blob: 064fbc9cf836d397939a3b035618738f9ee6ef87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package kudu.log;
option java_package = "org.apache.kudu.log";
import "kudu/common/common.proto";
import "kudu/consensus/consensus.proto";
import "kudu/consensus/metadata.proto";
import "kudu/util/compression/compression.proto";
// ===========================================================================
// Log Entries - Log specific messages + single node messages
// ===========================================================================
// Types of log entries.
enum LogEntryTypePB {
// Marker entry for dummy log messages. These will never end up in the log,
// just serve the purpose of making sure that all entries up to the FLUSH_MARKER
// entry are flushed.
// An entry in the WAL/state machine log.
message LogEntryPB {
required LogEntryTypePB type = 1;
optional consensus.ReplicateMsg replicate = 2;
optional consensus.CommitMsg commit = 3;
// A batch of entries in the WAL.
message LogEntryBatchPB {
repeated LogEntryPB entry = 1;
// A header for a log segment.
message LogSegmentHeaderPB {
// Log format major/minor version. These were written by Kudu 1.2 and
// earlier, and marked as required in those versions, but unfortunately
// they were never verified on read. So, in order to make the logs written
// by newer versions give a reasonable error if an old version tries to
// read them, we no longer write these fields.
optional uint32 DEPRECATED_major_version = 1;
optional uint32 DEPRECATED_minor_version = 2;
enum FeatureFlag {
UNKNOWN = 999;
// Set of features used in this log segment which would make the segment
// unreadable by earlier versions that do not implement them. If a reader
// sees a value in this list that doesn't correspond to a known value of
// the above enum, then it should avoid opening the WAL segment.
// See KUDU-1850 for details on why we can't just use the FeatureFlag type
// directly.
repeated int32 incompatible_features = 10;
// The ID of the tablet this WAL segment stores entries for.
required bytes tablet_id = 5;
// The tablet-specific sequence number of this WAL segment.
required uint64 sequence_number = 6;
// Schema used when appending entries to this log, and its version.
required SchemaPB schema = 7;
optional uint32 schema_version = 8;
// Compression codec used for log entries.
optional CompressionType compression_codec = 9 [ default = NO_COMPRESSION ];
// A footer for a log segment.
// Log segment footers might not be present (e.g. if the server
// crashed) so they should contain no information that cannot
// be obtained by actually reading the entries in the log.
// We use the footer to keep sparse index entries mapping
// op_id->offset (right now we just keep the first entry with an
// id in the log)
message LogSegmentFooterPB {
// the total number of operations inside this segment
required int64 num_entries = 1;
// The minimum and maximum index of a REPLICATE message in this segment.
// NOTE: because of log truncation, the min/max are not necessarily the first/last!
// For example, a log segment may contain entries "1.5, 1.6, 3.3, 2.3" due to multiple
// term changes.
// Because it's possible for a segment to have no replicate messages in it,
// these are optional. We set the default to -1 to avoid accidentally reading
// 0, which might look like a real log index.
optional int64 min_replicate_index = 2 [ default = -1 ];
optional int64 max_replicate_index = 3 [ default = -1 ];
// The time (microseconds since epoch) when this segment was closed.
// NOTE: since log segments are rewritten during bootstrap, these will all
// be reset to the time of the bootstrap on a newly-restarted server, rather
// than copied over from the old log segments.
optional int64 close_timestamp_micros = 4;