blob: 73c049722aabc7e295bf4b90473d1c81b2cee545 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
// Wrapper around a spawned subprocess.
// program will be treated as an absolute path unless it begins with a dot or a
// slash.
// This takes care of creating pipes to/from the subprocess and offers
// basic functionality to wait on it or send signals.
// By default, child process only has stdin captured and separate from the parent.
// The stdout/stderr streams are shared with the parent by default.
// The process may only be started and waited on/killed once.
// Optionally, user may change parent/child stream sharing. Also, a user may disable
// a subprocess stream. A user cannot do both.
// Note that, when the Subprocess object is destructed, the child process
// will be forcibly SIGKILLed to avoid orphaning processes.
class Subprocess {
Subprocess(std::string program, std::vector<std::string> argv);
// Disable subprocess stream output. Must be called before subprocess starts.
void DisableStderr();
void DisableStdout();
// Share a stream with parent. Must be called before subprocess starts.
// Cannot set sharing at all if stream is disabled
void ShareParentStdin(bool share = true) { SetFdShared(STDIN_FILENO, share); }
void ShareParentStdout(bool share = true) { SetFdShared(STDOUT_FILENO, share); }
void ShareParentStderr(bool share = true) { SetFdShared(STDERR_FILENO, share); }
// Add environment variables to be set before executing the subprocess.
// These environment variables are merged into the existing environment
// of the parent process. In other words, there is no need to prime this
// map with the current environment; instead, just specify any variables
// that should be overridden.
// Repeated calls to this function replace earlier calls.
void SetEnvVars(std::map<std::string, std::string> env);
// Start the subprocess. Can only be called once.
// This returns a bad Status if the fork() fails. However,
// note that if the executable path was incorrect such that
// exec() fails, this will still return Status::OK. You must
// use Wait() to check for failure.
Status Start();
// Wait for the subprocess to exit. The return value is the same as
// that of the waitpid() syscall. Only call after starting.
// NOTE: unlike the standard wait(2) call, this may be called multiple
// times. If the process has exited, it will repeatedly return the same
// exit code.
Status Wait(int* wait_status = nullptr);
// Like the above, but does not block. This returns Status::TimedOut
// immediately if the child has not exited. Otherwise returns Status::OK
// and sets *ret. Only call after starting.
// NOTE: unlike the standard wait(2) call, this may be called multiple
// times. If the process has exited, it will repeatedly return the same
// exit code.
Status WaitNoBlock(int* wait_status = nullptr);
// Send a signal to the subprocess.
// Note that this does not reap the process -- you must still Wait()
// in order to reap it. Only call after starting.
Status Kill(int signal);
// Retrieve exit status of the process awaited by Wait() and/or WaitNoBlock()
// methods. Must be called only after calling Wait()/WaitNoBlock().
Status GetExitStatus(int* exit_status, std::string* info_str = nullptr) const;
// Helper method that creates a Subprocess, issues a Start() then a Wait().
// Expects a blank-separated list of arguments, with the first being the
// full path to the executable.
// The returned Status will only be OK if all steps were successful and
// the return code was 0.
static Status Call(const std::string& arg_str);
// Same as above, but accepts a vector that includes the path to the
// executable as argv[0] and the arguments to the program in argv[1..n].
// Writes the value of 'stdin_in' to the subprocess' stdin. The length of
// 'stdin_in' should be limited to 64kib.
// Also collects the output from the child process stdout and stderr into
// 'stdout_out' and 'stderr_out' respectively.
static Status Call(const std::vector<std::string>& argv,
const std::string& stdin_in = "",
std::string* stdout_out = nullptr,
std::string* stderr_out = nullptr);
// Return the pipe fd to the child's standard stream.
// Stream should not be disabled or shared.
int to_child_stdin_fd() const { return CheckAndOffer(STDIN_FILENO); }
int from_child_stdout_fd() const { return CheckAndOffer(STDOUT_FILENO); }
int from_child_stderr_fd() const { return CheckAndOffer(STDERR_FILENO); }
// Release control of the file descriptor for the child's stream, only if piped.
// Writes to this FD show up on stdin in the subprocess
int ReleaseChildStdinFd() { return ReleaseChildFd(STDIN_FILENO ); }
// Reads from this FD come from stdout of the subprocess
int ReleaseChildStdoutFd() { return ReleaseChildFd(STDOUT_FILENO); }
// Reads from this FD come from stderr of the subprocess
int ReleaseChildStderrFd() { return ReleaseChildFd(STDERR_FILENO); }
pid_t pid() const;
enum State {
enum StreamMode {SHARED, DISABLED, PIPED};
Status DoWait(int* wait_status, WaitMode mode);
void SetFdShared(int stdfd, bool share);
int CheckAndOffer(int stdfd) const;
int ReleaseChildFd(int stdfd);
std::string program_;
std::vector<std::string> argv_;
std::map<std::string, std::string> env_;
State state_;
int child_pid_;
enum StreamMode fd_state_[3];
int child_fds_[3];
// The cached wait status if Wait()/WaitNoBlock() has been called.
// Only valid if state_ == kExited.
int wait_status_;
} // namespace kudu