blob: 2ef4646d2535f8b00f3abf46b66ea40334c64faf [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <iosfwd>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/server/webserver_options.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/sockaddr.h"
#include "kudu/util/rw_mutex.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/web_callback_registry.h"
struct sq_connection;
struct sq_request_info;
struct sq_context;
namespace kudu {
// Wrapper class for the Mongoose web server library. Clients may register callback
// methods which produce output for a given URL path
class Webserver : public WebCallbackRegistry {
// Using this constructor, the webserver will bind to all available
// interfaces.
explicit Webserver(const WebserverOptions& opts);
// Starts a webserver on the port passed to the constructor. The webserver runs in a
// separate thread, so this call is non-blocking.
Status Start();
// Stops the webserver synchronously.
void Stop();
// Return the addresses that this server has successfully
// bound to. Requires that the server has been Start()ed.
Status GetBoundAddresses(std::vector<Sockaddr>* addrs) const;
virtual void RegisterPathHandler(const std::string& path, const std::string& alias,
const PathHandlerCallback& callback,
bool is_styled = true, bool is_on_nav_bar = true) OVERRIDE;
// Change the footer HTML to be displayed at the bottom of all styled web pages.
void set_footer_html(const std::string& html);
// True if serving all traffic over SSL, false otherwise
bool IsSecure() const;
// Container class for a list of path handler callbacks for a single URL.
class PathHandler {
PathHandler(bool is_styled, bool is_on_nav_bar, std::string alias)
: is_styled_(is_styled),
alias_(std::move(alias)) {}
void AddCallback(const PathHandlerCallback& callback) {
bool is_styled() const { return is_styled_; }
bool is_on_nav_bar() const { return is_on_nav_bar_; }
const std::string& alias() const { return alias_; }
const std::vector<PathHandlerCallback>& callbacks() const { return callbacks_; }
// If true, the page appears is rendered styled.
bool is_styled_;
// If true, the page appears in the navigation bar.
bool is_on_nav_bar_;
// Alias used when displaying this link on the nav bar.
std::string alias_;
// List of callbacks to render output for this page, called in order.
std::vector<PathHandlerCallback> callbacks_;
bool static_pages_available() const;
// Build the string to pass to mongoose specifying where to bind.
Status BuildListenSpec(std::string* spec) const;
// Renders a common Bootstrap-styled header
void BootstrapPageHeader(std::ostringstream* output);
// Renders a common Bootstrap-styled footer. Must be used in conjunction with
// BootstrapPageHeader.
void BootstrapPageFooter(std::ostringstream* output);
// Dispatch point for all incoming requests.
// Static so that it can act as a function pointer, and then call the next method
static int BeginRequestCallbackStatic(struct sq_connection* connection);
int BeginRequestCallback(struct sq_connection* connection,
struct sq_request_info* request_info);
int RunPathHandler(const PathHandler& handler,
struct sq_connection* connection,
struct sq_request_info* request_info);
// Callback to funnel mongoose logs through glog.
static int LogMessageCallbackStatic(const struct sq_connection* connection,
const char* message);
// Registered to handle "/", and prints a list of available URIs
void RootHandler(const WebRequest& args, std::ostringstream* output);
// Builds a map of argument name to argument value from a typical URL argument
// string (that is, "key1=value1&key2=value2.."). If no value is given for a
// key, it is entered into the map as (key, "").
void BuildArgumentMap(const std::string& args, ArgumentMap* output);
const WebserverOptions opts_;
// Lock guarding the path_handlers_ map and footer_html.
RWMutex lock_;
// Map of path to a PathHandler containing a list of handlers for that
// path. More than one handler may register itself with a path so that many
// components may contribute to a single page.
typedef std::map<std::string, PathHandler*> PathHandlerMap;
PathHandlerMap path_handlers_;
// Snippet of HTML which will be displayed in the footer of all pages
// rendered by this server. Protected by 'lock_'.
std::string footer_html_;
// The address of the interface on which to run this webserver.
std::string http_address_;
// Handle to Mongoose context; owned and freed by Mongoose internally
struct sq_context* context_;
} // namespace kudu