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= Configuring Kudu
:author: Kudu Team
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:toc: left
:toclevels: 3
:doctype: book
:backend: html5
== Configure Kudu Using Cloudera Manager
These instructions apply to clusters managed by Cloudera Manager. Do
not use the command-line instructions unless you do not use Cloudera Manager.
Cloudera Manager exposes several configuration options for Kudu. In addition, advanced
configuration snippets are available for more complex customization.
// TODO Pull this from the build??
| Option | Configuration Name | Description
|Master Address | server.address |Overrides the address where the Master will listen for connections.
|Default Number of Replicas| default_num_replicas| Default number of replicas for each tablet. The
default for this setting is 3.
|System User| | The user that this service's processes should run as. The
default for this setting is `kudu`.
|System Group | | The group that this service's processes should run as. The
default for this setting is `kudu`.
|Kudu Service Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) | | For
advanced use only, key-value pairs (one on each line) to be inserted into a role's
environment. Applies to configurations of all roles in this service except client
|Automatically Restart Process | | When set, this role's process is automatically
(and transparently) restarted in the event of an unexpected failure. The default
for this setting is `Master Default Group, Tablet Server Default Group`.
|Master Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) | | For
advanced use only, key-value pairs (one on each line) to be inserted into a
role's environment. Applies to configurations of this role except client configuration.
|Tablet Server Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) | | For
advanced use only, key-value pairs (one on each line) to be inserted into a role's
environment. Applies to configurations of this role except client configuration.
|Master Log Directory | `log_dir` | The log directory for log files of the role
Master. The default for this setting is `/var/log/kudu`.
|Tablet Server Log Directory | `log_dir` | The log directory for log files of the
role Tablet Server.
In addition, several alert and health check options specific to Cloudera Manager are
== Configure Kudu Using the Command Line
If you do not use Cloudera Manager to manage your CDH cluster, use these instructions.
Otherwise, use Cloudera Manager to ensure that your configuration is saved correctly.
=== Configuration Basics
To configure the behavior of each Kudu process, you can pass command-line flags when
you start it, or read those options from configuration files by passing them using
one or more `--flagfile=<file>` options. You can even include the
`--flagfile` option within your configuration file to include other files.
You can place options for masters and tablet servers into the same configuration
file, and each will ignore options that do not apply.
Flags can be prefixed with either one or two `-` characters. This
documentation standardizes on two: `--example_flag`.
=== Discovering Configuration Options
Only the most common configuration options are documented here. To see all
configuration flags for a given executable, run it with the `--help` option.
Take care when configuring undocumented flags, as not every possible
configuration has been tested, and undocumented options are not guaranteed to be
maintained in future releases.
=== Configuring Masters
To see all available configuration options for the `kudu-master` executable, run it
with the `--help` option:
$ kudu-master --help
.Supported Configuration Flags for Kudu Masters
| Flag | Valid Options | Default | Description
// TODO commented out for the beta|--master_addresses | string | localhost | Comma-separated list of all the RPC
// addresses for Master quorum. If not specified, assumes a standalone Master.
|--fs_data_dirs | string | | Comma-separated list of
directories where the Master will place its data blocks.
|--fs_wal_dir | string | | The directory where the Master will
place its write-ahead logs. May be the same as _one of_ the directories listed in
|--block_cache_capacity_mb | integer | 512 | block cache capacity in MB
For the full list of flags for masters, see the
link:configuration_reference.html#master_configuration_reference[Kudu Master Configuration Reference].
=== Configuring Tablet Servers
To see all available configuration options for the `kudu-tserver` executable,
run it with the `--help` option:
$ kudu-tserver --help
.Supported Configuration Flags for Kudu Tablet Servers
| Flag | Valid Options | Default | Description
|--fs_data_dirs | string | | Comma-separated list
of directories where the Tablet Server will place its data blocks.
|--fs_wal_dir | string | | The directory where the Tablet Server will
place its write-ahead logs. May be the same as _one of_ the directories listed in
|--tserver_master_addrs | string | `` | Comma separated
addresses of the masters which the tablet server should connect to. The masters
do not read this flag.
For the full list of flags for tablet servers, see the
link:configuration_reference.html#tablet_server_configuration_reference[Kudu Tablet Server Configuration Reference].
=== Configuring the Kudu Web Interface
The Kudu web interface is available on each master at port 8051 and each tablet server
at port 8050.
== Next Steps
- link:administration.html[Get Started With Kudu]
- link:developing.html[Developing Applications With Kudu]