blob: 9f3a00253d56bd95bf4eeb8eacf3220db819c84d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Cloudera, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This class defines a singleton thread which manages a map of other thread IDs to
// watch. Before performing some operation which may stall (eg IO) or which we expect
// should be short (e.g. a callback on a critical thread that should not block), threads
// may mark themselves as "watched", with a threshold beyond which they would like
// warnings to be emitted including their stack trace at that time.
// In the background, a separate watchdog thread periodically wakes up, and if a thread
// has been marked longer than its provided threshold, it will dump the stack trace
// of that thread (both kernel-mode and user-mode stacks).
// This can be useful for diagnosing I/O stalls coming from the kernel, for example.
// Users will typically use the macro SCOPED_WATCH_STACK. Example usage:
// // We expect the Write() to return in <100ms. If it takes longer than that
// // we'll see warnings indicating why it is stalled.
// {
// file->Write(...);
// }
// If the Write call takes too long, a stack trace will be logged at WARNING level.
// Note that the threshold time parameter is not a guarantee that a stall will be
// caught by the watchdog thread. The watchdog only wakes up periodically to look
// for threads that have been stalled too long. For example, if the threshold is 10ms
// and the thread blocks for only 20ms, it's quite likely that the watchdog will
// have missed the event.
// The SCOPED_WATCH_STACK macro is designed to have minimal overhead: approximately
// equivalent to a clock_gettime() and a single 'mfence' instruction. Micro-benchmarks
// measure the cost at about 50ns per call. Thus, it may safely be used in hot code
// paths.
// Scopes with SCOPED_WATCH_STACK may be nested, but only up to a hard-coded limited depth
// (currently 8).
#include <tr1/unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <syscall.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/singleton.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/walltime.h"
#include "kudu/util/countdown_latch.h"
#include "kudu/util/mutex.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/threadlocal.h"
#define SCOPED_WATCH_STACK(threshold_ms) \
ScopedWatchKernelStack _stack_watcher(__FILE__ ":" AS_STRING(__LINE__), threshold_ms)
namespace kudu {
class Thread;
// Singleton thread which implements the watchdog.
class KernelStackWatchdog {
static KernelStackWatchdog* GetInstance() {
return Singleton<KernelStackWatchdog>::get();
// Instead of logging through glog, log warning messages into a vector.
// If 'save_logs' is true, will start saving to the vector, and forget any
// previously logged messages.
// If 'save_logs' is false, disables this functionality.
void SaveLogsForTests(bool save_logs);
// Return any log messages saved since the last call to SaveLogsForTests(true).
std::vector<std::string> LoggedMessagesForTests() const;
friend class Singleton<KernelStackWatchdog>;
friend class ScopedWatchKernelStack;
// The thread-local state which captures whether a thread should be watched by
// the watchdog. This structure is constructed as a thread-local on first use
// and destructed when the thread exits. Upon construction, the TLS structure
// registers itself with the WatchDog, and on destruction, unregisters itself.
// See 'seq_lock_' below for details on thread-safe operation.
struct TLS {
enum Constants {
// The maximum nesting depth of SCOPED_WATCH_STACK() macros.
kMaxDepth = 8
// Because we support nested SCOPED_WATCH_STACK() macros, we need to capture
// multiple active frames within the TLS.
struct Frame {
// The time at which this frame entered the SCOPED_WATCH_STACK section.
// We use MicrosecondsInt64 instead of MonoTime because it inlines a bit
// better.
MicrosecondsInt64 start_time_;
// The threshold of time beyond which the watchdog should emit warnings.
int threshold_ms_;
// A string explaining the state that the thread is in (typically a file:line
// string). This is expected to be static storage and is not freed.
const char* status_;
// The data within the TLS. This is a POD type so that the watchdog can easily
// copy data out of a thread's TLS.
struct Data {
Frame frames_[kMaxDepth];
Atomic32 depth_;
// Counter implementing a simple "sequence lock".
// Before modifying any data inside its TLS, the watched thread increments this value so it is
// odd. When the modifications are complete, it increments it again, making it even.
// To read the TLS data from a target thread, the watchdog thread waits for the value
// to become even, indicating that no write is in progress. Then, it does a potentially
// racy copy of the entire 'Data' structure. Then, it validates the value again.
// If it is has not changed, then the snapshot is guaranteed to be consistent.
// We use this type of locking to ensure that the watched thread is as fast as possible,
// allowing us to use SCOPED_WATCH_STACK even in hot code paths. In particular,
// the watched thread is wait-free, since it doesn't need to loop or retry. In addition, the
// memory is only written by that thread, eliminating any cache-line bouncing. The watchdog
// thread may have to loop multiple times to see a consistent snapshot, but we're OK delaying
// the watchdog arbitrarily since it isn't on any critical path.
Atomic32 seq_lock_;
// Take a consistent snapshot of this data into 'dst'. This may block if the target thread
// is currently modifying its TLS.
void SnapshotCopy(Data* dst) const;
Data data_;
// Get or create the TLS for the current thread.
static TLS* GetTLS();
// Register a new thread's TLS with the watchdog.
// Called by any thread the first time it enters a watched section, when its TLS
// is constructed.
void Register(TLS* tls);
// Called when a thread's TLS is destructed (i.e. when the thread exits).
void Unregister(TLS* tls);
// The actual watchdog loop that the watchdog thread runs.
void RunThread();
typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<pid_t, TLS*> TLSMap;
TLSMap tls_by_tid_;
// If non-NULL, warnings will be emitted into this vector instead of glog.
// Used by tests.
gscoped_ptr<std::vector<std::string> > log_collector_;
// Lock protecting tls_by_tid_ and log_collector_.
mutable Mutex lock_;
// The watchdog thread itself.
scoped_refptr<Thread> thread_;
// Signal to stop the watchdog.
CountDownLatch finish_;
// Scoped object which marks the current thread for watching.
class ScopedWatchKernelStack {
// If the current scope is active more than 'threshold_ms' milliseconds, the
// watchdog thread will log a warning including the message 'label'. 'label'
// is not copied or freed.
ScopedWatchKernelStack(const char* label, int threshold_ms) {
// Rather than just using the lazy GetTLS() method, we'll first try to load
// the TLS ourselves. This is usually successful, and avoids us having to inline
// the TLS construction path at call sites.
KernelStackWatchdog::TLS* tls = KernelStackWatchdog::tls_;
if (PREDICT_FALSE(tls == NULL)) {
tls = KernelStackWatchdog::GetTLS();
KernelStackWatchdog::TLS::Data* tls_data = &tls->data_;
// "Acquire" the sequence lock. While the lock value is odd, readers will block.
// TODO: technically this barrier is stronger than we need: we are the only writer
// to this data, so it's OK to allow loads from within the critical section to
// reorder above this next line. All we need is a "StoreStore" barrier (i.e.
// prevent any stores in the critical section from getting reordered above the
// increment of the counter). However, atomicops.h doesn't provide such a barrier
// as of yet, so we'll do the slightly more expensive one for now.
base::subtle::Acquire_Store(&tls_data->seq_lock_, tls_data->seq_lock_ + 1);
KernelStackWatchdog::TLS::Frame* frame = &tls_data->frames_[tls_data->depth_++];
DCHECK_LE(tls_data->depth_, KernelStackWatchdog::TLS::kMaxDepth);
frame->start_time_ = GetMonoTimeMicros();
frame->threshold_ms_ = threshold_ms;
frame->status_ = label;
// "Release" the sequence lock. This resets the lock value to be even, so readers
// will proceed.
base::subtle::Release_Store(&tls_data->seq_lock_, tls_data->seq_lock_ + 1);
~ScopedWatchKernelStack() {
KernelStackWatchdog::TLS::Data* tls = &DCHECK_NOTNULL(KernelStackWatchdog::tls_)->data_;
int d = tls->depth_;
DCHECK_GT(d, 0);
// We don't bother with a lock/unlock, because the change we're making here is atomic.
// If we race with the watchdog, either they'll see the old depth_ or the new depth_,
// but in either case the underlying data is perfectly valid.
base::subtle::NoBarrier_Store(&tls->depth_, d - 1);
} // namespace kudu