blob: a5c35736d56eca1b259128a6972cd994a9d07fc4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Cloudera, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <tr1/memory>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/util/high_water_mark.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/mutex.h"
#include "kudu/util/random.h"
namespace kudu {
class Status;
class MemTracker;
// A MemTracker tracks memory consumption; it contains an optional limit and is
// arranged into a tree structure such that the consumption tracked by a
// MemTracker is also tracked by its ancestors.
// The MemTracker hierarchy is rooted in a single static MemTracker whose limit
// is set via gflag. The root MemTracker always exists, and it is the common
// ancestor to all MemTrackers. All operations that discover MemTrackers begin
// at the root and work their way down the tree, while operations that deal
// with adjusting memory consumption begin at a particular MemTracker and work
// their way up the tree to the root. The tree structure is strictly enforced:
// all MemTrackers (except the root) must have a parent, and all children
// belonging to a parent must have unique ids.
// When a MemTracker begins its life, it has a strong reference to its parent
// and the parent has a weak reference to it. The strong reference remains for
// the lifetime of the MemTracker, but the weak reference can be dropped via
// UnregisterFromParent(). A MemTracker in this state may continue servicing
// memory consumption operations while allowing a new MemTracker with the same
// id to be created on the old parent.
// By default, memory consumption is tracked via calls to Consume()/Release(), either to
// the tracker itself or to one of its descendents. Alternatively, a consumption function
// can specified, and then the function's value is used as the consumption rather than the
// tally maintained by Consume() and Release(). A tcmalloc function is used to track process
// memory consumption, since the process memory usage may be higher than the computed
// total memory (tcmalloc does not release deallocated memory immediately).
// GcFunctions can be attached to a MemTracker in order to free up memory if the limit is
// reached. If LimitExceeded() is called and the limit is exceeded, it will first call the
// GcFunctions to try to free memory and recheck the limit. For example, the process
// tracker has a GcFunction that releases any unused memory still held by tcmalloc, so
// this will be called before the process limit is reported as exceeded. GcFunctions are
// called in the order they are added, so expensive functions should be added last.
// This class is thread-safe.
// NOTE: this class has been partially ported over from Impala with
// several changes, and as a result the style differs somewhat from
// the Kudu style (e.g., BOOST_FOREACH is not used).
// Changes from Impala:
// 1) Id a string vs. a TUniqueId
// 2) There is no concept of query trackers vs. pool trackers -- trackers are instead
// associated with objects. Parent hierarchy is preserved, with the assumption that,
// e.g., a tablet server's memtracker will have as its children the tablets' memtrackers,
// which in turn will have memtrackers for their caches, logs, and so forth.
// TODO: this classes uses a lot of statics fields and methods, which
// isn't common in Kudu. It is probably wise to later move the
// 'registry' of trackers to a separate class, but it's better to
// start using the 'class' *first* and then change this functionality,
// depending on how MemTracker ends up being used in Kudu.
class MemTracker : public std::tr1::enable_shared_from_this<MemTracker> {
// Signature for function that can be called to free some memory after limit is reached.
typedef boost::function<void ()> GcFunction;
// Removes this tracker from its parent's children. This tracker retains its
// link to its parent. Must be called on a tracker with a parent.
// Automatically called in the MemTracker destructor, but should be called
// explicitly when an object is destroyed if that object is also the "primary
// owner" of a tracker (i.e. the object that originally created the tracker).
// This orphans the tracker so that if the object is recreated, its new
// tracker won't collide with the now orphaned tracker.
// Is thread-safe on the parent but not the child. Meaning, multiple trackers
// that share the same parent can all UnregisterFromParent() at the same
// time, but all UnregisterFromParent() calls on a given tracker must be
// externally synchronized.
void UnregisterFromParent();
// Creates and adds the tracker to the tree so that it can be retrieved with
// FindTracker/FindOrCreateTracker.
// byte_limit < 0 means no limit; 'id' is a used as a label for LogUsage()
// and web UI and must be unique for the given parent. Use the two-argument
// form if there is no parent.
static std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker> CreateTracker(
int64_t byte_limit,
const std::string& id,
const std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& parent = std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker>());
// If a tracker with the specified 'id' and 'parent' exists in the tree, sets
// 'tracker' to reference that instance. Use the two-argument form if there
// is no parent. Returns false if no such tracker exists.
static bool FindTracker(
const std::string& id,
std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker>* tracker,
const std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& parent = std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker>());
// If a tracker with the specified 'id' and 'parent' exists in the tree,
// returns a shared_ptr to that instance. Otherwise, creates a new
// MemTracker with the specified byte_limit, id, and parent. Use the two
// argument form if there is no parent.
static std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker> FindOrCreateTracker(
int64_t byte_limit,
const std::string& id,
const std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& parent = std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker>());
// Returns a list of all the valid trackers.
static void ListTrackers(std::vector<std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker> >* trackers);
// Gets a shared_ptr to the "root" tracker, creating it if necessary.
static std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker> GetRootTracker();
// Updates consumption from the consumption function specified in the constructor.
// NOTE: this method will crash if 'consumption_func_' is not set.
void UpdateConsumption();
// Increases consumption of this tracker and its ancestors by 'bytes'.
void Consume(int64_t bytes);
// Try to expand the limit (by asking the resource broker for more memory) by at least
// 'bytes'. Returns false if not possible, true if the request succeeded. May allocate
// more memory than was requested.
// TODO: always returns false for now, not yet implemented.
bool ExpandLimit(int64_t /* unused: bytes */) { return false; }
// Increases consumption of this tracker and its ancestors by 'bytes' only if
// they can all consume 'bytes'. If this brings any of them over, none of them
// are updated.
// Returns true if the try succeeded.
bool TryConsume(int64_t bytes);
// Decreases consumption of this tracker and its ancestors by 'bytes'.
void Release(int64_t bytes);
// Returns true if a valid limit of this tracker or one of its ancestors is
// exceeded.
bool AnyLimitExceeded();
// If this tracker has a limit, checks the limit and attempts to free up some memory if
// the limit is exceeded by calling any added GC functions. Returns true if the limit is
// exceeded after calling the GC functions. Returns false if there is no limit.
bool LimitExceeded();
// Like LimitExceeded() but may also return true if the soft memory limit is exceeded.
// The greater the excess, the higher the chance that it returns true.
// If the soft limit is exceeded and 'current_capacity_pct' is not NULL, the percentage
// of the hard limit consumed is written to it.
bool SoftLimitExceeded(double* current_capacity_pct);
// Combines the semantics of AnyLimitExceeded() and SoftLimitExceeded().
// Note: if there's more than one soft limit defined, the probability of it being
// exceeded in at least one tracker is much higher (as each soft limit check is an
// independent event).
bool AnySoftLimitExceeded(double* current_capacity_pct);
// Returns the maximum consumption that can be made without exceeding the limit on
// this tracker or any of its parents. Returns int64_t::max() if there are no
// limits and a negative value if any limit is already exceeded.
int64_t SpareCapacity() const;
int64_t limit() const { return limit_; }
bool has_limit() const { return limit_ >= 0; }
const std::string& id() const { return id_; }
// Returns the memory consumed in bytes.
int64_t consumption() const {
return consumption_.current_value();
// Note that if consumption_ is based on consumption_func_, this
// will be the max value we've recorded in consumption(), not
// necessarily the highest value consumption_func_ has ever
// reached.
int64_t peak_consumption() const { return consumption_.max_value(); }
// Retrieve the parent tracker, or NULL If one is not set.
std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker> parent() const { return parent_; }
// Add a function 'f' to be called if the limit is reached.
// 'f' does not need to be thread-safe as long as it is added to only one MemTracker.
// Note that 'f' must be valid for the lifetime of this MemTracker.
void AddGcFunction(GcFunction f) {
// Logs the usage of this tracker and all of its children (recursively).
std::string LogUsage(const std::string& prefix = "") const;
void EnableLogging(bool enable, bool log_stack) {
enable_logging_ = enable;
log_stack_ = log_stack;
// Returns a textual representation of the tracker that is guaranteed to be
// globally unique.
std::string ToString() const;
// Function signatures for gauge-style memory trackers (where consumption is
// periodically observed rather than explicitly tracked).
// Currently only used by the root tracker.
typedef boost::function<uint64_t ()> ConsumptionFunction;
// If consumption_func is not empty, uses it as the consumption value.
// Consume()/Release() can still be called.
// byte_limit < 0 means no limit
// 'id' is the label for LogUsage() and web UI.
MemTracker(const ConsumptionFunction& consumption_func,
int64_t byte_limit,
const std::string& id,
const std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& parent);
bool CheckLimitExceeded() const {
return limit_ >= 0 && limit_ < consumption();
// If consumption is higher than max_consumption, attempts to free memory by calling any
// added GC functions. Returns true if max_consumption is still exceeded. Takes
// gc_lock. Updates metrics if initialized.
bool GcMemory(int64_t max_consumption);
// Called when the total release memory is larger than GC_RELEASE_SIZE.
// TcMalloc holds onto released memory and very slowly (if ever) releases it back to
// the OS. This is problematic since it is memory we are not constantly tracking which
// can cause us to go way over mem limits.
void GcTcmalloc();
// Further initializes the tracker.
void Init();
// Adds tracker to child_trackers_.
// child_trackers_lock_ must be held.
void AddChildTrackerUnlocked(MemTracker* tracker);
// Logs the stack of the current consume/release. Used for debugging only.
void LogUpdate(bool is_consume, int64_t bytes) const;
static std::string LogUsage(const std::string& prefix,
const std::list<MemTracker*>& trackers);
// Variant of CreateTracker() that:
// 1. Must be called with a non-NULL parent, and
// 2. Must be called with parent->child_trackers_lock_ held.
static std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker> CreateTrackerUnlocked(
int64_t byte_limit,
const std::string& id,
const std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& parent);
// Variant of FindTracker() that:
// 1. Must be called with a non-NULL parent, and
// 2. Must be called with parent->child_trackers_lock_ held.
static bool FindTrackerUnlocked(
const std::string& id,
std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker>* tracker,
const std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& parent);
// Creates the root tracker.
static void CreateRootTracker();
// Size, in bytes, that is considered a large value for Release() (or Consume() with
// a negative value). If tcmalloc is used, this can trigger it to GC.
// A higher value will make us call into tcmalloc less often (and therefore more
// efficient). A lower value will mean our memory overhead is lower.
// TODO: this is a stopgap.
static const int64_t GC_RELEASE_SIZE = 128 * 1024L * 1024L;
simple_spinlock gc_lock_;
int64_t limit_;
int64_t soft_limit_;
const std::string id_;
const std::string descr_;
std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker> parent_;
HighWaterMark consumption_;
ConsumptionFunction consumption_func_;
// this tracker plus all of its ancestors
std::vector<MemTracker*> all_trackers_;
// all_trackers_ with valid limits
std::vector<MemTracker*> limit_trackers_;
// All the child trackers of this tracker. Used for error reporting and
// listing only (i.e. updating the consumption of a parent tracker does not
// update that of its children).
mutable Mutex child_trackers_lock_;
std::list<MemTracker*> child_trackers_;
// Iterator into parent_->child_trackers_ for this object. Stored to have O(1)
// remove.
std::list<MemTracker*>::iterator child_tracker_it_;
// Functions to call after the limit is reached to free memory.
std::vector<GcFunction> gc_functions_;
ThreadSafeRandom rand_;
// If true, logs to INFO every consume/release called. Used for debugging.
bool enable_logging_;
// If true, log the stack as well.
bool log_stack_;
// An std::allocator that manipulates a MemTracker during allocation
// and deallocation.
template<typename T, typename Alloc = std::allocator<T> >
class MemTrackerAllocator : public Alloc {
typedef typename Alloc::pointer pointer;
typedef typename Alloc::const_pointer const_pointer;
typedef typename Alloc::size_type size_type;
explicit MemTrackerAllocator(const std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& mem_tracker)
: mem_tracker_(mem_tracker) {
// This constructor is used for rebinding.
template <typename U>
explicit MemTrackerAllocator(const MemTrackerAllocator<U>& allocator)
: Alloc(allocator),
mem_tracker_(allocator.mem_tracker()) {
~MemTrackerAllocator() {
pointer allocate(size_type n, const_pointer hint = 0) {
// Ideally we'd use TryConsume() here to enforce the tracker's limit.
// However, that means throwing bad_alloc if the limit is exceeded, and
// it's not clear that the rest of Kudu can handle that.
mem_tracker_->Consume(n * sizeof(T));
return Alloc::allocate(n, hint);
void deallocate(pointer p, size_type n) {
Alloc::deallocate(p, n);
mem_tracker_->Release(n * sizeof(T));
// This allows an allocator<T> to be used for a different type.
template <class U>
struct rebind {
typedef MemTrackerAllocator<U, typename Alloc::template rebind<U>::other> other;
const std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& mem_tracker() const { return mem_tracker_; }
std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker_;
// Convenience class that adds memory consumption to a tracker when declared,
// releasing it when the end of scope is reached.
class ScopedTrackedConsumption {
ScopedTrackedConsumption(const std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker>& tracker,
int64_t to_consume)
: tracker_(tracker),
consumption_(to_consume) {
void Reset(int64_t new_consumption) {
// Consume(-x) is the same as Release(x).
tracker_->Consume(new_consumption - consumption_);
consumption_ = new_consumption;
~ScopedTrackedConsumption() {
int64_t consumption() const { return consumption_; }
std::tr1::shared_ptr<MemTracker> tracker_;
int64_t consumption_;
} // namespace kudu