blob: 9f25ae586df133ee451bd1d5d6a5e131ee9a8ca8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stl_util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/remote_method.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/service_if.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_header.pb.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/transfer.h"
#include "kudu/util/faststring.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
class Message;
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
namespace kudu {
class Histogram;
class Trace;
namespace rpc {
class Connection;
class DumpRunningRpcsRequestPB;
class RpcCallInProgressPB;
struct RpcMethodInfo;
class RpcSidecar;
class UserCredentials;
struct InboundCallTiming {
MonoTime time_received; // Time the call was first accepted.
MonoTime time_handled; // Time the call handler was kicked off.
MonoTime time_completed; // Time the call handler completed.
MonoDelta TotalDuration() const {
return time_completed - time_received;
// Inbound call on server
class InboundCall {
explicit InboundCall(Connection* conn);
// Parse an inbound call message.
// This only deserializes the call header, populating the 'header_' and
// 'serialized_request_' member variables. The actual call parameter is
// not deserialized, as this may be CPU-expensive, and this is called
// from the reactor thread.
Status ParseFrom(gscoped_ptr<InboundTransfer> transfer);
// Return the serialized request parameter protobuf.
const Slice &serialized_request() const {
return serialized_request_;
const RemoteMethod& remote_method() const {
return remote_method_;
const int32_t call_id() const {
return header_.call_id();
// Serializes 'response' into the InboundCall's internal buffer, and marks
// the call as a success. Enqueues the response back to the connection
// that made the call.
// This method deletes the InboundCall object, so no further calls may be
// made after this one.
void RespondSuccess(const google::protobuf::MessageLite& response);
// Serializes a failure response into the internal buffer, marking the
// call as a failure. Enqueues the response back to the connection that
// made the call.
// This method deletes the InboundCall object, so no further calls may be
// made after this one.
void RespondFailure(ErrorStatusPB::RpcErrorCodePB error_code,
const Status &status);
void RespondUnsupportedFeature(const std::vector<uint32_t>& unsupported_features);
void RespondApplicationError(int error_ext_id, const std::string& message,
const google::protobuf::MessageLite& app_error_pb);
// Convert an application error extension to an ErrorStatusPB.
// These ErrorStatusPB objects are what are returned in application error responses.
static void ApplicationErrorToPB(int error_ext_id, const std::string& message,
const google::protobuf::MessageLite& app_error_pb,
ErrorStatusPB* err);
// Serialize the response packet for the finished call.
// The resulting slices refer to memory in this object.
void SerializeResponseTo(std::vector<Slice>* slices) const;
// See RpcContext::AddRpcSidecar()
Status AddRpcSidecar(gscoped_ptr<RpcSidecar> car, int* idx);
std::string ToString() const;
void DumpPB(const DumpRunningRpcsRequestPB& req, RpcCallInProgressPB* resp);
const UserCredentials& user_credentials() const;
const Sockaddr& remote_address() const;
const scoped_refptr<Connection>& connection() const;
Trace* trace();
const InboundCallTiming& timing() const {
return timing_;
const RequestHeader& header() const {
return header_;
// Associate this call with a particular method that will be invoked
// by the service.
void set_method_info(scoped_refptr<RpcMethodInfo> info) {
method_info_ = std::move(info);
// Return the method associated with this call. This is set just before
// the call is enqueued onto the service queue, and therefore may be
// 'nullptr' for much of the lifecycle of a call.
RpcMethodInfo* method_info() {
return method_info_.get();
// When this InboundCall was received (instantiated).
// Should only be called once on a given instance.
// Not thread-safe. Should only be called by the current "owner" thread.
void RecordCallReceived();
// When RPC call Handle() was called on the server side.
// Updates the Histogram with time elapsed since the call was received,
// and should only be called once on a given instance.
// Not thread-safe. Should only be called by the current "owner" thread.
void RecordHandlingStarted(scoped_refptr<Histogram> incoming_queue_time);
// Return true if the deadline set by the client has already elapsed.
// In this case, the server may stop processing the call, since the
// call response will be ignored anyway.
bool ClientTimedOut() const;
// Return an upper bound on the client timeout deadline. This does not
// account for transmission delays between the client and the server.
// If the client did not specify a deadline, returns MonoTime::Max().
MonoTime GetClientDeadline() const;
// Return the time when this call was received.
MonoTime GetTimeReceived() const;
// Returns the set of application-specific feature flags required to service
// the RPC.
std::vector<uint32_t> GetRequiredFeatures() const;
friend class RpczStore;
// Serialize and queue the response.
void Respond(const google::protobuf::MessageLite& response,
bool is_success);
// Serialize a response message for either success or failure. If it is a success,
// 'response' should be the user-defined response type for the call. If it is a
// failure, 'response' should be an ErrorStatusPB instance.
void SerializeResponseBuffer(const google::protobuf::MessageLite& response,
bool is_success);
// When RPC call Handle() completed execution on the server side.
// Updates the Histogram with time elapsed since the call was started,
// and should only be called once on a given instance.
// Not thread-safe. Should only be called by the current "owner" thread.
void RecordHandlingCompleted();
// The connection on which this inbound call arrived.
scoped_refptr<Connection> conn_;
// The header of the incoming call. Set by ParseFrom()
RequestHeader header_;
// The serialized bytes of the request param protobuf. Set by ParseFrom().
// This references memory held by 'transfer_'.
Slice serialized_request_;
// The transfer that produced the call.
// This is kept around because it retains the memory referred to
// by 'serialized_request_' above.
gscoped_ptr<InboundTransfer> transfer_;
// The buffers for serialized response. Set by SerializeResponseBuffer().
faststring response_hdr_buf_;
faststring response_msg_buf_;
// Vector of additional sidecars that are tacked on to the call's response
// after serialization of the protobuf. See rpc/rpc_sidecar.h for more info.
std::vector<RpcSidecar*> sidecars_;
ElementDeleter sidecars_deleter_;
// The trace buffer.
scoped_refptr<Trace> trace_;
// Timing information related to this RPC call.
InboundCallTiming timing_;
// Proto service this calls belongs to. Used for routing.
// This field is filled in when the inbound request header is parsed.
RemoteMethod remote_method_;
// After the method has been looked up within the service, this is filled in
// to point to the information about this method. Acts as a pointer back to
// per-method info such as tracing.
scoped_refptr<RpcMethodInfo> method_info_;
} // namespace rpc
} // namespace kudu