blob: af3a7fd32f19f7d83945faf944370aa0b4930eca [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/common/row_changelist.h"
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.pb.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/bitset.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
class Arena;
class ClientServerMapping;
class ColumnSchema;
class KuduPartialRow;
class Schema;
typedef FixedBitSet<RowOperationsPB::Type, RowOperationsPB_Type_Type_ARRAYSIZE> RowOpTypes;
class RowOperationsPBEncoder {
explicit RowOperationsPBEncoder(RowOperationsPB* pb);
// Whether there is no row operations in the encoded protobuf message.
bool empty() const {
return pb_->mutable_rows()->empty();
// Append this partial row to the protobuf. Returns the size delta for the
// underlying protobuf after adding the partial row.
size_t Add(RowOperationsPB::Type type, const KuduPartialRow& partial_row);
// Remove the last added row from the underlying protobuf. Calling this method
// more than one time in a row or when no rows were added triggers
// CHECK()/abort.
void RemoveLast();
// Get the size estimation (upper boundary) for encoded RowOperationsPB::rows
// after adding the extra row specified.
size_t GetRowsFieldSizeEstimate(const KuduPartialRow& partial_row,
size_t* isset_bitmap_size,
size_t* isnon_null_bitmap_size) const;
RowOperationsPB* pb_;
std::string::size_type prev_indirect_data_size_;
std::string::size_type prev_rows_size_;
struct DecodedRowOperation {
RowOperationsPB::Type type;
// For INSERT, INSERT_IGNORE, or UPSERT, the whole projected row.
// For UPDATE or DELETE, the row key.
const uint8_t* row_data;
// For INSERT or UPDATE, a bitmap indicating which of the cells were
// explicitly set by the client, versus being filled-in defaults.
// A set bit indicates that the client explicitly set the cell.
const uint8_t* isset_bitmap;
// For UPDATE and DELETE types, the changelist
RowChangeList changelist;
// For SPLIT_ROW, the partial row to split on.
std::shared_ptr<KuduPartialRow> split_row;
// Per-row result status.
Status result;
// Stringifies, including redaction when appropriate.
std::string ToString(const Schema& schema) const;
// The 'result' member will only be updated the first time this function is called.
void SetFailureStatusOnce(Status s);
enum DecoderMode {
// Decode range split rows.
// Decode write operations.
class RowOperationsPBDecoder {
RowOperationsPBDecoder(const RowOperationsPB* pb,
const Schema* client_schema,
const Schema* tablet_schema,
Arena* dst_arena);
template <DecoderMode mode>
Status DecodeOperations(std::vector<DecodedRowOperation>* ops);
Status ReadOpType(RowOperationsPB::Type* type);
Status ReadIssetBitmap(const uint8_t** bitmap);
Status ReadNullBitmap(const uint8_t** null_bm);
// Read one row's column data from 'src_', read result is stored in 'slice'.
// Return bad Status if data is corrupt.
// NOTE: If 'row_status' is not nullptr, column data validate will be performed,
// and if column data validate error (i.e. column size exceed the limit), only
// set bad Status to 'row_status', and return Status::OK.
Status GetColumnSlice(const ColumnSchema& col, Slice* slice, Status* row_status);
// Same as above, but store result in 'dst'.
Status ReadColumn(const ColumnSchema& col, uint8_t* dst, Status* row_status);
// Some column which is non-nullable has allocated a cell to row data in
// RowOperationsPBEncoder::Add, even if its data is useless (i.e. set to
// NULL), we have to consume data in order to properly validate subsequent
// columns and rows.
Status ReadColumnAndDiscard(const ColumnSchema& col);
bool HasNext() const;
Status DecodeInsertOrUpsert(const uint8_t* prototype_row_storage,
const ClientServerMapping& mapping,
DecodedRowOperation* op);
// Serialization/deserialization support
// Decode the next encoded operation, which must be UPDATE or DELETE.
Status DecodeUpdateOrDelete(const ClientServerMapping& mapping,
DecodedRowOperation* op);
// Decode the next encoded operation, which must be SPLIT_KEY.
Status DecodeSplitRow(const ClientServerMapping& mapping,
DecodedRowOperation* op);
// Decode the next encoded operation of the given type and properties.
// Returns an error if the type isn't allowed by the decoder mode.
template <DecoderMode mode>
Status DecodeOp(RowOperationsPB::Type type, const uint8_t* prototype_row_storage,
const ClientServerMapping& mapping, DecodedRowOperation* op);
const RowOperationsPB* const pb_;
const Schema* const client_schema_;
const Schema* const tablet_schema_;
Arena* const dst_arena_;
const int bm_size_;
const size_t tablet_row_size_;
Slice src_;
} // namespace kudu