blob: fb3419a721ef5ca6252ef05deb74ce43402c106c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/human_readable.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/logging-inl.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stringprintf.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/strip.h"
namespace {
template <typename T>
const char* GetNegStr(T* value) {
if (*value < 0) {
*value = -(*value);
return "-";
} else {
return "";
} // namespace
bool HumanReadableNumBytes::LessThan(const string &a, const string &b) {
int64 a_bytes, b_bytes;
if (!HumanReadableNumBytes::ToInt64(a, &a_bytes))
a_bytes = 0;
if (!HumanReadableNumBytes::ToInt64(b, &b_bytes))
b_bytes = 0;
return (a_bytes < b_bytes);
bool HumanReadableNumBytes::ToInt64(const string &str, int64 *num_bytes) {
const char *cstr = str.c_str();
bool neg = (*cstr == '-');
if (neg) {
char *end;
double d = strtod(cstr, &end);
// If this didn't consume the entire string, fail.
if ((end - str.c_str()) + 1 < str.size())
return false;
int64 scale = 1;
switch (*end) {
// NB: an int64 can only go up to <8 EB.
case 'E': scale <<= 10; // Fall through...
case 'P': scale <<= 10;
case 'T': scale <<= 10;
case 'G': scale <<= 10;
case 'M': scale <<= 10;
case 'K':
case 'k': scale <<= 10;
case 'B':
case '\0': break; // To here.
return false;
d *= scale;
if (d > kint64max || d < 0)
return false;
*num_bytes = static_cast<int64>(d + 0.5);
if (neg) {
*num_bytes = -*num_bytes;
return true;
bool HumanReadableNumBytes::ToDouble(const string &str, double *num_bytes) {
char *end;
double d = strtod(str.c_str(), &end);
// If this didn't consume the entire string, fail.
if ((end - str.c_str()) + 1 < str.size())
return false;
const char scale = *end;
switch (scale) {
case 'Y': d *= 1024.0; // That's a yotta bytes!
case 'Z': d *= 1024.0;
case 'E': d *= 1024.0;
case 'P': d *= 1024.0;
case 'T': d *= 1024.0;
case 'G': d *= 1024.0;
case 'M': d *= 1024.0;
case 'K':
case 'k': d *= 1024.0;
case 'B':
case '\0': break; // to here.
return false;
*num_bytes = d;
return true;
string HumanReadableNumBytes::DoubleToString(double num_bytes) {
const char *neg_str = GetNegStr(&num_bytes);
static const char units[] = "BKMGTPEZY";
double scaled = num_bytes;
int i = 0;
for (; i < arraysize(units) && scaled >= 1024.0; ++i) {
scaled /= 1024.0;
if (i == arraysize(units)) {
return StringPrintf("%s%g", neg_str, num_bytes);
} else {
return StringPrintf("%s%.2f%c", neg_str, scaled, units[i]);
string HumanReadableNumBytes::ToString(int64 num_bytes) {
if (num_bytes == kint64min) {
// Special case for number with not representable nagation.
return "-8E";
const char *neg_str = GetNegStr(&num_bytes);
// Special case for bytes.
if (num_bytes < GG_LONGLONG(1024)) {
// No fractions for bytes.
return StringPrintf("%s%" PRId64 "B", neg_str, num_bytes);
static const char units[] = "KMGTPE"; // int64 only goes up to E.
const char* unit = units;
while (num_bytes >= GG_LONGLONG(1024) * GG_LONGLONG(1024)) {
num_bytes /= GG_LONGLONG(1024);
CHECK(unit < units + arraysize(units));
return StringPrintf(((*unit == 'K')
? "%s%.1f%c"
: "%s%.2f%c"), neg_str, num_bytes / 1024.0, *unit);
string HumanReadableNumBytes::ToStringWithoutRounding(int64 num_bytes) {
if (num_bytes == kint64min) {
// Special case for number with not representable nagation.
return "-8E";
const char *neg_str = GetNegStr(&num_bytes);
static const char units[] = "BKMGTPE"; // int64 only goes up to E.
int64 num_units = num_bytes;
int unit_type = 0;
for (; unit_type < arraysize(units); unit_type++) {
if (num_units % 1024 != 0) {
// Not divisible by the next unit.
int64 next_units = num_units >> 10;
if (next_units == 0) {
// Less than the next unit.
num_units = next_units;
return StringPrintf("%s%" PRId64 "%c", neg_str, num_units, units[unit_type]);
string HumanReadableInt::ToString(int64 value) {
string s;
if (value < 0) {
s += "-";
value = -value;
if (value < GG_LONGLONG(1000)) {
StringAppendF(&s, "%" PRId64, value);
} else if (value >= GG_LONGLONG(1000000000000000)) {
// Number bigger than 1E15; use that notation.
StringAppendF(&s, "%0.3G", static_cast<double>(value));
} else {
static const char units[] = "kMBT";
const char *unit = units;
while (value >= GG_LONGLONG(1000000)) {
value /= GG_LONGLONG(1000);
CHECK(unit < units + arraysize(units));
StringAppendF(&s, "%.2f%c", value / 1000.0, *unit);
return s;
string HumanReadableNum::ToString(int64 value) {
return HumanReadableInt::ToString(value);
string HumanReadableNum::DoubleToString(double value) {
string s;
if (value < 0) {
s += "-";
value = -value;
if (value < 1.0) {
StringAppendF(&s, "%.3f", value);
} else if (value < 10) {
StringAppendF(&s, "%.2f", value);
} else if (value < 1e2) {
StringAppendF(&s, "%.1f", value);
} else if (value < 1e3) {
StringAppendF(&s, "%.0f", value);
} else if (value >= 1e15) {
// Number bigger than 1E15; use that notation.
StringAppendF(&s, "%0.3G", value);
} else {
static const char units[] = "kMBT";
const char *unit = units;
while (value >= 1e6) {
value /= 1e3;
CHECK(unit < units + arraysize(units));
StringAppendF(&s, "%.2f%c", value / 1000.0, *unit);
return s;
bool HumanReadableNum::ToDouble(const string &str, double *value) {
char *end;
double d = strtod(str.c_str(), &end);
// Allow the string to contain at most one extra character:
if ((end - str.c_str()) + 1 < str.size())
return false;
const char scale = *end;
if ((scale == 'k') || (scale == 'K')) {
d *= 1e3;
} else if (scale == 'M') {
d *= 1e6;
} else if (scale == 'B') {
d *= 1e9;
} else if (scale == 'T') {
d *= 1e12;
} else if (scale != '\0') {
return false;
*value = d;
return true;
bool HumanReadableInt::ToInt64(const string &str, int64 *value) {
char *end;
double d = strtod(str.c_str(), &end);
if (d > kint64max || d < kint64min)
return false;
if (*end == 'k') {
d *= 1000;
} else if (*end == 'M') {
d *= 1e6;
} else if (*end == 'B') {
d *= 1e9;
} else if (*end == 'T') {
d *= 1e12;
} else if (*end != '\0') {
return false;
*value = static_cast<int64>(d < 0 ? d - 0.5 : d + 0.5);
return true;
// Abbreviations used here are acceptable English abbreviations
// without the ending period (".") for brevity, except for uncommon
// abbreviations, in which case the entire word is spelled out. ("mo"
// and "mos" are not good abbreviations for "months" -- with or
// without the period). If needed, one can add a
// HumanReadableTime::ToStringShort() for shorter abbreviations or one
// for always spelling out the unit, HumanReadableTime::ToStringLong().
string HumanReadableElapsedTime::ToShortString(double seconds) {
string human_readable;
if (seconds < 0) {
human_readable = "-";
seconds = -seconds;
// Start with ns and keep going up to years.
if (seconds < 0.000001) {
StringAppendF(&human_readable, "%0.3g ns", seconds * 1000000000.0);
return human_readable;
if (seconds < 0.001) {
StringAppendF(&human_readable, "%0.3g us", seconds * 1000000.0);
return human_readable;
if (seconds < 1.0) {
StringAppendF(&human_readable, "%0.3g ms", seconds * 1000.0);
return human_readable;
if (seconds < 60.0) {
StringAppendF(&human_readable, "%0.3g s", seconds);
return human_readable;
seconds /= 60.0;
if (seconds < 60.0) {
StringAppendF(&human_readable, "%0.3g min", seconds);
return human_readable;
seconds /= 60.0;
if (seconds < 24.0) {
StringAppendF(&human_readable, "%0.3g h", seconds);
return human_readable;
seconds /= 24.0;
if (seconds < 30.0) {
StringAppendF(&human_readable, "%0.3g days", seconds);
return human_readable;
if (seconds < 365.2425) {
StringAppendF(&human_readable, "%0.3g months", seconds / 30.436875);
return human_readable;
seconds /= 365.2425;
StringAppendF(&human_readable, "%0.3g years", seconds);
return human_readable;
bool HumanReadableElapsedTime::ToDouble(const string& str, double* value) {
struct TimeUnits {
const char* unit; // unit name
double seconds; // number of seconds in that unit (minutes => 60)
// These must be sorted in decreasing length. In particulary, a
// string must exist before and of its substrings or the substring
// will match;
static const TimeUnits kUnits[] = {
// Long forms
{ "nanosecond", 0.000000001 },
{ "microsecond", 0.000001 },
{ "millisecond", 0.001 },
{ "second", 1.0 },
{ "minute", 60.0 },
{ "hour", 3600.0 },
{ "day", 86400.0 },
{ "week", 7 * 86400.0 },
{ "month", 30 * 86400.0 },
{ "year", 365 * 86400.0 },
// Abbreviated forms
{ "nanosec", 0.000000001 },
{ "microsec", 0.000001 },
{ "millisec", 0.001 },
{ "sec", 1.0 },
{ "min", 60.0 },
{ "hr", 3600.0 },
{ "dy", 86400.0 },
{ "wk", 7 * 86400.0 },
{ "mon", 30 * 86400.0 },
{ "yr", 365 * 86400.0 },
// nano -> n
{ "nsecond", 0.000000001 },
{ "nsec", 0.000000001 },
// micro -> u
{ "usecond", 0.000001 },
{ "usec", 0.000001 },
// milli -> m
{ "msecond", 0.001 },
{ "msec", 0.001 },
// Ultra-short form
{ "ns", 0.000000001 },
{ "us", 0.000001 },
{ "ms", 0.001 },
{ "s", 1.0 },
{ "m", 60.0 },
{ "h", 3600.0 },
{ "d", 86400.0 },
{ "w", 7 * 86400.0 },
{ "M", 30 * 86400.0 }, // upper-case M to disambiguate with minute
{ "y", 365 * 86400.0 }
char* unit_start; // Start of unit name.
double work_value = 0;
int sign = 1;
const char* interval_start = SkipLeadingWhiteSpace(str.c_str());
if (*interval_start == '-') {
sign = -1;
interval_start = SkipLeadingWhiteSpace(interval_start + 1);
} else if (*interval_start == '+') {
interval_start = SkipLeadingWhiteSpace(interval_start + 1);
if (!*interval_start) {
// Empty string and strings with just a sign are illegal.
return false;
do {
// Leading signs on individual values are not allowed.
if (*interval_start == '-' || *interval_start == '+') {
return false;
double factor = strtod(interval_start, &unit_start);
if (interval_start == unit_start) {
// Illegally formatted value, no values consumed by strtod.
return false;
unit_start = SkipLeadingWhiteSpace(unit_start);
bool found_unit = false;
for (int i = 0; !found_unit && i < ARRAYSIZE(kUnits); ++i) {
const size_t unit_len = strlen(kUnits[i].unit);
if (strncmp(unit_start, kUnits[i].unit, unit_len) == 0) {
work_value += factor * kUnits[i].seconds;
interval_start = unit_start + unit_len;
// Allowing pluralization of any unit (except empty string)
if (unit_len > 0 && *interval_start == 's') {
found_unit = true;
if (!found_unit) {
return false;
interval_start = SkipLeadingWhiteSpace(interval_start);
} while (*interval_start);
*value = sign * work_value;
return true;