blob: 20835745c8e9041a6774433938b284a91fa9a082 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2002 and onwards Google Inc.
// Printf variants that place their output in a C++ string.
// Usage:
// string result = StringPrintf("%d %s\n", 10, "hello");
// SStringPrintf(&result, "%d %s\n", 10, "hello");
// StringAppendF(&result, "%d %s\n", 20, "there");
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string>
using std::string;
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
// Return a C++ string
extern string StringPrintf(const char* format, ...)
// Tell the compiler to do printf format string checking.
// Store result into a supplied string and return it
extern const string& SStringPrintf(string* dst, const char* format, ...)
// Tell the compiler to do printf format string checking.
// Append result to a supplied string
extern void StringAppendF(string* dst, const char* format, ...)
// Tell the compiler to do printf format string checking.
// Lower-level routine that takes a va_list and appends to a specified
// string. All other routines are just convenience wrappers around it.
extern void StringAppendV(string* dst, const char* format, va_list ap);
// The max arguments supported by StringPrintfVector
extern const int kStringPrintfVectorMaxArgs;
// You can use this version when all your arguments are strings, but
// you don't know how many arguments you'll have at compile time.
// StringPrintfVector will LOG(FATAL) if v.size() > kStringPrintfVectorMaxArgs
extern string StringPrintfVector(const char* format, const vector<string>& v);