blob: 420984f1d4b1bd443db9dd2d1191bdb86114e823 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/server/webserver.h"
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <csignal>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <mustache.h>
#include <squeasel.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/endian.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stl_util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/join.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/numbers.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/split.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/stringpiece.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/strip.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/security/gssapi.h"
#include "kudu/security/openssl_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/easy_json.h"
#include "kudu/util/env.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/logging.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/net_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/sockaddr.h"
#include "kudu/util/string_case.h"
#include "kudu/util/url-coding.h"
#include "kudu/util/version_info.h"
#include "kudu/util/zlib.h"
#if defined(__APPLE__)
typedef sig_t sighandler_t;
using mustache::RenderTemplate;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::stringstream;
using std::string;
using std::unordered_set;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
DEFINE_int32(webserver_max_post_length_bytes, 1024 * 1024,
"The maximum length of a POST request that will be accepted by "
"the embedded web server.");
TAG_FLAG(webserver_max_post_length_bytes, advanced);
TAG_FLAG(webserver_max_post_length_bytes, runtime);
DEFINE_string(webserver_x_frame_options, "DENY",
"The webserver will add an 'X-Frame-Options' HTTP header with this value "
"to all responses. This can help prevent clickjacking attacks.");
TAG_FLAG(webserver_x_frame_options, advanced);
namespace kudu {
namespace {
// Last error message from the webserver.
// TODO(todd) global strings are somewhat messy and lint is complaining
// about this. Clean this up.
string kWebserverLastErrMsg; // NOLINT(runtime/string)
string HttpStatusCodeToString(kudu::HttpStatusCode code) {
switch (code) {
case kudu::HttpStatusCode::Ok:
return "200 OK";
case kudu::HttpStatusCode::BadRequest:
return "400 Bad Request";
case kudu::HttpStatusCode::AuthenticationRequired:
return "401 Authentication Required";
case kudu::HttpStatusCode::NotFound:
return "404 Not Found";
case kudu::HttpStatusCode::LengthRequired:
return "411 Length Required";
case kudu::HttpStatusCode::RequestEntityTooLarge:
return "413 Request Entity Too Large";
case kudu::HttpStatusCode::InternalServerError:
return "500 Internal Server Error";
case kudu::HttpStatusCode::ServiceUnavailable:
return "503 Service Unavailable";
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected HTTP response code";
// Return the address of the remote user from the squeasel request info.
Sockaddr GetRemoteAddress(const struct sq_request_info* req) {
struct sockaddr_in addr;
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = NetworkByteOrder::FromHost16(req->remote_port);
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = NetworkByteOrder::FromHost32(req->remote_ip);
return Sockaddr(addr);
// Performs a step of SPNEGO authorization by parsing the HTTP Authorization
// header 'authz_header' and running it through GSSAPI.
// If authentication fails or the header is invalid, a bad Status will be
// returned (and the other out-parameters left untouched). Otherwise, the
// out-parameters will be written to, and the function will return either OK or
// Incomplete depending on whether additional SPNEGO steps are required.
Status RunSpnegoStep(const char* authz_header,
WebCallbackRegistry::ArgumentMap* resp_headers,
string* authn_user) {
static const char* const kNegotiateHdrName = "WWW-Authenticate";
static const char* const kNegotiateHdrValue = "Negotiate";
static const Status kIncomplete = Status::Incomplete("authn incomplete");
VLOG(2) << "Handling Authorization header "
<< (authz_header ? KUDU_REDACT(authz_header) : "<null>");
if (!authz_header) {
EmplaceOrDie(resp_headers, kNegotiateHdrName, kNegotiateHdrValue);
return kIncomplete;
string neg_token;
if (!TryStripPrefixString(authz_header, "Negotiate ", &neg_token)) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("bad Negotiate header");
string resp_token_b64;
bool is_complete;
RETURN_NOT_OK(gssapi::SpnegoStep(neg_token, &resp_token_b64, &is_complete, authn_user));
VLOG(2) << "SPNEGO step complete, response token: " << KUDU_REDACT(resp_token_b64);
if (!resp_token_b64.empty()) {
EmplaceOrDie(resp_headers, kNegotiateHdrName,
Substitute("$0 $1", kNegotiateHdrValue, resp_token_b64));
return is_complete ? Status::OK() : kIncomplete;
} // anonymous namespace
Webserver::Webserver(const WebserverOptions& opts)
: opts_(opts),
context_(nullptr) {
string host = opts.bind_interface.empty() ? "" : opts.bind_interface;
http_address_ = host + ":" + std::to_string(opts.port);
Webserver::~Webserver() {
void Webserver::RootHandler(const WebRequest& /* args */,
WebResponse* resp) {
EasyJson path_handlers = resp->output.Set("path_handlers", EasyJson::kArray);
for (const PathHandlerMap::value_type& handler : path_handlers_) {
if (handler.second->is_on_nav_bar()) {
EasyJson path_handler = path_handlers.PushBack(EasyJson::kObject);
path_handler["path"] = handler.first;
path_handler["alias"] = handler.second->alias();
resp->output["version_info"] = EscapeForHtmlToString(VersionInfo::GetAllVersionInfo());
void Webserver::BuildArgumentMap(const string& args, ArgumentMap* output) {
vector<StringPiece> arg_pairs = strings::Split(args, "&");
for (const StringPiece& arg_pair : arg_pairs) {
vector<StringPiece> key_value = strings::Split(arg_pair, "=");
if (key_value.empty()) continue;
string key;
if (!UrlDecode(key_value[0].ToString(), &key)) continue;
string value;
if (!UrlDecode((key_value.size() >= 2 ? key_value[1].ToString() : ""), &value)) continue;
(*output)[key] = value;
bool Webserver::IsSecure() const {
return !opts_.certificate_file.empty();
Status Webserver::BuildListenSpec(string* spec) const {
vector<Sockaddr> addrs;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseAddressList(http_address_, 80, &addrs));
vector<string> parts;
for (const Sockaddr& addr : addrs) {
// Mongoose makes sockets with 's' suffixes accept SSL traffic only.
parts.emplace_back(addr.ToString() + (IsSecure() ? "s" : ""));
JoinStrings(parts, ",", spec);
return Status::OK();
Status Webserver::Start() {
vector<string> options;
if (static_pages_available()) {
if (IsSecure()) {
// Initialize OpenSSL, and prevent Squeasel from also performing global
// OpenSSL initialization.
if (!opts_.private_key_file.empty()) {
string key_password;
if (!opts_.private_key_password_cmd.empty()) {
options.push_back(key_password); // May be empty if not configured.
if (!opts_.authentication_domain.empty()) {
if (!opts_.password_file.empty()) {
if (FIPS_mode()) {
return Status::IllegalState(
"Webserver cannot be started with Digest authentication in FIPS approved mode");
// Mongoose doesn't log anything if it can't stat the password file (but
// will if it can't open it, which it tries to do during a request).
if (!Env::Default()->FileExists(opts_.password_file)) {
ostringstream ss;
ss << "Webserver: Password file does not exist: " << opts_.password_file;
return Status::InvalidArgument(ss.str());
if (opts_.require_spnego) {
// We assume that security::InitKerberosForServer() has already been called, which
// ensures that the keytab path has been propagated into this environment variable
// where the GSSAPI calls will pick it up.
const char* kt_file = getenv("KRB5_KTNAME");
if (!kt_file || !Env::Default()->FileExists(kt_file)) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("Unable to configure web server for SPNEGO authentication: "
"must configure a keytab file for the server");
string listening_str;
// initialize the advertised addresses
if (!opts_.webserver_advertised_addresses.empty()) {
for (const Sockaddr& addr : webserver_advertised_addresses_) {
if (addr.port() == 0) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("advertising an ephemeral webserver port is not supported",
// Num threads
// mongoose ignores SIGCHLD and we need it to run kinit. This means that since
// mongoose does not reap its own children CGI programs must be avoided.
// Save the signal handler so we can restore it after mongoose sets it to be ignored.
sighandler_t sig_chld = signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
sq_callbacks callbacks;
memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks));
callbacks.begin_request = &Webserver::BeginRequestCallbackStatic;
callbacks.log_message = &Webserver::LogMessageCallbackStatic;
// Options must be a NULL-terminated list of C strings.
vector<const char*> c_options;
for (const auto& opt : options) {
// To work around not being able to pass member functions as C callbacks, we store a
// pointer to this server in the per-server state, and register a static method as the
// default callback. That method unpacks the pointer to this and calls the real
// callback.
context_ = sq_start(&callbacks, reinterpret_cast<void*>(this), &c_options[0]);
// Restore the child signal handler so wait() works properly.
signal(SIGCHLD, sig_chld);
if (context_ == nullptr) {
Sockaddr addr = Sockaddr::Wildcard();
string err_msg = Substitute("Webserver: could not start on address $0", http_address_);
if (!kWebserverLastErrMsg.empty()) {
err_msg = Substitute("$0: $1", err_msg, kWebserverLastErrMsg);
return Status::RuntimeError(err_msg);
RegisterPathHandler("/", "Home",
[this](const WebRequest& req, WebResponse* resp) {
this->RootHandler(req, resp);
/*is_styled=*/true, /*is_on_nav_bar=*/true);
vector<Sockaddr> addrs;
string bound_addresses_str;
for (const Sockaddr& addr : addrs) {
if (!bound_addresses_str.empty()) {
bound_addresses_str += ", ";
bound_addresses_str += Substitute("$0$1/",
IsSecure() ? "https://" : "http://",
LOG(INFO) << Substitute(
"Webserver started at $0 using document root $1 and password file $2",
static_pages_available() ? opts_.doc_root : "<none>",
opts_.password_file.empty() ? "<none>" : opts_.password_file);
return Status::OK();
void Webserver::Stop() {
if (context_ != nullptr) {
context_ = nullptr;
Status Webserver::GetBoundAddresses(std::vector<Sockaddr>* addrs) const {
if (!context_) {
return Status::ServiceUnavailable("Not started");
struct sockaddr_in** sockaddrs;
int num_addrs;
if (sq_get_bound_addresses(context_, &sockaddrs, &num_addrs)) {
return Status::NetworkError("Unable to get bound addresses from Mongoose");
for (int i = 0; i < num_addrs; i++) {
return Status::OK();
Status Webserver::GetAdvertisedAddresses(vector<Sockaddr>* addresses) const {
if (!context_) {
return Status::ServiceUnavailable("Not started");
if (webserver_advertised_addresses_.empty()) {
return GetBoundAddresses(addresses);
*addresses = webserver_advertised_addresses_;
return Status::OK();
int Webserver::LogMessageCallbackStatic(const struct sq_connection* /*connection*/,
const char* message) {
if (message != nullptr) {
// Using the ERROR severity for squeasel messages: as per source code at
// c304d3f3481b07bf153979155f02e0aab24d01de/squeasel.c#L392
// the squeasel server uses the log callback to report on errors.
static simple_spinlock kErrMsgLock_;
std::unique_lock<simple_spinlock> l(kErrMsgLock_);
kWebserverLastErrMsg = message;
LOG(ERROR) << "Webserver: " << message;
return 1;
return 0;
sq_callback_result_t Webserver::BeginRequestCallbackStatic(
struct sq_connection* connection) {
struct sq_request_info* request_info = sq_get_request_info(connection);
Webserver* instance = reinterpret_cast<Webserver*>(request_info->user_data);
return instance->BeginRequestCallback(connection, request_info);
sq_callback_result_t Webserver::BeginRequestCallback(
struct sq_connection* connection,
struct sq_request_info* request_info) {
if (strncmp("OPTIONS", request_info->request_method, 7) == 0) {
// Let Squeasel deal with the request. OPTIONS requests should not require
// authentication, so do this before doing SPNEGO.
// The last SPNEGO step in a successful authentication may include a response
// header (e.g. when using mutual authentication).
PrerenderedWebResponse resp;
if (opts_.require_spnego) {
const char* authz_header = sq_get_header(connection, "Authorization");
string authn_princ;
Status s = RunSpnegoStep(authz_header, &resp.response_headers, &authn_princ);
if (s.IsIncomplete()) {
resp.output << "Must authenticate with SPNEGO.";
resp.status_code = HttpStatusCode::AuthenticationRequired;
SendResponse(connection, &resp);
if (s.ok() && authn_princ.empty()) {
s = Status::RuntimeError("SPNEGO indicated complete, but got empty principal");
// Crash in debug builds, but fall through to treating as an error 500 in
// release.
LOG(DFATAL) << "Got no authenticated principal for SPNEGO-authenticated "
<< " connection from "
<< GetRemoteAddress(request_info).ToString()
<< ": " << s.ToString();
if (!s.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to authenticate request from "
<< GetRemoteAddress(request_info).ToString()
<< " via SPNEGO: " << s.ToString();
resp.output << s.ToString();
resp.status_code = s.IsNotAuthorized() ?
HttpStatusCode::AuthenticationRequired :
SendResponse(connection, &resp);
if (opts_.spnego_post_authn_callback) {
request_info->remote_user = strdup(authn_princ.c_str());
PathHandler* handler;
shared_lock<RWMutex> l(lock_);
PathHandlerMap::const_iterator it = path_handlers_.find(request_info->uri);
if (it == path_handlers_.end()) {
// Let Mongoose deal with this request; returning NULL will fall through
// to the default handler which will serve files.
if (!opts_.doc_root.empty() && opts_.enable_doc_root) {
VLOG(2) << "HTTP File access: " << request_info->uri;
// TODO(adar): if using SPNEGO, do we need to somehow send the
// authentication response header here?
resp.output << Substitute("No handler for URI $0\r\n\r\n", request_info->uri);
resp.status_code = HttpStatusCode::NotFound;
SendResponse(connection, &resp);
handler = it->second;
return RunPathHandler(*handler, connection, request_info, &resp);
sq_callback_result_t Webserver::RunPathHandler(
const PathHandler& handler,
struct sq_connection* connection,
struct sq_request_info* request_info,
PrerenderedWebResponse* resp) {
WebRequest req;
if (request_info->query_string != nullptr) {
req.query_string = request_info->query_string;
BuildArgumentMap(request_info->query_string, &req.parsed_args);
for (int i = 0; i < request_info->num_headers; i++) {
const auto& h = request_info->http_headers[i];
string key =;
// Canonicalize header names to lower case so that we needn't worry about
// doing case-insensitive comparisons throughout.
req.request_headers[key] = h.value;
req.request_method = request_info->request_method;
if (req.request_method == "POST") {
const char* content_len_str = sq_get_header(connection, "Content-Length");
int32_t content_len = 0;
if (content_len_str == nullptr ||
!safe_strto32(content_len_str, &content_len)) {
resp->status_code = HttpStatusCode::LengthRequired;
SendResponse(connection, resp);
if (content_len > FLAGS_webserver_max_post_length_bytes) {
// TODO(wdb): for this and other HTTP requests, we should log the
// remote IP, etc.
LOG(WARNING) << "Rejected POST with content length " << content_len;
resp->status_code = HttpStatusCode::RequestEntityTooLarge;
SendResponse(connection, resp);
char buf[8192];
int rem = content_len;
while (rem > 0) {
int n = sq_read(connection, buf, std::min<int>(sizeof(buf), rem));
if (n <= 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "error reading POST data: expected "
<< content_len << " bytes but only read "
<< req.post_data.size();
resp->status_code = HttpStatusCode::InternalServerError;
SendResponse(connection, resp);
req.post_data.append(buf, n);
rem -= n;
// Enable or disable redaction from the web UI based on the setting of --redact.
// This affects operations like default value and scan predicate pretty printing.
if (kudu::g_should_redact == kudu::RedactContext::ALL) {
handler.callback()(req, resp);
} else {
ScopedDisableRedaction s;
handler.callback()(req, resp);
// Should we render with css styles?
StyleMode use_style = handler.is_styled() && !ContainsKey(req.parsed_args, "raw") ?
StyleMode::STYLED : StyleMode::UNSTYLED;
SendResponse(connection, resp, &req, use_style);
void Webserver::SendResponse(struct sq_connection* connection,
PrerenderedWebResponse* resp,
const WebRequest* req,
StyleMode mode) {
// If styling was requested, rerender and replace the prerendered output.
if (mode == StyleMode::STYLED) {
stringstream ss;
RenderMainTemplate(*req, resp->output.str(), &ss);
// Check if gzip compression is accepted by the caller. If so, compress the
// content and replace the prerendered output.
const char* accept_encoding_str = sq_get_header(connection, "Accept-Encoding");
bool is_compressed = false;
vector<string> encodings = strings::Split(accept_encoding_str, ",");
for (string& encoding : encodings) {
if (encoding == "gzip") {
// Don't bother compressing empty content.
string uncompressed = resp->output.str();
if (uncompressed.empty()) {
ostringstream oss;
Status s = zlib::CompressLevel(uncompressed, 1, &oss);
if (s.ok()) {
is_compressed = true;
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not compress output: " << s.ToString();
// We've deferred constructing the content for as long as possible; we must
// do so now so that we can determine the content length.
string body = resp->output.str();
// Buffers up the headers and content as follows:
// <header 1>
// <header 2>
// ...
// <header N>
// <body>
ostringstream oss;
// Write the headers to the buffer first, then write the body.
oss << Substitute("HTTP/1.1 $0\r\n", HttpStatusCodeToString(resp->status_code));
oss << Substitute("Content-Type: $0\r\n",
mode == StyleMode::STYLED ? "text/html" : "text/plain");
oss << Substitute("Content-Length: $0\r\n", body.length());
if (is_compressed) oss << "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n";
oss << Substitute("X-Frame-Options: $0\r\n", FLAGS_webserver_x_frame_options);
static const unordered_set<string> kInvalidHeaders = {
for (const auto& entry : resp->response_headers) {
// It's forbidden to override the above headers.
if (ContainsKey(kInvalidHeaders, entry.first)) {
LOG(FATAL) << Substitute("Reserved header $0 was overridden by handler",
oss << Substitute("$0: $1\r\n", entry.first, entry.second);
oss << "\r\n";
oss << body;
// Send the buffered response to Squeasel in one go to avoid the latency hit
// of Nagle's algorithm + delayed TCP acknowledgements.
// Make sure to use sq_write; sq_printf truncates at 8KB.
string complete_response = oss.str();
sq_write(connection, complete_response.c_str(), complete_response.length());
void Webserver::AddKnoxVariables(const WebRequest& req, EasyJson* json) {
if (WebCallbackRegistry::IsProxiedViaKnox(req)) {
(*json)["base_url"] = "/KNOX-BASE";
} else {
(*json)["base_url"] = "";
void Webserver::RegisterPathHandler(const string& path, const string& alias,
const PathHandlerCallback& callback, bool is_styled, bool is_on_nav_bar) {
string render_path = (path == "/") ? "/home" : path;
auto wrapped_cb = [=](const WebRequest& req, PrerenderedWebResponse* rendered_resp) {
WebResponse resp;
callback(req, &resp);
stringstream out;
AddKnoxVariables(req, &resp.output);
Render(render_path, resp.output, is_styled, &out);
rendered_resp->status_code = resp.status_code;
rendered_resp->response_headers = std::move(resp.response_headers);
rendered_resp->output << out.rdbuf();
RegisterPrerenderedPathHandler(path, alias, wrapped_cb, is_styled, is_on_nav_bar);
void Webserver::RegisterPrerenderedPathHandler(const string& path, const string& alias,
const PrerenderedPathHandlerCallback& callback, bool is_styled, bool is_on_nav_bar) {
std::lock_guard<RWMutex> l(lock_);
InsertOrDie(&path_handlers_, path, new PathHandler(is_styled, is_on_nav_bar, alias, callback));
string Webserver::MustachePartialTag(const string& path) const {
return Substitute("{{> $0.mustache}}", path);
bool Webserver::MustacheTemplateAvailable(const string& path) const {
if (!static_pages_available()) {
return false;
return Env::Default()->FileExists(Substitute("$0$1.mustache", opts_.doc_root, path));
static const char* const kMainTemplate = R"(
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8'/>
<link href='{{base_url}}/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css' rel='stylesheet' media='screen'/>
<link href='{{base_url}}/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-table.min.css' rel='stylesheet' media='screen'/>
<script src='{{base_url}}/jquery-3.5.1.min.js' defer></script>
<script src='{{base_url}}/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js' defer></script>
<script src='{{base_url}}/bootstrap/js/bootstrap-table.min.js' defer></script>
<script src='{{base_url}}/kudu.js' defer></script>
<link href='{{base_url}}/kudu.css' rel='stylesheet'/>
<link rel='icon' href='{{base_url}}/favicon.ico'>
<nav class="navbar navbar-default">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="navbar-header">
<a class="navbar-brand" style="padding-top: 5px;" href="{{base_url}}/">
<img src="{{base_url}}/logo.png" width='61' height='45' alt="Kudu"/>
<div id="navbar" class="navbar-collapse collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<li><a class="nav-link" href="{{base_url}}{{path}}">{{alias}}</a></li>
</div><!--/.nav-collapse -->
</div><!--/.container-fluid -->
<div style="color: red">
<strong>Static pages not available. Configure KUDU_HOME or use the --webserver_doc_root
flag to fix page styling.</strong>
<footer class="footer"><div class="container text-muted">
void Webserver::RenderMainTemplate(
const WebRequest& req, const string& content, stringstream* output) {
EasyJson ej;
ej["static_pages_available"] = static_pages_available();
ej["content"] = content;
AddKnoxVariables(req, &ej);
shared_lock<RWMutex> l(lock_);
ej["footer_html"] = footer_html_;
EasyJson path_handlers = ej.Set("path_handlers", EasyJson::kArray);
for (const PathHandlerMap::value_type& handler : path_handlers_) {
if (handler.second->is_on_nav_bar()) {
EasyJson path_handler = path_handlers.PushBack(EasyJson::kObject);
path_handler["path"] = handler.first;
path_handler["alias"] = handler.second->alias();
RenderTemplate(kMainTemplate, opts_.doc_root, ej.value(), output);
void Webserver::Render(const string& path, const EasyJson& ej, bool use_style,
stringstream* output) {
if (MustacheTemplateAvailable(path)) {
RenderTemplate(MustachePartialTag(path), opts_.doc_root, ej.value(), output);
} else if (use_style) {
(*output) << "<pre>" << ej.ToString() << "</pre>";
} else {
(*output) << ej.ToString();
bool Webserver::static_pages_available() const {
return !opts_.doc_root.empty() && opts_.enable_doc_root;
void Webserver::set_footer_html(const std::string& html) {
std::lock_guard<RWMutex> l(lock_);
footer_html_ = html;
} // namespace kudu