blob: f1e3e93b0819d65a3f7790a74738172afef1f443 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Test protocol for kudu RPC.
package kudu.rpc_test;
import "kudu/rpc/rpc_header.proto";
import "kudu/rpc/rtest_diff_package.proto";
message AddRequestPB {
required uint32 x = 1;
required uint32 y = 2;
// Used by tests to simulate an old client which is missing
// a newly added required field.
message AddRequestPartialPB {
required uint32 x = 1;
message AddResponsePB {
required uint32 result = 1;
message SleepRequestPB {
required uint32 sleep_micros = 1;
// Used in rpc_stub-test: if this is true, it will respond from a different
// thread than the one that receives the request.
optional bool deferred = 2 [ default = false ];
// If set, returns a CalculatorError response.
optional bool return_app_error = 3 [ default = false ];
// Used in rpc-test: if this is set to true and no client timeout is set,
// the service will respond to the client with an error.
optional bool client_timeout_defined = 4 [ default = false ];
message SleepResponsePB {
message SendTwoStringsRequestPB {
required uint32 random_seed = 1;
required uint64 size1 = 2;
required uint64 size2 = 3;
message SendTwoStringsResponsePB {
required uint32 sidecar1 = 1;
required uint32 sidecar2 = 2;
message EchoRequestPB {
required string data = 1;
message EchoResponsePB {
required string data = 1;
message WhoAmIRequestPB {
message WhoAmIResponsePB {
required kudu.rpc.UserInformationPB credentials = 1;
required string address = 2;
message CalculatorError {
extend kudu.rpc.ErrorStatusPB {
optional CalculatorError app_error_ext = 101;
required string extra_error_data = 1;
message PanicRequestPB {}
message PanicResponsePB {}
service CalculatorService {
rpc Add(AddRequestPB) returns(AddResponsePB);
rpc Sleep(SleepRequestPB) returns(SleepResponsePB);
rpc Echo(EchoRequestPB) returns(EchoResponsePB);
rpc WhoAmI(WhoAmIRequestPB) returns (WhoAmIResponsePB);
rpc TestArgumentsInDiffPackage(kudu.rpc_test_diff_package.ReqDiffPackagePB)
rpc Panic(PanicRequestPB) returns (PanicResponsePB);