(DeserializeTable(event, message, "tableObjBeforeJson", &before_table));
if (!hms::HmsClient::IsSynchronized(before_table)) {
// Not a synchronized table; skip it.
VLOG(2) << Substitute("Ignoring alter event for table $0 of type $1",
before_table.tableName, before_table.tableType);
return Status::OK();
const string* storage_handler =
FindOrNull(before_table.parameters, hms::HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey);
if (!hms::HmsClient::IsKuduTable(before_table)) {
// Not a Kudu table; skip it.
VLOG(2) << Substitute("Ignoring alter event for non-Kudu table $0",
return Status::OK();
// If there is not a cluster ID, for maximum compatibility we should assume this is an older
// Kudu table without a cluster ID set. This is safe because we still validate the table ID
// which is universally unique.
const string* cluster_id =
FindOrNull(before_table.parameters, hms::HmsClient::kKuduClusterIdKey);
if (cluster_id && *cluster_id != catalog_manager_->GetClusterId()) {
// Not for this cluster; skip it.
VLOG(2) << Substitute("Ignoring alter event for table $0 of cluster $1",
before_table.tableName, *cluster_id);
return Status::OK();
hive::Table after_table;
RETURN_NOT_OK(DeserializeTable(event, message, "tableObjAfterJson", &after_table));
// Double check that the Kudu HMS plugin is enforcing storage handler and
// table ID constraints correctly.
const string* after_storage_handler =
FindOrNull(before_table.parameters, hms::HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey);
if (!after_storage_handler || *after_storage_handler != *storage_handler) {
return Status::IllegalState("storage handler property altered");
const string* table_id = FindOrNull(before_table.parameters, hms::HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey);
if (!table_id) {
return Status::IllegalState("missing Kudu table ID");
const string* after_table_id = FindOrNull(after_table.parameters,
if (!after_table_id || *after_table_id != *table_id) {
return Status::IllegalState("Kudu table ID altered");
string before_table_name = Substitute("$0.$1", before_table.dbName, before_table.tableName);
string after_table_name = Substitute("$0.$1", event.dbName, event.tableName);
optional<string> new_table_name;
if (before_table_name != after_table_name) {
new_table_name = after_table_name;
optional<string> new_table_owner;
if (before_table.owner != after_table.owner) {
new_table_owner = after_table.owner;
optional<string> new_table_comment;
const string before_table_comment =
FindWithDefault(before_table.parameters, hms::HmsClient::kTableCommentKey, "");
const string after_table_comment =
FindWithDefault(after_table.parameters, hms::HmsClient::kTableCommentKey, "");
if (before_table_comment != after_table_comment) {
new_table_comment = after_table_comment;
if (!new_table_name && !new_table_owner && !new_table_comment) {
VLOG(2) << "Ignoring alter table event on table "
<< *table_id << " " << before_table_name;
return Status::OK();
*durable_event_id = event.eventId;
return Status::OK();
Status HmsNotificationLogListenerTask::HandleDropTableEvent(const hive::NotificationEvent& event,
int64_t* durable_event_id) {
Document message;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseMessage(event, &message));
hive::Table table;
RETURN_NOT_OK(DeserializeTable(event, message, "tableObjJson", &table));
if (!hms::HmsClient::IsSynchronized(table)) {
// Not a synchronized table; skip it.
VLOG(2) << Substitute("Ignoring drop event for table $0 of type $1",
table.tableName, table.tableType);
return Status::OK();
if (!hms::HmsClient::IsKuduTable(table)) {
// Not a Kudu table; skip it.
VLOG(2) << Substitute("Ignoring drop event for non-Kudu table $0", table.tableName);
return Status::OK();
// If there is not a cluster ID, for maximum compatibility we should assume this is an older
// Kudu table without a cluster ID set. This is safe because we still validate the table ID
// which is universally unique.
const string* cluster_id =
FindOrNull(table.parameters, hms::HmsClient::kKuduClusterIdKey);
if (cluster_id && *cluster_id != catalog_manager_->GetClusterId()) {
// Not for this cluster; skip it.
VLOG(2) << Substitute("Ignoring alter event for table $0 of cluster $1",
table.tableName, *cluster_id);
return Status::OK();
const string* table_id = FindOrNull(table.parameters, hms::HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey);
if (!table_id) {
return Status::IllegalState("missing Kudu table ID");
// Require the table ID *and* table name from the HMS drop event to match the
// Kudu catalog's metadata for the table. Checking the name in addition to the
// ID prevents a table from being dropped while the HMS and Kudu catalogs are
// unsynchronized. If the catalogs are unsynchronized, it's better to return
// an error than liberally delete data.
string table_name = Substitute("$0.$1", event.dbName, event.tableName);
RETURN_NOT_OK(catalog_manager_->DeleteTableHms(table_name, *table_id, event.eventId));
*durable_event_id = event.eventId;
return Status::OK();
Status HmsNotificationLogListenerTask::ParseMessage(const hive::NotificationEvent& event,
Document* message) {
string format = event.messageFormat;
// Default to the json-0.2 format for backwards compatibility.
if (format.empty()) {
format = "json-0.2";
// See Hive's JSONMessageEncoder and GzipJSONMessageEncoder for the format definitions.
if (event.messageFormat != "json-0.2" && event.messageFormat != "gzip(json-2.0)") {
return Status::NotSupported("unknown message format", event.messageFormat);
string content = event.message;
if (HasPrefixString(format, "gzip")) {
string decoded;
KUDU_RETURN_NOT_OK(DecodeGzipMessage(content, &decoded));
content = decoded;
if (message->Parse<0>(content.c_str()).HasParseError()) {
return Status::Corruption("failed to parse message",
return Status::OK();
Status HmsNotificationLogListenerTask::DecodeGzipMessage(const string& encoded,
string* decoded) {
string result;
bool success = Base64Decode(encoded, &result);
if (!success) {
return Status::Corruption("failed to decode message");
std::ostringstream oss;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(zlib::Uncompress(Slice(result), &oss), "failed decompress message");
*decoded = oss.str();
return Status::OK();
} // namespace master
} // namespace kudu