blob: f8478c3cdd0d43b0be3c1895146ec4ab9e81c511 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sasl/sasl.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_header.pb.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/sasl_common.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/sasl_helper.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/socket.h"
namespace kudu {
namespace rpc {
using std::string;
class ResponseHeader;
class SaslMessagePB;
class SaslMessagePB_SaslAuth;
// Class for doing SASL negotiation with a SaslServer over a bidirectional socket.
// Operations on this class are NOT thread-safe.
class SaslClient {
// Does not take ownership of the socket indicated by the fd.
SaslClient(string app_name, Socket* socket);
// Enable ANONYMOUS authentication.
// Must be called after Init().
Status EnableAnonymous();
// Enable PLAIN authentication.
// Must be called after Init().
Status EnablePlain(const string& user, const string& pass);
// Enable GSSAPI authentication.
// Call after Init().
Status EnableGSSAPI();
// Returns mechanism negotiated by this connection.
// Must be called after Negotiate().
SaslMechanism::Type negotiated_mechanism() const;
// Returns the set of RPC system features supported by the remote server.
// Must be called after Negotiate().
const std::set<RpcFeatureFlag>& server_features() const {
return server_features_;
// Specify IP:port of local side of connection.
// Must be called before Init(). Required for some mechanisms.
void set_local_addr(const Sockaddr& addr);
// Specify IP:port of remote side of connection.
// Must be called before Init(). Required for some mechanisms.
void set_remote_addr(const Sockaddr& addr);
// Specify the fully-qualified domain name of the remote server.
// Must be called before Init(). Required for some mechanisms.
void set_server_fqdn(const string& domain_name);
// Set deadline for connection negotiation.
void set_deadline(const MonoTime& deadline);
// Get deadline for connection negotiation.
const MonoTime& deadline() const { return deadline_; }
// Initialize a new SASL client. Must be called before Negotiate().
// Returns OK on success, otherwise RuntimeError.
Status Init(const string& service_type);
// Begin negotiation with the SASL server on the other side of the fd socket
// that this client was constructed with.
// Returns OK on success.
// Otherwise, it may return NotAuthorized, NotSupported, or another non-OK status.
Status Negotiate();
// SASL callback for plugin options, supported mechanisms, etc.
// Returns SASL_FAIL if the option is not handled, which does not fail the handshake.
int GetOptionCb(const char* plugin_name, const char* option,
const char** result, unsigned* len);
int SimpleCb(int id, const char** result, unsigned* len);
// SASL callback for SASL_CB_PASS
int SecretCb(sasl_conn_t* conn, int id, sasl_secret_t** psecret);
// Encode and send the specified SASL message to the server.
Status SendSaslMessage(const SaslMessagePB& msg);
// Validate that header does not indicate an error, parse param_buf into response.
Status ParseSaslMsgResponse(const ResponseHeader& header, const Slice& param_buf,
SaslMessagePB* response);
// Send an NEGOTIATE message to the server.
Status SendNegotiateMessage();
// Send an INITIATE message to the server.
Status SendInitiateMessage(const SaslMessagePB_SaslAuth& auth,
const char* init_msg, unsigned init_msg_len);
// Send a RESPONSE message to the server.
Status SendResponseMessage(const char* resp_msg, unsigned resp_msg_len);
// Perform a client-side step of the SASL negotiation.
// Input is what came from the server. Output is what we will send back to the server.
// Returns:
// Status::OK if sasl_client_step returns SASL_OK.
// Status::Incomplete if sasl_client_step returns SASL_CONTINUE
// otherwise returns an appropriate error status.
Status DoSaslStep(const string& in, const char** out, unsigned* out_len);
// Handle case when server sends NEGOTIATE response.
Status HandleNegotiateResponse(const SaslMessagePB& response);
// Handle case when server sends CHALLENGE response.
Status HandleChallengeResponse(const SaslMessagePB& response);
// Handle case when server sends SUCCESS response.
Status HandleSuccessResponse(const SaslMessagePB& response);
// Parse error status message from raw bytes of an ErrorStatusPB.
Status ParseError(const Slice& err_data);
string app_name_;
Socket* sock_;
std::vector<sasl_callback_t> callbacks_;
// The SASL connection object. This is initialized in Init() and
// freed after Negotiate() completes (regardless whether it was successful).
gscoped_ptr<sasl_conn_t, SaslDeleter> sasl_conn_;
SaslHelper helper_;
string plain_auth_user_;
string plain_pass_;
gscoped_ptr<sasl_secret_t, FreeDeleter> psecret_;
// The set of features supported by the server.
std::set<RpcFeatureFlag> server_features_;
SaslNegotiationState::Type client_state_;
// The mechanism we negotiated with the server.
SaslMechanism::Type negotiated_mech_;
// Intra-negotiation state.
bool nego_ok_; // During negotiation: did we get a SASL_OK response from the SASL library?
bool nego_response_expected_; // During negotiation: Are we waiting for a server response?
// Negotiation timeout deadline.
MonoTime deadline_;
} // namespace rpc
} // namespace kudu