blob: 5f44f3506d05c61d1f7abbb0370930fed2d2c025 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Cloudera, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
// This is a poor module interdependency, but the stubs are header-only and
// it's only for exported header builds, so we'll make an exception.
#include "kudu/client/stubs.h"
#include "kudu/util/kudu_export.h"
struct timeval;
struct timespec;
namespace kudu {
class MonoTime;
// Represent an elapsed duration of time -- i.e the delta between
// two MonoTime instances.
// A MonoDelta built with the default constructor is "uninitialized" and
// may not be used for any operation.
class KUDU_EXPORT MonoDelta {
static MonoDelta FromSeconds(double seconds);
static MonoDelta FromMilliseconds(int64_t ms);
static MonoDelta FromMicroseconds(int64_t us);
static MonoDelta FromNanoseconds(int64_t ns);
bool Initialized() const;
bool LessThan(const MonoDelta &rhs) const;
bool MoreThan(const MonoDelta &rhs) const;
bool Equals(const MonoDelta &rhs) const;
std::string ToString() const;
double ToSeconds() const;
int64_t ToMilliseconds() const;
int64_t ToMicroseconds() const;
int64_t ToNanoseconds() const;
// Update struct timeval to current value of delta, with microsecond accuracy.
// Note that if MonoDelta::IsPositive() returns true, the struct timeval
// is guaranteed to hold a positive number as well (at least 1 microsecond).
void ToTimeVal(struct timeval *tv) const;
// Update struct timespec to current value of delta, with nanosecond accuracy.
void ToTimeSpec(struct timespec *ts) const;
// Convert a nanosecond value to a timespec.
static void NanosToTimeSpec(int64_t nanos, struct timespec* ts);
static const int64_t kUninitialized;
friend class MonoTime;
FRIEND_TEST(TestMonoTime, TestDeltaConversions);
explicit MonoDelta(int64_t delta);
int64_t nano_delta_;
// Represent a particular point in time, relative to some fixed but unspecified
// reference point.
// This time is monotonic, meaning that if the user changes his or her system
// clock, the monotime does not change.
class KUDU_EXPORT MonoTime {
enum Granularity {
static const int64_t kNanosecondsPerSecond = 1000000000L;
static const int64_t kNanosecondsPerMillisecond = 1000000L;
static const int64_t kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond = 1000L;
static const int64_t kMicrosecondsPerSecond = 1000000L;
// The coarse monotonic time is faster to retrieve, but "only"
// accurate to within a millisecond or two. The speed difference will
// depend on your timer hardware.
static MonoTime Now(enum Granularity granularity);
// Return MonoTime equal to farthest possible time into the future.
static MonoTime Max();
// Return MonoTime equal to farthest possible time into the past.
static MonoTime Min();
// Return the earliest (minimum) of the two monotimes.
static const MonoTime& Earliest(const MonoTime& a, const MonoTime& b);
bool Initialized() const;
MonoDelta GetDeltaSince(const MonoTime &rhs) const;
void AddDelta(const MonoDelta &delta);
bool ComesBefore(const MonoTime &rhs) const;
std::string ToString() const;
bool Equals(const MonoTime& other) const;
friend class MonoDelta;
FRIEND_TEST(TestMonoTime, TestTimeSpec);
FRIEND_TEST(TestMonoTime, TestDeltaConversions);
explicit MonoTime(const struct timespec &ts);
explicit MonoTime(int64_t nanos);
double ToSeconds() const;
uint64_t nanos_;
// Sleep for a MonoDelta duration.
// This is preferred over sleep(3), usleep(3), and nanosleep(3). It's less prone to mixups with
// units since it uses a MonoDelta. It also ignores EINTR, so will reliably sleep at least the
// MonoDelta duration.
void KUDU_EXPORT SleepFor(const MonoDelta& delta);
} // namespace kudu