blob: 123266d37c8f2c3c08233ed0c20131cca52f07b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/tablet/rowset_info.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/casts.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/endian.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/util.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/rowset.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/rowset_tree.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::vector;
// Enforce a minimum size of 1MB, since otherwise the knapsack algorithm
// will always pick up small rowsets no matter what.
static const int kMinSizeMb = 1;
namespace kudu {
namespace tablet {
namespace {
// Less-than comparison by minimum key (both by actual encoded key and cdf)
bool LessCDFAndRSMin(const RowSetInfo& a, const RowSetInfo& b) {
return a.cdf_min_key() < b.cdf_min_key() && a.min_key().compare(b.min_key()) < 0;
// Less-than comparison by maximum key (both by actual key slice and cdf)
bool LessCDFAndRSMax(const RowSetInfo& a, const RowSetInfo& b) {
return a.cdf_max_key() < b.cdf_max_key() && a.max_key().compare(b.max_key()) < 0;
// Debug-checks that min <= imin <= imax <= max
void DCheckInside(const Slice& min, const Slice& max,
const Slice& imin, const Slice& imax) {
// Return the number of bytes of common prefix shared by 'min' and 'max'
int CommonPrefix(const Slice& min, const Slice& max) {
int min_len = std::min(min.size(), max.size());
int common_prefix = 0;
while (common_prefix < min_len &&
min[common_prefix] == max[common_prefix]) {
return common_prefix;
void DCheckCommonPrefix(const Slice& min, const Slice& imin,
const Slice& imax, int common_prefix) {
DCHECK_EQ(memcmp(,, common_prefix), 0)
<< "slices should share common prefix:\n"
<< "\t" << min.ToDebugString() << "\n"
<< "\t" << imin.ToDebugString();
DCHECK_EQ(memcmp(,, common_prefix), 0)
<< "slices should share common prefix:\n"
<< "\t" << min.ToDebugString() << "\n"
<< "\t" << imin.ToDebugString();
uint64_t SliceTailToInt(const Slice& slice, int start) {
uint64_t ret = 0;
DCHECK_GE(start, 0);
DCHECK_LE(start, slice.size());
memcpy(&ret, &[start], std::min(slice.size() - start, sizeof(ret)));
ret = BigEndian::ToHost64(ret);
return ret;
// Finds fraction (imin, imax) takes up of rs->GetBounds().
// Requires that (imin, imax) is contained in rs->GetBounds().
double StringFractionInRange(const RowSetInfo* rsi,
const Slice& imin,
const Slice& imax) {
Slice min(rsi->min_key());
Slice max(rsi->max_key());
if (!rsi->has_bounds()) {
VLOG(2) << "Ignoring " << rsi->rowset()->ToString() << " in CDF calculation";
return 0;
DCheckInside(min, max, imin, imax);
int common_prefix = CommonPrefix(min, max);
DCheckCommonPrefix(min, imin, imax, common_prefix);
// Convert the remaining portion of each string to an integer.
uint64_t min_int = SliceTailToInt(min, common_prefix);
uint64_t max_int = SliceTailToInt(max, common_prefix);
uint64_t imin_int = SliceTailToInt(imin, common_prefix);
uint64_t imax_int = SliceTailToInt(imax, common_prefix);
// Compute how far between min and max the query point falls.
if (min_int == max_int) return 0;
return static_cast<double>(imax_int - imin_int) / (max_int - min_int);
// Computes the "width" of an interval [prev, next] according to the amount
// of data estimated to be inside the interval, where this is calculated by
// multiplying the fraction that the interval takes up in the keyspace of
// each rowset by the rowset's size (assumes distribution of rows is somewhat
// uniform).
// Requires: [prev, next] contained in each rowset in "active"
double WidthByDataSize(const Slice& prev, const Slice& next,
const unordered_map<RowSet*, RowSetInfo*>& active) {
double weight = 0;
for (const auto& rs_rsi : active) {
double fraction = StringFractionInRange(rs_rsi.second, prev, next);
weight += rs_rsi.second->size_bytes() * fraction;
return weight;
void CheckCollectOrderedCorrectness(const vector<RowSetInfo>& min_key,
const vector<RowSetInfo>& max_key,
double total_width) {
CHECK_GE(total_width, 0);
CHECK_EQ(min_key.size(), max_key.size());
if (!min_key.empty()) {
CHECK_EQ(min_key.front().cdf_min_key(), 0.0f);
CHECK_EQ(max_key.back().cdf_max_key(), total_width);
DCHECK(std::is_sorted(min_key.begin(), min_key.end(), LessCDFAndRSMin));
DCHECK(std::is_sorted(max_key.begin(), max_key.end(), LessCDFAndRSMax));
} // anonymous namespace
// RowSetInfo class ---------------------------------------------------
void RowSetInfo::Collect(const RowSetTree& tree, vector<RowSetInfo>* rsvec) {
for (const shared_ptr<RowSet>& ptr : tree.all_rowsets()) {
rsvec->push_back(RowSetInfo(ptr.get(), 0));
void RowSetInfo::CollectOrdered(const RowSetTree& tree,
vector<RowSetInfo>* min_key,
vector<RowSetInfo>* max_key) {
// Resize
size_t len = tree.all_rowsets().size();
min_key->reserve(min_key->size() + len);
max_key->reserve(max_key->size() + len);
// The collection process works as follows:
// For each sorted endpoint, first we identify whether it is a
// start or stop endpoint.
// At a start point, the associated rowset is added to the
// "active" rowset mapping, allowing us to keep track of the index
// of the rowset's RowSetInfo in the min_key vector.
// At a stop point, the rowset is removed from the "active" map.
// Note that the "active" map allows access to the incomplete
// RowSetInfo that the RowSet maps to.
// The algorithm keeps track of its state - a "sliding window"
// across the keyspace - by maintaining the previous key and current
// value of the total width traversed over the intervals.
Slice prev;
unordered_map<RowSet*, RowSetInfo*> active;
double total_width = 0.0f;
// We need to filter out the rowsets that aren't available before we process the endpoints,
// else there's a race since we see endpoints twice and a delta compaction might finish in
// between.
RowSetVector available_rowsets;
for (const shared_ptr<RowSet> rs : tree.all_rowsets()) {
if (rs->IsAvailableForCompaction()) {
RowSetTree available_rs_tree;
for (const RowSetTree::RSEndpoint& rse :
available_rs_tree.key_endpoints()) {
RowSet* rs = rse.rowset_;
const Slice& next = rse.slice_;
double interval_width = WidthByDataSize(prev, next, active);
// Increment active rowsets in min_key by the interval_width.
for (const auto& rs_rsi : active) {
RowSetInfo& cdf_rs = *rs_rsi.second;
cdf_rs.cdf_max_key_ += interval_width;
// Move sliding window
total_width += interval_width;
prev = next;
// Add/remove current RowSetInfo
if (rse.endpoint_ == RowSetTree::START) {
min_key->push_back(RowSetInfo(rs, total_width));
// Store reference from vector. This is safe b/c of reserve() above.
active.insert(std::make_pair(rs, &min_key->back()));
} else if (rse.endpoint_ == RowSetTree::STOP) {
// If not in active set, then STOP before START in endpoint tree
RowSetInfo* cdf_rs = CHECK_NOTNULL(active[rs]);
CHECK_EQ(cdf_rs->rowset(), rs) << "Inconsistent key interval tree.";
CHECK_EQ(active.erase(rs), 1);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Undefined RowSet endpoint type.\n"
<< "\tExpected either RowSetTree::START=" << RowSetTree::START
<< " or RowSetTree::STOP=" << RowSetTree::STOP << ".\n"
<< "\tRecieved:\n"
<< "\t\tRowSet=" << rs->ToString() << "\n"
<< "\t\tKey=" << next << "\n"
<< "\t\tEndpointType=" << rse.endpoint_;
CheckCollectOrderedCorrectness(*min_key, *max_key, total_width);
FinalizeCDFVector(min_key, total_width);
FinalizeCDFVector(max_key, total_width);
RowSetInfo::RowSetInfo(RowSet* rs, double init_cdf)
: rowset_(rs),
size_mb_(std::max(implicit_cast<int>(size_bytes_ / 1024 / 1024), kMinSizeMb)),
cdf_max_key_(init_cdf) {
has_bounds_ = rs->GetBounds(&min_key_, &max_key_).ok();
void RowSetInfo::FinalizeCDFVector(vector<RowSetInfo>* vec,
double quot) {
if (quot == 0) return;
for (RowSetInfo& cdf_rs : *vec) {
CHECK_GT(cdf_rs.size_mb_, 0) << "Expected file size to be at least 1MB "
<< "for RowSet " << cdf_rs.rowset_->ToString()
<< ", was " << cdf_rs.size_bytes()
<< " bytes.";
cdf_rs.cdf_min_key_ /= quot;
cdf_rs.cdf_max_key_ /= quot;
cdf_rs.density_ = (cdf_rs.cdf_max_key() - cdf_rs.cdf_min_key())
/ cdf_rs.size_mb_;
string RowSetInfo::ToString() const {
string ret;
StringAppendF(&ret, "(% 3dM) [%.04f, %.04f]", size_mb_,
cdf_min_key_, cdf_max_key_);
if (has_bounds_) {
ret.append(" [").append(Slice(min_key_).ToDebugString());
return ret;
bool RowSetInfo::Intersects(const RowSetInfo &other) const {
if (other.cdf_min_key() > cdf_max_key()) return false;
if (other.cdf_max_key() < cdf_min_key()) return false;
return true;
} // namespace tablet
} // namespace kudu