blob: 9c7333cff84f44892a8f40832f639a7ed0f6d623 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Cloudera, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "kudu/common/partial_row.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/row.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.pb.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/bitmap.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace {
inline Status FindColumn(const Schema& schema, const Slice& col_name, int* idx) {
StringPiece sp(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, col_name.size());
*idx = schema.find_column(sp);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(*idx == -1)) {
return Status::NotFound("No such column", col_name);
return Status::OK();
} // anonymous namespace
KuduPartialRow::KuduPartialRow(const Schema* schema)
: schema_(schema) {
size_t column_bitmap_size = BitmapSize(schema_->num_columns());
size_t row_size = ContiguousRowHelper::row_size(*schema);
uint8_t* dst = new uint8_t[2 * column_bitmap_size + row_size];
isset_bitmap_ = dst;
owned_strings_bitmap_ = isset_bitmap_ + column_bitmap_size;
memset(isset_bitmap_, 0, 2 * column_bitmap_size);
row_data_ = owned_strings_bitmap_ + column_bitmap_size;
#ifndef NDEBUG
*schema_, row_data_, ContiguousRowHelper::null_bitmap_size(*schema_));
KuduPartialRow::~KuduPartialRow() {
// Both the row data and bitmap came from the same allocation.
// The bitmap is at the start of it.
delete [] isset_bitmap_;
KuduPartialRow::KuduPartialRow(const KuduPartialRow& other)
: schema_(other.schema_) {
size_t column_bitmap_size = BitmapSize(schema_->num_columns());
size_t row_size = ContiguousRowHelper::row_size(*schema_);
size_t len = 2 * column_bitmap_size + row_size;
isset_bitmap_ = new uint8_t[len];
owned_strings_bitmap_ = isset_bitmap_ + column_bitmap_size;
row_data_ = owned_strings_bitmap_ + column_bitmap_size;
// Copy all bitmaps and row data.
memcpy(isset_bitmap_, other.isset_bitmap_, len);
// Copy owned strings.
for (int col_idx = 0; col_idx < schema_->num_columns(); col_idx++) {
if (BitmapTest(owned_strings_bitmap_, col_idx)) {
ContiguousRow row(schema_, row_data_);
Slice* slice = reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(row.mutable_cell_ptr(col_idx));
uint8_t* data = new uint8_t[slice->size()];
KuduPartialRow& KuduPartialRow::operator=(KuduPartialRow other) {
std::swap(schema_, other.schema_);
std::swap(isset_bitmap_, other.isset_bitmap_);
std::swap(owned_strings_bitmap_, other.owned_strings_bitmap_);
std::swap(row_data_, other.row_data_);
return *this;
template<typename T>
Status KuduPartialRow::Set(const Slice& col_name,
const typename T::cpp_type& val,
bool owned) {
int col_idx;
RETURN_NOT_OK(FindColumn(*schema_, col_name, &col_idx));
return Set<T>(col_idx, val, owned);
template<typename T>
Status KuduPartialRow::Set(int col_idx,
const typename T::cpp_type& val,
bool owned) {
const ColumnSchema& col = schema_->column(col_idx);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(col.type_info()->type() != T::type)) {
// TODO: at some point we could allow type coercion here.
return Status::InvalidArgument(
Substitute("invalid type $0 provided for column '$1' (expected $2)",
T::name(),, col.type_info()->name()));
ContiguousRow row(schema_, row_data_);
// If we're replacing an existing STRING/BINARY value, deallocate the old value.
if (T::physical_type == BINARY) DeallocateStringIfSet(col_idx, col);
// Mark the column as set.
BitmapSet(isset_bitmap_, col_idx);
if (col.is_nullable()) {
row.set_null(col_idx, false);
ContiguousRowCell<ContiguousRow> dst(&row, col_idx);
memcpy(dst.mutable_ptr(), &val, sizeof(val));
if (owned) {
BitmapSet(owned_strings_bitmap_, col_idx);
return Status::OK();
Status KuduPartialRow::Set(int32_t column_idx, const uint8_t* val) {
const ColumnSchema& column_schema = schema()->column(column_idx);
switch (column_schema.type_info()->type()) {
case BOOL: {
RETURN_NOT_OK(SetBool(column_idx, *reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(val)));
case INT8: {
RETURN_NOT_OK(SetInt8(column_idx, *reinterpret_cast<const int8_t*>(val)));
case INT16: {
RETURN_NOT_OK(SetInt16(column_idx, *reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(val)));
case INT32: {
RETURN_NOT_OK(SetInt32(column_idx, *reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(val)));
case INT64: {
RETURN_NOT_OK(SetInt64(column_idx, *reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(val)));
case FLOAT: {
RETURN_NOT_OK(SetFloat(column_idx, *reinterpret_cast<const float*>(val)));
case DOUBLE: {
RETURN_NOT_OK(SetDouble(column_idx, *reinterpret_cast<const double*>(val)));
case STRING: {
RETURN_NOT_OK(SetStringCopy(column_idx, *reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(val)));
case BINARY: {
RETURN_NOT_OK(SetBinaryCopy(column_idx, *reinterpret_cast<const Slice*>(val)));
RETURN_NOT_OK(SetTimestamp(column_idx, *reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(val)));
default: {
return Status::InvalidArgument("Unknown column type in schema",
return Status::OK();
void KuduPartialRow::DeallocateStringIfSet(int col_idx, const ColumnSchema& col) {
if (BitmapTest(owned_strings_bitmap_, col_idx)) {
ContiguousRow row(schema_, row_data_);
const Slice* dst;
if (col.type_info()->type() == BINARY) {
dst = schema_->ExtractColumnFromRow<BINARY>(row, col_idx);
} else {
CHECK(col.type_info()->type() == STRING);
dst = schema_->ExtractColumnFromRow<STRING>(row, col_idx);
delete [] dst->data();
BitmapClear(owned_strings_bitmap_, col_idx);
void KuduPartialRow::DeallocateOwnedStrings() {
for (int i = 0; i < schema_->num_columns(); i++) {
DeallocateStringIfSet(i, schema_->column(i));
// Setters
Status KuduPartialRow::SetBool(const Slice& col_name, bool val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<BOOL> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetInt8(const Slice& col_name, int8_t val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<INT8> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetInt16(const Slice& col_name, int16_t val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<INT16> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetInt32(const Slice& col_name, int32_t val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<INT32> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetInt64(const Slice& col_name, int64_t val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<INT64> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetTimestamp(const Slice& col_name, int64_t val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<TIMESTAMP> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetFloat(const Slice& col_name, float val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<FLOAT> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetDouble(const Slice& col_name, double val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<DOUBLE> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetString(const Slice& col_name, const Slice& val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<STRING> >(col_name, val, false);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetBinary(const Slice& col_name, const Slice& val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<BINARY> >(col_name, val, false);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetBool(int col_idx, bool val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<BOOL> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetInt8(int col_idx, int8_t val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<INT8> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetInt16(int col_idx, int16_t val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<INT16> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetInt32(int col_idx, int32_t val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<INT32> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetInt64(int col_idx, int64_t val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<INT64> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetTimestamp(int col_idx, int64_t val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<TIMESTAMP> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetString(int col_idx, const Slice& val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<STRING> >(col_idx, val, false);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetBinary(int col_idx, const Slice& val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<BINARY> >(col_idx, val, false);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetFloat(int col_idx, float val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<FLOAT> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetDouble(int col_idx, double val) {
return Set<TypeTraits<DOUBLE> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetBinaryCopy(const Slice& col_name, const Slice& val) {
return SetSliceCopy<TypeTraits<BINARY> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetBinaryCopy(int col_idx, const Slice& val) {
return SetSliceCopy<TypeTraits<BINARY> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetStringCopy(const Slice& col_name, const Slice& val) {
return SetSliceCopy<TypeTraits<STRING> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetStringCopy(int col_idx, const Slice& val) {
return SetSliceCopy<TypeTraits<STRING> >(col_idx, val);
template<typename T>
Status KuduPartialRow::SetSliceCopy(const Slice& col_name, const Slice& val) {
uint8_t* relocated = new uint8_t[val.size()];
memcpy(relocated,, val.size());
Slice relocated_val(relocated, val.size());
Status s = Set<T>(col_name, relocated_val, true);
if (!s.ok()) {
delete [] relocated;
return s;
template<typename T>
Status KuduPartialRow::SetSliceCopy(int col_idx, const Slice& val) {
uint8_t* relocated = new uint8_t[val.size()];
memcpy(relocated,, val.size());
Slice relocated_val(relocated, val.size());
Status s = Set<T>(col_idx, relocated_val, true);
if (!s.ok()) {
delete [] relocated;
return s;
Status KuduPartialRow::SetNull(const Slice& col_name) {
int col_idx;
RETURN_NOT_OK(FindColumn(*schema_, col_name, &col_idx));
return SetNull(col_idx);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetNull(int col_idx) {
const ColumnSchema& col = schema_->column(col_idx);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!col.is_nullable())) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("column not nullable", col.ToString());
if (col.type_info()->physical_type() == BINARY) DeallocateStringIfSet(col_idx, col);
ContiguousRow row(schema_, row_data_);
row.set_null(col_idx, true);
// Mark the column as set.
BitmapSet(isset_bitmap_, col_idx);
return Status::OK();
Status KuduPartialRow::Unset(const Slice& col_name) {
int col_idx;
RETURN_NOT_OK(FindColumn(*schema_, col_name, &col_idx));
return Unset(col_idx);
Status KuduPartialRow::Unset(int col_idx) {
const ColumnSchema& col = schema_->column(col_idx);
if (col.type_info()->physical_type() == BINARY) DeallocateStringIfSet(col_idx, col);
BitmapClear(isset_bitmap_, col_idx);
return Status::OK();
// Template instantiations: We instantiate all possible templates to avoid linker issues.
// see:
// TODO We can probably remove this when we move to c++11 and can use "extern template"
Status KuduPartialRow::SetSliceCopy<TypeTraits<STRING> >(int col_idx, const Slice& val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetSliceCopy<TypeTraits<BINARY> >(int col_idx, const Slice& val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetSliceCopy<TypeTraits<STRING> >(const Slice& col_name, const Slice& val);
Status KuduPartialRow::SetSliceCopy<TypeTraits<BINARY> >(const Slice& col_name, const Slice& val);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<INT8> >(int col_idx,
const TypeTraits<INT8>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<INT16> >(int col_idx,
const TypeTraits<INT16>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<INT32> >(int col_idx,
const TypeTraits<INT32>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<INT64> >(int col_idx,
const TypeTraits<INT64>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<TIMESTAMP> >(
int col_idx,
const TypeTraits<TIMESTAMP>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<STRING> >(int col_idx,
const TypeTraits<STRING>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<BINARY> >(int col_idx,
const TypeTraits<BINARY>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<FLOAT> >(int col_idx,
const TypeTraits<FLOAT>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<DOUBLE> >(int col_idx,
const TypeTraits<DOUBLE>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<BOOL> >(int col_idx,
const TypeTraits<BOOL>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<INT8> >(const Slice& col_name,
const TypeTraits<INT8>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<INT16> >(const Slice& col_name,
const TypeTraits<INT16>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<INT32> >(const Slice& col_name,
const TypeTraits<INT32>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<INT64> >(const Slice& col_name,
const TypeTraits<INT64>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<TIMESTAMP> >(
const Slice& col_name,
const TypeTraits<TIMESTAMP>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<FLOAT> >(const Slice& col_name,
const TypeTraits<FLOAT>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<DOUBLE> >(const Slice& col_name,
const TypeTraits<DOUBLE>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<BOOL> >(const Slice& col_name,
const TypeTraits<BOOL>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<STRING> >(const Slice& col_name,
const TypeTraits<STRING>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
Status KuduPartialRow::Set<TypeTraits<BINARY> >(const Slice& col_name,
const TypeTraits<BINARY>::cpp_type& val,
bool owned);
// Getters
bool KuduPartialRow::IsColumnSet(int col_idx) const {
DCHECK_GE(col_idx, 0);
DCHECK_LT(col_idx, schema_->num_columns());
return BitmapTest(isset_bitmap_, col_idx);
bool KuduPartialRow::IsColumnSet(const Slice& col_name) const {
int col_idx;
CHECK_OK(FindColumn(*schema_, col_name, &col_idx));
return IsColumnSet(col_idx);
bool KuduPartialRow::IsNull(int col_idx) const {
const ColumnSchema& col = schema_->column(col_idx);
if (!col.is_nullable()) {
return false;
if (!IsColumnSet(col_idx)) return false;
ContiguousRow row(schema_, row_data_);
return row.is_null(col_idx);
bool KuduPartialRow::IsNull(const Slice& col_name) const {
int col_idx;
CHECK_OK(FindColumn(*schema_, col_name, &col_idx));
return IsNull(col_idx);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetBool(const Slice& col_name, bool* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<BOOL> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetInt8(const Slice& col_name, int8_t* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<INT8> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetInt16(const Slice& col_name, int16_t* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<INT16> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetInt32(const Slice& col_name, int32_t* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<INT32> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetInt64(const Slice& col_name, int64_t* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<INT64> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetTimestamp(const Slice& col_name, int64_t* micros_since_utc_epoch) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<TIMESTAMP> >(col_name, micros_since_utc_epoch);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetFloat(const Slice& col_name, float* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<FLOAT> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetDouble(const Slice& col_name, double* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<DOUBLE> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetString(const Slice& col_name, Slice* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<STRING> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetBinary(const Slice& col_name, Slice* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<BINARY> >(col_name, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetBool(int col_idx, bool* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<BOOL> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetInt8(int col_idx, int8_t* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<INT8> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetInt16(int col_idx, int16_t* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<INT16> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetInt32(int col_idx, int32_t* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<INT32> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetInt64(int col_idx, int64_t* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<INT64> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetTimestamp(int col_idx, int64_t* micros_since_utc_epoch) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<TIMESTAMP> >(col_idx, micros_since_utc_epoch);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetFloat(int col_idx, float* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<FLOAT> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetDouble(int col_idx, double* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<DOUBLE> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetString(int col_idx, Slice* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<STRING> >(col_idx, val);
Status KuduPartialRow::GetBinary(int col_idx, Slice* val) const {
return Get<TypeTraits<BINARY> >(col_idx, val);
template<typename T>
Status KuduPartialRow::Get(const Slice& col_name,
typename T::cpp_type* val) const {
int col_idx;
RETURN_NOT_OK(FindColumn(*schema_, col_name, &col_idx));
return Get<T>(col_idx, val);
template<typename T>
Status KuduPartialRow::Get(int col_idx, typename T::cpp_type* val) const {
const ColumnSchema& col = schema_->column(col_idx);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(col.type_info()->type() != T::type)) {
// TODO: at some point we could allow type coercion here.
return Status::InvalidArgument(
Substitute("invalid type $0 provided for column '$1' (expected $2)",
T::name(),, col.type_info()->name()));
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!IsColumnSet(col_idx))) {
return Status::NotFound("column not set");
if (col.is_nullable() && IsNull(col_idx)) {
return Status::NotFound("column is NULL");
ContiguousRow row(schema_, row_data_);
memcpy(val, row.cell_ptr(col_idx), sizeof(*val));
return Status::OK();
// Key-encoding related functions
Status KuduPartialRow::EncodeRowKey(string* encoded_key) const {
// Currently, a row key must be fully specified.
// TODO: allow specifying a prefix of the key, and automatically
// fill the rest with minimum values.
for (int i = 0; i < schema_->num_key_columns(); i++) {
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!IsColumnSet(i))) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("All key columns must be set",
ContiguousRow row(schema_, row_data_);
for (int i = 0; i < schema_->num_key_columns(); i++) {
bool is_last = i == schema_->num_key_columns() - 1;
const TypeInfo* ti = schema_->column(i).type_info();
GetKeyEncoder<string>(ti).Encode(row.cell_ptr(i), is_last, encoded_key);
return Status::OK();
string KuduPartialRow::ToEncodedRowKeyOrDie() const {
string ret;
return ret;
// Utility code
bool KuduPartialRow::AllColumnsSet() const {
return BitMapIsAllSet(isset_bitmap_, 0, schema_->num_columns());
bool KuduPartialRow::IsKeySet() const {
return BitMapIsAllSet(isset_bitmap_, 0, schema_->num_key_columns());
std::string KuduPartialRow::ToString() const {
ContiguousRow row(schema_, row_data_);
std::string ret;
bool first = true;
for (int i = 0; i < schema_->num_columns(); i++) {
if (IsColumnSet(i)) {
if (!first) {
ret.append(", ");
schema_->column(i).DebugCellAppend(row.cell(i), &ret);
first = false;
return ret;
// Serialization/deserialization
} // namespace kudu