blob: d6592827ed36422504323bffbbe8c17bd380957e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <gflags/gflags_declare.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/client/client.h"
#include "kudu/client/schema.h"
#include "kudu/client/shared_ptr.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/split.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/stringpiece.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/hms/hive_metastore_types.h"
#include "kudu/hms/hms_catalog.h"
#include "kudu/hms/hms_client.h"
#include "kudu/tools/tool_action.h"
#include "kudu/tools/tool_action_common.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
DEFINE_bool(dryrun, false,
"Print a message for each fix, but do not make modifications to Kudu or the Hive Metastore.");
DEFINE_bool(drop_orphan_hms_tables, false,
"Drop orphan Hive Metastore tables which refer to non-existent Kudu tables.");
DEFINE_bool(create_missing_hms_tables, true,
"Create a Hive Metastore table for each Kudu table which is missing one.");
DEFINE_bool(fix_inconsistent_tables, true,
"Fix tables whose Kudu and Hive Metastore metadata differ. If the table name is "
"different, the table is renamed in Kudu to match the HMS. If the columns "
"or other metadata is different the HMS is updated to match Kudu.");
DEFINE_bool(upgrade_hms_tables, true,
"Upgrade Hive Metastore tables from the legacy Impala metadata format to the "
"new Kudu metadata format.");
DEFINE_bool(ignore_other_clusters, true,
"Whether to ignore entirely separate Kudu clusters, as indicated by a "
"different set of master addresses.");
namespace kudu {
namespace tools {
using client::KuduClient;
using client::KuduClientBuilder;
using client::KuduSchema;
using client::KuduTable;
using client::KuduTableAlterer;
using client::sp::shared_ptr;
using hms::HmsCatalog;
using hms::HmsClient;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::make_pair;
using std::ostream;
using std::pair;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::vector;
using strings::Split;
using strings::Substitute;
// Only alter the table in Kudu but not in the Hive Metastore.
Status RenameTableInKuduCatalog(KuduClient* kudu_client,
const string& name,
const string& new_name) {
unique_ptr<KuduTableAlterer> alterer(kudu_client->NewTableAlterer(name));
return alterer->RenameTo(new_name)
Status Init(const RunnerContext& context,
shared_ptr<KuduClient>* kudu_client,
unique_ptr<HmsCatalog>* hms_catalog,
string* master_addrs) {
string master_addrs_flag;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseMasterAddressesStr(context, &master_addrs_flag));
// Create a Kudu Client.
.master_server_addrs(Split(master_addrs_flag, ","))
// Get the configured master addresses from the leader master. It's critical
// that the check and fix tools use the exact same master address
// configuration that the masters do, otherwise the HMS table entries will
// disagree on the master addresses property.
*master_addrs = (*kudu_client)->GetMasterAddresses();
if (FLAGS_hive_metastore_uris.empty()) {
string hive_metastore_uris = (*kudu_client)->GetHiveMetastoreUris();
if (hive_metastore_uris.empty()) {
return Status::ConfigurationError(
"Could not fetch the Hive Metastore locations from the Kudu master "
"since it is not configured with the Hive Metastore integration. "
"Run the tool with --hive_metastore_uris and pass in the location(s) "
"of the Hive Metastore.");
bool hive_metastore_sasl_enabled = (*kudu_client)->GetHiveMetastoreSaslEnabled();
// Override the flag values.
FLAGS_hive_metastore_uris = hive_metastore_uris;
FLAGS_hive_metastore_sasl_enabled = hive_metastore_sasl_enabled;
// Create HMS catalog.
hms_catalog->reset(new hms::HmsCatalog(master_addrs_flag));
return (*hms_catalog)->Start();
Status HmsDowngrade(const RunnerContext& context) {
shared_ptr<KuduClient> kudu_client;
unique_ptr<HmsCatalog> hms_catalog;
string master_addrs;
Init(context, &kudu_client, &hms_catalog, &master_addrs);
// 1. Identify all Kudu tables in the HMS entries.
vector<hive::Table> hms_tables;
// 2. Downgrades all Kudu tables to legacy table format.
for (auto& hms_table : hms_tables) {
if (hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey] == HmsClient::kKuduStorageHandler) {
Substitute("$0.$1", hms_table.dbName, hms_table.tableName)));
return Status::OK();
// Given a Kudu table and a HMS table, checks if their metadata is in sync.
bool IsSynced(const set<string>& master_addresses,
const KuduTable& kudu_table,
const hive::Table& hms_table) {
auto schema = KuduSchema::ToSchema(kudu_table.schema());
hive::Table hms_table_copy(hms_table);
// TODO(ghenke): Get the owner from Kudu?
const string* hms_masters_field = FindOrNull(hms_table.parameters,
if (!hms_masters_field ||
master_addresses != static_cast<set<string>>(Split(*hms_masters_field, ","))) {
return false;
Status s = HmsCatalog::PopulateTable(,, hms_table.owner, schema,
*hms_masters_field, hms_table.tableType, &hms_table_copy);
return s.ok() && hms_table_copy == hms_table;
// Prints catalog information about Kudu tables in data table format to 'out'.
Status PrintKuduTables(const string& master_addrs,
const vector<shared_ptr<KuduTable>>& kudu_tables,
ostream& out) {
DataTable table({
"Kudu table",
"Kudu table ID",
"Kudu master addresses",
for (const auto& kudu_table : kudu_tables) {
return table.PrintTo(out);
// Prints catalog information about Kudu and HMS tables in data table format to 'out'.
Status PrintTables(const string& master_addrs,
vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table*>> tables,
ostream& out) {
DataTable table({
"Kudu table",
"Kudu table ID",
"Kudu master addresses",
"HMS database",
"HMS table",
"HMS table type",
Substitute("HMS $0", HmsClient::kKuduTableNameKey),
Substitute("HMS $0", HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey),
Substitute("HMS $0", HmsClient::kKuduMasterAddrsKey),
Substitute("HMS $0", HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey),
for (auto& pair : tables) {
vector<string> row;
if (pair.first) {
const KuduTable& kudu_table = *pair.first;
} else {
if (pair.second) {
hive::Table& hms_table = *pair.second;
} else {
return table.PrintTo(out);
// Prints catalog information about Kudu HMS tables in data table format to 'out'.
Status PrintHMSTables(vector<hive::Table> tables, ostream& out) {
DataTable table({});
for (const auto& column : strings::Split(FLAGS_columns, ",", strings::SkipEmpty())) {
vector<string> values;
if (boost::iequals(column, "database")) {
for (auto& hms_table : tables) {
} else if (boost::iequals(column, "table")) {
for (auto& hms_table : tables) {
} else if (boost::iequals(column, "type")) {
for (auto& hms_table : tables) {
} else if (boost::iequals(column, "owner")) {
for (auto& hms_table : tables) {
} else if (boost::iequals(column, HmsClient::kKuduTableNameKey)) {
for (auto& hms_table : tables) {
} else if (boost::iequals(column, HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey)) {
for (auto& hms_table : tables) {
} else if (boost::iequals(column, HmsClient::kKuduMasterAddrsKey)) {
for (auto& hms_table : tables) {
} else if (boost::iequals(column, HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey)) {
for (auto& hms_table : tables) {
} else {
return Status::InvalidArgument("unknown column (--columns)", column);
table.AddColumn(column.ToString(), std::move(values));
return table.PrintTo(out);
// A report of inconsistent tables in Kudu and the HMS catalogs.
struct CatalogReport {
// Kudu tables in the HMS catalog which have no corresponding table in the
// Kudu catalog (including legacy tables).
vector<hive::Table> orphan_hms_tables;
// Tables in the Kudu catalog which have no corresponding table in the HMS catalog.
vector<shared_ptr<KuduTable>> missing_hms_tables;
// Tables in the Kudu catalog which have a Hive-incompatible name, and which
// are not referenced by an existing legacy Hive table (otherwise they would
// fall in to 'inconsistent_tables').
// These tables can not be automatically corrected by the fix tool.
vector<shared_ptr<KuduTable>> invalid_name_tables;
// Legacy Imapala/Kudu tables (storage handler is com.cloudera.kudu.hive.KuduStorageHandler).
vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table>> legacy_hms_tables;
// Kudu tables with multiple HMS table entries. The entries may or may not be legacy.
// These tables can not be automatically corrected by the fix tool.
vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table>> duplicate_hms_tables;
// Tables whose Kudu catalog table and HMS table are inconsistent.
vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table>> inconsistent_tables;
// Returns true if the report is empty.
bool empty() const {
return orphan_hms_tables.empty()
&& legacy_hms_tables.empty()
&& duplicate_hms_tables.empty()
&& inconsistent_tables.empty()
&& missing_hms_tables.empty()
&& invalid_name_tables.empty();
// Retrieves the entire Kudu catalog, as well as all Kudu tables in the HMS
// catalog, and compares them to find inconsistencies.
// Inconsistencies are bucketed into different groups, corresponding to how they
// can be repaired.
Status AnalyzeCatalogs(const string& master_addrs,
HmsCatalog* hms_catalog,
KuduClient* kudu_client,
CatalogReport* report) {
// Step 1: retrieve all Kudu tables, and aggregate them by ID and by name. The
// by-ID map will be used to match the HMS Kudu table entries. The by-name map
// will be used to match against legacy Impala/Kudu HMS table entries.
unordered_map<string, shared_ptr<KuduTable>> kudu_tables_by_id;
unordered_map<string, shared_ptr<KuduTable>> kudu_tables_by_name;
vector<string> kudu_table_names;
for (const string& kudu_table_name : kudu_table_names) {
shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table;
// TODO(dan): When the error is NotFound, prepend an admonishment about not
// running this tool when the catalog is in-flux.
RETURN_NOT_OK(kudu_client->OpenTable(kudu_table_name, &kudu_table));
kudu_tables_by_id.emplace(kudu_table->id(), kudu_table);
kudu_tables_by_name.emplace(kudu_table->name(), std::move(kudu_table));
// Step 2: retrieve all Kudu table entries in the HMS, filter all orphaned
// entries which reference non-existent Kudu tables, and group the rest by
// table type and table ID.
const set<string> kudu_master_addrs = Split(master_addrs, ",");
vector<hive::Table> orphan_hms_tables;
unordered_map<string, vector<hive::Table>> synchronized_hms_tables_by_id;
unordered_map<string, vector<hive::Table>> external_hms_tables_by_id;
vector<hive::Table> hms_tables;
for (hive::Table& hms_table : hms_tables) {
// If the addresses in the HMS entry don't overlap at all with the
// expected addresses, the entry is likely from another Kudu cluster.
// Ignore it if appropriate.
if (FLAGS_ignore_other_clusters) {
const string* hms_masters_field = FindOrNull(hms_table.parameters,
vector<string> master_intersection;
if (hms_masters_field) {
const set<string> hms_master_addrs = Split(*hms_masters_field, ",");
std::set_intersection(hms_master_addrs.begin(), hms_master_addrs.end(),
kudu_master_addrs.begin(), kudu_master_addrs.end(),
if (master_intersection.empty()) {
LOG(INFO) << Substitute("Skipping HMS table $0.$1 with different "
"masters specified: $2", hms_table.dbName, hms_table.tableName,
hms_masters_field ? *hms_masters_field : "<none>");
// If this is a non-legacy, synchronized table, we expect a table ID to exist
// in the HMS entry; look up the Kudu table by ID. Otherwise, look it up
// by table name.
shared_ptr<KuduTable>* kudu_table;
const string& storage_handler = hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey];
const string& hms_table_id = hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey];
const string& hms_table_name = hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kKuduTableNameKey];
if (storage_handler == HmsClient::kKuduStorageHandler &&
HmsClient::IsSynchronized(hms_table)) {
kudu_table = FindOrNull(kudu_tables_by_id, hms_table_id);
// If there is no kudu table that matches the id, or the id doesn't exist,
// lookup the table by name. This handles synchronized tables created when HMS
// sync was off or tables with IDs out of sync.
if (!kudu_table) {
kudu_table = FindOrNull(kudu_tables_by_name, hms_table_name);
} else {
kudu_table = FindOrNull(kudu_tables_by_name, hms_table_name);
if (kudu_table) {
if (HmsClient::IsSynchronized(hms_table)) {
} else if (hms_table.tableType == HmsClient::kExternalTable) {
} else if (HmsClient::IsSynchronized(hms_table)) {
// Note: we only consider synchronized HMS table entries "orphans"
// because unsynchronized external tables don't always point at valid
// Kudu tables.
// Step 3: Determine the state of each Kudu table's HMS entry(ies), and bin
// them appropriately.
vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table>> legacy_tables;
vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table>> duplicate_tables;
vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table>> stale_tables;
vector<shared_ptr<KuduTable>> missing_tables;
vector<shared_ptr<KuduTable>> invalid_name_tables;
for (auto& kudu_table_pair : kudu_tables_by_id) {
shared_ptr<KuduTable> kudu_table = kudu_table_pair.second;
// Check all of the synchronized HMS tables.
vector<hive::Table>* hms_tables = FindOrNull(synchronized_hms_tables_by_id,
// If the there are no synchronized HMS table entries, this table is missing
// HMS tables and might have an invalid table name.
if (!hms_tables) {
const string& table_name = kudu_table->name();
string normalized_table_name(, table_name.size());
Status s = hms::HmsCatalog::NormalizeTableName(&normalized_table_name);
if (!s.ok()) {
} else {
// If there is a single synchronized HMS table, this table could be unsynced or
// using the legacy handler.
} else if (hms_tables->size() == 1) {
hive::Table& hms_table = (*hms_tables)[0];
const string& storage_handler = hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey];
if (storage_handler == HmsClient::kKuduStorageHandler &&
!IsSynced(kudu_master_addrs, *kudu_table, hms_table)) {
stale_tables.emplace_back(make_pair(std::move(kudu_table), std::move(hms_table)));
} else if (storage_handler == HmsClient::kLegacyKuduStorageHandler) {
legacy_tables.emplace_back(make_pair(std::move(kudu_table), std::move(hms_table)));
// Otherwise, there are multiple synchronized HMS tables for a single Kudu table.
} else {
for (hive::Table& hms_table : *hms_tables) {
duplicate_tables.emplace_back(make_pair(kudu_table, std::move(hms_table)));
// Check all of the external HMS tables to see if they are using the legacy handler.
for (auto& hms_table_pair : external_hms_tables_by_id) {
shared_ptr<KuduTable>* kudu_table = FindOrNull(kudu_tables_by_id, hms_table_pair.first);
if (kudu_table) {
for (hive::Table &hms_table : hms_table_pair.second) {
const string &storage_handler = hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey];
if (storage_handler == HmsClient::kLegacyKuduStorageHandler) {
legacy_tables.emplace_back(make_pair(std::move(*kudu_table), std::move(hms_table)));
return Status::OK();
Status CheckHmsMetadata(const RunnerContext& context) {
// TODO(dan): check that the critical HMS configuration flags
// (--hive_metastore_uris, --hive_metastore_sasl_enabled) match on all masters.
shared_ptr<KuduClient> kudu_client;
unique_ptr<HmsCatalog> hms_catalog;
string master_addrs;
RETURN_NOT_OK(Init(context, &kudu_client, &hms_catalog, &master_addrs));
CatalogReport report;
RETURN_NOT_OK(AnalyzeCatalogs(master_addrs, hms_catalog.get(), kudu_client.get(), &report));
if (report.empty()) {
return Status::OK();
if (!report.invalid_name_tables.empty()) {
cout << "Found Kudu table(s) with Hive-incompatible names:" << endl;
RETURN_NOT_OK(PrintKuduTables(master_addrs, report.invalid_name_tables, cout));
cout << endl
<< "Suggestion: rename the Kudu table(s) to be Hive-compatible, then run the fix tool:"
<< endl;
for (const auto& table : report.invalid_name_tables) {
cout << "\t$ kudu table rename_table --modify_external_catalogs=false "
<< master_addrs << " " << table->name() << " <database-name>.<table-name>" << endl;
cout << endl;
if (!report.duplicate_hms_tables.empty()) {
vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table*>> tables;
for (auto& table : report.duplicate_hms_tables) {
tables.emplace_back(table.first, &table.second);
cout << "Found Kudu table(s) with multiple corresponding Hive Metastore tables:" << endl;
RETURN_NOT_OK(PrintTables(master_addrs, std::move(tables), cout));
cout << endl
<< "Suggestion: using Impala or the Hive Beeline shell, alter one of the duplicate"
<< endl
<< "Hive Metastore tables to be an external table referencing the base Kudu table."
<< endl
<< endl;
if (!report.orphan_hms_tables.empty() || !report.missing_hms_tables.empty()
|| !report.legacy_hms_tables.empty() || !report.inconsistent_tables.empty()) {
vector<pair<shared_ptr<KuduTable>, hive::Table*>> tables;
for (const auto& kudu_table : report.missing_hms_tables) {
tables.emplace_back(kudu_table, nullptr);
for (auto& table : report.legacy_hms_tables) {
tables.emplace_back(table.first, &table.second);
for (auto& table : report.inconsistent_tables) {
tables.emplace_back(table.first, &table.second);
for (auto& hms_table : report.orphan_hms_tables) {
tables.emplace_back(shared_ptr<KuduTable>(), &hms_table);
cout << "Found table(s) with missing or inconsisentent metadata in the Kudu "
"catalog or Hive Metastore:" << endl;
RETURN_NOT_OK(PrintTables(master_addrs, std::move(tables), cout));
if (report.orphan_hms_tables.empty()) {
cout << endl
<< "Suggestion: use the fix tool to repair the Kudu and Hive Metastore catalog metadata:"
<< endl
<< "\t$ kudu hms fix " << master_addrs << endl;
} else {
cout << endl
<< "Suggestion: use the fix tool to repair the Kudu and Hive Metastore catalog metadata"
<< endl
<< "and drop Hive Metastore table(s) which reference non-existent Kudu tables:" << endl
<< "\t$ kudu hms fix --drop_orphan_hms_tables " << master_addrs << endl;
// TODO(dan): add a link to the HMS guide on to this message.
return Status::IllegalState("found inconsistencies in the Kudu and HMS catalogs");
// Pretty-prints the table name and ID.
string TableIdent(const KuduTable& table) {
return Substitute("$0 [id=$1]",,;
// Analyzes the Kudu and HMS catalogs and attempts to fix any
// automatically-fixable issues.
// Error handling: unexpected errors (e.g. networking errors) are fatal and
// result in returning early. Expected application failures such as a rename
// failing due to duplicate table being present are logged and execution
// continues.
Status FixHmsMetadata(const RunnerContext& context) {
shared_ptr<KuduClient> kudu_client;
unique_ptr<HmsCatalog> hms_catalog;
string master_addrs;
RETURN_NOT_OK(Init(context, &kudu_client, &hms_catalog, &master_addrs));
CatalogReport report;
RETURN_NOT_OK(AnalyzeCatalogs(master_addrs, hms_catalog.get(), kudu_client.get(), &report));
bool success = true;
if (FLAGS_drop_orphan_hms_tables) {
for (hive::Table& hms_table : report.orphan_hms_tables) {
string table_name = Substitute("$0.$1", hms_table.dbName, hms_table.tableName);
const string& master_addrs_param = hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kKuduMasterAddrsKey];
if (master_addrs_param != master_addrs && !FLAGS_force) {
LOG(INFO) << "Skipping drop of orphan HMS table " << table_name
<< " with master addresses parameter " << master_addrs_param
<< " because it does not match the --" << kMasterAddressesArg << " argument"
<< " (use --force to skip this check)";
if (FLAGS_dryrun) {
LOG(INFO) << "[dryrun] Dropping orphan HMS table " << table_name;
} else {
const string& table_id = hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kKuduTableIdKey];
const string& storage_handler = hms_table.parameters[HmsClient::kStorageHandlerKey];
// All errors are fatal here, since we've already checked that the table exists in the HMS.
if (storage_handler == HmsClient::kKuduStorageHandler) {
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(hms_catalog->DropTable(table_id, table_name),
Substitute("failed to drop orphan HMS table $0", table_name));
} else {
Substitute("failed to drop legacy orphan HMS table $0", table_name));
if (FLAGS_create_missing_hms_tables) {
for (const auto& kudu_table : report.missing_hms_tables) {
const string& table_id = kudu_table->id();
const string& table_name = kudu_table->name();
auto schema = KuduSchema::ToSchema(kudu_table->schema());
string normalized_table_name(, table_name.size());
if (FLAGS_dryrun) {
LOG(INFO) << "[dryrun] Creating HMS table for Kudu table " << TableIdent(*kudu_table);
} else {
Status s = hms_catalog->CreateTable(table_id, table_name, boost::none, schema);
if (s.IsAlreadyPresent()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create HMS table for Kudu table "
<< TableIdent(*kudu_table)
<< " because another table already exists in the HMS with that name";
success = false;
if (s.IsInvalidArgument()) {
// This most likely means the database doesn't exist, but it is ambiguous.
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create HMS table for Kudu table "
<< TableIdent(*kudu_table)
<< " (database does not exist?): " << s.message().ToString();
success = false;
// All other errors are unexpected.
Substitute("failed to create HMS table for Kudu table $0", TableIdent(*kudu_table)));
if (normalized_table_name != table_name) {
if (FLAGS_dryrun) {
LOG(INFO) << "[dryrun] Renaming Kudu table " << TableIdent(*kudu_table)
<< " to lowercased Hive-compatible name: " << normalized_table_name;
} else {
// All errors are fatal. We never expect to get an 'AlreadyPresent'
// error, since the catalog manager validates that no two
// Hive-compatible table names differ only by case.
// Note that if an error occurs we do not roll-back the HMS table
// creation step, since a subsequent run of the tool will recognize
// the table as an inconsistent table (Kudu and HMS table names do not
// match), and automatically fix it.
RenameTableInKuduCatalog(kudu_client.get(), table_name, normalized_table_name),
Substitute("failed to rename Kudu table $0 to lowercased Hive compatible name $1",
TableIdent(*kudu_table), normalized_table_name));
if (FLAGS_upgrade_hms_tables) {
for (const auto& table_pair : report.legacy_hms_tables) {
const KuduTable& kudu_table = *table_pair.first;
const hive::Table& hms_table = table_pair.second;
string hms_table_name = Substitute("$0.$1", hms_table.dbName, hms_table.tableName);
if (FLAGS_dryrun) {
LOG(INFO) << "[dryrun] Upgrading legacy Impala HMS metadata for table "
<< hms_table_name;
} else {
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(hms_catalog->UpgradeLegacyImpalaTable(, hms_table.dbName, hms_table.tableName,
Substitute("failed to upgrade legacy Impala HMS metadata for table $0",
if (HmsClient::IsSynchronized(hms_table) && != hms_table_name) {
if (FLAGS_dryrun) {
LOG(INFO) << "[dryrun] Renaming Kudu table " << TableIdent(kudu_table)
<< " to " << hms_table_name;
} else {
Status s = RenameTableInKuduCatalog(kudu_client.get(),, hms_table_name);
if (s.IsAlreadyPresent()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to rename Kudu table " << TableIdent(kudu_table)
<< " to match the Hive Metastore name " << hms_table_name
<< ", because a Kudu table with name" << hms_table_name
<< " already exists";
LOG(INFO) << "Suggestion: rename the conflicting table name manually:\n"
<< "\t$ kudu table rename_table --modify_external_catalogs=false "
<< master_addrs << " " << hms_table_name << " <database-name>.<table-name>'";
success = false;
// All other errors are fatal. Note that if an error occurs we do not
// roll-back the HMS legacy upgrade step, since a subsequent run of
// the tool will recognize the table as an inconsistent table (Kudu
// and HMS table names do not match), and automatically fix it.
Substitute("failed to rename Kudu table $0 to $1",
TableIdent(kudu_table), hms_table_name));
if (FLAGS_fix_inconsistent_tables) {
for (const auto& table_pair : report.inconsistent_tables) {
const KuduTable& kudu_table = *table_pair.first;
const hive::Table& hms_table = table_pair.second;
string hms_table_name = Substitute("$0.$1", hms_table.dbName, hms_table.tableName);
if (hms_table_name != {
// Update the Kudu table name to match the HMS table name.
if (FLAGS_dryrun) {
LOG(INFO) << "[dryrun] Renaming Kudu table " << TableIdent(kudu_table)
<< " to " << hms_table_name;
} else {
Status s = RenameTableInKuduCatalog(kudu_client.get(),, hms_table_name);
if (s.IsAlreadyPresent()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to rename Kudu table " << TableIdent(kudu_table)
<< " to match HMS table " << hms_table_name
<< ", because a Kudu table with name " << hms_table_name
<< " already exists";
success = false;
Substitute("failed to rename Kudu table $0 to $1",
TableIdent(kudu_table), hms_table_name));
// Update the HMS table metadata to match Kudu.
if (FLAGS_dryrun) {
LOG(INFO) << "[dryrun] Refreshing HMS table metadata for Kudu table "
<< TableIdent(kudu_table);
} else {
auto schema = KuduSchema::ToSchema(kudu_table.schema());
// Disable table ID checking to support fixing tables with unsynchronized IDs.
hms_catalog->AlterTable(, hms_table_name, hms_table_name, schema,
/* check_id */ false),
Substitute("failed to refresh HMS table metadata for Kudu table $0",
if (FLAGS_dryrun || success) {
return Status::OK();
return Status::RuntimeError("Failed to fix some catalog metadata inconsistencies");
Status List(const RunnerContext& context) {
shared_ptr<KuduClient> kudu_client;
unique_ptr<HmsCatalog> hms_catalog;
string master_addrs;
RETURN_NOT_OK(Init(context, &kudu_client, &hms_catalog, &master_addrs));
vector<hive::Table> hms_tables;
return PrintHMSTables(hms_tables, cout);
Status Precheck(const RunnerContext& context) {
string master_addrs;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseMasterAddressesStr(context, &master_addrs));
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
.master_server_addrs(Split(master_addrs, ","))
vector<string> tables;
// Map of normalized table name to table names.
bool conflicting_tables = false;
unordered_map<string, vector<string>> normalized_tables;
for (string& table : tables) {
string normalized_table_name(, table.size());
Status s = hms::HmsCatalog::NormalizeTableName(&normalized_table_name);
if (!s.ok()) {
// This is not a Hive-compatible table name, so there can't be a conflict
// among normalized names (see CatalogManager::NormalizeTableName).
vector<string>& tables = normalized_tables[normalized_table_name];
conflicting_tables |= tables.size() > 1;
if (!conflicting_tables) {
return Status::OK();
DataTable data_table({ "conflicting table names" });
for (auto& table : normalized_tables) {
if (table.second.size() > 1) {
for (string& kudu_table : table.second) {
data_table.AddRow({ std::move(kudu_table) });
cout << "Found Kudu tables whose names are not unique according to Hive's case-insensitive"
<< endl
<< "identifier requirements. These conflicting tables will cause master startup to" << endl
<< "fail when the Hive Metastore integration is enabled:";
cout << endl
<< "Suggestion: rename the conflicting tables to case-insensitive unique names:" << endl
<< "\t$ kudu table rename_table " << master_addrs
<< " <conflicting_table_name> <new_table_name>" << endl;
return Status::IllegalState("found tables in Kudu with case-conflicting names");
unique_ptr<Mode> BuildHmsMode() {
const string kHmsUrisDesc =
"Address of the Hive Metastore instance(s). If not set, the configuration "
"from the Kudu master is used, so this flag should not be overriden in typical "
"situations. The provided port must be for the HMS Thrift service. "
"If a port is not provided, defaults to 9083. If the HMS is deployed in an "
"HA configuration, multiple comma-separated addresses should be supplied. "
"The configured value must match the Hive hive.metastore.uris configuration.";
const string kHmsSaslEnabledDesc =
"Configures whether Thrift connections to the Hive Metastore use SASL "
"(Kerberos) security. Only takes effect when --hive_metastore_uris is set, "
"otherwise the configuration from the Kudu master is used. The configured "
"value must match the the hive.metastore.sasl.enabled option in the Hive "
"Metastore configuration.";
unique_ptr<Action> hms_check =
ActionBuilder("check", &CheckHmsMetadata)
.Description("Check metadata consistency between Kudu and the Hive Metastore catalogs")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kMasterAddressesArg, kMasterAddressesArgDesc })
.AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_sasl_enabled", boost::none, kHmsSaslEnabledDesc)
.AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_uris", boost::none, kHmsUrisDesc)
unique_ptr<Action> hms_downgrade =
ActionBuilder("downgrade", &HmsDowngrade)
.Description("Downgrade the metadata to legacy format for Kudu and the Hive Metastores")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kMasterAddressesArg, kMasterAddressesArgDesc })
.AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_sasl_enabled", boost::none, kHmsSaslEnabledDesc)
.AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_uris", boost::none, kHmsUrisDesc)
unique_ptr<Action> hms_fix =
ActionBuilder("fix", &FixHmsMetadata)
.Description("Fix automatically-repairable metadata inconsistencies in the "
"Kudu and Hive Metastore catalogs")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kMasterAddressesArg, kMasterAddressesArgDesc })
.AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_sasl_enabled", boost::none, kHmsSaslEnabledDesc)
.AddOptionalParameter("hive_metastore_uris", boost::none, kHmsUrisDesc)
unique_ptr<Action> hms_list =
ActionBuilder("list", &List)
.Description("List the Kudu table HMS entries")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kMasterAddressesArg, kMasterAddressesArgDesc })
Substitute("Comma-separated list of HMS entry fields to "
"include in output.\nPossible values: database, "
"table, type, owner, $0, $1, $2, $3",
unique_ptr<Action> hms_precheck =
ActionBuilder("precheck", &Precheck)
.Description("Check that the Kudu cluster is prepared to enable the Hive "
"Metastore integration")
.AddRequiredParameter({ kMasterAddressesArg, kMasterAddressesArgDesc })
return ModeBuilder("hms").Description("Operate on remote Hive Metastores")
} // namespace tools
} // namespace kudu