blob: d0129f463a0bf75876228807308e44281ab9b30b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.pb.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/callback.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_controller.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
namespace kudu {
class Status;
namespace rpc {
class Messenger;
class RpcController;
namespace consensus {
class PeerProxy;
class PeerProxyFactory;
// The vote a peer has given.
enum ElectionVote {
// Simple class to count votes (in-memory, not persisted to disk).
// This class is not thread safe and requires external synchronization.
class VoteCounter {
// Create new VoteCounter with the given majority size.
VoteCounter(int num_voters, int majority_size);
// Register a peer's vote.
// If the voter already has a vote recorded, but it has a different value than
// the vote specified, returns Status::IllegalArgument.
// If the same vote is duplicated, 'is_duplicate' is set to true.
// Otherwise, it is set to false.
// If an OK status is not returned, the value in 'is_duplicate' is undefined.
Status RegisterVote(const std::string& voter_uuid, ElectionVote vote, bool* is_duplicate);
// Return whether the vote is decided yet.
bool IsDecided() const;
// Return decision iff IsDecided() returns true.
// If vote is not yet decided, returns Status::IllegalState().
Status GetDecision(ElectionVote* decision) const;
// Return the total of "Yes" and "No" votes.
int GetTotalVotesCounted() const;
// Return total number of expected votes.
int GetTotalExpectedVotes() const { return num_voters_; }
// Return true iff GetTotalVotesCounted() == num_voters_;
bool AreAllVotesIn() const;
friend class VoteCounterTest;
typedef std::map<std::string, ElectionVote> VoteMap;
const int num_voters_;
const int majority_size_;
VoteMap votes_; // Voting record.
int yes_votes_; // Accumulated yes votes, for quick counting.
int no_votes_; // Accumulated no votes.
// The result of a leader election.
struct ElectionResult {
ElectionResult(const VoteRequestPB& vote_request, ElectionVote decision,
ConsensusTerm highest_term, const std::string& message);
// The vote request that was sent to the voters for this election.
const VoteRequestPB vote_request;
// The overall election GRANTED/DENIED decision of the configuration.
const ElectionVote decision;
// The highest term seen from any voter.
const ConsensusTerm highest_voter_term;
// Human-readable explanation of the vote result, if any.
const std::string message;
// Driver class to run a leader election.
// The caller must pass a callback to the driver, which will be called exactly
// once when a Yes/No decision has been made, except in case of Shutdown()
// on the Messenger or test ThreadPool, in which case no guarantee of a
// callback is provided. In that case, we should not care about the election
// result, because the server is ostensibly shutting down.
// For a "Yes" decision, a majority of voters must grant their vote.
// A "No" decision may be caused by either one of the following:
// - One of the peers replies with a higher term before a decision is made.
// - A majority of the peers votes "No".
// Any votes that come in after a decision has been made and the callback has
// been invoked are logged but ignored. Note that this somewhat strays from the
// letter of the Raft paper, in that replies that come after a "Yes" decision
// do not immediately cause the candidate/leader to step down, but this keeps
// our implementation and API simple, and the newly-minted leader will soon
// discover that it must step down when it attempts to replicate its first
// message to the peers.
// This class is thread-safe.
class LeaderElection : public RefCountedThreadSafe<LeaderElection> {
typedef Callback<void(const ElectionResult&)> ElectionDecisionCallback;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, PeerProxy*> ProxyMap;
// Set up a new leader election driver.
// The 'vote_counter' must be initialized with the candidate's own yes vote.
LeaderElection(const RaftConfigPB& config, PeerProxyFactory* proxy_factory,
const VoteRequestPB& request,
gscoped_ptr<VoteCounter> vote_counter, MonoDelta timeout,
ElectionDecisionCallback decision_callback);
// Run the election: send the vote request to followers.
void Run();
friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<LeaderElection>;
struct VoterState {
gscoped_ptr<PeerProxy> proxy;
// If constructing the proxy failed (e.g. due to a DNS resolution issue)
// then 'proxy' will be NULL, and 'proxy_status' will contain the error.
Status proxy_status;
rpc::RpcController rpc;
VoteRequestPB request;
VoteResponsePB response;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, VoterState*> VoterStateMap;
typedef simple_spinlock Lock;
// This class is refcounted.
// Check to see if a decision has been made. If so, invoke decision callback.
// Calls the callback outside of holding a lock.
void CheckForDecision();
// Callback called when the RPC responds.
void VoteResponseRpcCallback(const std::string& voter_uuid);
// Record vote from specified peer.
void RecordVoteUnlocked(const std::string& voter_uuid, ElectionVote vote);
// Handle a peer that reponded with a term greater than the election term.
void HandleHigherTermUnlocked(const std::string& voter_uuid, const VoterState& state);
// Log and record a granted vote.
void HandleVoteGrantedUnlocked(const std::string& voter_uuid, const VoterState& state);
// Log the reason for a denied vote and record it.
void HandleVoteDeniedUnlocked(const std::string& voter_uuid, const VoterState& state);
// Returns a string to be prefixed to all log entries.
// This method accesses const members and is thread safe.
std::string LogPrefix() const;
// Helper to reference the term we are running the election for.
ConsensusTerm election_term() const { return request_.candidate_term(); }
// All non-const fields are protected by 'lock_'.
Lock lock_;
// The result returned by the ElectionDecisionCallback.
// NULL if not yet known.
gscoped_ptr<ElectionResult> result_;
// Whether we have responded via the callback yet.
bool has_responded_;
// Election request to send to voters.
const VoteRequestPB request_;
// Object to count the votes.
const gscoped_ptr<VoteCounter> vote_counter_;
// Timeout for sending RPCs.
const MonoDelta timeout_;
// Callback invoked to notify the caller of an election decision.
const ElectionDecisionCallback decision_callback_;
// List of all potential followers to request votes from.
// The candidate's own UUID must not be included.
std::vector<std::string> follower_uuids_;
// Map of UUID -> VoterState.
VoterStateMap voter_state_;
// The highest term seen from a voter so far (or 0 if no votes).
int64_t highest_voter_term_;
} // namespace consensus
} // namespace kudu