blob: 2cdd56420808c66b034ce84665e34955804fd48e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Cloudera, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file contains all of the functions that must be precompiled
// to an LLVM IR format (note: not bitcode to preserve function
// names for retrieval later).
// Note namespace scope is just for convenient symbol resolution.
// To preserve function names, extern "C" linkage is used, so these
// functions (1) must not be duplicated in any of the above headers
// and (2) do not belong to namespace kudu.
// NOTE: This file may rely on external definitions from any part of Kudu
// because the code generator will resolve external symbols at load time.
// However, the code generator relies on the fact that our Kudu binaries
// are built with unstripped visible symbols, so this style of code generation
// cannot be used in builds with settings that conflict with the required
// visibility (e.g., the client library).
// NOTE: This file is NOT compiled with ASAN annotations, even if Kudu
// is being built with ASAN.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include "kudu/common/rowblock.h"
#include "kudu/util/bitmap.h"
#include "kudu/util/memory/arena.h"
// Even though this file is only needed for IR purposes, we need to check for
// IR_BUILD because we use a fake static library target to workaround a cmake
// dependencies bug. See 'ir_fake_target' in CMakeLists.txt.
#ifdef IR_BUILD
// Workaround for an MCJIT deficiency where we see a link error when trying
// to load the JITted library. See the following LLVM bug and suggested workaround.
extern "C" void *__dso_handle __attribute__((__visibility__("hidden"))) = NULL;
namespace kudu {
// Returns whether copy was successful (fails iff slice relocation fails,
// which can only occur if is_string is true).
// If arena is NULL, then no relocation occurs.
static bool BasicCopyCell(uint64_t size, uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst,
bool is_string, Arena* arena) {
// Relocate indirect data
if (is_string) {
if (PREDICT_TRUE(arena != NULL)) {
return PREDICT_TRUE(arena->RelocateSlice(*reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(src),
// If arena is NULL, don't relocate, but do copy the pointers to the raw
// data (callers that pass arena as NULL should be sure that the indirect
// data will stay alive after the projections)
// Copy direct data
memcpy(dst, src, size);
return true;
extern "C" {
// Preface all used functions with _Precompiled to avoid the possibility
// of name clashes. Notice all the nontrivial types must be passed as
// void* parameters, otherwise LLVM will complain that the type does not match
// (and it is not possible to consistently extract the llvm::Type* from a
// parsed module which has the same signature as the one that would be passed
// as a parameter for the below functions if the did not use void* types).
// Note that:
// (1) There is no void* type in LLVM, instead i8* is used.
// (2) The functions below are all prefixed with _Precompiled to avoid
// any potential naming conflicts.
// declare i1 @_PrecompiledCopyCellToRowBlock(
// i64 size, i8* src, RowBlockRow* dst, i64 col, i1 is_string, Arena* arena)
// Performs the same function as CopyCell, copying size bytes of the
// cell pointed to by src to the cell of column col in the row pointed
// to by dst, copying indirect data to the parameter arena if is_string
// is true. Will hard crash if insufficient memory is available for
// relocation. Copies size bytes directly from the src cell.
// If arena is NULL then only the direct copy will occur.
// Returns whether successful. If not, out-of-memory during relocation of
// slices has occured, which can only happen if is_string is true.
bool _PrecompiledCopyCellToRowBlock(uint64_t size, uint8_t* src, RowBlockRow* dst,
uint64_t col, bool is_string, Arena* arena) {
// We manually compute the destination cell pointer here, rather than
// using dst->cell_ptr(), since we statically know the size of the column
// type. Using the normal access path would generate an 'imul' instruction,
// since it would be loading the column type info from the RowBlock object
// instead of our static parameter here.
size_t idx = dst->row_index();
const RowBlock* block = dst->row_block();
uint8_t* dst_cell = block->column_data_base_ptr(col) + idx * size;
return BasicCopyCell(size, src, dst_cell, is_string, arena);
// declare i1 @_PrecompiledCopyCellToRowBlockNullable(
// i64 size, i8* src, RowBlockRow* dst, i64 col, i1 is_string, Arena* arena,
// i8* src_bitmap, i64 bitmap_idx)
// Performs the same function as _PrecompiledCopyCellToRowBlock but for nullable
// columns. Checks the parameter bitmap at the specified index and updates
// The row's bitmap accordingly. Then goes on to copy the cell over if it
// is not null.
// If arena is NULL then only the direct copy will occur (if the source
// bitmap indicates the cell itself is non-null).
// Returns whether successful. If not, out-of-memory during relocation of
// slices has occured, which can only happen if is_string is true.
bool _PrecompiledCopyCellToRowBlockNullable(
uint64_t size, uint8_t* src, RowBlockRow* dst, uint64_t col, bool is_string,
Arena* arena, uint8_t* src_bitmap, uint64_t bitmap_idx) {
// Using this method implies the nullablity of the column.
// Write whether the column is nullable to the RowBlock's ColumnBlock's bitmap
bool is_null = BitmapTest(src_bitmap, bitmap_idx);
// No more copies necessary if null
if (is_null) return true;
return _PrecompiledCopyCellToRowBlock(size, src, dst, col, is_string, arena);
// declare void @_PrecompiledSetRowBlockCellSetNull
// RowBlockRow* %dst, i64 <column index>, i1 %is_null)
// Sets the cell at column 'col' for destination RowBlockRow 'dst'
// to be marked as 'is_null' (requires the column is nullable).
void _PrecompiledCopyCellToRowBlockSetNull(
RowBlockRow* dst, uint64_t col, bool is_null) {
} // extern "C"
} // namespace kudu