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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Kudu Metrics
// Summary
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// This API provides a basic set of metrics primitives along the lines of the Code Hale's
// metrics library along with JSON formatted output of running metrics.
// The metrics system has a few main concepts in its data model:
// Metric Prototypes
// -----------------
// Every metric that may be emitted is constructed from a prototype. The prototype defines
// the name of the metric, the entity it is attached to, its type, its units, and a description.
// Metric prototypes are defined statically using the METRIC_DEFINE_*(...) macros. This
// allows us to easily enumerate a full list of every metric that might be emitted from a
// server, thus allowing auto-generation of metric metadata for integration with
// monitoring systems such as Cloudera Manager.
// Metric Entity Prototypes
// ------------------------
// The other main type in the data model is the Metric Entity. The most basic entity is the
// "server" entity -- metrics such as memory usage, RPC rates, etc, are typically associated
// with the server as a whole.
// Users of the metrics framework can define more entity types using the
// METRIC_DEFINE_entity(...) macro.
// MetricEntity instances
// -----------------------
// Each defined Metric Entity Type serves as a prototype allowing instantiation of a
// MetricEntity object. Each instance then has its own unique set of metrics. For
// example, in the case of Kudu, we define a Metric Entity Type called 'tablet', and the
// Tablet Server instantiates one MetricEntity instance per tablet that it hosts.
// MetricEntity instances are instantiated within a MetricRegistry, and each instance is
// expected to have a unique string identifier within that registry. To continue the
// example above, a tablet entity uses its tablet ID as its unique identifier. These
// identifiers are exposed to the operator and surfaced in monitoring tools.
// MetricEntity instances may also carry a key-value map of string attributes. These
// attributes are directly exposed to monitoring systems via the JSON output. Monitoring
// systems may use this information to allow hierarchical aggregation beteween entities,
// display them to the user, etc.
// Metric instances
// ----------------
// Given a MetricEntity instance and a Metric Prototype, one can instantiate a Metric
// instance. For example, the Kudu Tablet Server instantiates one MetricEntity instance
// for each tablet, and then instantiates the 'tablet_rows_inserted' prototype within that
// entity. Thus, each tablet then has a separate instance of the metric, allowing the end
// operator to track the metric on a per-tablet basis.
// Types of metrics
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Gauge: Set or get a point-in-time value.
// - string: Gauge for a string value.
// - Primitive types (bool, int64_t/uint64_t, double): Lock-free gauges.
// Counter: Get, reset, increment or decrement an int64_t value.
// Histogram: Increment buckets of values segmented by configurable max and precision.
// Gauge vs. Counter
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// A Counter is a metric we expect to only monotonically increase. A
// Gauge is a metric that can decrease and increase. Use a Gauge to
// reflect a sample, e.g., the number of transaction in-flight at a
// given time; use a Counter when considering a metric over time,
// e.g., exposing the number of transactions processed since start to
// produce a metric for the number of transactions processed over some
// time period.
// The one exception to this rule is that occasionally it may be more convenient to
// implement a metric as a Gauge, even when it is logically a counter, due to Gauge's
// support for fetching metric values via a bound function. In that case, you can
// use the 'EXPOSE_AS_COUNTER' flag when defining the gauge prototype. For example:
// METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint64(server, threads_started,
// "Threads Started",
// kudu::MetricUnit::kThreads,
// "Total number of threads started on this server",
// Metrics ownership
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Metrics are reference-counted, and one of the references is always held by a metrics
// entity itself. Users of metrics should typically hold a scoped_refptr to their metrics
// within class instances, so that they also hold a reference. The one exception to this
// is FunctionGauges: see the class documentation below for a typical Gauge ownership pattern.
// Because the metrics entity holds a reference to the metric, this means that metrics will
// not be immediately destructed when your class instance publishing them is destructed.
// This is on purpose: metrics are retained for a configurable time interval even after they
// are no longer being published. The purpose of this is to allow monitoring systems, which
// only poll metrics infrequently (eg once a minute) to see the last value of a metric whose
// owner was destructed in between two polls.
// Example usage for server-level metrics
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// 1) In your server class, define the top-level registry and the server entity:
// MetricRegistry metric_registry_;
// scoped_refptr<MetricEntity> metric_entity_;
// 2) In your server constructor/initialization, construct metric_entity_. This instance
// will be plumbed through into other subsystems that want to register server-level
// metrics.
// metric_entity_ = METRIC_ENTITY_server.Instantiate(&registry_, "some server identifier)");
// 3) At the top of your .cc file where you want to emit a metric, define the metric prototype:
// METRIC_DEFINE_counter(server, ping_requests, "Ping Requests", kudu::MetricUnit::kRequests,
// "Number of Ping() RPC requests this server has handled since start");
// 4) In your class where you want to emit metrics, define the metric instance itself:
// scoped_refptr<Counter> ping_counter_;
// 5) In your class constructor, instantiate the metric based on the MetricEntity plumbed in:
// MyClass(..., const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& metric_entity) :
// ping_counter_(METRIC_ping_requests.Instantiate(metric_entity)) {
// }
// 6) Where you want to change the metric value, just use the instance variable:
// ping_counter_->IncrementBy(100);
// Example usage for custom entity metrics
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Follow the same pattern as above, but also define a metric entity somewhere. For example:
// At the top of your CC file:
// METRIC_DEFINE_entity(my_entity);
// METRIC_DEFINE_counter(my_entity, ping_requests, "Ping Requests", kudu::MetricUnit::kRequests,
// "Number of Ping() RPC requests this particular entity has handled since start");
// In whatever class represents the entity:
// entity_ = METRIC_ENTITY_my_entity.Instantiate(&registry_, my_entity_id);
// In whatever classes emit metrics:
// scoped_refptr<Counter> ping_requests_ = METRIC_ping_requests.Instantiate(entity);
// ping_requests_->Increment();
// NOTE: at runtime, the metrics system prevents you from instantiating a metric in the
// wrong entity type. This ensures that the metadata can fully describe the set of metric-entity
// relationships.
// Plumbing of MetricEntity and MetricRegistry objects
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Generally, the rule of thumb to follow when plumbing through entities and registries is
// this: if you're creating new entities or you need to dump the registry contents
// (e.g. path handlers), pass in the registry. Otherwise, pass in the entity.
// ===========
// JSON output
// ===========
// The first-class output format for metrics is pretty-printed JSON.
// Such a format is relatively easy for humans and machines to read.
// The top level JSON object is an array, which contains one element per
// entity. Each entity is an object which has its type, id, and an array
// of metrics. Each metric contains its type, name, unit, description, value,
// etc.
// TODO: Output to HTML.
// Example JSON output:
// [
// {
// "type": "tablet",
// "id": "e95e57ba8d4d48458e7c7d35020d4a46",
// "attributes": {
// "table_id": "12345",
// "table_name": "my_table"
// },
// "metrics": [
// {
// "type": "counter",
// "name": "log_reader_bytes_read",
// "label": "Log Reader Bytes Read",
// "unit": "bytes",
// "description": "Number of bytes read since tablet start",
// "value": 0
// },
// ...
// ]
// },
// ...
// ]
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/bind.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/callback.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/casts.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/singleton.h"
#include "kudu/util/atomic.h"
#include "kudu/util/jsonwriter.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/striped64.h"
// Define a new entity type.
// The metrics subsystem itself defines the entity type 'server', but other
// entity types can be registered using this macro.
#define METRIC_DEFINE_entity(name) \
::kudu::MetricEntityPrototype METRIC_ENTITY_##name(#name)
// Convenience macros to define metric prototypes.
// See the documentation at the top of this file for example usage.
#define METRIC_DEFINE_counter(entity, name, label, unit, desc) \
::kudu::CounterPrototype METRIC_##name( \
::kudu::MetricPrototype::CtorArgs(#entity, #name, label, unit, desc))
#define METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_string(entity, name, label, unit, desc, ...) \
::kudu::GaugePrototype<std::string> METRIC_##name( \
::kudu::MetricPrototype::CtorArgs(#entity, #name, label, unit, desc, ## __VA_ARGS__))
#define METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_bool(entity, name, label, unit, desc, ...) \
::kudu::GaugePrototype<bool> METRIC_## name( \
::kudu::MetricPrototype::CtorArgs(#entity, #name, label, unit, desc, ## __VA_ARGS__))
#define METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_int32(entity, name, label, unit, desc, ...) \
::kudu::GaugePrototype<int32_t> METRIC_##name( \
::kudu::MetricPrototype::CtorArgs(#entity, #name, label, unit, desc, ## __VA_ARGS__))
#define METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint32(entity, name, label, unit, desc, ...) \
::kudu::GaugePrototype<uint32_t> METRIC_##name( \
::kudu::MetricPrototype::CtorArgs(#entity, #name, label, unit, desc, ## __VA_ARGS__))
#define METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_int64(entity, name, label, unit, desc, ...) \
::kudu::GaugePrototype<int64_t> METRIC_##name( \
::kudu::MetricPrototype::CtorArgs(#entity, #name, label, unit, desc, ## __VA_ARGS__))
#define METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint64(entity, name, label, unit, desc, ...) \
::kudu::GaugePrototype<uint64_t> METRIC_##name( \
::kudu::MetricPrototype::CtorArgs(#entity, #name, label, unit, desc, ## __VA_ARGS__))
#define METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_double(entity, name, label, unit, desc, ...) \
::kudu::GaugePrototype<double> METRIC_##name( \
::kudu::MetricPrototype::CtorArgs(#entity, #name, label, unit, desc, ## __VA_ARGS__))
#define METRIC_DEFINE_histogram(entity, name, label, unit, desc, max_val, num_sig_digits) \
::kudu::HistogramPrototype METRIC_##name( \
::kudu::MetricPrototype::CtorArgs(#entity, #name, label, unit, desc), \
max_val, num_sig_digits)
// The following macros act as forward declarations for entity types and metric prototypes.
#define METRIC_DECLARE_entity(name) \
extern ::kudu::MetricEntityPrototype METRIC_ENTITY_##name
#define METRIC_DECLARE_counter(name) \
extern ::kudu::CounterPrototype METRIC_##name
#define METRIC_DECLARE_gauge_string(name) \
extern ::kudu::GaugePrototype<std::string> METRIC_##name
#define METRIC_DECLARE_gauge_bool(name) \
extern ::kudu::GaugePrototype<bool> METRIC_##name
#define METRIC_DECLARE_gauge_int32(name) \
extern ::kudu::GaugePrototype<int32_t> METRIC_##name
#define METRIC_DECLARE_gauge_uint32(name) \
extern ::kudu::GaugePrototype<uint32_t> METRIC_##name
#define METRIC_DECLARE_gauge_int64(name) \
extern ::kudu::GaugePrototype<int64_t> METRIC_##name
#define METRIC_DECLARE_gauge_uint64(name) \
extern ::kudu::GaugePrototype<uint64_t> METRIC_##name
#define METRIC_DECLARE_gauge_double(name) \
extern ::kudu::GaugePrototype<double> METRIC_##name
#define METRIC_DECLARE_histogram(name) \
extern ::kudu::HistogramPrototype METRIC_##name
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#define METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_size(entity, name, label, unit, desc, ...) \
::kudu::GaugePrototype<size_t> METRIC_##name( \
::kudu::MetricPrototype::CtorArgs(#entity, #name, label, unit, desc, ## __VA_ARGS__))
#define METRIC_DECLARE_gauge_size(name) \
extern ::kudu::GaugePrototype<size_t> METRIC_##name
#define METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_size METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint64
#define METRIC_DECLARE_gauge_size METRIC_DECLARE_gauge_uint64
namespace kudu {
class Counter;
class CounterPrototype;
template<typename T>
class AtomicGauge;
template<typename T>
class FunctionGauge;
class Gauge;
template<typename T>
class GaugePrototype;
class Metric;
class MetricEntityPrototype;
class MetricPrototype;
class MetricRegistry;
class HdrHistogram;
class Histogram;
class HistogramPrototype;
class HistogramSnapshotPB;
class MetricEntity;
} // namespace kudu
// Forward-declare the generic 'server' entity type.
// We have to do this here below the forward declarations, but not
// in the kudu namespace.
namespace kudu {
// Unit types to be used with metrics.
// As additional units are required, add them to this enum and also to Name().
struct MetricUnit {
enum Type {
static const char* Name(Type unit);
class MetricType {
enum Type { kGauge, kCounter, kHistogram };
static const char* Name(Type t);
static const char* const kGaugeType;
static const char* const kCounterType;
static const char* const kHistogramType;
struct MetricJsonOptions {
MetricJsonOptions() :
include_schema_info(false) {
// Include the raw histogram values and counts in the JSON output.
// This allows consumers to do cross-server aggregation or window
// data over time.
// Default: false
bool include_raw_histograms;
// Include the metrics "schema" information (i.e description, label,
// unit, etc).
// Default: false
bool include_schema_info;
class MetricEntityPrototype {
explicit MetricEntityPrototype(const char* name);
const char* name() const { return name_; }
// Find or create an entity with the given ID within the provided 'registry'.
scoped_refptr<MetricEntity> Instantiate(
MetricRegistry* registry,
const std::string& id) const {
return Instantiate(registry, id, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>());
// If the entity already exists, then 'initial_attrs' will replace all existing
// attributes.
scoped_refptr<MetricEntity> Instantiate(
MetricRegistry* registry,
const std::string& id,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& initial_attrs) const;
const char* const name_;
class MetricEntity : public RefCountedThreadSafe<MetricEntity> {
typedef std::unordered_map<const MetricPrototype*, scoped_refptr<Metric> > MetricMap;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> AttributeMap;
scoped_refptr<Counter> FindOrCreateCounter(const CounterPrototype* proto);
scoped_refptr<Histogram> FindOrCreateHistogram(const HistogramPrototype* proto);
template<typename T>
scoped_refptr<AtomicGauge<T> > FindOrCreateGauge(const GaugePrototype<T>* proto,
const T& initial_value);
template<typename T>
scoped_refptr<FunctionGauge<T> > FindOrCreateFunctionGauge(const GaugePrototype<T>* proto,
const Callback<T()>& function);
// Return the metric instantiated from the given prototype, or NULL if none has been
// instantiated. Primarily used by tests trying to read metric values.
scoped_refptr<Metric> FindOrNull(const MetricPrototype& prototype) const;
const std::string& id() const { return id_; }
// See MetricRegistry::WriteAsJson()
Status WriteAsJson(JsonWriter* writer,
const std::vector<std::string>& requested_metrics,
const MetricJsonOptions& opts) const;
const MetricMap& UnsafeMetricsMapForTests() const { return metric_map_; }
// Mark that the given metric should never be retired until the metric
// registry itself destructs. This is useful for system metrics such as
// tcmalloc, etc, which should live as long as the process itself.
void NeverRetire(const scoped_refptr<Metric>& metric);
// Scan the metrics map for metrics needing retirement, removing them as necessary.
// Metrics are retired when they are no longer referenced outside of the metrics system
// itself. Additionally, we only retire a metric that has been in this state for
// at least FLAGS_metrics_retirement_age_ms milliseconds.
void RetireOldMetrics();
// Replaces all attributes for this entity.
// Any attributes currently set, but not in 'attrs', are removed.
void SetAttributes(const AttributeMap& attrs);
// Set a particular attribute. Replaces any current value.
void SetAttribute(const std::string& key, const std::string& val);
int num_metrics() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
return metric_map_.size();
friend class MetricRegistry;
friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<MetricEntity>;
MetricEntity(const MetricEntityPrototype* prototype, std::string id,
AttributeMap attributes);
// Ensure that the given metric prototype is allowed to be instantiated
// within this entity. This entity's type must match the expected entity
// type defined within the metric prototype.
void CheckInstantiation(const MetricPrototype* proto) const;
const MetricEntityPrototype* const prototype_;
const std::string id_;
mutable simple_spinlock lock_;
// Map from metric name to Metric object. Protected by lock_.
MetricMap metric_map_;
// The key/value attributes. Protected by lock_
AttributeMap attributes_;
// The set of metrics which should never be retired. Protected by lock_.
std::vector<scoped_refptr<Metric> > never_retire_metrics_;
// Base class to allow for putting all metrics into a single container.
// See documentation at the top of this file for information on metrics ownership.
class Metric : public RefCountedThreadSafe<Metric> {
// All metrics must be able to render themselves as JSON.
virtual Status WriteAsJson(JsonWriter* writer,
const MetricJsonOptions& opts) const = 0;
const MetricPrototype* prototype() const { return prototype_; }
explicit Metric(const MetricPrototype* prototype);
virtual ~Metric();
const MetricPrototype* const prototype_;
friend class MetricEntity;
friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<Metric>;
// The time at which we should retire this metric if it is still un-referenced outside
// of the metrics subsystem. If this metric is not due for retirement, this member is
// uninitialized.
MonoTime retire_time_;
// Registry of all the metrics for a server.
// This aggregates the MetricEntity objects associated with the server.
class MetricRegistry {
scoped_refptr<MetricEntity> FindOrCreateEntity(const MetricEntityPrototype* prototype,
const std::string& id,
const MetricEntity::AttributeMap& initial_attrs);
// Writes metrics in this registry to 'writer'.
// 'requested_metrics' is a set of substrings to match metric names against,
// where '*' matches all metrics.
// The string matching can either match an entity ID or a metric name.
// If it matches an entity ID, then all metrics for that entity will be printed.
// See the MetricJsonOptions struct definition above for options changing the
// output of this function.
Status WriteAsJson(JsonWriter* writer,
const std::vector<std::string>& requested_metrics,
const MetricJsonOptions& opts) const;
// For each registered entity, retires orphaned metrics. If an entity has no more
// metrics and there are no external references, entities are removed as well.
// See MetricEntity::RetireOldMetrics().
void RetireOldMetrics();
// Return the number of entities in this registry.
int num_entities() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
return entities_.size();
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, scoped_refptr<MetricEntity> > EntityMap;
EntityMap entities_;
mutable simple_spinlock lock_;
// Registry of all of the metric and entity prototypes that have been
// defined.
// Prototypes are typically defined as static variables in different compilation
// units, and their constructors register themselves here. The registry is then
// used in order to dump metrics metadata to generate a Cloudera Manager MDL
// file.
// This class is thread-safe.
class MetricPrototypeRegistry {
// Get the singleton instance.
static MetricPrototypeRegistry* get();
// Dump a JSON document including all of the registered entity and metric
// prototypes.
void WriteAsJson(JsonWriter* writer) const;
// Convenience wrapper around WriteAsJson(...). This dumps the JSON information
// to stdout and then exits.
void WriteAsJsonAndExit() const;
friend class Singleton<MetricPrototypeRegistry>;
friend class MetricPrototype;
friend class MetricEntityPrototype;
MetricPrototypeRegistry() {}
~MetricPrototypeRegistry() {}
// Register a metric prototype in the registry.
void AddMetric(const MetricPrototype* prototype);
// Register a metric entity prototype in the registry.
void AddEntity(const MetricEntityPrototype* prototype);
mutable simple_spinlock lock_;
std::vector<const MetricPrototype*> metrics_;
std::vector<const MetricEntityPrototype*> entities_;
enum PrototypeFlags {
// Flag which causes a Gauge prototype to expose itself as if it
// were a counter.
class MetricPrototype {
// Simple struct to aggregate the arguments common to all prototypes.
// This makes constructor chaining a little less tedious.
struct CtorArgs {
CtorArgs(const char* entity_type,
const char* name,
const char* label,
MetricUnit::Type unit,
const char* description,
uint32_t flags = 0)
: entity_type_(entity_type),
flags_(flags) {
const char* const entity_type_;
const char* const name_;
const char* const label_;
const MetricUnit::Type unit_;
const char* const description_;
const uint32_t flags_;
const char* entity_type() const { return args_.entity_type_; }
const char* name() const { return args_.name_; }
const char* label() const { return args_.label_; }
MetricUnit::Type unit() const { return args_.unit_; }
const char* description() const { return args_.description_; }
virtual MetricType::Type type() const = 0;
// Writes the fields of this prototype to the given JSON writer.
void WriteFields(JsonWriter* writer,
const MetricJsonOptions& opts) const;
explicit MetricPrototype(CtorArgs args);
virtual ~MetricPrototype() {
const CtorArgs args_;
// A description of a Gauge.
template<typename T>
class GaugePrototype : public MetricPrototype {
explicit GaugePrototype(const MetricPrototype::CtorArgs& args)
: MetricPrototype(args) {
// Instantiate a "manual" gauge.
scoped_refptr<AtomicGauge<T> > Instantiate(
const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& entity,
const T& initial_value) const {
return entity->FindOrCreateGauge(this, initial_value);
// Instantiate a gauge that is backed by the given callback.
scoped_refptr<FunctionGauge<T> > InstantiateFunctionGauge(
const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& entity,
const Callback<T()>& function) const {
return entity->FindOrCreateFunctionGauge(this, function);
virtual MetricType::Type type() const OVERRIDE {
if (args_.flags_ & EXPOSE_AS_COUNTER) {
return MetricType::kCounter;
} else {
return MetricType::kGauge;
// Abstract base class to provide point-in-time metric values.
class Gauge : public Metric {
explicit Gauge(const MetricPrototype* prototype)
: Metric(prototype) {
virtual ~Gauge() {}
virtual Status WriteAsJson(JsonWriter* w,
const MetricJsonOptions& opts) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void WriteValue(JsonWriter* writer) const = 0;
// Gauge implementation for string that uses locks to ensure thread safety.
class StringGauge : public Gauge {
StringGauge(const GaugePrototype<std::string>* proto,
std::string initial_value);
std::string value() const;
void set_value(const std::string& value);
virtual void WriteValue(JsonWriter* writer) const OVERRIDE;
std::string value_;
mutable simple_spinlock lock_; // Guards value_
// Lock-free implementation for types that are convertible to/from int64_t.
template <typename T>
class AtomicGauge : public Gauge {
AtomicGauge(const GaugePrototype<T>* proto, T initial_value)
: Gauge(proto),
value_(initial_value) {
T value() const {
return static_cast<T>(value_.Load(kMemOrderRelease));
virtual void set_value(const T& value) {
value_.Store(static_cast<int64_t>(value), kMemOrderNoBarrier);
void Increment() {
value_.IncrementBy(1, kMemOrderNoBarrier);
virtual void IncrementBy(int64_t amount) {
value_.IncrementBy(amount, kMemOrderNoBarrier);
void Decrement() {
void DecrementBy(int64_t amount) {
virtual void WriteValue(JsonWriter* writer) const OVERRIDE {
AtomicInt<int64_t> value_;
// Utility class to automatically detach FunctionGauges when a class destructs.
// Because FunctionGauges typically access class instance state, it's important to ensure
// that they are detached before the class destructs. One approach is to make all
// FunctionGauge instances be members of the class, and then call gauge_->Detach() in your
// class's destructor. However, it's easy to forget to do this, which would lead to
// heap-use-after-free bugs. This type of bug is easy to miss in unit tests because the
// tests don't always poll metrics. Using a FunctionGaugeDetacher member instead makes
// the detaching automatic and thus less error-prone.
// Example usage:
// METRIC_define_gauge_int64(my_metric, MetricUnit::kOperations, "My metric docs");
// class MyClassWithMetrics {
// public:
// MyClassWithMetrics(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& entity) {
// METRIC_my_metric.InstantiateFunctionGauge(entity,
// Bind(&MyClassWithMetrics::ComputeMyMetric, Unretained(this)))
// ->AutoDetach(&metric_detacher_);
// }
// ~MyClassWithMetrics() {
// }
// private:
// int64_t ComputeMyMetric() {
// // Compute some metric based on instance state.
// }
// FunctionGaugeDetacher metric_detacher_;
// };
class FunctionGaugeDetacher {
template<typename T>
friend class FunctionGauge;
void OnDestructor(const Closure& c) {
std::vector<Closure> callbacks_;
// A Gauge that calls back to a function to get its value.
// This metric type should be used in cases where it is difficult to keep a running
// measure of a metric, but instead would like to compute the metric value whenever it is
// requested by a user.
// The lifecycle should be carefully considered when using a FunctionGauge. In particular,
// the bound function needs to always be safe to run -- so if it references a particular
// non-singleton class instance, the instance must out-live the function. Typically,
// the easiest way to ensure this is to use a FunctionGaugeDetacher (see above).
template <typename T>
class FunctionGauge : public Gauge {
T value() const {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
return function_.Run();
virtual void WriteValue(JsonWriter* writer) const OVERRIDE {
// Reset this FunctionGauge to return a specific value.
// This should be used during destruction. If you want a settable
// Gauge, use a normal Gauge instead of a FunctionGauge.
void DetachToConstant(T v) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
function_ = Bind(&FunctionGauge::Return, v);
// Get the current value of the gauge, and detach so that it continues to return this
// value in perpetuity.
void DetachToCurrentValue() {
T last_value = value();
// Automatically detach this gauge when the given 'detacher' destructs.
// After detaching, the metric will return 'value' in perpetuity.
void AutoDetach(FunctionGaugeDetacher* detacher, T value = T()) {
this, value));
// Automatically detach this gauge when the given 'detacher' destructs.
// After detaching, the metric will return whatever its value was at the
// time of detaching.
// Note that, when using this method, you should be sure that the FunctionGaugeDetacher
// is destructed before any objects which are required by the gauge implementation.
// In typical usage (see the FunctionGaugeDetacher class documentation) this means you
// should declare the detacher member after all other class members that might be
// accessed by the gauge function implementation.
void AutoDetachToLastValue(FunctionGaugeDetacher* detacher) {
friend class MetricEntity;
FunctionGauge(const GaugePrototype<T>* proto, Callback<T()> function)
: Gauge(proto), function_(std::move(function)) {}
static T Return(T v) {
return v;
mutable simple_spinlock lock_;
Callback<T()> function_;
// Prototype for a counter.
class CounterPrototype : public MetricPrototype {
explicit CounterPrototype(const MetricPrototype::CtorArgs& args)
: MetricPrototype(args) {
scoped_refptr<Counter> Instantiate(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& entity);
virtual MetricType::Type type() const OVERRIDE { return MetricType::kCounter; }
// Simple incrementing 64-bit integer.
// Only use Counters in cases that we expect the count to only increase. For example,
// a counter is appropriate for "number of transactions processed by the server",
// but not for "number of transactions currently in flight". Monitoring software
// knows that counters only increase and thus can compute rates over time, rates
// across multiple servers, etc, which aren't appropriate in the case of gauges.
class Counter : public Metric {
int64_t value() const;
void Increment();
void IncrementBy(int64_t amount);
virtual Status WriteAsJson(JsonWriter* w,
const MetricJsonOptions& opts) const OVERRIDE;
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsTest, SimpleCounterTest);
FRIEND_TEST(MultiThreadedMetricsTest, CounterIncrementTest);
friend class MetricEntity;
explicit Counter(const CounterPrototype* proto);
LongAdder value_;
class HistogramPrototype : public MetricPrototype {
HistogramPrototype(const MetricPrototype::CtorArgs& args,
uint64_t max_trackable_value, int num_sig_digits);
scoped_refptr<Histogram> Instantiate(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& entity);
uint64_t max_trackable_value() const { return max_trackable_value_; }
int num_sig_digits() const { return num_sig_digits_; }
virtual MetricType::Type type() const OVERRIDE { return MetricType::kHistogram; }
const uint64_t max_trackable_value_;
const int num_sig_digits_;
class Histogram : public Metric {
// Increment the histogram for the given value.
// 'value' must be non-negative.
void Increment(int64_t value);
// Increment the histogram for the given value by the given amount.
// 'value' and 'amount' must be non-negative.
void IncrementBy(int64_t value, int64_t amount);
// Return the total number of values added to the histogram (via Increment()
// or IncrementBy()).
uint64_t TotalCount() const;
virtual Status WriteAsJson(JsonWriter* w,
const MetricJsonOptions& opts) const OVERRIDE;
// Returns a snapshot of this histogram including the bucketed values and counts.
Status GetHistogramSnapshotPB(HistogramSnapshotPB* snapshot,
const MetricJsonOptions& opts) const;
uint64_t CountInBucketForValueForTests(uint64_t value) const;
uint64_t MinValueForTests() const;
uint64_t MaxValueForTests() const;
double MeanValueForTests() const;
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsTest, SimpleHistogramTest);
friend class MetricEntity;
explicit Histogram(const HistogramPrototype* proto);
const gscoped_ptr<HdrHistogram> histogram_;
// Measures a duration while in scope. Adds this duration to specified histogram on destruction.
class ScopedLatencyMetric {
// NOTE: the given histogram must live as long as this object.
// If 'latency_hist' is NULL, this turns into a no-op.
explicit ScopedLatencyMetric(Histogram* latency_hist);
Histogram* latency_hist_;
MonoTime time_started_;
#define SCOPED_LATENCY_METRIC(_mtx, _h) \
ScopedLatencyMetric _h##_metric((_mtx) ? (_mtx)->_h.get() : NULL)
// Inline implementations of template methods
inline scoped_refptr<Counter> MetricEntity::FindOrCreateCounter(
const CounterPrototype* proto) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
scoped_refptr<Counter> m = down_cast<Counter*>(FindPtrOrNull(metric_map_, proto).get());
if (!m) {
m = new Counter(proto);
InsertOrDie(&metric_map_, proto, m);
return m;
inline scoped_refptr<Histogram> MetricEntity::FindOrCreateHistogram(
const HistogramPrototype* proto) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
scoped_refptr<Histogram> m = down_cast<Histogram*>(FindPtrOrNull(metric_map_, proto).get());
if (!m) {
m = new Histogram(proto);
InsertOrDie(&metric_map_, proto, m);
return m;
template<typename T>
inline scoped_refptr<AtomicGauge<T> > MetricEntity::FindOrCreateGauge(
const GaugePrototype<T>* proto,
const T& initial_value) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
scoped_refptr<AtomicGauge<T> > m = down_cast<AtomicGauge<T>*>(
FindPtrOrNull(metric_map_, proto).get());
if (!m) {
m = new AtomicGauge<T>(proto, initial_value);
InsertOrDie(&metric_map_, proto, m);
return m;
template<typename T>
inline scoped_refptr<FunctionGauge<T> > MetricEntity::FindOrCreateFunctionGauge(
const GaugePrototype<T>* proto,
const Callback<T()>& function) {
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(lock_);
scoped_refptr<FunctionGauge<T> > m = down_cast<FunctionGauge<T>*>(
FindPtrOrNull(metric_map_, proto).get());
if (!m) {
m = new FunctionGauge<T>(proto, function);
InsertOrDie(&metric_map_, proto, m);
return m;
} // namespace kudu