blob: 8062df6a131a5bb1464f54ea63d98892388e187e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/transactions/txn_status_manager.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/metadata.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/raft_consensus.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/tablet_replica.h"
#include "kudu/transactions/transactions.pb.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tserver.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/cow_object.h"
#include "kudu/util/fault_injection.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/pb_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/scoped_cleanup.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
DEFINE_uint32(txn_keepalive_interval_ms, 30000,
"Maximum interval (in milliseconds) between subsequent "
"keep-alive heartbeats to let the transaction status manager "
"know that a transaction is not abandoned. If the transaction "
"status manager does not receive a keepalive message for a "
"longer interval than the specified, the transaction is "
"automatically aborted.");
TAG_FLAG(txn_keepalive_interval_ms, experimental);
TAG_FLAG(txn_keepalive_interval_ms, runtime);
DEFINE_int32(txn_status_manager_inject_latency_load_from_tablet_ms, 0,
"Injects a random latency between 0 and this many milliseconds "
"when loading data from the txn status tablet replica backing "
"the instance of TxnStatusManager. This is a test-only flag, "
"do not use in production.");
TAG_FLAG(txn_status_manager_inject_latency_load_from_tablet_ms, hidden);
TAG_FLAG(txn_status_manager_inject_latency_load_from_tablet_ms, unsafe);
DEFINE_uint32(txn_staleness_tracker_interval_ms, 10000,
"Period (in milliseconds) of the task that tracks and aborts "
"stale/abandoned transactions. If this flag is set to 0, "
"TxnStatusManager doesn't automatically abort stale/abandoned "
"transactions even if no keepalive messages are received for "
"longer than defined by the --txn_keepalive_interval_ms flag.");
TAG_FLAG(txn_staleness_tracker_interval_ms, experimental);
TAG_FLAG(txn_staleness_tracker_interval_ms, runtime);
using kudu::pb_util::SecureShortDebugString;
using kudu::tablet::ParticipantIdsByTxnId;
using kudu::tserver::TabletServerErrorPB;
using kudu::consensus::RaftPeerPB;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace transactions {
namespace {
// The following special values are used to determine whether the data from
// the underlying transaction status tablet has already been loaded
// (an alternative would be introducing a dedicated member field into the
// TxnStatusManager):
// * kIdStatusDataNotLoaded: value assigned at construction time
// * kIdStatusDataReady: value after loading data from the transaction status
// tablet (unless the tablet contains a record with higher txn_id)
constexpr int64_t kIdStatusDataNotLoaded = -2;
constexpr int64_t kIdStatusDataReady = -1;
Status ReportIllegalTxnState(const string& errmsg,
TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error) {
auto s = Status::IllegalState(errmsg);
TabletServerErrorPB error;
StatusToPB(s, error.mutable_status());
*ts_error = std::move(error);
return s;
} // anonymous namespace
: highest_txn_id_(kIdStatusDataReady) {
void TxnStatusManagerBuildingVisitor::VisitTransactionEntries(
int64_t txn_id, TxnStatusEntryPB status_entry_pb,
vector<ParticipantIdAndPB> participants) {
scoped_refptr<TransactionEntry> txn = new TransactionEntry(txn_id, status_entry_pb.user());
TransactionEntryLock txn_lock(txn.get(), LockMode::WRITE);
txn_lock.mutable_data()->pb = std::move(status_entry_pb);
// Lock the transaction while we build the participants.
TransactionEntryLock txn_lock(txn.get(), LockMode::READ);
for (auto& participant_and_state : participants) {
const auto& prt_id = participant_and_state.first;
auto& prt_entry_pb = participant_and_state.second;
// Register a participant entry for this transaction.
auto prt = txn->GetOrCreateParticipant(prt_id);
ParticipantEntryLock l(prt.get(), LockMode::WRITE);
l.mutable_data()->pb = std::move(prt_entry_pb);
// NOTE: this method isn't meant to be thread-safe, hence the lack of
// locking.
EmplaceOrDie(&txns_by_id_, txn_id, std::move(txn));
highest_txn_id_ = std::max(highest_txn_id_, txn_id);
void TxnStatusManagerBuildingVisitor::Release(
int64_t* highest_txn_id, TransactionsMap* txns_by_id) {
*highest_txn_id = highest_txn_id_;
*txns_by_id = std::move(txns_by_id_);
TxnStatusManager::TxnStatusManager(tablet::TabletReplica* tablet_replica)
: highest_txn_id_(kIdStatusDataNotLoaded),
status_tablet_(tablet_replica) {
Status TxnStatusManager::LoadFromTablet() {
TxnStatusManagerBuildingVisitor v;
int64_t highest_txn_id;
TransactionsMap txns_by_id;
v.Release(&highest_txn_id, &txns_by_id);
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
highest_txn_id_ = std::max(highest_txn_id, highest_txn_id_);
txns_by_id_ = std::move(txns_by_id);
return Status::OK();
Status TxnStatusManager::CheckTxnStatusDataLoadedUnlocked(
TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error) const {
// TODO(aserbin): this is just to handle requests which come in a short time
// interval when the leader replica of the transaction status
// tablet is already in RUNNING state, but the records from
// the tablet hasn't yet been loaded into the runtime
// structures of this TxnStatusManager instance. However,
// the case when a former leader replica is queried about the
// status of transactions which it is no longer aware of should
// be handled separately.
if (PREDICT_FALSE(highest_txn_id_ <= kIdStatusDataNotLoaded)) {
return Status::ServiceUnavailable("transaction status data is not loaded");
auto* consensus = status_tablet_.tablet_replica_->consensus();
if (consensus->role() != RaftPeerPB::LEADER) {
static const Status kErrStatus = Status::ServiceUnavailable(
"txn status tablet replica is not a leader");
TabletServerErrorPB error;
StatusToPB(kErrStatus, error.mutable_status());
*ts_error = std::move(error);
return kErrStatus;
return Status::OK();
Status TxnStatusManager::GetTransaction(int64_t txn_id,
const boost::optional<string>& user,
scoped_refptr<TransactionEntry>* txn,
TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error) const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
// First, make sure the transaction status data has been loaded. If not, then
// the caller might get an unexpected error response and bail instead of
// retrying a bit later and getting proper response.
scoped_refptr<TransactionEntry> ret = FindPtrOrNull(txns_by_id_, txn_id);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!ret)) {
return Status::NotFound(
Substitute("transaction ID $0 not found, current highest txn ID: $1",
txn_id, highest_txn_id_));
if (PREDICT_FALSE(user && ret->user() != *user)) {
return Status::NotAuthorized(
Substitute("transaction ID $0 not owned by $1", txn_id, *user));
*txn = std::move(ret);
return Status::OK();
// NOTE: In this method, the idea is to try setting the 'highest_seen_txn_id'
// on return in most cases. Sending back the most recent highest
// transaction identifier helps to avoid extra RPC calls from
// TxnManager to TxnStatusManager in case of contention. Since we use
// a trial-and-error approach to assign transaction identifiers,
// in case of higher contention outdated and not assigned
// highest_seen_txn_id would cause at least one extra round-trip between
// TxnManager and TxnStatusManager to come up with a valid identifier
// for a transaction.
Status TxnStatusManager::BeginTransaction(int64_t txn_id,
const string& user,
int64_t* highest_seen_txn_id,
TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
// First, make sure the transaction status data has been loaded.
// If not, then there is chance that, being a leader, this replica might
// register a transaction with the identifier which is lower than the
// identifiers of already registered transactions.
// If this check fails, don not set the 'highest_seen_txn_id' because
// 'highest_txn_id_' doesn't contain any meaningful value yet.
// Second, make sure the requested ID is viable.
if (PREDICT_FALSE(txn_id <= highest_txn_id_)) {
if (highest_seen_txn_id) {
*highest_seen_txn_id = highest_txn_id_;
return Status::InvalidArgument(
Substitute("transaction ID $0 is not higher than the highest ID so far: $1",
txn_id, highest_txn_id_));
// TODO(awong): reduce the "damage" from followers getting requests by
// checking for leadership before doing anything. As is, if this replica
// isn't the leader, we may aggressively burn through transaction IDs.
highest_txn_id_ = txn_id;
// NOTE: it's fine if these underlying tablet ops race with one another --
// since we've serialized the transaction ID checking above, we're guaranteed
// that at most one call to start a given transaction ID can succeed.
// This ScopedCleanup instance is to set 'highest_seen_txn_id' if writing
// the entry into the txn status tablet fails.
auto cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
if (highest_seen_txn_id) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
*highest_seen_txn_id = highest_txn_id_;
// Write an entry to the status tablet for this transaction.
RETURN_NOT_OK(status_tablet_.AddNewTransaction(txn_id, user, ts_error));
// Now that we've successfully persisted the new transaction ID, initialize
// the in-memory state and make it visible to clients.
scoped_refptr<TransactionEntry> txn = new TransactionEntry(txn_id, user);
TransactionEntryLock txn_lock(txn.get(), LockMode::WRITE);
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
EmplaceOrDie(&txns_by_id_, txn_id, std::move(txn));
if (highest_seen_txn_id) {
*highest_seen_txn_id = highest_txn_id_;
// Avoid acquiring the lock again: 'highest_seen_txn_id' has already been set.
return Status::OK();
Status TxnStatusManager::BeginCommitTransaction(int64_t txn_id, const string& user,
TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error) {
scoped_refptr<TransactionEntry> txn;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetTransaction(txn_id, user, &txn, ts_error));
TransactionEntryLock txn_lock(txn.get(), LockMode::WRITE);
const auto& pb =;
const auto& state = pb.state();
if (state == TxnStatePB::COMMIT_IN_PROGRESS) {
return Status::OK();
if (PREDICT_FALSE(state != TxnStatePB::OPEN)) {
return ReportIllegalTxnState(Substitute("transaction ID $0 is not open: $1",
txn_id, SecureShortDebugString(pb)),
auto* mutable_data = txn_lock.mutable_data();
RETURN_NOT_OK(status_tablet_.UpdateTransaction(txn_id, mutable_data->pb, ts_error));
return Status::OK();
Status TxnStatusManager::FinalizeCommitTransaction(
int64_t txn_id,
TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error) {
scoped_refptr<TransactionEntry> txn;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetTransaction(txn_id, boost::none, &txn, ts_error));
TransactionEntryLock txn_lock(txn.get(), LockMode::WRITE);
const auto& pb =;
const auto& state = pb.state();
if (state == TxnStatePB::COMMITTED) {
return Status::OK();
return ReportIllegalTxnState(
Substitute("transaction ID $0 is not committing: $1",
txn_id, SecureShortDebugString(pb)),
auto* mutable_data = txn_lock.mutable_data();
txn_id, mutable_data->pb, ts_error));
return Status::OK();
Status TxnStatusManager::AbortTransaction(int64_t txn_id,
const std::string& user,
TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error) {
scoped_refptr<TransactionEntry> txn;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetTransaction(txn_id, user, &txn, ts_error));
TransactionEntryLock txn_lock(txn.get(), LockMode::WRITE);
const auto& pb =;
const auto& state = pb.state();
if (state == TxnStatePB::ABORTED) {
return Status::OK();
if (PREDICT_FALSE(state != TxnStatePB::OPEN &&
state != TxnStatePB::COMMIT_IN_PROGRESS)) {
return ReportIllegalTxnState(
Substitute("transaction ID $0 cannot be aborted: $1",
txn_id, SecureShortDebugString(pb)),
auto* mutable_data = txn_lock.mutable_data();
RETURN_NOT_OK(status_tablet_.UpdateTransaction(txn_id, mutable_data->pb, ts_error));
return Status::OK();
Status TxnStatusManager::GetTransactionStatus(
int64_t txn_id,
const std::string& user,
transactions::TxnStatusEntryPB* txn_status,
TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error) {
scoped_refptr<TransactionEntry> txn;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetTransaction(txn_id, user, &txn, ts_error));
TransactionEntryLock txn_lock(txn.get(), LockMode::READ);
const auto& pb =;
return Status::OK();
Status TxnStatusManager::KeepTransactionAlive(int64_t txn_id,
const string& user,
TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error) {
scoped_refptr<TransactionEntry> txn;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetTransaction(txn_id, user, &txn, ts_error));
// It's a read (not write) lock because the last heartbeat time isn't
// persisted into the transaction status tablet. In other words, the last
// heartbeat time is a purely run-time piece of information for a
// TransactionEntry.
TransactionEntryLock txn_lock(txn.get(), LockMode::READ);
const auto& pb =;
const auto& state = pb.state();
if (state != TxnStatePB::OPEN &&
state != TxnStatePB::COMMIT_IN_PROGRESS) {
return ReportIllegalTxnState(
Substitute("transaction ID $0 is already in terminal state: $1",
txn_id, SecureShortDebugString(pb)),
// Keepalive updates are not required for a transaction in COMMIT_IN_PROGRESS
// state. The system takes care of a transaction once the client side
// initiates the commit phase.
if (state == TxnStatePB::COMMIT_IN_PROGRESS) {
return ReportIllegalTxnState(
Substitute("transaction ID $0 is in commit phase: $1",
txn_id, SecureShortDebugString(pb)),
DCHECK_EQ(TxnStatePB::OPEN, state);
return Status::OK();
Status TxnStatusManager::RegisterParticipant(
int64_t txn_id,
const string& tablet_id,
const string& user,
TabletServerErrorPB* ts_error) {
scoped_refptr<TransactionEntry> txn;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetTransaction(txn_id, user, &txn, ts_error));
// Lock the transaction in read mode and check that it's open. If the
// transaction isn't open, e.g. because a commit is already in progress,
// return an error.
TransactionEntryLock txn_lock(txn.get(), LockMode::READ);
const auto& txn_state =;
if (PREDICT_FALSE(txn_state != TxnStatePB::OPEN)) {
return ReportIllegalTxnState(Substitute("transaction ID $0 not open: $1",
txn_id, TxnStatePB_Name(txn_state)),
auto participant = txn->GetOrCreateParticipant(tablet_id);
ParticipantEntryLock prt_lock(participant.get(), LockMode::WRITE);
const auto& prt_state =;
if (prt_state == TxnStatePB::OPEN) {
// If an open participant already exists, there's nothing more to do.
return Status::OK();
if (PREDICT_FALSE(prt_state != TxnStatePB::UNKNOWN)) {
// If the participant is otherwise initialized, e.g. aborted, committing,
// etc, adding the participant again should fail.
return Status::IllegalState("participant entry already exists");
// Write the new participant entry.
RETURN_NOT_OK(status_tablet_.AddNewParticipant(txn_id, tablet_id, ts_error));
// Now that we've persisted the new participant to disk, update the in-memory
// state to denote the participant is open.
return Status::OK();
void TxnStatusManager::AbortStaleTransactions() {
const MonoDelta max_staleness_interval =
auto* consensus = status_tablet_.tablet_replica_->consensus();
if (consensus->role() != RaftPeerPB::LEADER) {
// Only leader replicas abort stale transactions registered with them.
// As of now, keep-alive requests are sent only to leader replicas, so only
// they have up-to-date information about the liveliness of corresponding
// transactions.
// If a non-leader replica errorneously (due to a network partition and
// the absence of leader leases) tried to abort a transaction, it would fail
// because aborting a transaction means writing into the transaction status
// tablet, so a non-leader replica's write attempt would be rejected by
// the Raft consensus protocol.
TransactionsMap txns_by_id;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
for (const auto& elem : txns_by_id_) {
const auto state = elem.second->state();
// The tracker is interested only in open transactions. It's not concerned
// about transactions in terminal states (i.e. COMMITTED, ABORTED): there
// is nothing can be done with those. As for transactions in
// COMMIT_IN_PROGRESS state, the system should be take care of those
// without any participation from the client side, so txn keepalive
// messages are not required while the system tries to finalize those.
if (state == TxnStatePB::OPEN) {
txns_by_id.emplace(elem.first, elem.second);
const MonoTime now = MonoTime::Now();
for (auto& elem : txns_by_id) {
const auto& txn_id = elem.first;
const auto& txn_entry = elem.second;
const auto staleness_interval = now - txn_entry->last_heartbeat_time();
if (staleness_interval > max_staleness_interval) {
TabletServerErrorPB error;
auto s = AbortTransaction(txn_id, txn_entry->user(), &error);
if (PREDICT_TRUE(s.ok())) {
LOG(INFO) << Substitute(
"automatically aborted stale txn (ID $0) past $1 from "
"last keepalive heartbeat (effective timeout is $2)",
txn_id, staleness_interval.ToString(),
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << Substitute(
"failed to abort stale txn (ID $0) past $1 from "
"last keepalive heartbeat (effective timeout is $2): $3",
txn_id, staleness_interval.ToString(),
max_staleness_interval.ToString(), s.ToString());
if (consensus->role() != RaftPeerPB::LEADER ||
!status_tablet_.tablet_replica()->CheckRunning().ok()) {
// If the replica is no longer a leader at this point, there is
// no sense in processing the rest of the entries.
LOG(INFO) << "skipping staleness check for the rest of in-flight "
"txn records since this txn status tablet replica "
"is no longer a leader or not running";
ParticipantIdsByTxnId TxnStatusManager::GetParticipantsByTxnIdForTests() const {
ParticipantIdsByTxnId ret;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
for (const auto& id_and_txn : txns_by_id_) {
const auto& txn = id_and_txn.second;
vector<string> prt_ids = txn->GetParticipantIds();
std::sort(prt_ids.begin(), prt_ids.end());
EmplaceOrDie(&ret, id_and_txn.first, std::move(prt_ids));
return ret;
} // namespace transactions
} // namespace kudu