blob: 991d3c41cad8a6f9029027ff121bb8cb9718de79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include <kudu/util/flags.h>
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/tablet-test-base.h"
DEFINE_int32(decoder_eval_test_nrepeats, 1, "Number of times to repeat per tablet");
DEFINE_int32(decoder_eval_test_lower, 0, "Lower bound on the predicate [lower, upper)");
DEFINE_int32(decoder_eval_test_upper, 50, "Upper bound on the predicate [lower, upper)");
DEFINE_int32(decoder_eval_test_strlen, 10, "Number of strings per cell");
namespace kudu {
namespace tablet {
using strings::Substitute;
enum Setup {
EMPTY = 0, SMALL = 100, MEDIUM = 3000, LARGE = 10000
EMPTY = 0, SMALL = 100, MEDIUM = 5000, LARGE = 100000
class TabletDecoderEvalTest : public KuduTabletTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<Setup> {
: KuduTabletTest(Schema({ColumnSchema("key", INT32),
ColumnSchema("string_val_a", STRING, true, NULL, NULL,
ColumnSchema("string_val_b", STRING, true, NULL, NULL,
void SetUp() override {
void ScanAndFilter(size_t cardinality, size_t lower, size_t upper, int null_upper) {
if (GetParam() == LARGE && !AllowSlowTests()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Skipped large test case";
size_t nrows = static_cast<size_t>(GetParam());
// The correctness check of this test requires that the int and string
// comparators for the values in the tablets match up. Adjust the lengths
// of the strings to enforce this.
// e.g. scanning ["00", ..., "99"] for > "111" would return numerically
// incorrect values, but ["000", ..., "099"] would return correct values.
size_t strlen = std::max({static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_decoder_eval_test_strlen),
Substitute("$0", upper).length(),
Substitute("$0", cardinality).length()});
// Fill tablet, a negative null_upper will yield no NULLs.
FillTestTablet(nrows, cardinality, strlen, null_upper);
int fetched = 0;
size_t lower_not_null = lower;
if (null_upper > static_cast<int>(lower)) {
// If null_upper is greater than the lower bound, the expected results
// will be calculated with null_upper as the lower bound.
// e.g. null_upper: 3, lower: 2, upper: 6
// NULL, NULL, NULL, "3", "4", "5", NULL, NULL, NULL, "3", "4", "5", ...
// Expected result will be calculated as if the query were [3, 6).
lower_not_null = null_upper;
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_decoder_eval_test_nrepeats; i++) {
TestTimedScanWithBounds(nrows, cardinality, strlen, lower, upper, &fetched);
// Calculate the expected count, potentially factoring in nulls.
size_t expected_sel_count = ExpectedCount(nrows, cardinality, lower_not_null, upper);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_sel_count, fetched);
LOG(INFO) << "Nrows: " << nrows
<< ", Strlen: " << strlen
<< ", Expected: " << expected_sel_count
<< ", Actual: " << fetched;
void TestScanAndFilter(size_t cardinality, size_t lower, size_t upper) {
ScanAndFilter(cardinality, lower, upper, -1);
void TestNullableScanAndFilter(size_t cardinality, size_t lower, size_t upper, int null_upper) {
ScanAndFilter(cardinality, lower, upper, null_upper);
void FillTestTablet(size_t nrows, size_t cardinality, size_t strlen, int null_upper) {
RowBuilder rb(client_schema_);
LocalTabletWriter writer(tablet().get(), &client_schema_);
KuduPartialRow row(&client_schema_);
for (int64_t i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
CHECK_OK(row.SetInt32(0, i));
// Populate the bottom of the repeating pattern with NULLs.
// Note: Negative null_upper will yield a completely non-NULL column.
if (static_cast<int>(i % cardinality) < null_upper) {
} else {
CHECK_OK(row.SetStringCopy(1, LeftZeroPadded(i % cardinality, strlen)));
CHECK_OK(row.SetStringCopy(2, LeftZeroPadded(i % cardinality, strlen)));
void TestTimedScanWithBounds(size_t nrows, size_t cardinality, size_t strlen, size_t lower_val,
size_t upper_val, int* fetched) {
Arena arena(128, 1028);
AutoReleasePool pool;
ScanSpec spec;
// Generate the predicate.
const std::string lower_string = LeftZeroPadded(lower_val, strlen);
const std::string upper_string = LeftZeroPadded(upper_val, strlen);
Slice lower(lower_string);
Slice upper(upper_string);
auto string_pred = ColumnPredicate::Range(schema_.column(2), &lower, &upper);
// Prepare the scan.
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena, &pool, true);
ScanSpec orig_spec = spec;
gscoped_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
ASSERT_OK(tablet()->NewRowIterator(client_schema_, &iter));
spec = orig_spec;
ASSERT_TRUE(spec.predicates().empty()) << "Should have accepted all predicates";
// Execute and time the scan. Argument fetched is an output and will be set
// to the number of rows returned in the result set.
LOG_TIMING(INFO, "Filtering by string value") {
ASSERT_OK(SilentIterateToStringList(iter.get(), fetched));
size_t ExpectedCount(size_t nrows, size_t cardinality, size_t lower, size_t upper) {
if (lower >= upper || lower >= cardinality) {
return 0;
lower = std::max(static_cast<size_t>(0), lower);
upper = std::min(cardinality, upper);
size_t last_chunk_count = 0;
size_t last_chunk_size = nrows % cardinality;
if (last_chunk_size == 0 || last_chunk_size <= lower) {
// e.g. lower: 3, upper: 8, cardinality:10, nrows: 23, last_chunk_size: 3
// Resulting vector: [0001111100|0001111100|000]
last_chunk_count = 0;
} else if (last_chunk_size <= upper) {
// e.g. lower: 3, upper: 8, cardinality:10, nrows: 25, last_chunk_size: 5
// Resulting vector: [0001111100|0001111100|00011]
last_chunk_count = last_chunk_size - lower;
} else {
// e.g. lower: 3, upper: 8, cardinality:10, nrows: 29, last_chunk_size: 9
// Resulting vector: [0001111100|0001111100|000111110]
last_chunk_count = upper - lower;
return (nrows / cardinality) * (upper - lower) + last_chunk_count;
std::string LeftZeroPadded(size_t n, size_t strlen) {
// Assumes the string representation of n is under strlen characters.
return StringPrintf(Substitute("%0$0$1", strlen, PRId64).c_str(), static_cast<int64_t>(n));
void TestMultipleColumnPredicates(size_t cardinality, size_t lower, size_t upper) {
if (GetParam() == LARGE && !AllowSlowTests()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Skipped large test case";
size_t nrows = static_cast<size_t>(GetParam());
size_t strlen = std::max({static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_decoder_eval_test_strlen),
Substitute("$0", upper).length(),
Substitute("$0", cardinality).length()});
FillTestTablet(nrows, 10, strlen, -1);
Arena arena(128, 1028);
AutoReleasePool pool;
ScanSpec spec;
// Generate the predicates [0, upper) AND [lower, cardinality).
const std::string lower_string_a(LeftZeroPadded(0, strlen));
const std::string upper_string_a(LeftZeroPadded(upper, strlen));
Slice lower_a(lower_string_a);
Slice upper_a(upper_string_a);
const std::string lower_string_b = LeftZeroPadded(lower, strlen);
const std::string upper_string_b = LeftZeroPadded(cardinality, strlen);
Slice lower_b(lower_string_b);
Slice upper_b(upper_string_b);
// This will exercise CopyNextAndEval's skipping behavior in the decoders
// that support evaluation. Decoders should skip over rows that have been
// deemed to not be returned by a prior column evaluation.
auto string_pred_a = ColumnPredicate::Range(schema_.column(1), &lower_a, &upper_a);
auto string_pred_b = ColumnPredicate::Range(schema_.column(2), &lower_b, &upper_b);
// Prepare the scan.
spec.OptimizeScan(schema_, &arena, &pool, true);
ScanSpec orig_spec = spec;
gscoped_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
ASSERT_OK(tablet()->NewRowIterator(client_schema_, &iter));
spec = orig_spec;
ASSERT_TRUE(spec.predicates().empty()) << "Should have accepted all predicates";
Arena ret_arena(1028, 1028);
size_t expected_count = ExpectedCount(nrows, cardinality, lower, upper);
Schema schema = iter->schema();
RowBlock block(schema, 100, &ret_arena);
int fetched = 0;
std::string column_str_a, column_str_b;
while (iter->HasNext()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < block.nrows(); i++) {
if (block.selection_vector()->IsRowSelected(i)) {
column_str_a = schema.column(1).Stringify(block.row(i).cell(1).ptr());
column_str_b = schema.column(2).Stringify(block.row(i).cell(2).ptr());
// Correct skipping should yield matching strings between columns.
ASSERT_TRUE(std::strcmp(column_str_a.c_str(), column_str_b.c_str()) == 0);
ASSERT_EQ(fetched, expected_count);
TEST_P(TabletDecoderEvalTest, LowCardinality) {
TestScanAndFilter(50, FLAGS_decoder_eval_test_lower, FLAGS_decoder_eval_test_upper);
TEST_P(TabletDecoderEvalTest, MidCardinality) {
TestScanAndFilter(1000, FLAGS_decoder_eval_test_lower, FLAGS_decoder_eval_test_upper);
TEST_P(TabletDecoderEvalTest, HighCardinality) {
TestScanAndFilter(50000, FLAGS_decoder_eval_test_lower, FLAGS_decoder_eval_test_upper);
TEST_P(TabletDecoderEvalTest, EvaluateEmpty) {
// Predicate [k, k+5) will not evaluate to None, but will return no rows.
TestScanAndFilter(50, 50, 55);
TEST_P(TabletDecoderEvalTest, NullableLowCardinality) {
// Fill a tablet with pattern [0, 50) but with values [0, 40) as NULL.
// Query for values [30, 50).
TestNullableScanAndFilter(50, 30, 50, 40);
TEST_P(TabletDecoderEvalTest, NullableMidCardinality) {
// Fill a tablet with pattern [0, 1000) but with values [0, 50) as NULL.
// Query for values [30, 100).
TestNullableScanAndFilter(1000, 30, 100, 50);
TEST_P(TabletDecoderEvalTest, NullableHighCardinality) {
// Fill a tablet with pattern [0, 50000) but with values [0, 75) as NULL.
// Query for values [30, 200).
TestNullableScanAndFilter(50000, 30, 200, 75);
TEST_P(TabletDecoderEvalTest, CompletelyNullColumn) {
// Fill a tablet with pattern [0, 50) but with all values being NULL.
// Query for values [30, 50).
TestNullableScanAndFilter(50, 30, 50, 50);
TEST_P(TabletDecoderEvalTest, MultipleColumns) {
// Fill a tablet with pattern [0, 10) and query a:[0, 5) AND b:[3, 10).
// To be considered correct, returned columns must align as they do in the
// table and the correct number of rows must be returned.
TestMultipleColumnPredicates(10, 3, 5);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(DecoderEvaluation, TabletDecoderEvalTest, ::testing::Values(EMPTY,
} // namespace tablet
} // namespace kudu