blob: 2f0fec944cf3875a9eae717477956961b397969e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
// This header defines the following macros:
// VLOG_AND_TRACE(category, vlevel)
// Write a log message to VLOG(vlevel) as well as the current
// trace event buffer as an "INSTANT" trace event type. If the
// given vlog level is not enabled, this will still result in a
// trace buffer entry.
// The provided 'category' should be a trace event category, which
// allows the users to filter which trace events to enable.
// For example:
// VLOG_AND_TRACE("my_subsystem", 1) << "This always shows up in trace buffers "
// << "but only shows up in the log if VLOG(1) level logging is enabled.";
// Most VLOG(1) level log messages are reasonable to use this macro.
// Note that there is slightly more overhead to this macro as opposed
// to just using VLOG(1).
// Note that, like VLOG(n), this macro avoids evaluating its arguments unless
// either trace recording or VLOG(n) is enabled. In the case that both are enabled,
// the arguments are only evaluated once.
// LOG_AND_TRACE(category, severity)
// Same as the above, but always logs at the given severity level in addition
// to writing to the trace buffer.
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <string>
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/debug/trace_event.h"
// The inner workings of these macros are a bit arcane:
// - We make use of the fact that a block can be embedded within a ternary expression.
// This allows us to determine whether the trace event is enabled before we decide
// to evaluate the arguments.
// - We have to use google::LogMessageVoidify so that we can put 'void(0)' on one side
// of the ternary expression and the log stream on the other. This technique is
// cribbed from glog/logging.h.
#define VLOG_AND_TRACE_INTERNAL(category, vlevel) \
kudu::debug::TraceGLog(__FILE__, __LINE__, category, google::GLOG_INFO, \
/* send_to_log= */VLOG_IS_ON(vlevel)).stream()
#define VLOG_AND_TRACE(category, vlevel) \
!( { \
bool enabled; \
enabled || VLOG_IS_ON(vlevel); \
} ) ? static_cast<void>(0) : \
google::LogMessageVoidify() & VLOG_AND_TRACE_INTERNAL(category, vlevel) // NOLINT(*)
#define VLOG_AND_TRACE_WITH_PREFIX(category, vlevel) \
VLOG_AND_TRACE(category, vlevel) << LogPrefix()
#define LOG_AND_TRACE(category, severity) \
kudu::debug::TraceGLog(__FILE__, __LINE__, category, \
google::GLOG_ ## severity, /* send_to_log= */true).stream()
#define LOG_AND_TRACE_WITH_PREFIX(category, severity) \
LOG_AND_TRACE(category, severity) << LogPrefix()
namespace kudu {
namespace debug {
class TraceGLog {
TraceGLog(const char* file, int line, const char* category,
google::LogSeverity severity, bool send_to_log)
: sink_(category),
google_msg_(file, line, severity, &sink_, send_to_log) {
std::ostream& stream() {
class TraceLogSink : public google::LogSink {
explicit TraceLogSink(const char* category) : category_(category) {}
void send(google::LogSeverity severity, const char* full_filename,
const char* base_filename, int line,
const struct ::tm* tm_time, const char* message,
size_t message_len) override {
// Rather than calling TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT here, we have to do it from
// the destructor. This is because glog holds its internal mutex while
// calling send(). So, if we try to use TRACE_EVENT here, and --trace_to_console
// is enabled, then we'd end up calling back into glog when its lock is already
// held. glog isn't re-entrant, so that causes a crash.
// By just storing the string here, and then emitting the trace in the dtor,
// we defer the tracing until the google::LogMessage has destructed and the
// glog lock is available again.
str_ = ToString(severity, base_filename, line,
tm_time, message, message_len);
virtual ~TraceLogSink() {
"msg", str_);
const char* const category_;
std::string str_;
TraceLogSink sink_;
google::LogMessage google_msg_;
} // namespace debug
} // namespace kudu