blob: 241ba6e91e713f2f5cf1849e3e2fcc7106e78d4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Cloudera, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
= Kudu Documentation
// License Header Here //
:author: Kudu Team
:imagesdir: ./images
:icons: font
:doctype: book
:backend: html5
<div class="landing_page">
link:introduction.html[Introducing Kudu]::
Get familiar with what sets Kudu apart.
link:release_notes.html[Kudu Beta Release Notes]::
Find out what to expect in Kudu public beta releases, as well as known issues, workarounds,
and limitations.
link:quickstart.html[Getting Started With Kudu]::
Deploy a simple proof-of-concept Kudu cluster to try it out for yourself.
link:installation.html[Installation Guide]::
Details about all the different options for installing Kudu.
link:configuration.html[Configuring Kudu]::
Guidelines for customizing your Kudu cluster.
link:kudu_impala_integration.html[Using Impala With Kudu]::
Using Impala to create, query, and update your Kudu tables.
link:administration.html[Administering Kudu]::
Keeping Kudu running smoothly.
link:troubleshooting.html[Troubleshooting Kudu]::
Guidelines for solving problems with your Kudu cluster.
link:developing.html[Developing Applications With Kudu]::
Information about Kudu APIs and links to working example code.
link:schema_design.html[Kudu Schema Design]::
Information about designing Kudu table schemas.
link:contributing.html[Contributing to Kudu]::
Get involved in the Kudu community.
link:style_guide.html[Kudu Style Guide]::
Guidelines for development and documentation contributions to the Kudu project.
link:configuration_reference.html[Kudu Configuration Reference]::
Documentation for all Kudu configuration options.
link:resources.html[Kudu Resources]::
Further reading about Kudu, columnar data stores, and other useful material for Kudu
users and developers.