blob: 550711a7e1f7ef6d0ea4fe4a3dfd8559ca750167 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/client/client.h"
#include "kudu/client/resource_metrics.h"
#include "kudu/client/row_result.h"
#include "kudu/client/scan_configuration.h"
#include "kudu/common/partition_pruner.h"
#include "kudu/common/scan_spec.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tserver_service.proxy.h"
#include "kudu/util/auto_release_pool.h"
namespace kudu {
namespace client {
// The result of KuduScanner::Data::AnalyzeResponse.
// This provides a more specific enum for handling the possible error conditions in a Scan
// RPC.
struct ScanRpcStatus {
enum Result {
// The request was malformed (e.g. bad schema, etc).
// The server was busy (e.g. RPC queue overflow).
// The deadline for the whole batch was exceeded.
// The deadline for an individual RPC was exceeded, but we have more time left to try
// on other hosts.
// Another RPC-system error (e.g. NetworkError because the TS was down).
// The scanner on the server side expired.
// The destination tablet was not running (e.g. in the process of bootstrapping).
// The destination tablet does not exist (e.g. because the replica was deleted).
// Some other unknown tablet server error. This indicates that the TS was running
// but some problem occurred other than the ones enumerated above.
Result result;
Status status;
class KuduScanner::Data {
explicit Data(KuduTable* table);
// Calculates a deadline and sends the next RPC for this scanner. The deadline for the
// RPC is calculated based on whether 'allow_time_for_failover' is true. If true,
// the deadline used for the RPC will be shortened so that, on timeout, there will
// be enough time for another attempt to a different server. If false, then the RPC
// will use 'overall_deadline' as its deadline.
// The RPC and TS proxy should already have been prepared in next_req_, proxy_, etc.
ScanRpcStatus SendScanRpc(const MonoTime& overall_deadline, bool allow_time_for_failover);
// Called when KuduScanner::NextBatch or KuduScanner::Data::OpenTablet result in an RPC or
// server error.
// If the provided 'status' indicates the error was retryable, then returns Status::OK()
// and potentially inserts the current server into 'blacklist' if the retry should be
// made on a different replica.
// This function may also sleep in case the error suggests that backoff is necessary.
Status HandleError(const ScanRpcStatus& status,
const MonoTime& deadline,
std::set<std::string>* blacklist);
// Opens the next tablet in the scan, or returns Status::NotFound if there are
// no more tablets to scan.
// The deadline is the time budget for this operation.
// The blacklist is used to temporarily filter out nodes that are experiencing transient errors.
// This blacklist may be modified by the callee.
Status OpenNextTablet(const MonoTime& deadline, std::set<std::string>* blacklist);
// Open the current tablet in the scan again.
// See OpenNextTablet for options.
Status ReopenCurrentTablet(const MonoTime& deadline, std::set<std::string>* blacklist);
// Open the tablet to scan.
Status OpenTablet(const std::string& partition_key,
const MonoTime& deadline,
std::set<std::string>* blacklist);
Status KeepAlive();
// Returns whether there may exist more tablets to scan.
// This method does not take into account any non-covered range partitions
// that may exist in the table, so it should only be used as a hint.
// Note: there may not be any actual matching rows in subsequent tablets,
// but we won't know until we scan them.
bool MoreTablets() const;
// Possible scan requests.
enum RequestType {
// A new scan of a particular tablet.
// A continuation of an existing scan (to read more rows).
// A close of a partially-completed scan. Complete scans are closed
// automatically by the tablet server.
// Modifies fields in 'next_req_' in preparation for a new request.
void PrepareRequest(RequestType state);
// Update 'last_error_' if need be. Should be invoked whenever a
// non-fatal (i.e. retriable) scan error is encountered.
void UpdateLastError(const Status& error);
const ScanConfiguration& configuration() const {
return configuration_;
ScanConfiguration* mutable_configuration() {
return &configuration_;
ScanConfiguration configuration_;
bool open_;
bool data_in_open_;
// Set to true if the scan is known to be empty based on predicates and
// primary key bounds.
bool short_circuit_;
// The encoded last primary key from the most recent tablet scan response.
std::string last_primary_key_;
internal::RemoteTabletServer* ts_;
// The proxy can be derived from the RemoteTabletServer, but this involves retaking the
// meta cache lock. Keeping our own shared_ptr avoids this overhead.
std::shared_ptr<tserver::TabletServerServiceProxy> proxy_;
// The next scan request to be sent. This is cached as a field
// since most scan requests will share the scanner ID with the previous
// request.
tserver::ScanRequestPB next_req_;
// The last response received from the server. Cached for buffer reuse.
tserver::ScanResponsePB last_response_;
// RPC controller for the last in-flight RPC.
rpc::RpcController controller_;
// The table we're scanning.
sp::shared_ptr<KuduTable> table_;
PartitionPruner partition_pruner_;
// The tablet we're scanning.
scoped_refptr<internal::RemoteTablet> remote_;
// Number of attempts since the last successful scan.
int scan_attempts_;
// The deprecated "NextBatch(vector<KuduRowResult>*) API requires some local
// storage for the actual row data. If that API is used, this member keeps the
// actual storage for the batch that is returned.
KuduScanBatch batch_for_old_api_;
// The latest error experienced by this scan that provoked a retry. If the
// scan times out, this error will be incorporated into the status that is
// passed back to the client.
// TODO: This and the overall scan retry logic duplicates much of RpcRetrier.
Status last_error_;
// The scanner's cumulative resource metrics since the scan was started.
ResourceMetrics resource_metrics_;
// Analyze the response of the last Scan RPC made by this scanner.
// The error handling of a scan RPC is fairly complex, since we have to handle
// some errors which happen at the network layer, some which happen generically
// at the RPC layer, and some which are scanner-specific. This function consolidates
// the various different error situations into a single enum code and Status.
// 'rpc_status': the Status directly returned by the RPC Scan() method.
// 'overall_deadline': the user-provided deadline for the scanner batch
// 'rpc_deadline': the deadline that was used for this specific RPC, which
// might be earlier than the overall deadline, in order to
// leave more time for further retries on other hosts.
ScanRpcStatus AnalyzeResponse(const Status& rpc_status,
const MonoTime& overall_deadline,
const MonoTime& rpc_deadline);
void UpdateResourceMetrics();
class KuduScanBatch::Data {
Status Reset(rpc::RpcController* controller,
const Schema* projection,
const KuduSchema* client_projection,
gscoped_ptr<RowwiseRowBlockPB> resp_data);
int num_rows() const {
return resp_data_.num_rows();
KuduRowResult row(int idx) {
DCHECK_GE(idx, 0);
DCHECK_LT(idx, num_rows());
int offset = idx * projected_row_size_;
return KuduRowResult(projection_, &direct_data_[offset]);
void ExtractRows(vector<KuduScanBatch::RowPtr>* rows);
void Clear();
// Returns the size of a row for the given projection 'proj'.
static size_t CalculateProjectedRowSize(const Schema& proj);
// The RPC controller for the RPC which returned this batch.
// Holding on to the controller ensures we hold on to the indirect data
// which contains the rows.
rpc::RpcController controller_;
// The PB which contains the "direct data" slice.
RowwiseRowBlockPB resp_data_;
// Slices into the direct and indirect row data, whose lifetime is ensured
// by the members above.
Slice direct_data_, indirect_data_;
// The projection being scanned.
const Schema* projection_;
// The KuduSchema version of 'projection_'
const KuduSchema* client_projection_;
// The number of bytes of direct data for each row.
size_t projected_row_size_;
} // namespace client
} // namespace kudu