blob: d6383363af24a40b2c4277a4c41c302fa1928d0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
// A DiskRowSet is a horizontal slice of a Kudu tablet.
// Each DiskRowSet contains data for a a disjoint set of keys.
// See src/kudu/tablet/README for a detailed description.
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/common/row.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/fs/block_manager.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/delta_key.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/rowset_metadata.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/rowset.h"
#include "kudu/util/atomic.h"
#include "kudu/util/bloom_filter.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
namespace kudu {
class FsManager;
class MemTracker;
class RowBlock;
class RowChangeList;
namespace cfile {
class BloomFileWriter;
class CFileWriter;
namespace log {
class LogAnchorRegistry;
namespace tablet {
class CFileSet;
class DeltaFileWriter;
class DeltaStats;
class DeltaTracker;
class MultiColumnWriter;
class Mutation;
class OperationResultPB;
class DiskRowSetWriter {
// TODO: document ownership of rowset_metadata
DiskRowSetWriter(RowSetMetadata* rowset_metadata, const Schema* schema,
BloomFilterSizing bloom_sizing);
Status Open();
// The block is written to all column writers as well as the bloom filter,
// if configured.
// Rows must be appended in ascending order.
Status AppendBlock(const RowBlock &block);
// Closes the CFiles and their underlying writable blocks.
// If no rows were written, returns Status::Aborted().
Status Finish();
// Closes the CFiles, releasing the underlying blocks to 'closer'.
// If no rows were written, returns Status::Aborted().
Status FinishAndReleaseBlocks(fs::ScopedWritableBlockCloser* closer);
// The base DiskRowSetWriter never rolls. This method is necessary for tests
// which are templatized on the writer type.
Status RollIfNecessary() { return Status::OK(); }
rowid_t written_count() const {
return written_count_;
// Return the total number of bytes written so far to this DiskRowSet.
// Additional bytes may be written by "Finish()", but this should provide
// a reasonable estimate for the total data size.
size_t written_size() const;
const Schema& schema() const { return *schema_; }
Status InitBloomFileWriter();
// Initializes the index writer required for compound keys
// this index is written to a new file instead of embedded in the col_* files
Status InitAdHocIndexWriter();
// Return the cfile::Writer responsible for writing the key index.
// (the ad-hoc writer for composite keys, otherwise the key column writer)
cfile::CFileWriter *key_index_writer();
RowSetMetadata *rowset_metadata_;
const Schema* const schema_;
BloomFilterSizing bloom_sizing_;
bool finished_;
rowid_t written_count_;
gscoped_ptr<MultiColumnWriter> col_writer_;
gscoped_ptr<cfile::BloomFileWriter> bloom_writer_;
gscoped_ptr<cfile::CFileWriter> ad_hoc_index_writer_;
// The last encoded key written.
faststring last_encoded_key_;
// Wrapper around DiskRowSetWriter which "rolls" to a new DiskRowSet after
// a certain amount of data has been written. Each output rowset is suffixed
// with ".N" where N starts at 0 and increases as new rowsets are generated.
// See AppendBlock(...) for important usage information.
class RollingDiskRowSetWriter {
// Create a new rolling writer. The given 'tablet_metadata' must stay valid
// for the lifetime of this writer, and is used to construct the new rowsets
// that this RollingDiskRowSetWriter creates.
RollingDiskRowSetWriter(TabletMetadata* tablet_metadata, const Schema& schema,
BloomFilterSizing bloom_sizing,
size_t target_rowset_size);
Status Open();
// The block is written to all column writers as well as the bloom filter,
// if configured.
// Rows must be appended in ascending order.
// NOTE: data must be appended in a particular order: for each set of rows
// you must append deltas using the APIs below *before* appending the block
// of rows that they correspond to. This ensures that the output delta files
// and data files are aligned.
Status AppendBlock(const RowBlock &block);
// Appends a sequence of REDO deltas for the same row to the current
// redo delta file. 'row_idx_in_next_block' is the positional index after
// the last written block. The 'row_idx_in_drs' out parameter will be set
// with the row index from the start of the DiskRowSet currently being written.
Status AppendRedoDeltas(rowid_t row_idx_in_next_block,
Mutation* redo_deltas,
rowid_t* row_idx_in_drs);
// Appends a sequence of UNDO deltas for the same row to the current
// undo delta file. 'row_idx_in_next_block' is the positional index after
// the last written block. The 'row_idx_in_drs' out parameter will be set
// with the row index from the start of the DiskRowSet currently being written.
Status AppendUndoDeltas(rowid_t row_idx_in_next_block,
Mutation* undo_deltas,
rowid_t* row_idx_in_drs);
// Try to roll the output, if we've passed the configured threshold. This will
// only roll if called immediately after an AppendBlock() call. The implementation
// of AppendBlock() doesn't call it automatically, because it doesn't know if there
// is any more data to be appended. It is safe to call this in other circumstances --
// it will be ignored if it is not a good time to roll.
Status RollIfNecessary();
Status Finish();
int64_t written_count() const { return written_count_; }
const Schema &schema() const { return schema_; }
// Return the set of rowset paths that were written by this writer.
// This must only be called after Finish() returns an OK result.
void GetWrittenRowSetMetadata(RowSetMetadataVector* metas) const;
uint64_t written_size() const { return written_size_; }
Status RollWriter();
// Close the current DRS and delta writers, releasing their finished blocks
// into block_closer_.
Status FinishCurrentWriter();
template<DeltaType Type>
Status AppendDeltas(rowid_t row_idx_in_block,
Mutation* delta_head,
rowid_t* row_idx,
DeltaFileWriter* writer,
DeltaStats* delta_stats);
enum State {
State state_;
TabletMetadata* tablet_metadata_;
const Schema schema_;
std::shared_ptr<RowSetMetadata> cur_drs_metadata_;
const BloomFilterSizing bloom_sizing_;
const size_t target_rowset_size_;
gscoped_ptr<DiskRowSetWriter> cur_writer_;
// A delta writer to store the undos for each DRS
gscoped_ptr<DeltaFileWriter> cur_undo_writer_;
gscoped_ptr<DeltaStats> cur_undo_delta_stats;
// a delta writer to store the redos for each DRS
gscoped_ptr<DeltaFileWriter> cur_redo_writer_;
gscoped_ptr<DeltaStats> cur_redo_delta_stats;
BlockId cur_undo_ds_block_id_;
BlockId cur_redo_ds_block_id_;
uint64_t row_idx_in_cur_drs_;
// True when we are allowed to roll. We can only roll when the delta writers
// and data writers are aligned (i.e. just after we've appended a new block of data).
bool can_roll_;
// RowSetMetadata objects for diskrowsets which have been successfully
// written out.
RowSetMetadataVector written_drs_metas_;
int64_t written_count_;
uint64_t written_size_;
// Syncs and closes all outstanding blocks when the rolling writer is
// destroyed.
fs::ScopedWritableBlockCloser block_closer_;
// DiskRowSet
class MajorDeltaCompaction;
class RowSetColumnUpdater;
class DiskRowSet : public RowSet {
static const char *kMinKeyMetaEntryName;
static const char *kMaxKeyMetaEntryName;
// Open a rowset from disk.
// If successful, sets *rowset to the newly open rowset
static Status Open(const std::shared_ptr<RowSetMetadata>& rowset_metadata,
log::LogAnchorRegistry* log_anchor_registry,
std::shared_ptr<DiskRowSet> *rowset,
const std::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& parent_tracker =
// "Management" functions
// Flush all accumulated delta data to disk.
Status FlushDeltas() OVERRIDE;
// Perform delta store minor compaction.
// This compacts the delta files down to a single one.
// If there is already only a single delta file, this does nothing.
Status MinorCompactDeltaStores() OVERRIDE;
// RowSet implementation
// Updates
// Update the given row.
// 'key' should be the key portion of the row -- i.e a contiguous
// encoding of the key columns.
Status MutateRow(Timestamp timestamp,
const RowSetKeyProbe &probe,
const RowChangeList &update,
const consensus::OpId& op_id,
ProbeStats* stats,
OperationResultPB* result) OVERRIDE;
Status CheckRowPresent(const RowSetKeyProbe &probe,
bool *present,
ProbeStats* stats) const OVERRIDE;
// Read functions.
virtual Status NewRowIterator(const Schema *projection,
const MvccSnapshot &snap,
gscoped_ptr<RowwiseIterator>* out) const OVERRIDE;
virtual Status NewCompactionInput(const Schema* projection,
const MvccSnapshot &snap,
gscoped_ptr<CompactionInput>* out) const OVERRIDE;
// Count the number of rows in this rowset.
Status CountRows(rowid_t *count) const OVERRIDE;
// See RowSet::GetBounds(...)
virtual Status GetBounds(std::string* min_encoded_key,
std::string* max_encoded_key) const OVERRIDE;
// Estimate the number of bytes on-disk for the base data.
uint64_t EstimateBaseDataDiskSize() const;
// Estimate the number of bytes on-disk for the delta stores.
uint64_t EstimateDeltaDiskSize() const;
// Estimate the total number of bytes on-disk, excluding the bloom files and the ad hoc index.
// TODO Offer a version that has the real total disk space usage.
uint64_t EstimateOnDiskSize() const OVERRIDE;
size_t DeltaMemStoreSize() const OVERRIDE;
bool DeltaMemStoreEmpty() const OVERRIDE;
int64_t MinUnflushedLogIndex() const OVERRIDE;
size_t CountDeltaStores() const;
double DeltaStoresCompactionPerfImprovementScore(DeltaCompactionType type) const OVERRIDE;
// Major compacts all the delta files for all the columns.
Status MajorCompactDeltaStores();
std::mutex *compact_flush_lock() OVERRIDE {
return &compact_flush_lock_;
DeltaTracker *delta_tracker() {
return DCHECK_NOTNULL(delta_tracker_.get());
std::shared_ptr<RowSetMetadata> metadata() OVERRIDE {
return rowset_metadata_;
std::string ToString() const OVERRIDE {
return rowset_metadata_->ToString();
virtual Status DebugDump(std::vector<std::string> *out = NULL) OVERRIDE;
FRIEND_TEST(TestRowSet, TestRowSetUpdate);
FRIEND_TEST(TestRowSet, TestDMSFlush);
FRIEND_TEST(TestCompaction, TestOneToOne);
friend class CompactionInput;
friend class Tablet;
DiskRowSet(std::shared_ptr<RowSetMetadata> rowset_metadata,
log::LogAnchorRegistry* log_anchor_registry,
std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> parent_tracker);
Status Open();
// Create a new major delta compaction object to compact the specified columns.
Status NewMajorDeltaCompaction(const std::vector<ColumnId>& col_ids,
gscoped_ptr<MajorDeltaCompaction>* out) const;
// Major compacts all the delta files for the specified columns.
Status MajorCompactDeltaStoresWithColumnIds(const std::vector<ColumnId>& col_ids);
std::shared_ptr<RowSetMetadata> rowset_metadata_;
bool open_;
log::LogAnchorRegistry* log_anchor_registry_;
std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> parent_tracker_;
// Base data for this rowset.
mutable percpu_rwlock component_lock_;
std::shared_ptr<CFileSet> base_data_;
gscoped_ptr<DeltaTracker> delta_tracker_;
// Lock governing this rowset's inclusion in a compact/flush. If locked,
// no other compactor will attempt to include this rowset.
std::mutex compact_flush_lock_;
} // namespace tablet
} // namespace kudu