blob: fe34be65d1588d1a3c9dcf51f1c595f31a874c9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/codegen/row_projector.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <ostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Argument.h>
#include <llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Constants.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Function.h>
#include <llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Module.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Type.h>
#include "kudu/codegen/jit_wrapper.h"
#include "kudu/codegen/module_builder.h"
#include "kudu/common/row.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/strcat.h"
#include "kudu/util/faststring.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace llvm {
class LLVMContext;
} // namespace llvm
using llvm::Argument;
using llvm::BasicBlock;
using llvm::ConstantInt;
using llvm::ExecutionEngine;
using llvm::Function;
using llvm::FunctionType;
using llvm::GenericValue;
using llvm::LLVMContext;
using llvm::Module;
using llvm::PointerType;
using llvm::Type;
using llvm::Value;
using std::ostream;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
namespace kudu {
namespace codegen {
namespace {
// Generates a schema-to-schema projection function of the form:
// bool(int8_t* src, RowBlockRow* row, Arena* arena)
// Requires src is a contiguous row of the base schema.
// Returns a boolean indicating success. Failure can only occur if a string
// relocation fails.
// Uses CHECKs to make sure projection is well-formed. Use
// kudu::RowProjector::Init() to return an error status instead.
template<bool READ>
llvm::Function* MakeProjection(const string& name,
ModuleBuilder* mbuilder,
const kudu::RowProjector& proj) {
// Get the IRBuilder
ModuleBuilder::LLVMBuilder* builder = mbuilder->builder();
LLVMContext& context = builder->getContext();
// Extract schema information from projector
const Schema& base_schema = *proj.base_schema();
const Schema& projection = *proj.projection();
// Create the function after providing a declaration
vector<Type*> argtypes = { Type::getInt8PtrTy(context),
PointerType::getUnqual(mbuilder->GetType("class.kudu::Arena")) };
FunctionType* fty =
FunctionType::get(Type::getInt1Ty(context), argtypes, false);
Function* f = mbuilder->Create(fty, name);
// Get the function's Arguments
Function::arg_iterator it = f->arg_begin();
Argument* src = &*it++;
Argument* rbrow = &*it++;
Argument* arena = &*it++;
DCHECK(it == f->arg_end());
// Give names to the arguments for debugging IR.
// Mark our arguments as not aliasing. This eliminates a redundant
// load of rbrow->row_block_ and rbrow->row_index_ for each column.
// Note that these arguments are 1-based indexes.
// Project row function in IR (note: values in angle brackets are
// constants whose values are determined right now, at JIT time).
// define i1 @name(i8* noalias %src, RowBlockRow* noalias %rbrow, Arena* noalias %arena)
// entry:
// %src_bitmap = getelementptr i8* %src, i64 <offset to bitmap>
// <for each base column to projection column mapping>
// %src_cell = getelementptr i8* %src, i64 <base offset>
// %result = call i1 @CopyCellToRowBlock(
// i64 <type size>, i8* %src_cell, RowBlockRow* %rbrow,
// i64 <column index>, i1 <is binary>, Arena* %arena)**
// %success = and %success, %result***
// <end implicit for each>
// <for each projection column that needs defaults>
// <if default column is nullable>
// call void @CopyCellToRowBlockNullDefault(
// RowBlockRow* %rbrow, i64 <column index>, i1 <is null>)
// <end implicit if>
// <if default value was not null>
// %src_cell = inttoptr i64 <default value location> to i8*
// %result = call i1 @CopyCellToRowBlock(
// i64 <type size>, i8* %src_cell, RowBlockRow* %rbrow,
// i64 <column index>, i1 <is_binary>, Arena* %arena)
// %success = and %success, %result***
// <end implicit if>
// <end implicit for each>
// ret i1 %success
// **If the column is nullable, then the call is replaced with
// call i1 @CopyCellToRowBlockNullable(
// i64 <type size>, i8* %src_cell, RowBlockRow* %rbrow, i64 <column index>,
// i1 <is_binary>, Arena* %arena, i8* src_bitmap, i64 <bitmap_idx>)
// ***If the column is nullable and the default value is NULL, then the
// call is replaced with
// call void @CopyCellToRowBlockSetNull(
// RowBlockRow* %rbrow, i64 <column index>)
// ****Technically, llvm ir does not support mutable registers. Thus,
// this is implemented by having "success" be the most recent result
// register of the last "and" instruction. The different "success" values
// can be differentiated by using a success_update_number.
// Retrieve appropriate precompiled rowblock cell functions
Function* copy_cell_not_null =
Function* copy_cell_nullable =
Function* row_block_set_null =
// The bitmap for a contiguous row goes after the row data
// See common/row.h ContiguousRowHelper class
builder->SetInsertPoint(BasicBlock::Create(context, "entry", f));
Value* src_bitmap = builder->CreateConstGEP1_64(src, base_schema.byte_size());
Value* success = builder->getInt1(true);
int success_update_number = 0;
// Copy base data
for (const kudu::RowProjector::ProjectionIdxMapping& pmap : proj.base_cols_mapping()) {
// Retrieve information regarding this column-to-column transformation
size_t proj_idx = pmap.first;
size_t base_idx = pmap.second;
size_t src_offset = base_schema.column_offset(base_idx);
const ColumnSchema& col = base_schema.column(base_idx);
// Create the common values between the nullable and nonnullable calls
Value* size = builder->getInt64(col.type_info()->size());
Value* src_cell = builder->CreateConstGEP1_64(src, src_offset);
src_cell->setName(StrCat("src_cell_base_", base_idx));
Value* col_idx = builder->getInt64(proj_idx);
ConstantInt* is_binary = builder->getInt1(col.type_info()->physical_type() == BINARY);
vector<Value*> args = { size, src_cell, rbrow, col_idx, is_binary, arena };
// Add additional arguments if nullable
Function* to_call = copy_cell_not_null;
if (col.is_nullable()) {
to_call = copy_cell_nullable;
// Make the call and check the return value
Value* result = builder->CreateCall(to_call, args);
result->setName(StrCat("result_b", base_idx, "_p", proj_idx));
success = builder->CreateAnd(success, result);
success->setName(StrCat("success", success_update_number++));
// Fill defaults
for (size_t dfl_idx : proj.projection_defaults()) {
// Retrieve mapping information
const ColumnSchema& col = projection.column(dfl_idx);
const void* dfl = READ ? col.read_default_value() :
// Generate arguments
Value* size = builder->getInt64(col.type_info()->size());
Value* src_cell = mbuilder->GetPointerValue(const_cast<void*>(dfl));
Value* col_idx = builder->getInt64(dfl_idx);
ConstantInt* is_binary = builder->getInt1(col.type_info()->physical_type() == BINARY);
// Handle default columns that are nullable
if (col.is_nullable()) {
Value* is_null = builder->getInt1(dfl == nullptr);
vector<Value*> args = { rbrow, col_idx, is_null };
builder->CreateCall(row_block_set_null, args);
// If dfl was NULL, we're done
if (dfl == nullptr) continue;
// Make the copy cell call and check the return value
vector<Value*> args = { size, src_cell, rbrow, col_idx, is_binary, arena };
Value* result = builder->CreateCall(copy_cell_not_null, args);
result->setName(StrCat("result_dfl", dfl_idx));
success = builder->CreateAnd(success, result);
success->setName(StrCat("success", success_update_number++));
// Return
if (FLAGS_codegen_dump_functions) {
LOG(INFO) << "Dumping " << (READ? "read" : "write") << " projection:";
return f;
} // anonymous namespace
RowProjectorFunctions::RowProjectorFunctions(const Schema& base_schema,
const Schema& projection,
ProjectionFunction read_f,
ProjectionFunction write_f,
unique_ptr<JITCodeOwner> owner)
: JITWrapper(std::move(owner)),
write_f_(write_f) {
CHECK(read_f != nullptr)
<< "Promise to compile read function not fulfilled by ModuleBuilder";
CHECK(write_f != nullptr)
<< "Promise to compile write function not fulfilled by ModuleBuilder";
Status RowProjectorFunctions::Create(const Schema& base_schema,
const Schema& projection,
scoped_refptr<RowProjectorFunctions>* out,
llvm::TargetMachine** tm) {
ModuleBuilder builder;
// Use a no-codegen row projector to check validity and to build
// the codegen functions.
kudu::RowProjector no_codegen(&base_schema, &projection);
// Build the functions for code gen. No need to mangle for uniqueness;
// in the rare case we have two projectors in one module, LLVM takes
// care of uniquifying when making a GlobalValue.
Function* read = MakeProjection<true>("ProjRead", &builder, no_codegen);
Function* write = MakeProjection<false>("ProjWrite", &builder, no_codegen);
// Have the ModuleBuilder accept promises to compile the functions
ProjectionFunction read_f, write_f;
builder.AddJITPromise(read, &read_f);
builder.AddJITPromise(write, &write_f);
unique_ptr<JITCodeOwner> owner;
if (tm) {
*tm = builder.GetTargetMachine();
out->reset(new RowProjectorFunctions(base_schema, projection, read_f,
write_f, std::move(owner)));
return Status::OK();
namespace {
// Convenience method which appends to a faststring
template<typename T>
void AddNext(faststring* fs, const T& val) {
fs->append(&val, sizeof(T));
} // anonymous namespace
// Allocates space for and generates a key for a pair of schemas. The key
// is unique according to the criteria defined in the CodeCache class'
// block comment. In order to achieve this, we encode the schemas into
// a contiguous array of bytes as follows, in sequence.
// (1 byte) unique type identifier for RowProjectorFunctions
// (8 bytes) number, as unsigned long, of base columns
// (5 bytes each) base column types, in order
// 4 bytes for enum type
// 1 byte for nullability
// (8 bytes) number, as unsigned long, of projection columns
// (5 bytes each) projection column types, in order
// 4 bytes for enum type
// 1 byte for nullablility
// (8 bytes) number, as unsigned long, of base projection mappings
// (16 bytes each) base projection mappings, in order
// (24 bytes each) default projection columns, in order
// 8 bytes for the index
// 8 bytes for the read default
// 8 bytes for the write default
// This could be made more efficient by removing unnecessary information
// such as the top bits for many numbers, and using a thread-local buffer
// (the code cache copies its own key anyway).
// Respects IsCompatbile below.
// Writes to 'out' upon success.
Status RowProjectorFunctions::EncodeKey(const Schema& base, const Schema& proj,
faststring* out) {
kudu::RowProjector projector(&base, &proj);
AddNext(out, JITWrapper::ROW_PROJECTOR);
AddNext(out, base.num_columns());
for (const ColumnSchema& col : base.columns()) {
AddNext(out, col.type_info()->physical_type());
AddNext(out, col.is_nullable());
AddNext(out, proj.num_columns());
for (const ColumnSchema& col : proj.columns()) {
AddNext(out, col.type_info()->physical_type());
AddNext(out, col.is_nullable());
AddNext(out, projector.base_cols_mapping().size());
for (const kudu::RowProjector::ProjectionIdxMapping& map : projector.base_cols_mapping()) {
AddNext(out, map);
for (size_t dfl_idx : projector.projection_defaults()) {
const ColumnSchema& col = proj.column(dfl_idx);
AddNext(out, dfl_idx);
AddNext(out, col.read_default_value());
AddNext(out, col.write_default_value());
return Status::OK();
RowProjector::RowProjector(const Schema* base_schema, const Schema* projection,
const scoped_refptr<RowProjectorFunctions>& functions)
: projector_(base_schema, projection),
functions_(functions) {}
namespace {
struct DefaultEquals {
template<class T>
bool operator()(const T& t1, const T& t2) { return t1 == t2; }
struct ColumnSchemaEqualsType {
bool operator()(const ColumnSchema& s1, const ColumnSchema& s2) {
return s1.EqualsPhysicalType(s2);
template<class T, class Equals>
bool ContainerEquals(const T& t1, const T& t2, const Equals& equals) {
if (t1.size() != t2.size()) return false;
if (!std::equal(t1.begin(), t1.end(), t2.begin(), equals)) return false;
return true;
template<class T>
bool ContainerEquals(const T& t1, const T& t2) {
return ContainerEquals(t1, t2, DefaultEquals());
} // anonymous namespace
Status RowProjector::Init() {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// This method defines what makes (base, projection) schema pairs compatible.
// In other words, this method can be thought of as the equivalence relation
// on the set of all well-formed (base, projection) schema pairs that
// partitions the set into equivalence classes which will have the exact
// same projection function code.
// This equivalence relation can be decomposed as:
// compat_check((base1, proj1), (base2, proj2)) :=
// WELLFORMED(base1, proj1) &&
// WELLFORMED(base2, proj2) &&
// PROJEQUALS(base1, base2) &&
// PROJEQUALS(proj1, proj2) &&
// MAP(base1, proj1) == MAP(base2, proj2)
// where WELLFORMED checks that a projection is well-formed (i.e., a
// kudu::RowProjector can be initialized with the schema pair), PROJEQUAL
// is a relaxed version of the Schema::Equals() operator that is
// independent of column names and column IDs, and MAP addresses
// the actual dependency on column identification - which is the effect
// that those attributes have on the RowProjector's mapping (i.e., different
// names and IDs are ok, so long as the mapping is the same). Note that
// key columns are not given any special meaning in projection. Physical types
// and nullability of columns must be exactly equal between the two
// schema pairs.
// Status::OK corresponds to true in the equivalence relation and other
// statuses correspond to false, explaining why the projections are
// incompatible.
auto compat_check = [](const Schema& base1, const Schema& proj1,
const Schema& base2, const Schema& proj2) {
kudu::RowProjector rp1(&base1, &proj1), rp2(&base2, &proj2);
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(rp1.Init(), "(base1, proj1) projection "
"schema pair not well formed: ");
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(rp2.Init(), "(base2, proj2) projection "
"schema pair not well formed: ");
if (!ContainerEquals(base1.columns(), base2.columns(),
ColumnSchemaEqualsType())) {
return Status::IllegalState("base schema types unequal");
if (!ContainerEquals(proj1.columns(), proj2.columns(),
ColumnSchemaEqualsType())) {
return Status::IllegalState("projection schema types unequal");
if (!ContainerEquals(rp1.base_cols_mapping(), rp2.base_cols_mapping())) {
return Status::IllegalState("base column mappings do not match");
if (!ContainerEquals(rp1.projection_defaults(), rp2.projection_defaults())) {
return Status::IllegalState("projection default indices do not match");
return Status::OK();
*projector_.base_schema(), *projector_.projection(),
functions_->base_schema(), functions_->projection()),
"Codegenned row projector's schemas incompatible "
"with its functions' schemas:"
"\n projector base = " +
projector_.base_schema()->ToString() +
"\n projector proj = " +
projector_.projection()->ToString() +
"\n functions base = " +
functions_->base_schema().ToString() +
"\n functions proj = " +
return Status::OK();
ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const RowProjector& rp) {
o << "Row Projector s1->s2 with:\n"
<< "\ts1 = " << rp.base_schema()->ToString() << "\n"
<< "\ts2 = " << rp.projection()->ToString();
return o;
} // namespace codegen
} // namespace kudu