blob: fb7f6e247ccca9af100d2424a3541b8e41cb1b4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Cloudera, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
namespace kudu {
// Solver for the 0-1 knapsack problem. This uses dynamic programming
// to solve the problem exactly.
// Given a knapsack capacity of 'W' and a number of potential items 'n',
// this solver is O(nW) time and space.
// This implementation is cribbed from wikipedia. The only interesting
// bit here that doesn't directly match the pseudo-code is that we
// maintain the "taken" bitmap keeping track of which items were
// taken, so we can efficiently "trace back" the chosen items.
template<class Traits>
class KnapsackSolver {
typedef typename Traits::item_type item_type;
typedef typename Traits::value_type value_type;
typedef std::pair<int, value_type> solution_type;
KnapsackSolver() {}
~KnapsackSolver() {}
// Solve a knapsack problem in one shot. Finds the set of
// items in 'items' such that their weights add up to no
// more than 'knapsack_capacity' and maximizes the sum
// of their values.
// The indexes of the chosen items are stored in 'chosen_items',
// and the maximal value is stored in 'optimal_value'.
void Solve(std::vector<item_type> &items,
int knapsack_capacity,
std::vector<int>* chosen_items,
value_type* optimal_value);
// The following functions are a more advanced API for solving
// knapsack problems, allowing the caller to obtain incremental
// results as each item is considered. See the implementation of
// Solve() for usage.
// Prepare to solve a knapsack problem with the given capacity and
// item set. The vector of items must remain valid and unchanged
// until the next call to Reset().
void Reset(int knapsack_capacity,
const std::vector<item_type>* items);
// Process the next item in 'items'. Returns false if there
// were no more items to process.
bool ProcessNext();
// Returns the current best solution after the most recent ProcessNext
// call. *solution is a pair of (knapsack weight used, value obtained).
solution_type GetSolution();
// Trace the path of item indexes used to achieve the given best
// solution as of the latest ProcessNext() call.
void TracePath(const solution_type& best,
std::vector<int>* chosen_items);
// The state kept by the DP algorithm.
class KnapsackBlackboard {
typedef std::pair<int, value_type> solution_type;
KnapsackBlackboard() :
best_solution_(0, 0) {
void ResizeAndClear(int n_items, int max_weight);
// Current maximum value at the given weight
value_type &max_at(int weight) {
DCHECK_GE(weight, 0);
DCHECK_LT(weight, n_weights_);
return max_value_[weight];
// Consider the next item to be put into the knapsack
// Moves the "state" of the solution forward
void Advance(value_type new_val, int new_wt);
// How many items have been considered
int current_item_index() const { return cur_item_idx_; }
bool item_taken(int item, int weight) const {
DCHECK_GE(weight, 0);
DCHECK_LT(weight, n_weights_);
DCHECK_GE(item, 0);
DCHECK_LT(item, n_items_);
return item_taken_[index(item, weight)];
solution_type best_solution() { return best_solution_; }
bool done() { return cur_item_idx_ == n_items_; }
void MarkTaken(int item, int weight) {
item_taken_[index(item, weight)] = true;
// If the dynamic programming matrix has more than this number of cells,
// then warn.
static const int kWarnDimension = 10000000;
int index(int item, int weight) const {
return n_weights_ * item + weight;
// vector with maximum value at the i-th position meaning that it is
// the maximum value you can get given a knapsack of weight capacity i
// while only considering items 0..cur_item_idx_-1
std::vector<value_type> max_value_;
std::vector<bool> item_taken_; // TODO: record difference vectors?
int n_items_, n_weights_;
int cur_item_idx_;
// Best current solution
solution_type best_solution_;
KnapsackBlackboard bb_;
const std::vector<item_type>* items_;
int knapsack_capacity_;
template<class Traits>
inline void KnapsackSolver<Traits>::Reset(int knapsack_capacity,
const std::vector<item_type>* items) {
DCHECK_GE(knapsack_capacity, 0);
items_ = items;
knapsack_capacity_ = knapsack_capacity;
bb_.ResizeAndClear(items->size(), knapsack_capacity);
template<class Traits>
inline bool KnapsackSolver<Traits>::ProcessNext() {
if (bb_.done()) return false;
const item_type& item = (*items_)[bb_.current_item_index()];
int item_weight = Traits::get_weight(item);
value_type item_value = Traits::get_value(item);
bb_.Advance(item_value, item_weight);
return true;
template<class Traits>
inline void KnapsackSolver<Traits>::Solve(std::vector<item_type> &items,
int knapsack_capacity,
std::vector<int>* chosen_items,
value_type* optimal_value) {
Reset(knapsack_capacity, &items);
while (ProcessNext()) {
solution_type best = GetSolution();
*optimal_value = best.second;
TracePath(best, chosen_items);
template<class Traits>
inline typename KnapsackSolver<Traits>::solution_type KnapsackSolver<Traits>::GetSolution() {
return bb_.best_solution();
template<class Traits>
inline void KnapsackSolver<Traits>::TracePath(const solution_type& best,
std::vector<int>* chosen_items) {
// Retrace back which set of items corresponded to this value.
int w = best.first;
for (int k = bb_.current_item_index() - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
if (bb_.item_taken(k, w)) {
const item_type& taken = (*items_)[k];
w -= Traits::get_weight(taken);
DCHECK_GE(w, 0);
template<class Traits>
void KnapsackSolver<Traits>::KnapsackBlackboard::ResizeAndClear(int n_items,
int max_weight) {
CHECK_GT(n_items, 0);
CHECK_GE(max_weight, 0);
// Rather than zero-indexing the weights, we size the array from
// 0 to max_weight. This avoids having to subtract 1 every time
// we index into the array.
n_weights_ = max_weight + 1;
int dimension = index(n_items, n_weights_);
if (dimension > kWarnDimension) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Knapsack problem " << n_items << "x" << n_weights_
<< " is large: may be inefficient!";
n_items_ = n_items;
// Clear
std::fill(max_value_.begin(), max_value_.end(), 0);
std::fill(item_taken_.begin(), item_taken_.end(), false);
best_solution_ = std::make_pair(0, 0);
cur_item_idx_ = 0;
template<class Traits>
void KnapsackSolver<Traits>::KnapsackBlackboard::Advance(value_type new_val, int new_wt) {
// Use the dynamic programming formula:
// Define mv(i, j) as maximum value considering items 0..i-1 with knapsack weight j
// Then:
// if j - weight(i) >= 0, then:
// mv(i, j) = max(mv(i-1, j), mv(i-1, j-weight(i)) + value(j))
// else mv(i, j) = mv(i-1, j)
// Since the recursive formula requires an access of j-weight(i), we go in reverse.
for (int j = n_weights_ - 1; j >= new_wt ; --j) {
value_type val_if_taken = max_value_[j - new_wt] + new_val;
if (max_value_[j] < val_if_taken) {
max_value_[j] = val_if_taken;
MarkTaken(cur_item_idx_, j);
// Check if new solution found
if (best_solution_.second < val_if_taken) {
best_solution_ = std::make_pair(j, val_if_taken);
} // namespace kudu