blob: bbfedd1e63af7a62f7d3292cf254418820883b4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// C++ (TR1) port of HdrHistogram.
// Original java implementation:
// A High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histogram
// HdrHistogram supports the recording and analyzing sampled data value counts
// across a configurable integer value range with configurable value precision
// within the range. Value precision is expressed as the number of significant
// digits in the value recording, and provides control over value quantization
// behavior across the value range and the subsequent value resolution at any
// given level.
// For example, a Histogram could be configured to track the counts of observed
// integer values between 0 and 3,600,000,000 while maintaining a value
// precision of 3 significant digits across that range. Value quantization
// within the range will thus be no larger than 1/1,000th (or 0.1%) of any
// value. This example Histogram could be used to track and analyze the counts
// of observed response times ranging between 1 microsecond and 1 hour in
// magnitude, while maintaining a value resolution of 1 microsecond up to 1
// millisecond, a resolution of 1 millisecond (or better) up to one second, and
// a resolution of 1 second (or better) up to 1,000 seconds. At it's maximum
// tracked value (1 hour), it would still maintain a resolution of 3.6 seconds
// (or better).
#include <stdint.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/atomicops.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
namespace kudu {
class AbstractHistogramIterator;
class Status;
class RecordedValuesIterator;
// This implementation allows you to specify a range and accuracy (significant
// digits) to support in an instance of a histogram. The class takes care of
// the rest. At this time, only uint64_t values are supported.
// An HdrHistogram consists of a set of buckets, which bucket the magnitude of
// a value stored, and a set of sub-buckets, which implement the tunable
// precision of the storage. So if you specify 3 significant digits of
// precision, then you will get about 10^3 sub-buckets (as a power of 2) for
// each level of magnitude. Magnitude buckets are tracked in powers of 2.
// This class is thread-safe.
class HdrHistogram {
// Specify the highest trackable value so that the class has a bound on the
// number of buckets, and # of significant digits (in decimal) so that the
// class can determine the granularity of those buckets.
HdrHistogram(uint64_t highest_trackable_value, int num_significant_digits);
// Copy-construct a (non-consistent) snapshot of other.
explicit HdrHistogram(const HdrHistogram& other);
// Validate your params before trying to construct the object.
static bool IsValidHighestTrackableValue(uint64_t highest_trackable_value);
static bool IsValidNumSignificantDigits(int num_significant_digits);
// Record new data.
void Increment(int64_t value);
void IncrementBy(int64_t value, int64_t count);
// Record new data, correcting for "coordinated omission".
// See
// for more details.
void IncrementWithExpectedInterval(int64_t value,
int64_t expected_interval_between_samples);
// Fetch configuration params.
uint64_t highest_trackable_value() const { return highest_trackable_value_; }
int num_significant_digits() const { return num_significant_digits_; }
// Get indexes into histogram based on value.
int BucketIndex(uint64_t value) const;
int SubBucketIndex(uint64_t value, int bucket_index) const;
// Count of all events recorded.
uint64_t TotalCount() const { return base::subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&total_count_); }
// Sum of all events recorded.
uint64_t TotalSum() const { return base::subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&total_sum_); }
// Return number of items at index.
uint64_t CountAt(int bucket_index, int sub_bucket_index) const;
// Return count of values in bucket with values equivalent to value.
uint64_t CountInBucketForValue(uint64_t) const;
// Return representative value based on index.
static uint64_t ValueFromIndex(int bucket_index, int sub_bucket_index);
// Get the size (in value units) of the range of values that are equivalent
// to the given value within the histogram's resolution. Where "equivalent"
// means that value samples recorded for any two equivalent values are
// counted in a common total count.
uint64_t SizeOfEquivalentValueRange(uint64_t value) const;
// Get the lowest value that is equivalent to the given value within the
// histogram's resolution. Where "equivalent" means that value samples
// recorded for any two equivalent values are counted in a common total
// count.
uint64_t LowestEquivalentValue(uint64_t value) const;
// Get the highest value that is equivalent to the given value within the
// histogram's resolution.
uint64_t HighestEquivalentValue(uint64_t value) const;
// Get a value that lies in the middle (rounded up) of the range of values
// equivalent the given value.
uint64_t MedianEquivalentValue(uint64_t value) const;
// Get the next value that is not equivalent to the given value within the
// histogram's resolution.
uint64_t NextNonEquivalentValue(uint64_t value) const;
// Determine if two values are equivalent with the histogram's resolution.
bool ValuesAreEquivalent(uint64_t value1, uint64_t value2) const;
// Get the exact minimum value (may lie outside the histogram).
uint64_t MinValue() const;
// Get the exact maximum value (may lie outside the histogram).
uint64_t MaxValue() const;
// Get the exact mean value of all recorded values in the histogram.
double MeanValue() const;
// Get the value at a given percentile.
// This is a percentile in percents, i.e. 99.99 percentile.
uint64_t ValueAtPercentile(double percentile) const;
// Get the percentile at a given value
// TODO: implement
// double PercentileAtOrBelowValue(uint64_t value) const;
// Get the count of recorded values within a range of value levels.
// (inclusive to within the histogram's resolution)
// TODO: implement
//uint64_t CountBetweenValues(uint64_t low_value, uint64_t high_value) const;
friend class AbstractHistogramIterator;
static const uint64_t kMinHighestTrackableValue = 2;
static const int kMinValidNumSignificantDigits = 1;
static const int kMaxValidNumSignificantDigits = 5;
void Init();
int CountsArrayIndex(int bucket_index, int sub_bucket_index) const;
uint64_t highest_trackable_value_;
int num_significant_digits_;
int counts_array_length_;
int bucket_count_;
int sub_bucket_count_;
// "Hot" fields in the write path.
uint8_t sub_bucket_half_count_magnitude_;
int sub_bucket_half_count_;
uint32_t sub_bucket_mask_;
// Also hot.
base::subtle::Atomic64 total_count_;
base::subtle::Atomic64 total_sum_;
base::subtle::Atomic64 min_value_;
base::subtle::Atomic64 max_value_;
gscoped_array<base::subtle::Atomic64> counts_;
HdrHistogram& operator=(const HdrHistogram& other); // Disable assignment operator.
// Value returned from iterators.
struct HistogramIterationValue {
: value_iterated_to(0),
percentile_level_iterated_to(0.0) {
void Reset() {
value_iterated_to = 0;
value_iterated_from = 0;
count_at_value_iterated_to = 0;
count_added_in_this_iteration_step = 0;
total_count_to_this_value = 0;
total_value_to_this_value = 0;
percentile = 0.0;
percentile_level_iterated_to = 0.0;
uint64_t value_iterated_to;
uint64_t value_iterated_from;
uint64_t count_at_value_iterated_to;
uint64_t count_added_in_this_iteration_step;
uint64_t total_count_to_this_value;
uint64_t total_value_to_this_value;
double percentile;
double percentile_level_iterated_to;
// Base class for iterating through histogram values.
// The underlying histogram must not be modified or destroyed while this class
// is iterating over it.
// This class is not thread-safe.
class AbstractHistogramIterator {
// Create iterator with new histogram.
// The histogram must not be mutated while the iterator is in use.
explicit AbstractHistogramIterator(const HdrHistogram* histogram);
virtual ~AbstractHistogramIterator() {
// Returns true if the iteration has more elements.
virtual bool HasNext() const;
// Returns the next element in the iteration.
Status Next(HistogramIterationValue* value);
virtual double PercentileIteratedTo() const;
virtual double PercentileIteratedFrom() const;
uint64_t ValueIteratedTo() const;
// Implementations must override these methods.
virtual void IncrementIterationLevel() = 0;
virtual bool ReachedIterationLevel() const = 0;
const HdrHistogram* histogram_;
HistogramIterationValue cur_iter_val_;
uint64_t histogram_total_count_;
int current_bucket_index_;
int current_sub_bucket_index_;
uint64_t current_value_at_index_;
int next_bucket_index_;
int next_sub_bucket_index_;
uint64_t next_value_at_index_;
uint64_t prev_value_iterated_to_;
uint64_t total_count_to_prev_index_;
uint64_t total_count_to_current_index_;
uint64_t total_value_to_current_index_;
uint64_t count_at_this_value_;
bool ExhaustedSubBuckets() const;
void IncrementSubBucket();
bool fresh_sub_bucket_;
// Used for iterating through all recorded histogram values using the finest
// granularity steps supported by the underlying representation. The iteration
// steps through all non-zero recorded value counts, and terminates when all
// recorded histogram values are exhausted.
// The underlying histogram must not be modified or destroyed while this class
// is iterating over it.
// This class is not thread-safe.
class RecordedValuesIterator : public AbstractHistogramIterator {
explicit RecordedValuesIterator(const HdrHistogram* histogram);
virtual void IncrementIterationLevel() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ReachedIterationLevel() const OVERRIDE;
int visited_sub_bucket_index_;
int visited_bucket_index_;
// Used for iterating through histogram values according to percentile levels.
// The iteration is performed in steps that start at 0% and reduce their
// distance to 100% according to the percentileTicksPerHalfDistance parameter,
// ultimately reaching 100% when all recorded histogram values are exhausted.
// The underlying histogram must not be modified or destroyed while this class
// is iterating over it.
// This class is not thread-safe.
class PercentileIterator : public AbstractHistogramIterator {
// TODO: Explain percentile_ticks_per_half_distance.
PercentileIterator(const HdrHistogram* histogram,
int percentile_ticks_per_half_distance);
virtual bool HasNext() const OVERRIDE;
virtual double PercentileIteratedTo() const OVERRIDE;
virtual double PercentileIteratedFrom() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void IncrementIterationLevel() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ReachedIterationLevel() const OVERRIDE;
int percentile_ticks_per_half_distance_;
double percentile_level_to_iterate_to_;
double percentile_level_to_iterate_from_;
bool reached_last_recorded_value_;
} // namespace kudu