blob: c37c4ed470560e6a1ddb48d5fe1406ef6d43bcd2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/client/client.h"
#include "kudu/client/client-test-util.h"
#include "kudu/client/row_result.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stl_util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/join.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/split.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/walltime.h"
#include "kudu/integration-tests/external_mini_cluster.h"
#include "kudu/server/hybrid_clock.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/tablet.h"
#include "kudu/util/atomic.h"
#include "kudu/util/blocking_queue.h"
#include "kudu/util/curl_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/hdr_histogram.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/random.h"
#include "kudu/util/stopwatch.h"
#include "kudu/util/thread.h"
namespace kudu {
static const char* const kKeyColumnName = "rand_key";
static const char* const kLinkColumnName = "link_to";
static const char* const kInsertTsColumnName = "insert_ts";
static const char* const kUpdatedColumnName = "updated";
static const int64_t kNoSnapshot = -1;
static const int64_t kNoParticularCountExpected = -1;
// Vector of snapshot timestamp, count pairs.
typedef vector<pair<uint64_t, int64_t> > SnapsAndCounts;
// Provides methods for writing data and reading it back in such a way that
// facilitates checking for data integrity.
class LinkedListTester {
LinkedListTester(client::sp::shared_ptr<client::KuduClient> client,
std::string table_name, int num_chains, int num_tablets,
int num_replicas, bool enable_mutation)
: verify_projection_(
{kKeyColumnName, kLinkColumnName, kUpdatedColumnName}),
latency_histogram_(1000000, 3),
client_(std::move(client)) {
client::KuduSchemaBuilder b;
// Create the table.
Status CreateLinkedListTable();
// Load the table with the linked list test pattern.
// Runs for the amount of time designated by 'run_for'.
// Sets *written_count to the number of rows inserted.
Status LoadLinkedList(
const MonoDelta& run_for,
int num_samples,
int64_t *written_count);
// Variant of VerifyLinkedListRemote that verifies at the specified snapshot timestamp.
Status VerifyLinkedListAtSnapshotRemote(const uint64_t snapshot_timestamp,
const int64_t expected,
const bool log_errors,
const boost::function<Status(const std::string&)>& cb,
int64_t* verified_count) {
return VerifyLinkedListRemote(snapshot_timestamp,
// Variant of VerifyLinkedListRemote that verifies without specifying a snapshot timestamp.
Status VerifyLinkedListNoSnapshotRemote(const int64_t expected,
const bool log_errors,
int64_t* verified_count) {
return VerifyLinkedListRemote(kNoSnapshot,
boost::bind(&LinkedListTester::ReturnOk, this, _1),
// Run the verify step on a table with RPCs. Calls the provided callback 'cb' once during
// verification to test scanner fault tolerance.
Status VerifyLinkedListRemote(const uint64_t snapshot_timestamp,
const int64_t expected,
const bool log_errors,
const boost::function<Status(const std::string&)>& cb,
int64_t* verified_count);
// Run the verify step on a specific tablet.
Status VerifyLinkedListLocal(const tablet::Tablet* tablet,
const int64_t expected,
int64_t* verified_count);
// A variant of VerifyLinkedListRemote that is more robust towards ongoing
// bootstrapping and replication.
Status WaitAndVerify(int seconds_to_run,
int64_t expected) {
return WaitAndVerify(seconds_to_run,
boost::bind(&LinkedListTester::ReturnOk, this, _1));
// A variant of WaitAndVerify that also takes a callback to be run once during verification.
Status WaitAndVerify(int seconds_to_run,
int64_t expected,
const boost::function<Status(const std::string&)>& cb);
// Generates a vector of keys for the table such that each tablet is
// responsible for an equal fraction of the int64 key space.
std::vector<const KuduPartialRow*> GenerateSplitRows(const client::KuduSchema& schema);
// Generate a vector of ints which form the split keys.
std::vector<int64_t> GenerateSplitInts();
void DumpInsertHistogram(bool print_flags);
client::KuduSchema schema_;
const std::vector<std::string> verify_projection_;
const std::string table_name_;
const int num_chains_;
const int num_tablets_;
const int num_replicas_;
const bool enable_mutation_;
HdrHistogram latency_histogram_;
client::sp::shared_ptr<client::KuduClient> client_;
SnapsAndCounts sampled_timestamps_and_counts_;
Status ReturnOk(const std::string& str) { return Status::OK(); }
// Generates the linked list pattern.
// Since we can insert multiple chain in parallel, this encapsulates the
// state for each chain.
class LinkedListChainGenerator {
// 'chain_idx' is a unique ID for this chain. Chains with different indexes
// will always generate distinct sets of keys (thus avoiding the possibility of
// a collision even in a longer run).
explicit LinkedListChainGenerator(int chain_idx)
: chain_idx_(chain_idx),
rand_(chain_idx * 0xDEADBEEF),
prev_key_(0) {
CHECK_GE(chain_idx, 0);
CHECK_LT(chain_idx, 65536);
~LinkedListChainGenerator() {
// Generate a random 64-bit unsigned int.
uint64_t Rand64() {
return (implicit_cast<uint64_t>(rand_.Next()) << 32) | rand_.Next();
Status GenerateNextInsert(client::KuduTable* table, client::KuduSession* session) {
// Encode the chain index in the lowest 16 bits so that different chains never
// intersect.
int64_t this_key = (Rand64() << 16) | chain_idx_;
int64_t ts = GetCurrentTimeMicros();
gscoped_ptr<client::KuduInsert> insert(table->NewInsert());
CHECK_OK(insert->mutable_row()->SetInt64(kKeyColumnName, this_key));
CHECK_OK(insert->mutable_row()->SetInt64(kInsertTsColumnName, ts));
CHECK_OK(insert->mutable_row()->SetInt64(kLinkColumnName, prev_key_));
strings::Substitute("Unable to apply insert with key $0 at ts $1",
this_key, ts));
prev_key_ = this_key;
return Status::OK();
int64_t prev_key() const {
return prev_key_;
const int chain_idx_;
// This is a linear congruential random number generator, so it won't repeat until
// it has exhausted its period (which is quite large)
Random rand_;
// The previously output key.
int64_t prev_key_;
// A thread that updates the timestamps of rows whose keys are put in its BlockingQueue.
class ScopedRowUpdater {
// Create and start a new ScopedUpdater. 'table' must remain valid for
// the lifetime of this object.
explicit ScopedRowUpdater(client::KuduTable* table)
: table_(table),
to_update_(kint64max) { // no limit
CHECK_OK(Thread::Create("linked_list-test", "updater",
&ScopedRowUpdater::RowUpdaterThread, this, &updater_));
~ScopedRowUpdater() {
if (updater_) {
BlockingQueue<int64_t>* to_update() { return &to_update_; }
void RowUpdaterThread() {
client::sp::shared_ptr<client::KuduSession> session(table_->client()->NewSession());
int64_t next_key;
while (to_update_.BlockingGet(&next_key)) {
std::unique_ptr<client::KuduUpdate> update(table_->NewUpdate());
CHECK_OK(update->mutable_row()->SetInt64(kKeyColumnName, next_key));
CHECK_OK(update->mutable_row()->SetBool(kUpdatedColumnName, true));
client::KuduTable* table_;
BlockingQueue<int64_t> to_update_;
scoped_refptr<Thread> updater_;
// A thread that periodically checks tablet and master web pages during the
// linked list test.
class PeriodicWebUIChecker {
PeriodicWebUIChecker(const ExternalMiniCluster& cluster,
const std::string& tablet_id, MonoDelta period)
: period_(std::move(period)), is_running_(true) {
// List of master and ts web pages to fetch
vector<std::string> master_pages, ts_pages;
if (!tablet_id.empty()) {
// Generate list of urls for each master and tablet server
for (int i = 0; i < cluster.num_masters(); i++) {
for (std::string page : master_pages) {
for (int i = 0; i < cluster.num_tablet_servers(); i++) {
for (std::string page : ts_pages) {
CHECK_OK(Thread::Create("linked_list-test", "checker",
&PeriodicWebUIChecker::CheckThread, this, &checker_));
~PeriodicWebUIChecker() {
LOG(INFO) << "Shutting down curl thread";
if (checker_) {
void CheckThread() {
EasyCurl curl;
faststring dst;
LOG(INFO) << "Curl thread will poll the following URLs every " << period_.ToMilliseconds()
<< " ms: ";
for (std::string url : urls_) {
LOG(INFO) << url;
while (is_running_.Load()) {
// Poll all of the URLs.
const MonoTime start = MonoTime::Now();
for (const auto& url : urls_) {
if (curl.FetchURL(url, &dst).ok()) {
CHECK_GT(dst.length(), 0);
// Sleep until the next period
const MonoDelta elapsed = MonoTime::Now() - start;
const int64_t sleep_ns = period_.ToNanoseconds() - elapsed.ToNanoseconds();
if (sleep_ns > 0) {
const MonoDelta period_;
AtomicBool is_running_;
scoped_refptr<Thread> checker_;
vector<std::string> urls_;
// Helper class to hold results from a linked list scan and perform the
// verification step on the data.
class LinkedListVerifier {
LinkedListVerifier(int num_chains, bool enable_mutation, int64_t expected,
std::vector<int64_t> split_key_ints);
// Start the scan timer. The duration between starting the scan and verifying
// the data is logged in the VerifyData() step, so this should be called
// immediately before starting the table(t) scan.
void StartScanTimer();
// Register a new row result during the verify step.
void RegisterResult(int64_t key, int64_t link, bool updated);
// Run the common verify step once the scanned data is stored.
Status VerifyData(int64_t* verified_count, bool log_errors);
// Print a summary of the broken links to the log.
void SummarizeBrokenLinks(const std::vector<int64_t>& broken_links);
const int num_chains_;
const int64_t expected_;
const bool enable_mutation_;
const std::vector<int64_t> split_key_ints_;
std::vector<int64_t> seen_key_;
std::vector<int64_t> seen_link_to_;
int errors_;
Stopwatch scan_timer_;
// LinkedListTester
std::vector<const KuduPartialRow*> LinkedListTester::GenerateSplitRows(
const client::KuduSchema& schema) {
std::vector<const KuduPartialRow*> split_keys;
for (int64_t val : GenerateSplitInts()) {
KuduPartialRow* row = schema.NewRow();
CHECK_OK(row->SetInt64(kKeyColumnName, val));
return split_keys;
std::vector<int64_t> LinkedListTester::GenerateSplitInts() {
vector<int64_t> ret;
ret.reserve(num_tablets_ - 1);
int64_t increment = kint64max / num_tablets_;
for (int64_t i = 1; i < num_tablets_; i++) {
ret.push_back(i * increment);
return ret;
Status LinkedListTester::CreateLinkedListTable() {
gscoped_ptr<client::KuduTableCreator> table_creator(client_->NewTableCreator());
.set_range_partition_columns({ kKeyColumnName })
"Failed to create table");
return Status::OK();
Status LinkedListTester::LoadLinkedList(
const MonoDelta& run_for,
int num_samples,
int64_t *written_count) {
client::sp::shared_ptr<client::KuduTable> table;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(client_->OpenTable(table_name_, &table),
"Could not open table " + table_name_);
// Instantiate a hybrid clock so that we can collect timestamps since we're running the
// tablet servers in an external mini cluster.
// TODO when they become available (KUDU-420), use client-propagated timestamps
// instead of reading from the clock directly. This will allow to run this test
// against a "real" cluster and not force the client to be synchronized.
scoped_refptr<server::Clock> ht_clock(new server::HybridClock());
MonoTime start = MonoTime::Now();
MonoTime deadline = start + run_for;
client::sp::shared_ptr<client::KuduSession> session = client_->NewSession();
"Couldn't set flush mode");
ScopedRowUpdater updater(table.get());
std::vector<LinkedListChainGenerator*> chains;
ElementDeleter d(&chains);
for (int i = 0; i < num_chains_; i++) {
chains.push_back(new LinkedListChainGenerator(i));
MonoDelta sample_interval = MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(run_for.ToMicroseconds() / num_samples);
MonoTime next_sample = start + sample_interval;
LOG(INFO) << "Running for: " << run_for.ToString();
LOG(INFO) << "Sampling every " << sample_interval.ToMicroseconds() << " us";
*written_count = 0;
int iter = 0;
while (true) {
if (iter++ % 10000 == 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Written " << (*written_count) << " rows in chain";
MonoTime now = MonoTime::Now();
if (next_sample < now) {
Timestamp now = ht_clock->Now();
pair<uint64_t,int64_t>(now.ToUint64(), *written_count));
next_sample += sample_interval;
LOG(INFO) << "Sample at HT timestamp: " << now.ToString()
<< " Inserted count: " << *written_count;
if (deadline < now) {
LOG(INFO) << "Finished inserting list. Added " << (*written_count) << " in chain";
LOG(INFO) << "Last entries inserted had keys:";
for (int i = 0; i < num_chains_; i++) {
LOG(INFO) << i << ": " << chains[i]->prev_key();
return Status::OK();
for (LinkedListChainGenerator* chain : chains) {
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(chain->GenerateNextInsert(table.get(), session.get()),
"Unable to generate next insert into linked list chain");
MonoTime flush_start(MonoTime::Now());
MonoDelta elapsed = MonoTime::Now() - flush_start;
(*written_count) += chains.size();
if (enable_mutation_) {
// Rows have been inserted; they're now safe to update.
for (LinkedListChainGenerator* chain : chains) {
void LinkedListTester::DumpInsertHistogram(bool print_flags) {
// We dump to cout instead of using glog so the output isn't prefixed with
// line numbers. This makes it less ugly to copy-paste into JIRA, etc.
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
const HdrHistogram* h = &latency_histogram_;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Histogram for latency of insert operations (microseconds)" << endl;
if (print_flags) {
cout << "Flags: " << google::CommandlineFlagsIntoString() << endl;
cout << "Note: each insert is a batch of " << num_chains_ << " rows." << endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Count: " << h->TotalCount() << endl;
cout << "Mean: " << h->MeanValue() << endl;
cout << "Percentiles:" << endl;
cout << " 0% (min) = " << h->MinValue() << endl;
cout << " 25% = " << h->ValueAtPercentile(25) << endl;
cout << " 50% (med) = " << h->ValueAtPercentile(50) << endl;
cout << " 75% = " << h->ValueAtPercentile(75) << endl;
cout << " 95% = " << h->ValueAtPercentile(95) << endl;
cout << " 99% = " << h->ValueAtPercentile(99) << endl;
cout << " 99.9% = " << h->ValueAtPercentile(99.9) << endl;
cout << " 99.99% = " << h->ValueAtPercentile(99.99) << endl;
cout << " 100% (max) = " << h->MaxValue() << endl;
if (h->MaxValue() >= h->highest_trackable_value()) {
cout << "*NOTE: some values were greater than highest trackable value" << endl;
// Verify that the given sorted vector does not contain any duplicate entries.
// If it does, *errors will be incremented once per duplicate and the given message
// will be logged.
static void VerifyNoDuplicateEntries(const std::vector<int64_t>& ints, int* errors,
const string& message) {
for (int i = 1; i < ints.size(); i++) {
if (ints[i] == ints[i - 1]) {
LOG(ERROR) << message << ": " << ints[i];
Status LinkedListTester::VerifyLinkedListRemote(
const uint64_t snapshot_timestamp, const int64_t expected, bool log_errors,
const boost::function<Status(const std::string&)>& cb, int64_t* verified_count) {
client::sp::shared_ptr<client::KuduTable> table;
RETURN_NOT_OK(client_->OpenTable(table_name_, &table));
string snapshot_str;
if (snapshot_timestamp == kNoSnapshot) {
snapshot_str = "LATEST";
} else {
snapshot_str = server::HybridClock::StringifyTimestamp(Timestamp(snapshot_timestamp));
client::KuduScanner scanner(table.get());
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(scanner.SetProjectedColumns(verify_projection_), "Bad projection");
RETURN_NOT_OK(scanner.SetBatchSizeBytes(0)); // Force at least one NextBatch RPC.
if (snapshot_timestamp != kNoSnapshot) {
LOG(INFO) << "Verifying Snapshot: " << snapshot_str << " Expected Rows: " << expected;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(scanner.Open(), "Couldn't open scanner");
RETURN_NOT_OK(scanner.SetBatchSizeBytes(1024)); // More normal batch size.
LinkedListVerifier verifier(num_chains_, enable_mutation_, expected,
bool cb_called = false;
std::vector<client::KuduRowResult> rows;
while (scanner.HasMoreRows()) {
// If we're doing a snapshot scan with a big enough cluster, call the callback on the scanner's
// tserver. Do this only once.
if (snapshot_timestamp != kNoSnapshot && !cb_called) {
client::KuduTabletServer* kts_ptr;
gscoped_ptr<client::KuduTabletServer> kts(kts_ptr);
const std::string down_ts = kts->uuid();
LOG(INFO) << "Calling callback on tserver " << down_ts;
cb_called = true;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(scanner.NextBatch(&rows), "Couldn't fetch next row batch");
for (const client::KuduRowResult& row : rows) {
int64_t key;
int64_t link;
bool updated;
RETURN_NOT_OK(row.GetInt64(0, &key));
RETURN_NOT_OK(row.GetInt64(1, &link));
// For non-snapshot reads we also verify that all rows were updated. We don't
// for snapshot reads as updates are performed by their own thread. This means
// that there is no guarantee that, for any snapshot timestamp that comes before
// all writes are completed, all rows will be updated.
if (snapshot_timestamp == kNoSnapshot) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(row.GetBool(2, &updated));
} else {
updated = enable_mutation_;
verifier.RegisterResult(key, link, updated);
Status s = verifier.VerifyData(verified_count, log_errors);
LOG(INFO) << "Snapshot: " << snapshot_str << " verified. Result: " << s.ToString();
return s;
Status LinkedListTester::VerifyLinkedListLocal(const tablet::Tablet* tablet,
int64_t expected,
int64_t* verified_count) {
DCHECK(tablet != NULL);
LinkedListVerifier verifier(num_chains_, enable_mutation_, expected,
const Schema* tablet_schema = tablet->schema();
// Cannot use schemas with col indexes in a scan (assertions fire).
Schema projection(tablet_schema->columns(), tablet_schema->num_key_columns());
gscoped_ptr<RowwiseIterator> iter;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(tablet->NewRowIterator(projection, &iter),
"Cannot create new row iterator");
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(iter->Init(NULL), "Cannot initialize row iterator");
Arena arena(1024, 1024);
RowBlock block(projection, 100, &arena);
while (iter->HasNext()) {
for (int i = 0; i < block.nrows(); i++) {
int64_t key;
int64_t link;
bool updated;
const RowBlockRow& row = block.row(i);
key = *tablet_schema->ExtractColumnFromRow<INT64>(row, 0);
link = *tablet_schema->ExtractColumnFromRow<INT64>(row, 1);
updated = *tablet_schema->ExtractColumnFromRow<BOOL>(row, 3);
verifier.RegisterResult(key, link, updated);
return verifier.VerifyData(verified_count, true);
Status LinkedListTester::WaitAndVerify(int seconds_to_run,
int64_t expected,
const boost::function<Status(const std::string&)>& cb) {
std::list<pair<int64_t, int64_t> > samples_as_list(sampled_timestamps_and_counts_.begin(),
int64_t seen = 0;
bool called = false;
Stopwatch sw;
Status s;
do {
// We'll give the tablets 5 seconds to start up regardless of how long we
// inserted for. There's some fixed cost startup time, especially when
// replication is enabled.
const int kBaseTimeToWaitSecs = 5;
bool last_attempt = sw.elapsed().wall_seconds() > kBaseTimeToWaitSecs + seconds_to_run;
s = Status::OK();
auto iter = samples_as_list.begin();
while (iter != samples_as_list.end()) {
// Only call the callback once, on the first verify pass, since it may be destructive.
if (iter == samples_as_list.begin() && !called) {
s = VerifyLinkedListAtSnapshotRemote((*iter).first, (*iter).second, last_attempt, cb,
called = true;
} else {
s = VerifyLinkedListAtSnapshotRemote((*iter).first, (*iter).second, last_attempt,
boost::bind(&LinkedListTester::ReturnOk, this, _1),
if (s.ok() && (*iter).second != seen) {
// If we've seen less rows than we were expecting we should fail and not retry.
// The reasoning is the following:
// - We know that when we read this snapshot's timestamp the writes had completed, thus
// at timestamp '(*iter).first' any replica should have precisely '(*iter).second' rows.
// - We also chose to perform a snapshot scan, which, when passed a timestamp, waits for
// that timestamp to become "clean", i.e. it makes sure that all transactions with lower
// timestamps have completed before it actually performs the scan.
// Together these conditions mean that if we don't get the expected rows back something
// is wrong with the read path or with the write path and we should fail immediately.
return Status::Corruption(strings::Substitute("Got wrong row count on snapshot. "
"Expected: $0, Got:$1", (*iter).second, seen));
if (!s.ok()) break;
// If the snapshot verification returned OK erase it so that we don't recheck
// even if a later snapshot or the final verification failed.
iter = samples_as_list.erase(iter);
if (s.ok()) {
s = VerifyLinkedListNoSnapshotRemote(expected, last_attempt, &seen);
// TODO: when we enable hybridtime consistency for the scans,
// then we should not allow !s.ok() here. But, with READ_LATEST
// scans, we could have a lagging replica of one tablet, with an
// up-to-date replica of another tablet, and end up with broken links
// in the chain.
if (!s.ok()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Table not yet ready: " << seen << "/" << expected << " rows"
<< " (status: " << s.ToString() << ")";
if (last_attempt) {
// We'll give it an equal amount of time to re-load the data as it took
// to write it in. Typically it completes much faster than that.
return Status::TimedOut("Timed out waiting for table to be accessible again",
// Sleep and retry until timeout.
} while (!s.ok());
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully verified " << expected << " rows";
return Status::OK();
// LinkedListVerifier
LinkedListVerifier::LinkedListVerifier(int num_chains, bool enable_mutation,
int64_t expected,
std::vector<int64_t> split_key_ints)
: num_chains_(num_chains),
errors_(0) {
if (expected != kNoParticularCountExpected) {
DCHECK_GE(expected, 0);
void LinkedListVerifier::StartScanTimer() {
void LinkedListVerifier::RegisterResult(int64_t key, int64_t link, bool updated) {
if (link != 0) {
// Links to entry 0 don't count - the first inserts use this link
if (updated != enable_mutation_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Entry " << key << " was incorrectly "
<< (enable_mutation_ ? "not " : "") << "updated";
void LinkedListVerifier::SummarizeBrokenLinks(const std::vector<int64_t>& broken_links) {
std::vector<int64_t> errors_by_tablet(split_key_ints_.size() + 1);
int n_logged = 0;
const int kMaxToLog = 100;
for (int64_t broken : broken_links) {
int tablet = std::upper_bound(split_key_ints_.begin(),
broken) - split_key_ints_.begin();
DCHECK_GE(tablet, 0);
DCHECK_LT(tablet, errors_by_tablet.size());
if (n_logged < kMaxToLog) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Entry " << broken << " was linked to but not present";
if (n_logged == kMaxToLog) {
LOG(ERROR) << "... no more broken links will be logged";
// Summarize the broken links by which tablet they fell into.
if (!broken_links.empty()) {
for (int tablet = 0; tablet < errors_by_tablet.size(); tablet++) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error count for tablet #" << tablet << ": " << errors_by_tablet[tablet];
Status LinkedListVerifier::VerifyData(int64_t* verified_count, bool log_errors) {
*verified_count = seen_key_.size();
LOG(INFO) << "Done collecting results (" << (*verified_count) << " rows in "
<< scan_timer_.elapsed().wall_millis() << "ms)";
VLOG(1) << "Sorting results before verification of linked list structure...";
std::sort(seen_key_.begin(), seen_key_.end());
std::sort(seen_link_to_.begin(), seen_link_to_.end());
VLOG(1) << "Done sorting";
// Verify that no key was seen multiple times or linked to multiple times
VerifyNoDuplicateEntries(seen_key_, &errors_, "Seen row key multiple times");
VerifyNoDuplicateEntries(seen_link_to_, &errors_, "Seen link to row multiple times");
// Verify that every key that was linked to was present
std::vector<int64_t> broken_links = STLSetDifference(seen_link_to_, seen_key_);
errors_ += broken_links.size();
if (log_errors) {
// Verify that only the expected number of keys were seen but not linked to.
// Only the last "batch" should have this characteristic.
std::vector<int64_t> not_linked_to = STLSetDifference(seen_key_, seen_link_to_);
if (not_linked_to.size() != num_chains_) {
LOG_IF(ERROR, log_errors)
<< "Had " << not_linked_to.size() << " entries which were seen but not"
<< " linked to. Expected only " << num_chains_;
if (errors_ > 0) {
return Status::Corruption("Had one or more errors during verification (see log)");
if (expected_ != *verified_count) {
return Status::IllegalState(strings::Substitute(
"Missing rows, but with no broken link in the chain. This means that "
"a suffix of the inserted rows went missing. Expected=$0, seen=$1.",
expected_, *verified_count));
return Status::OK();
} // namespace kudu