blob: 4d6df241f95a7e7c6689e4a8140059d5e9c164fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/stringpiece.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/threading/thread_collision_warner.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/walltime.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/trace_metrics.h"
// Adopt a Trace on the current thread for the duration of the current
// scope. The old current Trace is restored when the scope is exited.
// 't' should be a Trace* pointer.
#define ADOPT_TRACE(t) kudu::ScopedAdoptTrace _adopt_trace(t);
// Issue a trace message, if tracing is enabled in the current thread.
// See Trace::SubstituteAndTrace for arguments.
// Example:
// TRACE("Acquired timestamp $0", timestamp);
#define TRACE(format, substitutions...) \
do { \
kudu::Trace* _trace = Trace::CurrentTrace(); \
if (_trace) { \
_trace->SubstituteAndTrace(__FILE__, __LINE__, (format), \
##substitutions); \
} \
} while (0);
// Like the above, but takes the trace pointer as an explicit argument.
#define TRACE_TO(trace, format, substitutions...) \
(trace)->SubstituteAndTrace(__FILE__, __LINE__, (format), ##substitutions)
// Increment a counter associated with the current trace.
// Each trace contains a map of counters which can be used to keep
// request-specific statistics. It is significantly faster to increment
// a trace counter compared to logging a message. Additionally, having
// slightly more structured information makes it easier to aggregate
// and show information back to operators.
// NOTE: the 'counter_name' MUST be a string which stays alive forever.
// Typically, this is a compile-time constant. If something other than
// a constant is required, use TraceMetric::InternName() in order to
// create a string which will last for the process lifetime. Of course,
// these strings will never be cleaned up, so it's important to use this
// judiciously.
// If no trace is active, this does nothing and does not evaluate its
// parameters.
#define TRACE_COUNTER_INCREMENT(counter_name, val) \
do { \
kudu::Trace* _trace = Trace::CurrentTrace(); \
if (_trace) { \
_trace->metrics()->Increment(counter_name, val); \
} \
} while (0);
// Increment a counter for the amount of wall time spent in the current
// scope. For example:
// void DoFoo() {
// ... do expensive Foo thing
// }
// will result in a trace metric indicating the number of microseconds spent
// in invocations of DoFoo().
#define TRACE_COUNTER_SCOPE_LATENCY_US(counter_name) \
::kudu::ScopedTraceLatencyCounter _scoped_latency(counter_name)
// Construct a constant C string counter name which acts as a sort of
// coarse-grained histogram for trace metrics.
#define BUCKETED_COUNTER_NAME(prefix, duration_us) \
[=]() -> const char* { \
if (duration_us >= 100 * 1000) { \
return prefix "_gt_100_ms"; \
} else if (duration_us >= 10 * 1000) { \
return prefix "_10-100_ms"; \
} else if (duration_us >= 1000) { \
return prefix "_1-10_ms"; \
} else { \
return prefix "_lt_1ms"; \
} \
namespace kudu {
class JsonWriter;
class ThreadSafeArena;
struct TraceEntry;
// A trace for a request or other process. This supports collecting trace entries
// from a number of threads, and later dumping the results to a stream.
// Callers should generally not add trace messages directly using the public
// methods of this class. Rather, the TRACE(...) macros defined above should
// be used such that file/line numbers are automatically included, etc.
// This class is thread-safe.
class Trace : public RefCountedThreadSafe<Trace> {
// Logs a message into the trace buffer.
// See strings::Substitute for details.
// N.B.: the file path passed here is not copied, so should be a static
// constant (eg __FILE__).
void SubstituteAndTrace(const char* filepath, int line_number,
StringPiece format,
const strings::internal::SubstituteArg& arg0 =
const strings::internal::SubstituteArg& arg1 =
const strings::internal::SubstituteArg& arg2 =
const strings::internal::SubstituteArg& arg3 =
const strings::internal::SubstituteArg& arg4 =
const strings::internal::SubstituteArg& arg5 =
const strings::internal::SubstituteArg& arg6 =
const strings::internal::SubstituteArg& arg7 =
const strings::internal::SubstituteArg& arg8 =
const strings::internal::SubstituteArg& arg9 =
// Dump the trace buffer to the given output stream.
enum {
// If set, calculate and print the difference between successive trace messages.
// If set, include a 'Metrics' line showing any attached trace metrics.
void Dump(std::ostream* out, int flags) const;
// Dump the trace buffer as a string.
std::string DumpToString(int flags = INCLUDE_ALL) const;
std::string MetricsAsJSON() const;
// Attaches the given trace which will get appended at the end when Dumping.
// The 'label' does not necessarily have to be unique, and is used to identify
// the child trace when dumped. The contents of the StringPiece are copied
// into this trace's arena.
void AddChildTrace(StringPiece label, Trace* child_trace);
// Return a copy of the current set of related "child" traces.
std::vector<std::pair<StringPiece, scoped_refptr<Trace>>> ChildTraces() const;
// Return the current trace attached to this thread, if there is one.
static Trace* CurrentTrace() {
return threadlocal_trace_;
// Simple function to dump the current trace to stderr, if one is
// available. This is meant for usage when debugging in gdb via
// 'call kudu::Trace::DumpCurrentTrace();'.
static void DumpCurrentTrace();
TraceMetrics* metrics() {
return &metrics_;
const TraceMetrics& metrics() const {
return metrics_;
friend class ScopedAdoptTrace;
friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<Trace>;
// The current trace for this thread. Threads should only set this using
// using ScopedAdoptTrace, which handles reference counting the underlying
// object.
static __thread Trace* threadlocal_trace_;
// Allocate a new entry from the arena, with enough space to hold a
// message of length 'len'.
TraceEntry* NewEntry(int len, const char* file_path, int line_number);
// Add the entry to the linked list of entries.
void AddEntry(TraceEntry* entry);
void MetricsToJSON(JsonWriter* jw) const;
gscoped_ptr<ThreadSafeArena> arena_;
// Lock protecting the entries linked list.
mutable simple_spinlock lock_;
// The head of the linked list of entries (allocated inside arena_)
TraceEntry* entries_head_;
// The tail of the linked list of entries (allocated inside arena_)
TraceEntry* entries_tail_;
std::vector<std::pair<StringPiece, scoped_refptr<Trace>>> child_traces_;
TraceMetrics metrics_;
// Adopt a Trace object into the current thread for the duration
// of this object.
// This should only be used on the stack (and thus created and destroyed
// on the same thread)
class ScopedAdoptTrace {
explicit ScopedAdoptTrace(Trace* t) :
old_trace_(Trace::threadlocal_trace_) {
Trace::threadlocal_trace_ = t;
if (t) {
~ScopedAdoptTrace() {
auto t = Trace::threadlocal_trace_;
Trace::threadlocal_trace_ = old_trace_;
// It's critical that we Release() the reference count on 't' only
// after we've unset the thread-local variable. Otherwise, we can hit
// a nasty interaction with tcmalloc contention profiling. Consider
// the following sequence:
// 1. threadlocal_trace_ has refcount = 1
// 2. we call threadlocal_trace_->Release() which decrements refcount to 0
// 3. this calls 'delete' on the Trace object
// 3a. this calls tcmalloc free() on the Trace and various sub-objects
// 3b. the free() calls may end up experiencing contention in tcmalloc
// 3c. we try to account the contention in threadlocal_trace_'s TraceMetrics,
// but it has already been freed.
// In the best case, we just scribble into some free tcmalloc memory. In the
// worst case, tcmalloc would have already re-used this memory for a new
// allocation on another thread, and we end up overwriting someone else's memory.
// Waiting to Release() only after 'unpublishing' the trace solves this.
if (t) {
Trace* old_trace_;
// Implementation for TRACE_COUNTER_SCOPE_LATENCY_US(...) macro above.
class ScopedTraceLatencyCounter {
explicit ScopedTraceLatencyCounter(const char* counter)
: counter_(counter),
start_time_(GetCurrentTimeMicros()) {
~ScopedTraceLatencyCounter() {
TRACE_COUNTER_INCREMENT(counter_, GetCurrentTimeMicros() - start_time_);
const char* const counter_;
MicrosecondsInt64 start_time_;
} // namespace kudu
#endif /* KUDU_UTIL_TRACE_H */