blob: db8af70125b34c49b504f3986132efc68fd9c1d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus_meta.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/log_util.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/opid_util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
class HostPort;
class ThreadPool;
namespace rpc {
class Messenger;
namespace consensus {
// Class that coordinates access to the persistent Raft state (independently of Role).
// This has a 1-1 relationship with RaftConsensus and is essentially responsible for
// keeping state and checking if state changes are viable.
// Note that, in the case of a LEADER role, there are two configuration states that
// that are tracked: a pending and a committed configuration. The "active" state is
// considered to be the pending configuration if it is non-null, otherwise the
// committed configuration is the active configuration.
// TODO(todd): Currently this also performs some coarse-grained locking across the consensus
// implementation in addition to providing a fairly thin wrapper around ConsensusMetadata.
// The class should be renamed at the least and probably substantially simplified.
class ReplicaState {
enum State {
// State after the replica is built.
// State signaling the replica accepts requests (from clients
// if leader, from leader if follower)
// State signaling that the replica is shutting down and no longer accepting
// new transactions or commits.
// State signaling the replica is shut down and does not accept
// any more requests.
typedef std::unique_lock<simple_spinlock> UniqueLock;
ReplicaState(ConsensusOptions options, std::string peer_uuid,
std::unique_ptr<ConsensusMetadata> cmeta);
Status StartUnlocked(const OpId& last_id_in_wal);
// Locks a replica in preparation for StartUnlocked(). Makes
// sure the replica is in kInitialized state.
Status LockForStart(UniqueLock* lock) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Locks a replica down until the critical section of an append completes,
// i.e. until the replicate message has been assigned an id and placed in
// the log queue.
// This also checks that the replica is in the appropriate
// state (role) to replicate the provided operation, that the operation
// contains a replicate message and is of the appropriate type, and returns
// Status::IllegalState if that is not the case.
Status LockForReplicate(UniqueLock* lock, const ReplicateMsg& msg) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Locks a replica down until the critical section of a commit completes.
// This succeeds for all states since a replica which has initiated
// a Prepare()/Replicate() must eventually commit even if it's state
// has changed after the initial Append()/Update().
Status LockForCommit(UniqueLock* lock) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Locks a replica down until an the critical section of an update completes.
// Further updates from the same or some other leader will be blocked until
// this completes. This also checks that the replica is in the appropriate
// state (role) to be updated and returns Status::IllegalState if that
// is not the case.
Status LockForUpdate(UniqueLock* lock) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Changes the role to non-participant and returns a lock that can be
// used to make sure no state updates come in until Shutdown() is
// completed.
Status LockForShutdown(UniqueLock* lock) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
Status LockForConfigChange(UniqueLock* lock) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Obtains the lock for a state read, does not check state.
Status LockForRead(UniqueLock* lock) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Ensure the local peer is the active leader.
// Returns OK if leader, IllegalState otherwise.
Status CheckActiveLeaderUnlocked() const;
// Completes the Shutdown() of this replica. No more operations, local
// or otherwise can happen after this point.
// Called after the quiescing phase (started with LockForShutdown())
// finishes.
Status ShutdownUnlocked() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Return current consensus state summary.
ConsensusStatePB ConsensusStateUnlocked(ConsensusConfigType type) const {
return cmeta_->ToConsensusStatePB(type);
// Returns the currently active Raft role.
RaftPeerPB::Role GetActiveRoleUnlocked() const;
// Returns true if there is a configuration change currently in-flight but not yet
// committed.
bool IsConfigChangePendingUnlocked() const;
// Inverse of IsConfigChangePendingUnlocked(): returns OK if there is
// currently *no* configuration change pending, and IllegalState is there *is* a
// configuration change pending.
Status CheckNoConfigChangePendingUnlocked() const;
// Sets the given configuration as pending commit. Does not persist into the peers
// metadata. In order to be persisted, SetCommittedConfigUnlocked() must be called.
Status SetPendingConfigUnlocked(const RaftConfigPB& new_config) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Clear (cancel) the pending configuration.
void ClearPendingConfigUnlocked();
// Return the pending configuration, or crash if one is not set.
const RaftConfigPB& GetPendingConfigUnlocked() const;
// Changes the committed config for this replica. Checks that there is a
// pending configuration and that it is equal to this one. Persists changes to disk.
// Resets the pending configuration to null.
Status SetCommittedConfigUnlocked(const RaftConfigPB& committed_config);
// Return the persisted configuration.
const RaftConfigPB& GetCommittedConfigUnlocked() const;
// Return the "active" configuration - if there is a pending configuration return it;
// otherwise return the committed configuration.
const RaftConfigPB& GetActiveConfigUnlocked() const;
// Enum for the 'flush' argument to SetCurrentTermUnlocked() below.
enum FlushToDisk {
// Checks if the term change is legal. If so, sets 'current_term'
// to 'new_term' and sets 'has voted' to no for the current term.
// If the caller knows that it will call another method soon after
// to flush the change to disk, it may set 'flush' to 'SKIP_FLUSH_TO_DISK'.
Status SetCurrentTermUnlocked(int64_t new_term,
FlushToDisk flush) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Returns the term set in the last config change round.
const int64_t GetCurrentTermUnlocked() const;
// Accessors for the leader of the current term.
void SetLeaderUuidUnlocked(const std::string& uuid);
const std::string& GetLeaderUuidUnlocked() const;
bool HasLeaderUnlocked() const { return !GetLeaderUuidUnlocked().empty(); }
void ClearLeaderUnlocked() { SetLeaderUuidUnlocked(""); }
// Return whether this peer has voted in the current term.
const bool HasVotedCurrentTermUnlocked() const;
// Record replica's vote for the current term, then flush the consensus
// metadata to disk.
Status SetVotedForCurrentTermUnlocked(const std::string& uuid) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Return replica's vote for the current term.
// The vote must be set; use HasVotedCurrentTermUnlocked() to check.
const std::string& GetVotedForCurrentTermUnlocked() const;
// Returns the uuid of the peer to which this replica state belongs.
// Safe to call with or without locks held.
const std::string& GetPeerUuid() const;
const ConsensusOptions& GetOptions() const;
std::string ToString() const;
std::string ToStringUnlocked() const;
// A common prefix that should be in any log messages emitted,
// identifying the tablet and peer.
std::string LogPrefix();
std::string LogPrefixUnlocked() const;
// A variant of LogPrefix which does not take the lock. This is a slightly
// less thorough prefix which only includes immutable (and thus thread-safe)
// information, but does not require the lock.
std::string LogPrefixThreadSafe() const;
// Return the current state of this object.
// The update_lock_ must be held.
ReplicaState::State state() const;
ConsensusMetadata* consensus_metadata_for_tests() {
return cmeta_.get();
const ConsensusOptions options_;
// The UUID of the local peer.
const std::string peer_uuid_;
mutable simple_spinlock update_lock_;
// Consensus metadata persistence object.
std::unique_ptr<ConsensusMetadata> cmeta_;
State state_;
// Tracks the pending consensus rounds being managed by a Raft replica (either leader
// or follower).
// This class is not thread-safe.
// TODO(todd): this class inconsistently uses the term "round", "op", and "transaction".
// We should consolidate to "round".
class PendingRounds {
explicit PendingRounds(std::string log_prefix);
// Set the committed op during startup. This should be done after
// appending any of the pending transactions, and will take care
// of triggering any that are now considered committed.
Status SetInitialCommittedOpId(const OpId& committed_op);
// Returns the the ConsensusRound with the provided index, if there is any, or NULL
// if there isn't.
scoped_refptr<ConsensusRound> GetPendingOpByIndexOrNull(int64_t index);
// Add 'round' to the set of rounds waiting to be committed.
Status AddPendingOperation(const scoped_refptr<ConsensusRound>& round);
// Advances the committed index.
// This is a no-op if the committed index has not changed.
Status AdvanceCommittedIndex(int64_t committed_index);
// Aborts pending operations after, but not including 'index'. The OpId with 'index'
// will become our new last received id. If there are pending operations with indexes
// higher than 'index' those operations are aborted.
void AbortOpsAfter(int64_t index);
// Returns true if an operation is in this replica's log, namely:
// - If the op's index is lower than or equal to our committed index
// - If the op id matches an inflight op.
// If an operation with the same index is in our log but the terms
// are different 'term_mismatch' is set to true, it is false otherwise.
bool IsOpCommittedOrPending(const OpId& op_id, bool* term_mismatch);
// Returns the id of the latest pending transaction (i.e. the one with the
// latest index). This must be called under the lock.
OpId GetLastPendingTransactionOpId() const;
// Used by replicas to cancel pending transactions. Pending transaction are those
// that have completed prepare/replicate but are waiting on the LEADER's commit
// to complete. This does not cancel transactions being applied.
Status CancelPendingTransactions();
// Returns the number of transactions that are currently in the pending state
// i.e. transactions for which Prepare() is done or under way.
int GetNumPendingTxns() const;
// Returns the watermark below which all operations are known to
// be committed according to consensus.
// TODO(todd): these should probably be removed in favor of using the queue.
int64_t GetCommittedIndex() const;
int64_t GetTermWithLastCommittedOp() const;
// Checks that 'current' correctly follows 'previous'. Specifically it checks
// that the term is the same or higher and that the index is sequential.
static Status CheckOpInSequence(const OpId& previous, const OpId& current);
const std::string& LogPrefix() const { return log_prefix_; }
const std::string log_prefix_;
// Index=>Round map that manages pending ops, i.e. operations for which we've
// received a replicate message from the leader but have yet to be committed.
// The key is the index of the replicate operation.
typedef std::map<int64_t, scoped_refptr<ConsensusRound> > IndexToRoundMap;
IndexToRoundMap pending_txns_;
// The OpId of the round that was last committed. Initialized to MinimumOpId().
OpId last_committed_op_id_;
} // namespace consensus
} // namespace kudu