blob: 5a28980c9700f09a8ad85175eab1c75874489aba [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/clock/builtin_ntp.h"
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <ostream>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/clock/builtin_ntp-internal.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/join.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/strcat.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/walltime.h"
#include "kudu/util/errno.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_validators.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/logging.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/net_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/sockaddr.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/socket.h"
#include "kudu/util/random_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/scoped_cleanup.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/thread.h"
// The default value for the --builtin_ntp_servers flag assumes the machine
// where a process with built-in NTP client is run has access to the Internet.
// The default value for the flag is set as prescribed by
"Comma-separated list of NTP servers for the built-in NTP "
"client, each in format <FQDN|IP>[:PORT]. This list will be used "
"in one of the following cases: (A) the built-in NTP client is "
"explicitly set as the time source (i.e. --time_source=builtin) "
"(B) the 'auto' pseudo-source for time is used and the cloud "
"instance detector isn't aware about any preferred NTP servers "
"provided by the environment.");
TAG_FLAG(builtin_ntp_servers, stable);
// In the 'Best practices' section, RFC 4330 states that 15 seconds is the
// minimum allowed polling interval.
// NOTE: as of version 4.2.8, ntpd allows setting minpoll as low as 3
// (2^3 = 8 seconds), and chronyd of version 3.5 supports minpoll as low as
// -6 (2^-6 = 1/64 second), so 16 seconds looks like a reasonble default for
// a client which tries to drift as less as possible from the source NTP servers
// but keeping the polling interval reasonable and conforming to RFC 4330
// (RFC 5905 scrapped the whole 'Best practices' section).
DEFINE_uint32(builtin_ntp_poll_interval_ms, 16000,
"The time between successive polls of a single NTP server "
"(in milliseconds)");
TAG_FLAG(builtin_ntp_poll_interval_ms, advanced);
TAG_FLAG(builtin_ntp_poll_interval_ms, runtime);
DEFINE_string(builtin_ntp_client_bind_address, "",
"Local address to bind client UDP socket used to send and "
"receive NTP packets. The default value '' is equivalent "
"to '' meaning 'bind to all available IPv4 interfaces "
"using ephemeral ports (i.e. port 0)'. It might be useful "
"to customize this flag if getting through a firewall to "
"reach public NTP servers specified by --builtin_ntp_servers.");
TAG_FLAG(builtin_ntp_client_bind_address, advanced);
DEFINE_uint32(builtin_ntp_request_timeout_ms, 3000,
"Timeout for requests sent to NTP servers (in milliseconds)");
TAG_FLAG(builtin_ntp_request_timeout_ms, experimental);
TAG_FLAG(builtin_ntp_request_timeout_ms, runtime);
DEFINE_uint32(builtin_ntp_true_time_refresh_max_interval_s, 3600,
"Maximum allowed time interval without refreshing computed "
"true time estimation (in seconds)");
TAG_FLAG(builtin_ntp_true_time_refresh_max_interval_s, experimental);
TAG_FLAG(builtin_ntp_true_time_refresh_max_interval_s, runtime);
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_int64(server, builtin_ntp_local_clock_delta,
"Local Clock vs Built-In NTP True Time Delta",
"Delta between local clock and true time "
"tracked by built-in NTP client; set to "
"2^63-1 when true time is not tracked",
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_int64(server, builtin_ntp_time,
"Built-in NTP Time",
"Latest true time as tracked by "
"built-in NTP client",
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_int64(server, builtin_ntp_error,
"Built-in NTP Latest Maximum Time Error",
"Latest maximum time error as tracked by "
"built-in NTP client",
METRIC_DEFINE_histogram(server, builtin_ntp_max_errors,
"Built-In NTP Maximum Time Errors",
"Statistics on the maximum true time error computed by "
"built-in NTP client",
10000000, 1);
using kudu::clock::internal::Interval;
using kudu::clock::internal::kIntervalNone;
using kudu::clock::internal::RecordedResponse;
using std::deque;
using std::lock_guard;
using std::shared_lock;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace clock {
// Number of seconds between Jan 1 1900 and the unix epoch start.
constexpr uint64_t kNtpTimestampDelta = 2208988800ULL;
// Keep the last 8 polls from each server.
constexpr int kResponsesToRememberPerServer = 8;
constexpr int kMinNtpVersion = 1;
constexpr int kNtpVersion = 3; // This is NTPv3 implementation (client).
constexpr uint8_t kInvalidStratum = 0;
constexpr uint8_t kMaxStratum = 16;
// Maximum allowed dispersion (in microseconds) per RFC 5905.
constexpr uint64_t kMaxDispersionUs = 16000000; // 16 seconds
static bool ValidateBuiltinNtpServers() {
if (FLAGS_time_source == "builtin") {
vector<HostPort> hps;
Status s = HostPort::ParseStrings(
FLAGS_builtin_ntp_servers, kStandardNtpPort, &hps);
if (!s.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << Substitute("could not parse --builtin_ntp_servers flag: $0",
return false;
// In case of --time_source=auto, setting --bultin_ntp_servers to an empty
// string makes the time source auto-selection skip the 'builtin' and start
// using 'system' on supported platforms. See HybridClock::SelectTimeSource()
// for details.
return true;
[](const char* name, const string& val) {
vector<HostPort> hps;
Status s = HostPort::ParseStrings(val, kStandardNtpPort, &hps);
if (!s.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << Substitute("could not parse $0 flag: $1",
name, s.message().ToString());
return false;
return true;
[](const char* name, const string& val) {
HostPort hp;
Status s = hp.ParseString(val, 0);
if (!s.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << Substitute("could not parse $0 flag: $1",
name, s.message().ToString());
return false;
return true;
// A glossary of NTP-related terms is available at:
// Revelant RFC references:
// (updates RFC 5905)
// (obsoleted by RFC 5905)
struct BuiltInNtp::NtpPacket {
// Bitfield: AABBBCCC
// AA : leap indicator
// BBB: version number of the protocol
// CCC: mode.
uint8_t lvm;
// Stratum level of the local clock.
uint8_t stratum;
// Maximum interval between successive messages.
uint8_t poll;
// Precision of the local clock.
int8_t precision;
// Total round trip delay time.
uint32_t root_delay;
// Max error aloud from primary clock source.
uint32_t root_dispersion;
// Reference clock identifier.
uint32_t ref_id;
// Reference time-stamp: seconds and fraction of a second.
uint32_t ref_time_s;
uint32_t ref_time_f;
// Originate time-stamp: seconds and fraction of a second.
uint32_t orig_time_s;
uint32_t orig_time_f;
// Received time-stamp: seconds and fraction of a second.
uint32_t recv_time_s;
uint32_t recv_time_f;
// Transmit time-stamp: seconds and fraction of a second.
uint32_t transmit_time_s;
uint32_t transmit_time_f;
// TODO(KUDU-2941): consider to add message digest and key identifier
enum LeapIndicator {
kNoWarning = 0,
kLastMinuteHas61Secs = 1,
kLastMinuteHas59Secs = 2,
kAlarm = 3
enum ProtocolMode {
kReserved = 0,
kSymmetricActive = 1,
kSymmetricPassive = 2,
kClient = 3,
kServer = 4,
kBroadcast = 5,
kReservedControlMessage = 6,
kReservedPrivateUse = 7
static uint64_t convert_timestamp(uint32_t secs, uint32_t frac) {
uint64_t micros = (ntohl(secs) - kNtpTimestampDelta) * MonoTime::kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
micros += (ntohl(frac) * MonoTime::kMicrosecondsPerSecond) >> 32;
return micros;
static uint64_t convert_delay(uint32_t val) {
// convert 32-bit unsigned 16.16 fixed-point to seconds.
val = ntohl(val);
uint32_t secs = val >> 16;
uint32_t frac = val & 0xffff;
return secs * MonoTime::kMicrosecondsPerSecond +
((frac * MonoTime::kMicrosecondsPerSecond) >> 16);
static uint8_t generate_lvm(uint8_t leap, uint8_t version, uint8_t mode) {
return (((leap << 6) & 0xc0) | ((version << 3) & 0x38) | (mode & 0x07));
LeapIndicator leap_indicator() const {
return static_cast<LeapIndicator>(lvm >> 6);
int version_number() const {
return (lvm >> 3) & 0x07;
ProtocolMode protocol_mode() const {
return static_cast<ProtocolMode>(lvm & 0x07);
uint64_t ref_timestamp_us() const {
return convert_timestamp(ref_time_s, ref_time_f);
uint64_t server_receive_timestamp_us() const {
return convert_timestamp(recv_time_s, recv_time_f);
uint64_t server_transmit_timestamp_us() const {
return convert_timestamp(transmit_time_s, transmit_time_f);
uint64_t root_delay_us() const {
return convert_delay(root_delay);
uint64_t root_dispersion_us() const {
return convert_delay(root_dispersion);
string ToString() const {
string ret;
StrAppend(&ret, "leap=", leap_indicator(), "\n");
StrAppend(&ret, "version=", version_number(), "\n");
StrAppend(&ret, "mode=", protocol_mode(), "\n");
StrAppend(&ret, "stratum=", static_cast<int>(stratum), "\n");
StrAppend(&ret, "poll=", static_cast<int>(poll), "\n");
StrAppend(&ret, "precision=", static_cast<int>(precision), "\n");
StrAppend(&ret, "root_delay=", root_delay_us(), "\n");
StrAppend(&ret, "root_disp=", root_dispersion_us(), "\n");
StrAppend(&ret, "ref_id=", ntohl(ref_id), "\n");
StrAppend(&ret, "ref_time_s=", ntohl(ref_time_s), "\n");
StrAppend(&ret, "ref_time_f=", ntohl(ref_time_f), "\n");
StrAppend(&ret, "orig_time_s=", ntohl(orig_time_s), "\n");
StrAppend(&ret, "orig_time_f=", ntohl(orig_time_f), "\n");
StrAppend(&ret, "recv_time=", server_receive_timestamp_us(), "\n");
StrAppend(&ret, "transmit_time=", server_transmit_timestamp_us(), "\n");
return ret;
// Keeps track of a previously-sent request to an NTP server which is currently
// awaiting a response.
struct BuiltInNtp::PendingRequest {
// The request that we sent.
NtpPacket request;
// The server to which the request was sent.
ServerState* server;
// The specific resolved address to which the request was sent.
// A hostname may resolve to several addresses (eg in the case of NTP pools)
// and we have to pick one.
Sockaddr addr;
// The monotonic timestamp when we sent the request.
int64_t send_time_mono_us;
// Check that the computed size at compilation time matches the expected size
// based on the RFC. See, page 18 for the
// structure of NTP packet (NTPv4). This implementation targets NTPv3 and
// the optional key identifier and message digest extended fields are not
// handled; the same for the optional authenticator fields.
static_assert(sizeof(NtpPacket) == 48, "unexpected size of NtpPacket");
class BuiltInNtp::ServerState {
explicit ServerState(HostPort host) :
o_pkt_total_num_(0) {
Status Init() {
return ReresolveAddrs();
MonoTime next_poll() const {
shared_lock<rw_spinlock> l(lock_);
return next_poll_;
void UpdateNextPoll(MonoTime next) {
lock_guard<rw_spinlock> l(lock_);
// Increment the counter of NTP packets sent.
// Update the time for next poll.
next_poll_ = next;
const Sockaddr& cur_addr() const {
shared_lock<rw_spinlock> l(lock_);
return addrs_[addr_idx_ % addrs_.size()];
void TimeoutAndSwitchNextServer() {
lock_guard<rw_spinlock> l(lock_);
void InvalidatePacket() {
lock_guard<rw_spinlock> l(lock_);
void RecordPacket(const RecordedResponse& rr) {
VLOG(1) << Substitute("NTP from $0 ($1): $2 +/- $3us", host_.ToString(),
rr.addr.ToString(), rr.offset_us, rr.error_us);
lock_guard<rw_spinlock> l(lock_);
if (responses_.size() > kResponsesToRememberPerServer) {
bool IsReplayedPacket(const Sockaddr& from, const NtpPacket& packet) const {
lock_guard<rw_spinlock> l(lock_);
if (responses_.empty()) {
return false;
const auto& last_response = responses_.back();
return from == last_response.addr &&
packet.server_transmit_timestamp_us() == last_response.tx_timestamp;
Status GetBestResponse(RecordedResponse* response) const {
shared_lock<rw_spinlock> l(lock_);
// For now, just return the freshest response.
// TODO(KUDU-2939): when the dispersion of the samples is being updated
// over time, select the best sample among all available
// w.r.t. jitter and delay metrics.
if (i_pkt_total_num_ == 0 && o_pkt_timedout_num_ == 0) {
// Haven't gotten a chance to communicated with the server at least once
// from the very start. The strategy here is to early detect as much of
// misconfiguration as possible.
return Status::Incomplete(Substitute(
"has not communicated with server $0 yet (current address $1)",
host_.ToString(), cur_addr().ToString()));
if (responses_.empty()) {
return Status::NotFound("not a single valid response from server yet");
*response = responses_.back();
return Status::OK();
Status ReresolveAddrs() {
// RFC4330 states in its '10. Best practices' chapter on page 21:
// 7. A client SHOULD re-resolve the server IP address at periodic
// intervals, but not at intervals less than the time-to-live field
// in the DNS response.
// However, this recommendation along with the whole 'Best practices'
// chapter is gone from RFC 5905 which obsoletes RFC 4330. Also, as can be
// seen from chrony source code, chronyd NTP server peforms re-resolution
// of servers' addresses only when replacing 'bad' servers or by command
// request (e.g originated from chronyc CLI utility).
vector<Sockaddr> addrs;
auto s = host_.ResolveAddresses(&addrs);
lock_guard<rw_spinlock> l(lock_);
addrs_ = std::move(addrs);
return s;
void DumpDiagnostics(string* diag) const {
shared_lock<rw_spinlock> l(lock_);
StrAppend(diag, "server ", host_.ToString(), ": ");
auto addrs_list = JoinMapped(
addrs_, [](const Sockaddr& addr) { return addr.ToString(); }, ",");
StrAppend(diag, "addresses=", addrs_list, " ");
StrAppend(diag, "current_address=", cur_addr().ToString(), " ");
StrAppend(diag, "i_pkt_total_num=", i_pkt_total_num_, " ");
StrAppend(diag, "i_pkt_valid_num=", i_pkt_valid_num_, " ");
StrAppend(diag, "o_pkt_total_num=", o_pkt_total_num_, " ");
StrAppend(diag, "o_pkt_timedout_num=", o_pkt_timedout_num_, "\n");
// Lock to protect internal state below from concurrent access.
mutable rw_spinlock lock_;
// The user-specified hostname.
const HostPort host_;
// The resolved addresses for this hostname.
vector<Sockaddr> addrs_;
// The current address index within addrs_ that we are trying to poll. If an
// address is inaccessible, we cycle to the next address in the list.
// TODO(aserbin): if run out of addresses, re-resolve
// (e.g., using DnsResolver::ResolveAddressesAsync())
int addr_idx_;
// Queue of the last responses from this server.
// The latest response will be added to the end.
deque<RecordedResponse> responses_;
// Scheduled time for the next request to sent.
MonoTime next_poll_;
// Diagnostic counters.
size_t i_pkt_total_num_; // total number of NTP responses received
size_t i_pkt_valid_num_; // number of valid NTP responses received
size_t o_pkt_timedout_num_; // number of timed out NTP requests
size_t o_pkt_total_num_; // number of NTP requests sent
BuiltInNtp::BuiltInNtp(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& metric_entity)
: rng_(GetRandomSeed32()) {
BuiltInNtp::~BuiltInNtp() {
Status BuiltInNtp::Init() {
std::lock_guard l(state_lock_);
CHECK_EQ(kUninitialized, state_);
state_ = kStarting;
return Status::OK();
Status BuiltInNtp::WalltimeWithError(uint64_t* now_usec, uint64_t* error_usec) {
WalltimeSnapshot last;
shared_lock<rw_spinlock> l(last_computed_lock_);
last = last_computed_;
if (!last.is_synchronized) {
return Status::ServiceUnavailable("wallclock is not synchronized",
(last.mono == 0) ? "no valid NTP responses yet"
: "synchronization lost");
const auto mono = GetMonoTimeMicrosRaw();
DCHECK_GE(mono, last.mono);
const int64_t delta = mono - last.mono;
if (PREDICT_FALSE(MonoDelta::FromSeconds(
FLAGS_builtin_ntp_true_time_refresh_max_interval_s) <
MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(delta))) {
return Status::ServiceUnavailable(Substitute(
"$0: too long after last true time refresh",
// TODO(KUDU-2940): apply measured local clock skew against the true time
// clock when computing projected wallclock reading and error
*now_usec = delta + last.wall;
*error_usec = std::abs(last.error + (delta * kSkewPpm / 1000000));
return Status::OK();
void BuiltInNtp::DumpDiagnostics(vector<string>* log) const {
// TODO(aserbin): maybe, JSON format would be a better choice?
string diag;
for (const auto& s : servers_) {
WalltimeSnapshot last;
shared_lock<rw_spinlock> l(last_computed_lock_);
last = last_computed_;
StrAppend(&diag, "is_synchronized=",
last.is_synchronized ? "true" : "false", "\n");
StrAppend(&diag, "last_mono=", last.mono, "\n");
StrAppend(&diag, "last_wall=", last.wall , "\n");
StrAppend(&diag, "last_error=", last.error, "\n");
StrAppend(&diag, "now_mono=", GetMonoTimeMicrosRaw(), "\n");
LOG_STRING(INFO, log) << diag;
Status BuiltInNtp::InitImpl() {
// TODO(KUDU-2937) implement 'iburst' mode and use it for initial time sync
CHECK_EQ(kUninitialized, state_);
CHECK_EQ(-1, socket_.GetFd());
if (servers_.empty()) {
// That's the case when this object has been created using the default
// constructor. In this case, the set of NTP servers is taken from the
// --builtin_ntp_servers flag.
vector<HostPort> hps;
kStandardNtpPort, &hps),
"could not parse --builtin_ntp_servers flag");
for (const auto& s : servers_) {
// Set up a socket for sending and receiving UDP packets.
int socket_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
if (socket_fd == -1) {
int err = errno;
return Status::NetworkError("could not create UDP socket", ErrnoToString(err));
Sockaddr to_bind;
to_bind.ParseString(FLAGS_builtin_ntp_client_bind_address, 0),
"could not parse --builtin_ntp_client_bind_address");
RETURN_NOT_OK_PREPEND(socket_.Bind(to_bind), "could not bind UDP socket");
// The IO loop of this implementation (see BuiltInNtp::PollThread() method)
// doesn't allow for IO multiplexing, so this short SO_RCVTIMEO timeout is set
// to avoid blocking the IO loop at the receiving phase when there is data
// to be sent.
// TODO(aserbin): use IO multiplexing and non-blocking IO via libev
"could not set socket recv timeout");
Thread::Create("ntp", "ntp client", [this]() { this->PollThread(); }, &thread_),
"could not start NTP client thread");
return Status::OK();
Status BuiltInNtp::PopulateServers(std::vector<HostPort> servers) {
// This method is to be called only once.
if (servers.empty()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("empty set of source NTP servers");
for (auto& s : servers) {
servers_.emplace_back(new ServerState(std::move(s)));
return Status::OK();
bool BuiltInNtp::is_shutdown() const {
std::lock_guard l(state_lock_);
return state_ == kShutdown;
void BuiltInNtp::Shutdown() {
std::lock_guard l(state_lock_);
if (state_ == kShutdown) {
state_ = kShutdown;
if (socket_.GetFd() >= 0) {
// Shutting down the socket without closing it ensures that any attempt
// to call sendmsg() will get EPIPE.
socket_.Shutdown(true, true);
if (thread_) {
WARN_NOT_OK(socket_.Close(), "could not close UDP socket");
bool BuiltInNtp::TryReceivePacket() {
struct sockaddr_in si_other;
socklen_t slen = sizeof(si_other);
// TODO(todd) use recvfrom and SO_TIMESTAMP to get the most accurate recv time stamp?
// unclear what clock those come from
int n;
NtpPacket resp;
RETRY_ON_EINTR(n, recvfrom(socket_.GetFd(), &resp, sizeof(resp), /*flags=*/0,
reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&si_other), &slen));
if (n == -1) {
if (Socket::IsTemporarySocketError(errno)) {
// Indicates a timeout (EINTR is already handled by retries above).
return false;
KPLOG_EVERY_N(WARNING, 10) << "NTP recv error";
return false;
if (n <= 0) {
// locally shut down
return false;
const auto recv_time_mono_us = GetMonoTimeMicrosRaw();
Sockaddr from_server(si_other);
if (n < sizeof(NtpPacket)) {
VLOG(1) << Substitute("$0: invalid NTP packet size from $0",
n, from_server.ToString());
return true;
VLOG(2) << Substitute("received response from $0: $1",
from_server.ToString(), resp.ToString());
// 1. When the IP source and destination addresses are available for
// the client request, they should match the interchanged addresses
// in the server reply.
// 2. When the UDP source and destination ports are available for the
// client request, they should match the interchanged ports in the
// server reply.
// 3. The Originate Timestamp in the server reply should match the
// Transmit Timestamp used in the client request.
// 4. The server reply should be discarded if any of the Stratum
// or Transmit Timestamp fields is 0 or the Mode field is not 4
// (unicast) or 5 (broadcast).
// Verify the above three by looking up our pending request based on the
// server IP and origination timestamp.
unique_ptr<PendingRequest> p = RemovePending(from_server, resp);
if (!p) {
VLOG(1) << Substitute("received response from $0 but no request "
"was pending (already timed out?)",
return true;
auto cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
// Basic validation on the NTP version (VN field): it should not be less than
// 1 as per RFC 4330, Section 5. SNTP Client Operations:
// NTP and SNTP clients set the mode field to 3 (client) for unicast and
// manycast requests. They set the VN field to any version number that
// is supported by the server, selected by configuration or discovery,
// and that can interoperate with all previous version NTP and SNTP
// servers. Servers reply with the same version as the request, so the
// VN field of the request also specifies the VN field of the reply. A
// prudent SNTP client can specify the earliest acceptable version on
// the expectation that any server of that or a later version will
// respond. NTP Version 3 (RFC 1305) and Version 2 (RFC 1119) servers
// accept all previous versions, including Version 1 (RFC 1059). Note
// that Version 0 (RFC 959) is no longer supported by current and future
// NTP and SNTP servers.
if (resp.version_number() < kMinNtpVersion) {
VLOG(1) << Substitute("$0: unexpected protocol version in response packet "
"from NTP server at $1",
resp.version_number(), from_server.ToString());
return true;
if ((resp.transmit_time_s == 0 && resp.transmit_time_f == 0) ||
!(resp.protocol_mode() == NtpPacket::kServer ||
resp.protocol_mode() == NtpPacket::kBroadcast)) {
VLOG(1) << Substitute("unexpected data in response packet from $0: $1",
from_server.ToString(), resp.ToString());
return true;
// According to
// servers with stratum >15 should be ignored.
if (resp.stratum == kInvalidStratum || resp.stratum >= kMaxStratum ||
resp.leap_indicator() == NtpPacket::kAlarm) {
VLOG(1) << Substitute("NTP server $0 is unsynchronized",
return true;
// 5. The root distance should be less than the defined maximum.
uint64_t root_distance = resp.root_delay_us() / 2 + resp.root_dispersion_us();
if (root_distance >= kMaxDispersionUs) {
VLOG(1) << Substitute("root distance of server $0 is too large: $1",
from_server.ToString(), root_distance);
return true;
// 6. Sanity check: server's transmit timestamp should not be less than
// its reference timestamp.
if (resp.server_transmit_timestamp_us() < resp.ref_timestamp_us()) {
VLOG(1) << Substitute("$0: server transmit timestamp ($1) is behind "
"its reference timestamp ($2)",
return true;
// Ignore replayed packets, i.e. those where the server transmit timestamp is
// the same as in previously received NTP packet from the same server.
if (p->server->IsReplayedPacket(from_server, resp)) {
VLOG(1) << Substitute("replayed packet from $0", from_server.ToString());
return true;
// TODO(KUDU-2938): handle "kiss-of-death" packets (RFC 5905 section 7.4)
// TODO(aserbin): add more validators regarding consistency of measurements
// (reported precision and measured intervals, delays, etc.)
// From RFC 4330:
// When the server reply is received, the client determines a
// Destination Timestamp variable as the time of arrival according to
// its clock in NTP timestamp format. The following table summarizes
// the four timestamps.
// Timestamp Name ID When Generated
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Originate Timestamp T1 time request sent by client
// Receive Timestamp T2 time request received by server
// Transmit Timestamp T3 time reply sent by server
// Destination Timestamp T4 time reply received by client
// The roundtrip delay d and system clock offset t are defined as:
// d = (T4 - T1) - (T3 - T2) t = ((T2 - T1) + (T3 - T4)) / 2.
// In other words, the roundtrip delay is the difference between the local
// and the remote measurement time intervals; the offset is the difference
// between averaged (two samples) remote and local wallclock times.
int64_t local_interval_us = recv_time_mono_us - p->send_time_mono_us;
int64_t remote_interval_us =
resp.server_transmit_timestamp_us() - resp.server_receive_timestamp_us();
if (local_interval_us < remote_interval_us) {
VLOG(1) << Substitute("inconsistency from $0: local sample interval "
"is less than remote sample interval ($1 vs $2)",
local_interval_us, remote_interval_us);
return true;
int64_t roundtrip_delay_us = local_interval_us - remote_interval_us;
// The time of the sample is chosen as a midway through the local measurement
// period. It's assumed the relative frequency local-vs-remote clock
// is constant during the measurement for each sample.
int64_t sample_local_time = (p->send_time_mono_us + recv_time_mono_us) / 2;
// The offset between two clocks is estimated given two samples at each side:
// local:
// T0: p->send_time_mono_us
// T1: recv_time_mono_us
// remote:
// T0: resp.server_receive_timestamp_us()
// T1: resp.server_transmit_timestamp_us()
// The estimated offset is the difference between the mid-points:
// offset = (remote.T0 + remote.T1) / 2 - (local.T0 + local.T1) / 2
int64_t clock_offset_us =
((resp.server_receive_timestamp_us() - p->send_time_mono_us) +
(resp.server_transmit_timestamp_us() - recv_time_mono_us)) / 2;
RecordedResponse rr;
rr.addr = from_server;
rr.tx_timestamp = resp.server_transmit_timestamp_us();
rr.monotime = sample_local_time;
rr.offset_us = clock_offset_us;
rr.error_us = (roundtrip_delay_us + 1) / 2 + resp.root_dispersion_us();
RecordResponse(p->server, rr);
return true;
void BuiltInNtp::TimeOutRequests() {
const auto now = GetMonoTimeMicrosRaw();
for (auto it = pending_.begin(); it != pending_.end();) {
auto& r = *it;
if (now - r->send_time_mono_us >
FLAGS_builtin_ntp_request_timeout_ms * 1000) {
VLOG(1) << Substitute("timed out NTP request to server $0",
// Switch to the next IP address associated with this server's hostname.
it = pending_.erase(it);
} else {
Status BuiltInNtp::SendRequests() {
const auto poll_interval = FLAGS_builtin_ntp_poll_interval_ms;
const auto now = MonoTime::Now();
for (const auto& s : servers_) {
if (now >= s->next_poll()) {
// The trivial IO loop of this implementation is better off with less
// 'wavy' IO, especially if all NTP servers are at the same RTT distance.
int delay = poll_interval + rng_.Uniform(poll_interval / 2);
s->UpdateNextPoll(now + MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(delay));
return Status::OK();
Status BuiltInNtp::SendPoll(ServerState* s) {
CHECK_NE(-1, socket_.GetFd());
const Sockaddr& addr = s->cur_addr();
unique_ptr<PendingRequest> pr(new PendingRequest);
pr->server = s;
pr->request = CreateClientPacket();
pr->addr = addr;
// This is wrapped into a lambda for usage in RETRY_ON_EINTR() below.
const auto sender = [&]() {
// Yield before we send, so that we grab the time and send the packet at the
// start of a fresh scheduler quantum. This reduces the likelihood of being
// context-switched out in the next few lines.
pr->send_time_mono_us = GetMonoTimeMicrosRaw();
return sendto(socket_.GetFd(), &pr->request, sizeof(pr->request),
/*flags=*/0, addr.addr(), addr.addrlen());
ssize_t rc = -1;
RETRY_ON_EINTR(rc, sender());
if (rc == -1) {
int err = errno;
if (err == EPIPE) {
return Status::Aborted("shutdown");
return Status::NetworkError(
Substitute("failed to send to NTP server $0", addr.ToString()),
return Status::OK();
void BuiltInNtp::PollThread() {
while (!is_shutdown()) {
Status s = SendRequests();
if (s.IsAborted()) {
while (!is_shutdown() && TryReceivePacket()) {
// Loop receiving packets until we have no more pending packets.
std::unique_ptr<BuiltInNtp::PendingRequest> BuiltInNtp::RemovePending(
const Sockaddr& addr,
const NtpPacket& response) {
for (auto it = pending_.begin(); it != pending_.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->addr == addr &&
(*it)->request.transmit_time_f == response.orig_time_f &&
(*it)->request.transmit_time_s == response.orig_time_s) {
std::unique_ptr<PendingRequest> ret = std::move(*it);
return ret;
return nullptr;
void BuiltInNtp::RecordResponse(ServerState* from_server,
const RecordedResponse& rr) {
// TODO(KUDU-2939): as a part of robust clock selection algorithm, make the
// dispersion of samples increasing as described in
// A.5.2. clock_filter()
const auto s = CombineClocks();
if (!s.ok() && VLOG_IS_ON(1)) {
VLOG(1) << Substitute("combining clocks failed: $0", s.ToString());
Status BuiltInNtp::FilterResponses(vector<RecordedResponse>* filtered) {
vector<RecordedResponse> result;
for (const auto& server : servers_) {
RecordedResponse response;
auto s = server->GetBestResponse(&response);
if (s.IsNotFound()) {
*filtered = std::move(result);
return Status::OK();
BuiltInNtp::NtpPacket BuiltInNtp::CreateClientPacket() {
// Leap: no warning, version: NTPv3, mode: client.
static const uint8_t cNoLeapClientMode = NtpPacket::generate_lvm(
NtpPacket::kNoWarning, kNtpVersion, NtpPacket::kClient);
NtpPacket p = {}; // zero-initialization
p.lvm = cNoLeapClientMode;
// The transmit_time_{s,f} fields are used as a nonce and they don't carry
// the actual time.
p.transmit_time_s = rng_.Next();
p.transmit_time_f = rng_.Next();
return p;
// In essence, the code below is a version of Marzullo's algorithm: search for
// intersection intervals among the correctness intervals built from clock
// readings received from configured NTP sources.
Status BuiltInNtp::CombineClocks() {
// See for details
// on the official NTP reference implementation. Also, check
// A.5.2. in for reference clock_filter()
// implementation: finding the best sample from a single source among
// available ones -- this implementation stores up to
// kResponsesToRememberPerServer recent samples from the same server, and
// it's necessary to find best each time when combining clock measurements
// from different servers.
vector<RecordedResponse> responses;
const auto now = GetMonoTimeMicrosRaw();
const Interval best_interval = FindIntersection(responses, now, kSkewPpm);
VLOG(2) << Substitute("intersection interval: ($0, $1)",
best_interval.first, best_interval.second);
if (best_interval == kIntervalNone) {
return Status::Incomplete("no intersection of clock correctness intervals");
DCHECK_GT(best_interval.first, 0);
DCHECK_GT(best_interval.second, 0);
// From the reference NTP implementation:
// ... A candidate with a correctness interval that contains no points in
// the intersection interval is a "falseticker". A candidate with a
// correctness interval that contains points in the intersection interval is
// a "truechimer" and the best offset estimate is the midpoint of its
// correctness interval. On the other hand, the midpoint sample produced
// by the clock filter algorithm is the maximum likelihood estimate and thus
// best represents the truechimer time ...
// ... The clock select algorithm again scans the correctness intervals. If
// the right endpoint of the correctness interval for a candidate is greater
// than the left endpoint of the intersection interval, or if the left
// endpoint of the correctness interval is less than the right endpoint of
// the intersection interval, the candidate is a truechimer; otherwise,
// it is a falseticker ...
int falsetickers_num = 0;
int all_sources_num = 0;
for (const auto& r : responses) {
const auto& addr = r.addr.ToString();
int64_t wall = now + r.offset_us;
int64_t error = r.error_us + (now - r.monotime) * kSkewPpm / 1e6;
DCHECK_GE(now, r.monotime);
DCHECK_GE(error, 0);
if (wall + error > best_interval.first ||
wall - error < best_interval.second) {
// This NTP source is marked as "truechimer".
// This NTP source is marked as "falseticker".
VLOG(2) << Substitute("($0, $1): correctness interval from falseticker $2",
wall - error, wall + error, addr);
if (falsetickers_num > all_sources_num / 2) {
VLOG(1) << Substitute("majority of recent NTP samples ($0 out of $1) "
"found to be from falsetickers",
falsetickers_num, all_sources_num);
const int64_t compute_wall = (best_interval.first + best_interval.second) / 2;
const int64_t compute_error = (best_interval.second - best_interval.first) / 2;
// Extra sanity check to make sure walltime doesn't go back.
std::lock_guard<rw_spinlock> l(last_computed_lock_);
if (last_computed_.wall > compute_wall) {
return Status::IllegalState(Substitute(
"walltime would move into past: "
"current walltime $0, last walltime $1, "
"current mono $2, last mono $3, current error $4, last error $5",
compute_wall, last_computed_.wall,
now, last_computed_.mono, compute_error, last_computed_.error));
last_computed_.is_synchronized = true;
last_computed_.mono = now;
last_computed_.wall = compute_wall;
last_computed_.error = compute_error;
// Update stats on the computed error.
VLOG(2) << Substitute("combined clocks: $0 $1 $2",
now, compute_wall, compute_error);
// We got a valid clock result, so wake up Init() that we are ready to be used.
std::lock_guard l(state_lock_);
if (state_ == kStarting) {
state_ = kStarted;
return Status::OK();
void BuiltInNtp::RegisterMetrics(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& entity) {
entity, [this]() { return this->LocalClockDeltaForMetrics(); })->
entity, [this]() { return this->WalltimeForMetrics(); })->
entity, [this]() { return this->MaxErrorForMetrics(); })->
max_errors_histogram_ =
int64_t BuiltInNtp::LocalClockDeltaForMetrics() {
uint64_t now = 0; // avoid clang-tidy warnings
uint64_t err_ignored;
auto s = WalltimeWithError(&now, &err_ignored);
const int64_t now_local = GetCurrentTimeMicros();
if (!s.ok()) {
return std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
// Here we don't care much about scheduling anomalies to take into account
// the timing of the clock sampling above. There might be some delay between
// calls to WalltimeWithError() and GetCurrentTimeMicros(), but the metric
// is designed to spot relatively big offsets like few seconds and more.
return (now_local - static_cast<int64_t>(now)) / 1000;
int64_t BuiltInNtp::WalltimeForMetrics() {
shared_lock<rw_spinlock> l(last_computed_lock_);
return last_computed_.wall;
int64_t BuiltInNtp::MaxErrorForMetrics() {
shared_lock<rw_spinlock> l(last_computed_lock_);
return last_computed_.error;
} // namespace clock
} // namespace kudu