blob: 8ed91858fec4d34de7a722eb0a8736198320544a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/consensus/log_util.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/consensus/opid_util.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/ref_counted_replicate.h"
#include "kudu/fs/fs_manager.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stl_util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/split.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/util.h"
#include "kudu/util/coding-inl.h"
#include "kudu/util/coding.h"
#include "kudu/util/crc.h"
#include "kudu/util/debug/trace_event.h"
#include "kudu/util/env_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/pb_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/scoped_cleanup.h"
DEFINE_int32(log_segment_size_mb, 64,
"The default segment size for log roll-overs, in MB");
TAG_FLAG(log_segment_size_mb, advanced);
DEFINE_bool(log_force_fsync_all, false,
"Whether the Log/WAL should explicitly call fsync() after each write.");
TAG_FLAG(log_force_fsync_all, stable);
DEFINE_bool(log_preallocate_segments, true,
"Whether the WAL should preallocate the entire segment before writing to it");
TAG_FLAG(log_preallocate_segments, advanced);
DEFINE_bool(log_async_preallocate_segments, true,
"Whether the WAL segments preallocation should happen asynchronously");
TAG_FLAG(log_async_preallocate_segments, advanced);
namespace kudu {
namespace log {
using consensus::OpId;
using env_util::ReadFully;
using std::vector;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::unique_ptr;
using strings::Substitute;
using strings::SubstituteAndAppend;
const char kTmpSuffix[] = ".tmp";
const char kLogSegmentHeaderMagicString[] = "kudulogf";
// A magic that is written as the very last thing when a segment is closed.
// Segments that were not closed (usually the last one being written) will not
// have this magic.
const char kLogSegmentFooterMagicString[] = "closedls";
// Header is prefixed with the header magic (8 bytes) and the header length (4 bytes).
const size_t kLogSegmentHeaderMagicAndHeaderLength = 12;
// Footer is suffixed with the footer magic (8 bytes) and the footer length (4 bytes).
const size_t kLogSegmentFooterMagicAndFooterLength = 12;
const size_t kEntryHeaderSize = 12;
const int kLogMajorVersion = 1;
const int kLogMinorVersion = 0;
// Maximum log segment header/footer size, in bytes (8 MB).
const uint32_t kLogSegmentMaxHeaderOrFooterSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
: segment_size_mb(FLAGS_log_segment_size_mb),
async_preallocate_segments(FLAGS_log_async_preallocate_segments) {
// LogEntryReader
LogEntryReader::LogEntryReader(ReadableLogSegment* seg)
: seg_(seg),
offset_(seg_->first_entry_offset()) {
int64_t readable_to_offset = seg_->readable_to_offset_.Load();
// If we have a footer we only read up to it. If we don't we likely crashed
// and always read to the end.
read_up_to_ = (seg_->footer_.IsInitialized() && !seg_->footer_was_rebuilt_) ?
seg_->file_size() - seg_->footer_.ByteSize() - kLogSegmentFooterMagicAndFooterLength :
VLOG(1) << "Reading segment entries from "
<< seg_->path_ << ": offset=" << offset_ << " file_size="
<< seg_->file_size() << " readable_to_offset=" << readable_to_offset;
LogEntryReader::~LogEntryReader() {}
Status LogEntryReader::ReadNextEntry(LogEntryPB* entry) {
// Refill pending_entries_ if none are available.
while (pending_entries_.empty()) {
// If we are done reading, check that we got the expected number of entries
// and return EOF.
if (offset_ >= read_up_to_) {
if (seg_->footer_.IsInitialized() && seg_->footer_.num_entries() != num_entries_read_) {
return Status::Corruption(
Substitute("Read $0 log entries from $1, but expected $2 based on the footer",
num_entries_read_, seg_->path_, seg_->footer_.num_entries()));
return Status::EndOfFile("Reached end of log");
// We still expect to have more entries in the log.
gscoped_ptr<LogEntryBatchPB> current_batch;
// Read and validate the entry header first.
Status s;
if (offset_ + kEntryHeaderSize < read_up_to_) {
s = seg_->ReadEntryHeaderAndBatch(&offset_, &tmp_buf_, &current_batch);
} else {
s = Status::Corruption(Substitute("Truncated log entry at offset $0", offset_));
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!s.ok())) {
return HandleReadError(s);
// Add the entries from this batch to our pending queue.
for (int i = 0; i < current_batch->entry_size(); i++) {
auto entry = current_batch->mutable_entry(i);
// Record it in the 'recent entries' deque.
OpId op_id;
if (entry->type() == log::REPLICATE && entry->has_replicate()) {
op_id = entry->replicate().id();
} else if (entry->has_commit() && entry->commit().has_commited_op_id()) {
op_id = entry->commit().commited_op_id();
if (recent_entries_.size() == kNumRecentEntries) {
recent_entries_.push_back({ offset_, entry->type(), op_id });
0, current_batch->entry_size(), nullptr);
return Status::OK();
Status LogEntryReader::HandleReadError(const Status& s) const {
if (!s.IsCorruption()) {
// IO errors should always propagate back
return s.CloneAndPrepend(Substitute("error reading from log $0", seg_->path_));
Status corruption_status = MakeCorruptionStatus(s);
// If we have a valid footer in the segment, then the segment was correctly
// closed, and we shouldn't see any corruption anywhere (including the last
// batch).
if (seg_->HasFooter() && !seg_->footer_was_rebuilt_) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Found a corruption in a closed log segment: "
<< corruption_status.ToString();
return corruption_status;
// If we read a corrupt entry, but we don't have a footer, then it's
// possible that we crashed in the middle of writing an entry.
// In this case, we scan forward to see if there are any more valid looking
// entries after this one in the file. If there are, it's really a corruption.
// if not, we just WARN it, since it's OK for the last entry to be partially
// written.
bool has_valid_entries;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(seg_->ScanForValidEntryHeaders(offset_ + kEntryHeaderSize,
"Scanning forward for valid entries");
if (has_valid_entries) {
return corruption_status;
LOG(INFO) << "Ignoring log segment corruption in " << seg_->path_ << " because "
<< "there are no log entries following the corrupted one. "
<< "The server probably crashed in the middle of writing an entry "
<< "to the write-ahead log or downloaded an active log via tablet copy. "
<< "Error detail: " << corruption_status.ToString();
return Status::EndOfFile("");
Status LogEntryReader::MakeCorruptionStatus(const Status& status) const {
string err = "Log file corruption detected. ";
SubstituteAndAppend(&err, "Failed trying to read batch #$0 at offset $1 for log segment $2: ",
num_batches_read_, offset_, seg_->path_);
err.append("Prior entries:");
for (const auto& r : recent_entries_) {
if (r.offset >= 0) {
SubstituteAndAppend(&err, " [off=$0 $1 ($2)]",
r.offset, LogEntryTypePB_Name(r.type),
return status.CloneAndAppend(err);
// ReadableLogSegment
Status ReadableLogSegment::Open(Env* env,
const string& path,
scoped_refptr<ReadableLogSegment>* segment) {
VLOG(1) << "Parsing wal segment: " << path;
shared_ptr<RandomAccessFile> readable_file;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(env_util::OpenFileForRandom(env, path, &readable_file),
"Unable to open file for reading");
segment->reset(new ReadableLogSegment(path, readable_file));
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND((*segment)->Init(), "Unable to initialize segment");
return Status::OK();
std::string path, shared_ptr<RandomAccessFile> readable_file)
: path_(std::move(path)),
footer_was_rebuilt_(false) {}
Status ReadableLogSegment::Init(const LogSegmentHeaderPB& header,
const LogSegmentFooterPB& footer,
int64_t first_entry_offset) {
DCHECK(!IsInitialized()) << "Can only call Init() once";
DCHECK(header.IsInitialized()) << "Log segment header must be initialized";
DCHECK(footer.IsInitialized()) << "Log segment footer must be initialized";
first_entry_offset_ = first_entry_offset;
is_initialized_ = true;
return Status::OK();
Status ReadableLogSegment::Init(const LogSegmentHeaderPB& header,
int64_t first_entry_offset) {
DCHECK(!IsInitialized()) << "Can only call Init() once";
DCHECK(header.IsInitialized()) << "Log segment header must be initialized";
first_entry_offset_ = first_entry_offset;
is_initialized_ = true;
// On a new segment, we don't expect any readable entries yet.
return Status::OK();
Status ReadableLogSegment::Init() {
DCHECK(!IsInitialized()) << "Can only call Init() once";
Status s = ReadFooter();
if (!s.ok()) {
if (s.IsNotFound()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Log segment " << path_ << " has no footer. This segment was likely "
<< "being written when the server previously shut down.";
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not read footer for segment: " << path_
<< ": " << s.ToString();
return s;
is_initialized_ = true;
return Status::OK();
const int64_t ReadableLogSegment::readable_up_to() const {
return readable_to_offset_.Load();
void ReadableLogSegment::UpdateReadableToOffset(int64_t readable_to_offset) {
Status ReadableLogSegment::RebuildFooterByScanning() {
TRACE_EVENT1("log", "ReadableLogSegment::RebuildFooterByScanning",
"path", path_);
LogEntryReader reader(this);
LogSegmentFooterPB new_footer;
int num_entries = 0;
LogEntryPB entry;
while (true) {
Status s = reader.ReadNextEntry(&entry);
if (s.IsEndOfFile()) break;
if (entry.has_replicate()) {
UpdateFooterForReplicateEntry(entry, &new_footer);
footer_ = new_footer;
footer_was_rebuilt_ = true;
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully rebuilt footer for segment: " << path_
<< " (valid entries through byte offset " << reader.offset() << ")";
return Status::OK();
Status ReadableLogSegment::ReadFileSize() {
// Check the size of the file.
// Env uses uint here, even though we generally prefer signed ints to avoid
// underflow bugs. Use a local to convert.
uint64_t size;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(readable_file_->Size(&size), "Unable to read file size");
if (size == 0) {
VLOG(1) << "Log segment file $0 is zero-length: " << path();
return Status::OK();
return Status::OK();
Status ReadableLogSegment::ReadHeader() {
uint32_t header_size;
if (header_size == 0) {
// If a log file has been pre-allocated but not initialized, then
// 'header_size' will be 0 even the file size is > 0; in this
// case, 'is_initialized_' remains set to false and return
// Status::OK() early. LogReader ignores segments where
// IsInitialized() returns false.
return Status::OK();
if (header_size > kLogSegmentMaxHeaderOrFooterSize) {
return Status::Corruption(
Substitute("File is corrupted. "
"Parsed header size: $0 is zero or bigger than max header size: $1",
header_size, kLogSegmentMaxHeaderOrFooterSize));
uint8_t header_space[header_size];
Slice header_slice;
LogSegmentHeaderPB header;
// Read and parse the log segment header.
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(ReadFully(readable_file_.get(), kLogSegmentHeaderMagicAndHeaderLength,
header_size, &header_slice, header_space),
"Unable to read fully");
"Unable to parse protobuf");
first_entry_offset_ = header_size + kLogSegmentHeaderMagicAndHeaderLength;
return Status::OK();
Status ReadableLogSegment::ReadHeaderMagicAndHeaderLength(uint32_t *len) {
uint8_t scratch[kLogSegmentHeaderMagicAndHeaderLength];
Slice slice;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadFully(readable_file_.get(), 0, kLogSegmentHeaderMagicAndHeaderLength,
&slice, scratch));
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseHeaderMagicAndHeaderLength(slice, len));
return Status::OK();
namespace {
// We don't run TSAN on this function because it makes it really slow and causes some
// test timeouts. This is only used on local buffers anyway, so we don't lose much
// by not checking it.
bool IsAllZeros(const Slice& s) {
// Walk a pointer through the slice instead of using s[i]
// since this is way faster in debug mode builds. We also do some
// manual unrolling for the same purpose.
const uint8_t* p = &s[0];
int rem = s.size();
while (rem >= 8) {
if (UNALIGNED_LOAD64(p) != 0) return false;
rem -= 8;
p += 8;
while (rem > 0) {
if (*p++ != '\0') return false;
return true;
} // anonymous namespace
Status ReadableLogSegment::ParseHeaderMagicAndHeaderLength(const Slice &data,
uint32_t *parsed_len) {
"Log segment file is too small to contain initial magic number");
if (memcmp(kLogSegmentHeaderMagicString,,
strlen(kLogSegmentHeaderMagicString)) != 0) {
// As a special case, we check whether the file was allocated but no header
// was written. We treat that case as an uninitialized file, much in the
// same way we treat zero-length files.
// Note: While the above comparison checks 8 bytes, this one checks the full 12
// to ensure we have a full 12 bytes of NULL data.
if (IsAllZeros(data)) {
// 12 bytes of NULLs, good enough for us to consider this a file that
// was never written to (but apparently preallocated).
LOG(WARNING) << "Log segment file " << path() << " has 12 initial NULL bytes instead of "
<< "magic and header length: " << data.ToDebugString()
<< " and will be treated as a blank segment.";
*parsed_len = 0;
return Status::OK();
// If no magic and not uninitialized, the file is considered corrupt.
return Status::Corruption(Substitute("Invalid log segment file $0: Bad magic. $1",
path(), data.ToDebugString()));
*parsed_len = DecodeFixed32( + strlen(kLogSegmentHeaderMagicString));
return Status::OK();
Status ReadableLogSegment::ReadFooter() {
uint32_t footer_size;
if (footer_size == 0 || footer_size > kLogSegmentMaxHeaderOrFooterSize) {
return Status::Corruption(
Substitute("File is corrupted. "
"Parsed header size: $0 is zero or bigger than max header size: $1",
footer_size, kLogSegmentMaxHeaderOrFooterSize));
if (footer_size > (file_size() - first_entry_offset_)) {
return Status::Corruption("Footer not found. File corrupted. "
"Decoded footer length pointed at a footer before the first entry.");
uint8_t footer_space[footer_size];
Slice footer_slice;
int64_t footer_offset = file_size() - kLogSegmentFooterMagicAndFooterLength - footer_size;
LogSegmentFooterPB footer;
// Read and parse the log segment footer.
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(ReadFully(readable_file_.get(), footer_offset,
footer_size, &footer_slice, footer_space),
"Footer not found. Could not read fully.");
"Unable to parse protobuf");
return Status::OK();
Status ReadableLogSegment::ReadFooterMagicAndFooterLength(uint32_t *len) {
uint8_t scratch[kLogSegmentFooterMagicAndFooterLength];
Slice slice;
CHECK_GT(file_size(), kLogSegmentFooterMagicAndFooterLength);
file_size() - kLogSegmentFooterMagicAndFooterLength,
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseFooterMagicAndFooterLength(slice, len));
return Status::OK();
Status ReadableLogSegment::ParseFooterMagicAndFooterLength(const Slice &data,
uint32_t *parsed_len) {
"Slice is too small to contain final magic number");
if (memcmp(kLogSegmentFooterMagicString,,
strlen(kLogSegmentFooterMagicString)) != 0) {
return Status::NotFound("Footer not found. Footer magic doesn't match");
*parsed_len = DecodeFixed32( + strlen(kLogSegmentFooterMagicString));
return Status::OK();
Status ReadableLogSegment::ReadEntries(vector<LogEntryPB*>* entries) {
TRACE_EVENT1("log", "ReadableLogSegment::ReadEntries",
"path", path_);
LogEntryReader reader(this);
while (true) {
unique_ptr<LogEntryPB> entry(new LogEntryPB());
Status s = reader.ReadNextEntry(entry.get());
if (s.IsEndOfFile()) break;
return Status::OK();
Status ReadableLogSegment::ScanForValidEntryHeaders(int64_t offset, bool* has_valid_entries) {
TRACE_EVENT1("log", "ReadableLogSegment::ScanForValidEntryHeaders",
"path", path_);
LOG(INFO) << "Scanning " << path_ << " for valid entry headers "
<< "following offset " << offset << "...";
*has_valid_entries = false;
const int kChunkSize = 1024 * 1024;
gscoped_ptr<uint8_t[]> buf(new uint8_t[kChunkSize]);
// We overlap the reads by the size of the header, so that if a header
// spans chunks, we don't miss it.
for (;
offset < file_size() - kEntryHeaderSize;
offset += kChunkSize - kEntryHeaderSize) {
int rem = std::min<int64_t>(file_size() - offset, kChunkSize);
Slice chunk;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadFully(readable_file().get(), offset, rem, &chunk, &buf[0]));
// Optimization for the case where a chunk is all zeros -- this is common in the
// case of pre-allocated files. This avoids a lot of redundant CRC calculation.
if (IsAllZeros(chunk)) {
// Check if this chunk has a valid entry header.
for (int off_in_chunk = 0;
off_in_chunk < chunk.size() - kEntryHeaderSize;
off_in_chunk++) {
Slice potential_header = Slice(&chunk[off_in_chunk], kEntryHeaderSize);
EntryHeader header;
if (DecodeEntryHeader(potential_header, &header)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Found a valid entry header at offset " << (offset + off_in_chunk);
*has_valid_entries = true;
return Status::OK();
LOG(INFO) << "Found no log entry headers";
return Status::OK();
Status ReadableLogSegment::ReadEntryHeaderAndBatch(int64_t* offset, faststring* tmp_buf,
gscoped_ptr<LogEntryBatchPB>* batch) {
int64_t cur_offset = *offset;
EntryHeader header;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadEntryHeader(&cur_offset, &header));
RETURN_NOT_OK(ReadEntryBatch(&cur_offset, header, tmp_buf, batch));
*offset = cur_offset;
return Status::OK();
Status ReadableLogSegment::ReadEntryHeader(int64_t *offset, EntryHeader* header) {
uint8_t scratch[kEntryHeaderSize];
Slice slice;
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(ReadFully(readable_file().get(), *offset, kEntryHeaderSize,
&slice, scratch),
"Could not read log entry header");
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!DecodeEntryHeader(slice, header))) {
return Status::Corruption("CRC mismatch in log entry header");
*offset += slice.size();
return Status::OK();
bool ReadableLogSegment::DecodeEntryHeader(const Slice& data, EntryHeader* header) {
DCHECK_EQ(kEntryHeaderSize, data.size());
header->msg_length = DecodeFixed32(&data[0]);
header->msg_crc = DecodeFixed32(&data[4]);
header->header_crc = DecodeFixed32(&data[8]);
// Verify the header.
uint32_t computed_crc = crc::Crc32c(&data[0], 8);
return computed_crc == header->header_crc;
Status ReadableLogSegment::ReadEntryBatch(int64_t *offset,
const EntryHeader& header,
faststring *tmp_buf,
gscoped_ptr<LogEntryBatchPB> *entry_batch) {
TRACE_EVENT2("log", "ReadableLogSegment::ReadEntryBatch",
"path", path_,
"range", Substitute("offset=$0 entry_len=$1",
*offset, header.msg_length));
if (header.msg_length == 0) {
return Status::Corruption("Invalid 0 entry length");
int64_t limit = readable_up_to();
if (PREDICT_FALSE(header.msg_length + *offset > limit)) {
// The log was likely truncated during writing.
return Status::Corruption(
Substitute("Could not read $0-byte log entry from offset $1 in $2: "
"log only readable up to offset $3",
header.msg_length, *offset, path_, limit));
Slice entry_batch_slice;
Status s = readable_file()->Read(*offset,
if (!s.ok()) return Status::IOError(Substitute("Could not read entry. Cause: $0",
// Verify the CRC.
uint32_t read_crc = crc::Crc32c(, entry_batch_slice.size());
if (PREDICT_FALSE(read_crc != header.msg_crc)) {
return Status::Corruption(Substitute("Entry CRC mismatch in byte range $0-$1: "
"expected CRC=$2, computed=$3",
*offset, *offset + header.msg_length,
header.msg_crc, read_crc));
gscoped_ptr<LogEntryBatchPB> read_entry_batch(new LogEntryBatchPB());
s = pb_util::ParseFromArray(read_entry_batch.get(),,
if (!s.ok()) return Status::Corruption(Substitute("Could parse PB. Cause: $0",
*offset += entry_batch_slice.size();
return Status::OK();
WritableLogSegment::WritableLogSegment(string path,
shared_ptr<WritableFile> writable_file)
: path_(std::move(path)),
written_offset_(0) {}
Status WritableLogSegment::WriteHeaderAndOpen(const LogSegmentHeaderPB& new_header) {
DCHECK(!IsHeaderWritten()) << "Can only call WriteHeader() once";
<< "Log segment header must be initialized" << new_header.InitializationErrorString();
faststring buf;
// First the magic.
// Then Length-prefixed header.
PutFixed32(&buf, new_header.ByteSize());
// Then Serialize the PB.
pb_util::AppendToString(new_header, &buf);
first_entry_offset_ = buf.size();
written_offset_ = first_entry_offset_;
is_header_written_ = true;
return Status::OK();
Status WritableLogSegment::WriteFooterAndClose(const LogSegmentFooterPB& footer) {
TRACE_EVENT1("log", "WritableLogSegment::WriteFooterAndClose",
"path", path_);
DCHECK(footer.IsInitialized()) << footer.InitializationErrorString();
faststring buf;
pb_util::AppendToString(footer, &buf);
PutFixed32(&buf, footer.ByteSize());
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(writable_file()->Append(Slice(buf)), "Could not write the footer");
is_footer_written_ = true;
written_offset_ += buf.size();
return Status::OK();
Status WritableLogSegment::WriteEntryBatch(const Slice& data) {
uint8_t header_buf[kEntryHeaderSize];
// First encode the length of the message.
uint32_t len = data.size();
InlineEncodeFixed32(&header_buf[0], len);
// Then the CRC of the message.
uint32_t msg_crc = crc::Crc32c(&data[0], data.size());
InlineEncodeFixed32(&header_buf[4], msg_crc);
// Then the CRC of the header
uint32_t header_crc = crc::Crc32c(&header_buf, 8);
InlineEncodeFixed32(&header_buf[8], header_crc);
// Write the header to the file, followed by the batch data itself.
RETURN_NOT_OK(writable_file_->Append(Slice(header_buf, sizeof(header_buf))));
written_offset_ += sizeof(header_buf);
written_offset_ += data.size();
return Status::OK();
void CreateBatchFromAllocatedOperations(const vector<consensus::ReplicateRefPtr>& msgs,
gscoped_ptr<LogEntryBatchPB>* batch) {
gscoped_ptr<LogEntryBatchPB> entry_batch(new LogEntryBatchPB);
for (const auto& msg : msgs) {
LogEntryPB* entry_pb = entry_batch->add_entry();
bool IsLogFileName(const string& fname) {
if (HasPrefixString(fname, ".")) {
// Hidden file or ./..
VLOG(1) << "Ignoring hidden file: " << fname;
return false;
if (HasSuffixString(fname, kTmpSuffix)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring tmp file: " << fname;
return false;
vector<string> v = strings::Split(fname, "-");
if (v.size() != 2 || v[0] != FsManager::kWalFileNamePrefix) {
VLOG(1) << "Not a log file: " << fname;
return false;
return true;
void UpdateFooterForReplicateEntry(const LogEntryPB& entry_pb,
LogSegmentFooterPB* footer) {
int64_t index = entry_pb.replicate().id().index();
if (!footer->has_min_replicate_index() ||
index < footer->min_replicate_index()) {
if (!footer->has_max_replicate_index() ||
index > footer->max_replicate_index()) {
} // namespace log
} // namespace kudu