blob: d68576f22cd80f8696dc664ff02382ab76bcb6b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/rpc/inbound_call.h"
#include "kudu/util/condition_variable.h"
#include "kudu/util/mutex.h"
namespace kudu {
namespace rpc {
// Return values for ServiceQueue::Put()
enum QueueStatus {
// Blocking queue used for passing inbound RPC calls to the service handler pool.
// Calls are dequeued in 'earliest-deadline first' order. The queue also maintains a
// bounded number of calls. If the queue overflows, then calls with deadlines farthest
// in the future are evicted.
// When calls do not provide deadlines, the RPC layer considers their deadline to
// be infinitely in the future. This means that any call that does have a deadline
// can evict any call that does not have a deadline. This incentivizes clients to
// provide accurate deadlines for their calls.
// In order to improve concurrent throughput, this class uses a LIFO design:
// Each consumer thread has its own lock and condition variable. If a
// consumer arrives and there is no work available in the queue, it will not
// wait on the queue lock, but rather push its own 'ConsumerState' object
// to the 'waiting_consumers_' stack. When work arrives, if there are waiting
// consumers, the top consumer is popped from the stack and woken up.
// This design has a few advantages over the basic BlockingQueue:
// - the worker who was most recently busy is the one which will be selected for
// new work. This gives an opportunity for the worker to be scheduled again
// without going to sleep, and also keeps CPU cache and allocator caches hot.
// - in the common case that there are enough workers to fully service the incoming
// work rate, the queue implementation itself is never used. Thus, we can
// have a priority queue without paying extra for it in the common case.
// NOTE: because of the use of thread-local consumer records, once a consumer
// thread accesses one LifoServiceQueue, it becomes "bound" to that queue and
// must never access any other instance.
class LifoServiceQueue {
explicit LifoServiceQueue(int max_size);
// Get an element from the queue. Returns false if we were shut down prior to
// getting the element.
bool BlockingGet(std::unique_ptr<InboundCall>* out);
// Add a new call to the queue.
// Returns:
// - QUEUE_SHUTDOWN if Shutdown() has already been called.
// - QUEUE_FULL if the queue is full and 'call' has a later deadline than any
// RPC already in the queue.
// - QUEUE_SUCCESS if 'call' was enqueued.
// In the case of a 'QUEUE_SUCCESS' response, the new element may have bumped
// another call out of the queue. In that case, *evicted will be set to the
// call that was bumped.
QueueStatus Put(InboundCall* call, boost::optional<InboundCall*>* evicted);
// Shut down the queue.
// When a blocking queue is shut down, no more elements can be added to it,
// and Put() will return QUEUE_SHUTDOWN.
// Existing elements will drain out of it, and then BlockingGet will start
// returning false.
void Shutdown();
bool empty() const;
int max_size() const;
std::string ToString() const;
// Return an estimate of the current queue length.
int estimated_queue_length() const {
// The C++ standard says that std::multiset::size must be constant time,
// so this method won't try to traverse any actual nodes of the underlying
// RB tree. Investigation of the libstdcxx implementation confirms that
// size() is a simple field access of the _Rb_tree structure.
int ret = queue_.size();
return ret;
// Return an estimate of the number of idle threads currently awaiting work.
int estimated_idle_worker_count() const {
// Size of a vector is a simple field access so this is safe.
int ret = waiting_consumers_.size();
return ret;
// Comparison function which orders calls by their deadlines.
static bool DeadlineLess(const InboundCall* a,
const InboundCall* b) {
auto time_a = a->GetClientDeadline();
auto time_b = b->GetClientDeadline();
if (time_a == time_b) {
// If two calls have the same deadline (most likely because neither one specified
// one) then we should order them by arrival order.
time_a = a->GetTimeReceived();
time_b = b->GetTimeReceived();
return time_a < time_b;
// Struct functor wrapper for DeadlineLess.
struct DeadlineLessStruct {
bool operator()(const InboundCall* a, const InboundCall* b) const {
return DeadlineLess(a, b);
// The thread-local record corresponding to a single consumer thread.
// Threads push this record onto the waiting_consumers_ stack when
// they are awaiting work. Producers pop the top waiting consumer and
// post work using Post().
class ConsumerState {
explicit ConsumerState(LifoServiceQueue* queue) :
bound_queue_(queue) {
void Post(InboundCall* call) {
DCHECK(call_ == nullptr);
MutexLock l(lock_);
call_ = call;
should_wake_ = true;
InboundCall* Wait() {
MutexLock l(lock_);
while (should_wake_ == false) {
should_wake_ = false;
InboundCall* ret = call_;
call_ = nullptr;
return ret;
void DCheckBoundInstance(LifoServiceQueue* q) {
DCHECK_EQ(q, bound_queue_);
Mutex lock_;
ConditionVariable cond_;
InboundCall* call_;
bool should_wake_;
// For the purpose of assertions, tracks the LifoServiceQueue instance that
// this consumer is reading from.
LifoServiceQueue* bound_queue_;
static __thread ConsumerState* tl_consumer_;
mutable simple_spinlock lock_;
bool shutdown_;
int max_queue_size_;
// Stack of consumer threads which are currently waiting for work.
std::vector<ConsumerState*> waiting_consumers_;
// The actual queue. Work is only added to the queue when there were no
// consumers available for a "direct hand-off".
std::multiset<InboundCall*, DeadlineLessStruct> queue_;
// The total set of consumers who have ever accessed this queue.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ConsumerState>> consumers_;
} // namespace rpc
} // namespace kudu