blob: f1421b5ff696d4df728da1addc0f2d5d0f39d404 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.kudu.backup
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.util
import org.apache.kudu.client.PartitionSchema.HashBucketSchema
import org.apache.kudu.client._
import org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
import org.apache.kudu.Schema
import org.apache.kudu.Type
import org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
import org.apache.kudu.spark.kudu.SparkListenerUtil.withJobDescriptionCollector
import org.apache.kudu.spark.kudu.SparkListenerUtil.withJobTaskCounter
import org.apache.kudu.spark.kudu._
import org.apache.kudu.test.CapturingLogAppender
import org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
import org.apache.kudu.test.RandomUtils
import org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness.TabletServerConfig
import org.apache.kudu.util.DataGenerator.DataGeneratorBuilder
import org.apache.kudu.util.HybridTimeUtil
import org.apache.kudu.util.SchemaGenerator.SchemaGeneratorBuilder
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.SparkListener
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.SparkListenerJobEnd
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertFalse
import org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
import org.junit.After
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
class TestKuduBackup extends KuduTestSuite {
val log: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
var random: util.Random = _
var rootDir: Path = _
def setUp(): Unit = {
random = RandomUtils.getRandom
rootDir = Files.createTempDirectory("backup")
def tearDown(): Unit = {
def testSimpleBackupAndRestore() {
val rowCount = 100
insertRows(table, rowCount) // Insert data into the default test table.
// backup and restore.
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, rowCount, false)
restoreAndValidateTable(tableName, rowCount)
// Validate the table schemas match.
validateTablesMatch(tableName, s"$tableName-restore")
def testSimpleIncrementalBackupAndRestore() {
insertRows(table, 100) // Insert data into the default test table.
// Run and validate initial backup.
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 100, false)
// Insert more rows and validate incremental backup.
insertRows(table, 100, 100) // Insert more data.
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 100, true)
// Delete rows that span the full and incremental backup and validate incremental backup.
Range(50, 150).foreach(deleteRow)
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 100, true)
// Restore the backups and validate the end result.
restoreAndValidateTable(tableName, 100)
def testBackupAndRestoreJobNames() {
val rowCount = 100
insertRows(table, rowCount) // Insert data into the default test table.
// Backup the table and verify the job description.
val fullDesc = withJobDescriptionCollector(ss.sparkContext) { () =>
assertEquals(1, fullDesc.size)
assertEquals("Kudu Backup(full): test", fullDesc.head)
// Backup again and verify the job description.
val incDesc = withJobDescriptionCollector(ss.sparkContext) { () =>
assertEquals(1, incDesc.size)
assertEquals("Kudu Backup(incremental): test", incDesc.head)
// Restore the table and verify the job descriptions.
val restoreDesc = withJobDescriptionCollector(ss.sparkContext) { () =>
assertEquals(2, restoreDesc.size)
assertTrue(restoreDesc.contains("Kudu Restore(1/2): test"))
assertTrue(restoreDesc.contains("Kudu Restore(2/2): test"))
def testBackupAndRestoreWithNoRows(): Unit = {
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 0, false)
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 0, true)
restoreAndValidateTable(tableName, 0)
validateTablesMatch(tableName, s"$tableName-restore")
def testBackupMissingTable(): Unit = {
// Check that a backup of a missing table fails fast with an exception if the
// fail-on-first-error option is set.
try {
val failFastOptions = createBackupOptions(Seq("missingTable")).copy(failOnFirstError = true)
} catch {
case e: KuduException => assertTrue(e.getMessage.contains("the table does not exist"))
// Check that a backup of a missing table does not fail fast or throw an exception with the
// default setting to not fail on individual table errors. The failure is indicated by the
// return value.
val options = createBackupOptions(Seq("missingTable"))
def testFailedTableBackupDoesNotFailOtherTableBackups() {
insertRows(table, 100) // Insert data into the default test table.
// Run a fail-fast backup. It should fail because the first table doesn't exist.
// There's no guarantee about the order backups run in, so the table that does exist may or may
// not have been backed up.
val failFastOptions =
createBackupOptions(Seq("missingTable", tableName)).copy(failOnFirstError = true)
try {, ss)
} catch {
case e: KuduException => assertTrue(e.getMessage.contains("the table does not exist"))
// Run a backup with the default setting to not fail on table errors. It should back up the
// table that does exist, it should not throw an exception, and it should return 1 to indicate
// some error. The logs should contain a message about the missing table.
val options = createBackupOptions(Seq("missingTable", tableName))
val logs = captureLogs(() => assertFalse(, ss)))
assertTrue(logs.contains("the table does not exist"))
// Restore the backup of the non-failed table and validate the end result.
restoreAndValidateTable(tableName, 100)
def testRestoreWithNoBackup(): Unit = {
// Check that a restore of a table with no backups fails fast with an exception if the
// fail-on-first-error option is set.
val failFastOptions = createRestoreOptions(Seq(tableName)).copy(failOnFirstError = true)
try {
} catch {
case e: RuntimeException =>
assertEquals(e.getMessage, s"No valid backups found for table: $tableName")
// Check that a restore of a table with no backups does not fail fast or throw an exception if
// default no-fail-fast option is set.
def testFailedTableRestoreDoesNotFailOtherTableRestores() {
insertRows(table, 100), ss)
// There's no guarantee about the order restores run in, so it doesn't work to test fail-fast
// and then the default no-fail-fast because the actual table may have been restored.
val logs = captureLogs(
() => assertFalse(runRestore(createRestoreOptions(Seq("missingTable", tableName)))))
assertTrue(logs.contains("Failed to restore table"))
def testForceIncrementalBackup() {
insertRows(table, 100) // Insert data into the default test table.
Thread.sleep(1) // Ensure the previous insert is before beforeMs.
// Set beforeMs so we can force an incremental at this time.
val beforeMs = System.currentTimeMillis()
Thread.sleep(1) // Ensure the next insert is after beforeMs.
insertRows(table, 100, 100) // Insert more data.
// Force an incremental backup without a full backup.
// It will use a diff scan and won't check the existing dependency graph.
val options = createBackupOptions(Seq(tableName), fromMs = beforeMs)
val logs = captureLogs { () =>
assertTrue(logs.contains("Performing an incremental backup: fromMs was set to"))
validateBackup(options, 100, true)
def testForceFullBackup() {
insertRows(table, 100) // Insert data into the default test table.
// Backup the table so the following backup should be an incremental.
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 100)
insertRows(table, 100, 100) // Insert more data.
// Force a full backup. It should contain all the rows.
val options = createBackupOptions(Seq(tableName), forceFull = true)
val logs = captureLogs { () =>
assertTrue(logs.contains("Performing a full backup: forceFull was set to true"))
validateBackup(options, 200, false)
def testSimpleBackupAndRestoreWithSpecialCharacters() {
// Use an Impala-style table name to verify url encoding/decoding of the table name works.
val impalaTableName = "impala::default.test"
val tableOptions = new CreateTableOptions()
kuduClient.createTable(impalaTableName, simpleSchema, tableOptions)
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 0)
restoreAndValidateTable(tableName, 0)
def testRandomBackupAndRestore() {
val table = createRandomTable()
val tableName = table.getName
val maxRows = 200
// Run a full backup. Note that, here and below, we do not validate the backups against the
// generated rows. There may be duplicates in the generated rows. Instead, the restored table is
// checked against the original table, which is less exhaustive but still a good test.
val options = createBackupOptions(Seq(tableName))
// Run 1 to 5 incremental backups.
val incrementalCount = random.nextInt(5) + 1
(0 to incrementalCount).foreach { i =>
loadRandomData(table, maxRows)
val incOptions = createBackupOptions(Seq(tableName))
validateTablesMatch(tableName, s"$tableName-restore")
def testBackupAndRestoreMultipleTables() {
val numRows = 1
val table1Name = "table1"
val table2Name = "table2"
val table1 = kuduClient.createTable(table1Name, schema, tableOptions)
val table2 = kuduClient.createTable(table2Name, schema, tableOptions)
insertRows(table1, numRows)
insertRows(table2, numRows)
assertTrue(runBackup(createBackupOptions(Seq(table1Name, table2Name))))
assertTrue(runRestore(createRestoreOptions(Seq(table1Name, table2Name))))
val rdd1 = kuduContext.kuduRDD(ss.sparkContext, s"$table1Name-restore", List("key"))
assertEquals(numRows, rdd1.count())
val rdd2 = kuduContext.kuduRDD(ss.sparkContext, s"$table2Name-restore", List("key"))
assertEquals(numRows, rdd2.count())
def testParallelBackupAndRestore() {
val numRows = 1
val tableNames = Range(0, 10).map { i =>
val tableName = s"table$i"
val table = kuduClient.createTable(tableName, schema, tableOptions)
insertRows(table, numRows)
assertTrue(runBackup(createBackupOptions(tableNames).copy(numParallelBackups = 3)))
assertTrue(runRestore(createRestoreOptions(tableNames).copy(numParallelRestores = 4)))
tableNames.foreach { tableName =>
val rdd = kuduContext.kuduRDD(ss.sparkContext, s"$tableName-restore", List("key"))
assertEquals(numRows, rdd.count())
flags = Array(
// Disable rowset compact to prevent DRSs being merged because they are too small.
def testBackupWithSplitSizeBytes() {
// Create a table with a single partition.
val tableName = "split-size-table"
val options = new CreateTableOptions().setRangePartitionColumns(List("key").asJava)
val table = kuduClient.createTable(tableName, schema, options)
// Insert enough data into the test table so we can split it.
val rowCount = 1000
upsertRowsWithRowDataSize(table, rowCount, 32 * 1024)
// Wait for mrs flushed.
Thread.sleep(5 * 1000)
// Run a backup job with custom splitSizeBytes and count the tasks.
val backupOptions = createBackupOptions(Seq(tableName)).copy(splitSizeBytes = Some(1024))
val actualNumTasks = withJobTaskCounter(ss.sparkContext) { () =>
validateBackup(backupOptions, rowCount, false)
// Verify there were more tasks than there are partitions.
assertTrue(actualNumTasks > 1)
def testBackupAndRestoreTableWithManyPartitions(): Unit = {
val kNumPartitions = 100
val tableName = "many-partitions-table"
val options = new CreateTableOptions()
// Add one range partition and create the table. Separate the range partition
// from the ones added later so there's a bounded, non-covered range.
val initialLower = schema.newPartialRow()
initialLower.addInt("key", -5)
val initialUpper = schema.newPartialRow()
initialUpper.addInt("key", -4)
options.addRangePartition(initialLower, initialUpper)
val table = kuduClient.createTable(tableName, schema, options)
// Add the rest of the partitions via alter.
for (i <- 0 to kNumPartitions) {
val alterOptions = new AlterTableOptions()
val lower = schema.newPartialRow()
lower.addInt("key", i)
val upper = schema.newPartialRow()
upper.addInt("key", i + 1)
alterOptions.addRangePartition(lower, upper)
kuduClient.alterTable(tableName, alterOptions)
// Insert some rows. Note that each row will go into a different range
// partition, and the initial partition will be empty.
insertRows(table, kNumPartitions)
// Now backup and restore the table.
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, kNumPartitions)
restoreAndValidateTable(tableName, kNumPartitions)
def testBackupAndRestoreTableWithNoRangePartitions(): Unit = {
val tableName = "only-hash-partitions-table"
val options = new CreateTableOptions()
.addHashPartitions(List("key").asJava, 2)
val table1 = kuduClient.createTable(tableName, schema, options)
val rowCount = 100
insertRows(table1, rowCount)
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, rowCount)
restoreAndValidateTable(tableName, rowCount)
def testBackupAndRestoreNoRestoreOwner(): Unit = {
val rowCount = 100
insertRows(table, rowCount)
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, rowCount, false)
assertTrue(runRestore(createRestoreOptions(Seq(tableName)).copy(restoreOwner = false)))
validateTablesMatch(tableName, s"$tableName-restore", false)
def testColumnAlterHandling(): Unit = {
// Create a basic table.
val tableName = "testColumnAlterHandling"
val columns = List(
new ColumnSchemaBuilder("key", Type.INT32).key(true).build(),
new ColumnSchemaBuilder("col_a", Type.STRING).build(),
new ColumnSchemaBuilder("col_b", Type.STRING).build(),
new ColumnSchemaBuilder("col_c", Type.STRING).build(),
new ColumnSchemaBuilder("col_d", Type.STRING).build()
val schema = new Schema(columns.asJava)
val options = new CreateTableOptions()
var table = kuduClient.createTable(tableName, schema, options)
val session = kuduClient.newSession()
// Insert some rows and take a full backup.
Range(0, 10).foreach { i =>
val insert = table.newInsert
val row = insert.getRow
row.addInt("key", i)
row.addString("col_a", s"a$i")
row.addString("col_b", s"b$i")
row.addString("col_c", s"c$i")
row.addString("col_d", s"d$i")
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 10, false)
// Rename col_a to col_1 and add a new col_a to ensure the column id's and defaults
// work correctly. Also drop col_d and rename col_c to ensure collisions on renaming
// columns don't occur when processing columns from left to right.
new AlterTableOptions()
.renameColumn("col_a", "col_1")
.addColumn(new ColumnSchemaBuilder("col_a", Type.STRING)
.renameColumn("col_c", "col_d")
// Insert more rows and take an incremental backup
table = kuduClient.openTable(tableName)
Range(10, 20).foreach { i =>
val insert = table.newInsert
val row = insert.getRow
row.addInt("key", i)
row.addString("col_1", s"a$i")
row.addString("col_d", s"c$i")
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 10, true)
// Restore the table and validate.
val restoreTable = kuduClient.openTable(s"$tableName-restore")
val scanner = kuduClient.newScannerBuilder(restoreTable).build()
val rows = scanner.asScala.toSeq
// Validate there are still 20 rows.
assertEquals(20, rows.length)
// Validate col_b is dropped from all rows.
// Validate the existing and renamed columns have the expected set of values.
val expectedSet = Range(0, 20).toSet
assertEquals( => s"a$i"),"col_1")).toSet)
assertEquals( => s"c$i"),"col_d")).toSet)
// Validate the new col_a has all defaults.
assertTrue(rows.forall(_.getString("col_a") == "default"))
def testPartitionAlterHandling(): Unit = {
// Create a basic table with 10 row range partitions covering 10 through 40.
val tableName = "testColumnAlterHandling"
val ten = createPartitionRow(10)
val twenty = createPartitionRow(20)
val thirty = createPartitionRow(30)
val fourty = createPartitionRow(40)
val options = new CreateTableOptions()
.addRangePartition(ten, twenty)
.addRangePartition(twenty, thirty)
.addRangePartition(thirty, fourty)
val table = kuduClient.createTable(tableName, schema, options)
// Fill the partitions with rows.
insertRows(table, 30, 10)
// Run a full backup on the table.
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 30, false)
// Drop partition 10-20, drop and re-add partition 20-30, add partition 0-10 and 40-50.
// (drops 20 total rows)
val zero = createPartitionRow(0)
val fifty = createPartitionRow(50)
new AlterTableOptions()
.dropRangePartition(ten, twenty)
.dropRangePartition(twenty, thirty)
.addRangePartition(twenty, thirty)
.addRangePartition(zero, ten)
.addRangePartition(fourty, fifty)
// Add some rows back to the new partitions (adds 15 total rows)
insertRows(table, 5, 0)
insertRows(table, 5, 20)
insertRows(table, 5, 40)
// Run an incremental backup on the table.
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 15, true)
// Restore the table and validate.
val restoreTable = kuduClient.openTable(s"$tableName-restore")
val scanner = kuduClient.newScannerBuilder(restoreTable).build()
val rows ="key")).sorted
val expectedKeys =
(Range(0, 5) ++ Range(20, 25) ++ Range(30, 40) ++ Range(40, 45)).toList.sorted
assertEquals(25, rows.length)
assertEquals(expectedKeys, rows)
def testTableAlterHandling(): Unit = {
// Create the initial table and load it with data.
val tableName = "testTableAlterHandling"
var table = kuduClient.createTable(tableName, schema, tableOptions)
insertRows(table, 100)
// Run and validate initial backup.
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 100, false)
// Rename the table and insert more rows
val newTableName = "impala::default.testTableAlterHandling"
kuduClient.alterTable(tableName, new AlterTableOptions().renameTable(newTableName))
table = kuduClient.openTable(newTableName)
insertRows(table, 100, 100)
// Run and validate an incremental backup.
backupAndValidateTable(newTableName, 100, true)
// Create a new table with the old name.
val tableWithOldName = kuduClient.createTable(tableName, schema, tableOptions)
insertRows(tableWithOldName, 50)
// Backup the table with the old name.
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 50, false)
// Restore the tables and check the row counts.
restoreAndValidateTable(newTableName, 200)
restoreAndValidateTable(tableName, 50)
def testTableWithOnlyCustomHashSchemas(): Unit = {
// Create the initial table and load it with data.
val tableName = "testTableWithOnlyCustomHashSchemas"
val table = kuduClient.createTable(tableName, schema, tableOptionsWithCustomHashSchema)
insertRows(table, 100)
// Run and validate initial backup.
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 100, false)
// Insert rows then run and validate an incremental backup.
insertRows(table, 100, 100)
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 100, true)
// Restore the table and check the row count.
restoreAndValidateTable(tableName, 200)
// Check the range bounds and the hash schema of each range of the restored table.
val restoredTable = kuduClient.openTable(s"$tableName-restore")
"[0 <= VALUES < 100 HASH(key) PARTITIONS 2, " +
"100 <= VALUES < 200 HASH(key) PARTITIONS 3]",
def testTableWithTableAndCustomHashSchemas(): Unit = {
// Create the initial table and load it with data.
val tableName = "testTableWithTableAndCustomHashSchemas"
val table = kuduClient.createTable(tableName, schema, tableOptionsWithTableAndCustomHashSchema)
insertRows(table, 100)
// Run and validate initial backup.
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 100, false)
// Insert rows then run and validate an incremental backup.
insertRows(table, 200, 100)
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 200, true)
// Restore the table and check the row count.
restoreAndValidateTable(tableName, 300)
// Check the range bounds and the hash schema of each range of the restored table.
val restoredTable = kuduClient.openTable(s"$tableName-restore")
"[0 <= VALUES < 100 HASH(key) PARTITIONS 2, " +
"100 <= VALUES < 200 HASH(key) PARTITIONS 3, " +
"200 <= VALUES < 300 HASH(key) PARTITIONS 4]",
def testTableAlterWithTableAndCustomHashSchemas(): Unit = {
// Create the initial table and load it with data.
val tableName = "testTableAlterWithTableAndCustomHashSchemas"
var table = kuduClient.createTable(tableName, schema, tableOptionsWithTableAndCustomHashSchema)
insertRows(table, 100)
// Run and validate initial backup.
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 100, false)
// Insert rows then run and validate an incremental backup.
insertRows(table, 200, 100)
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 200, true)
// Drops range partition with table wide hash schema and re-adds same range partition with
// custom hash schema, also adds another range partition with custom hash schema through alter.
val twoHundred = createPartitionRow(200)
val threeHundred = createPartitionRow(300)
val fourHundred = createPartitionRow(400)
val newPartition = new RangePartitionWithCustomHashSchema(
newPartition.addHashPartitions(List("key").asJava, 5, 0)
val newPartition1 = new RangePartitionWithCustomHashSchema(
newPartition1.addHashPartitions(List("key").asJava, 6, 0)
new AlterTableOptions()
.dropRangePartition(twoHundred, threeHundred)
// TODO: Avoid this table refresh by updating partition schema after alter table calls.
// See for more details.
table = kuduClient.openTable(tableName)
// Insert rows then run and validate an incremental backup.
insertRows(table, 100, 300)
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 100, true)
// Restore the table and validate.
// Check the range bounds and the hash schema of each range of the restored table.
val restoredTable = kuduClient.openTable(s"$tableName-restore")
"[0 <= VALUES < 100 HASH(key) PARTITIONS 2, " +
"100 <= VALUES < 200 HASH(key) PARTITIONS 3, " +
"200 <= VALUES < 300 HASH(key) PARTITIONS 5, " +
"300 <= VALUES < 400 HASH(key) PARTITIONS 6]",
def testTableNameChangeFlags() {
// Create four tables and load data
val rowCount = 100
val tableNameWithImpalaPrefix = "impala::oldDatabase.testTableWithImpalaPrefix"
val tableWithImpalaPrefix =
kuduClient.createTable(tableNameWithImpalaPrefix, schema, tableOptions)
val tableNameWithoutImpalaPrefix = "oldDatabase.testTableWithoutImpalaPrefix"
val tableWithoutImpalaPrefix =
kuduClient.createTable(tableNameWithoutImpalaPrefix, schema, tableOptions)
val tableNameWithImpalaPrefixWithoutDb = "impala::testTableWithImpalaPrefixWithoutDb"
val tableWithImpalaPrefixWithoutDb =
kuduClient.createTable(tableNameWithImpalaPrefixWithoutDb, schema, tableOptions)
val tableNameWithoutImpalaPrefixWithoutDb = "testTableWithoutImpalaPrefixWithoutDb"
val tableWithoutImpalaPrefixWithoutDb =
kuduClient.createTable(tableNameWithoutImpalaPrefixWithoutDb, schema, tableOptions)
insertRows(tableWithImpalaPrefix, rowCount)
insertRows(tableWithoutImpalaPrefix, rowCount)
insertRows(tableWithImpalaPrefixWithoutDb, rowCount)
insertRows(tableWithoutImpalaPrefixWithoutDb, rowCount)
// Backup the four tables
backupAndValidateTable(tableNameWithImpalaPrefix, rowCount, false)
backupAndValidateTable(tableNameWithoutImpalaPrefix, rowCount, false)
backupAndValidateTable(tableNameWithImpalaPrefixWithoutDb, rowCount, false)
backupAndValidateTable(tableNameWithoutImpalaPrefixWithoutDb, rowCount, false)
// Restore with removeImpalaPrefix = true and newDatabase = newDatabase and validate the tables
val withImpalaPrefix =
.copy(removeImpalaPrefix = true, newDatabaseName = "newDatabase")
val rddWithImpalaPrefix =
.kuduRDD(ss.sparkContext, s"newDatabase.testTableWithImpalaPrefix-restore")
assertEquals(rddWithImpalaPrefix.collect.length, rowCount)
val withoutImpalaPrefix =
.copy(removeImpalaPrefix = true, newDatabaseName = "newDatabase")
val rddWithoutImpalaPrefix =
kuduContext.kuduRDD(ss.sparkContext, s"newDatabase.testTableWithoutImpalaPrefix-restore")
assertEquals(rddWithoutImpalaPrefix.collect.length, rowCount)
val withImpalaPrefixWithoutDb =
.copy(removeImpalaPrefix = true, newDatabaseName = "newDatabase")
val rddWithImpalaPrefixWithoutDb =
.kuduRDD(ss.sparkContext, s"newDatabase.testTableWithImpalaPrefixWithoutDb-restore")
assertEquals(rddWithImpalaPrefixWithoutDb.collect.length, rowCount)
val withoutImpalaPrefixWithoutDb =
.copy(removeImpalaPrefix = true, newDatabaseName = "newDatabase")
val rddWithoutImpalaPrefixWithoutDb =
.kuduRDD(ss.sparkContext, s"newDatabase.testTableWithoutImpalaPrefixWithoutDb-restore")
assertEquals(rddWithoutImpalaPrefixWithoutDb.collect.length, rowCount)
def testDeleteIgnore(): Unit = {
* Identical to the above test, but exercising the old session based delete ignore operations,
* ensuring we functionally support the same semantics.
@KuduTestHarness.MasterServerConfig(flags = Array("--master_support_ignore_operations=false"))
def testLegacyDeleteIgnore(): Unit = {
def doDeleteIgnoreTest(): Unit = {
insertRows(table, 100) // Insert data into the default test table.
// Run and validate initial backup.
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 100, false)
// Delete the rows and validate incremental backup.
Range(0, 100).foreach(deleteRow)
backupAndValidateTable(tableName, 100, true)
// When restoring the table, delete half the rows after each job completes.
// This will force delete rows to cause NotFound errors and allow validation
// that they are correctly handled.
val listener = new SparkListener {
override def onJobEnd(jobEnd: SparkListenerJobEnd): Unit = {
val client = kuduContext.syncClient
val table = client.openTable(s"$tableName-restore")
val scanner = kuduContext.syncClient.newScannerBuilder(table).build()
val session = client.newSession()
scanner.asScala.foreach { rr =>
if (rr.getInt("key") % 2 == 0) {
val delete = table.newDelete()
val row = delete.getRow
row.addInt("key", rr.getInt("key"))
restoreAndValidateTable(tableName, 0)
def createPartitionRow(value: Int): PartialRow = {
val row = schema.newPartialRow()
row.addInt("key", value)
def createRandomTable(): KuduTable = {
val columnCount = random.nextInt(50) + 1 // At least one column.
val keyColumnCount = random.nextInt(columnCount) + 1 // At least one key.
val schemaGenerator = new SchemaGeneratorBuilder()
val schema = schemaGenerator.randomSchema()
val options = schemaGenerator.randomCreateTableOptions(schema)
val name = s"random-${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
kuduClient.createTable(name, schema, options)
def loadRandomData(table: KuduTable, maxRows: Int = 200): IndexedSeq[PartialRow] = {
val kuduSession = kuduClient.newSession()
val dataGenerator = new DataGeneratorBuilder()
val rowCount = random.nextInt(maxRows)
(0 to rowCount).map { i =>
val upsert = table.newUpsert()
val row = upsert.getRow
* A convenience method to create backup options for tests.
* We add one millisecond to our target snapshot time (toMs). This will ensure we read all of
* the records in the backup and prevent flaky off-by-one errors. The underlying reason for
* adding 1 ms is that we pass the timestamp in millisecond granularity but the snapshot time
* has microsecond granularity. This means if the test runs fast enough that data is inserted
* with the same millisecond value as nowMs (after truncating the micros) the records inserted
* in the microseconds after truncation could be unread.
def createBackupOptions(
tableNames: Seq[String],
toMs: Long = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1,
fromMs: Long = BackupOptions.DefaultFromMS,
forceFull: Boolean = false): BackupOptions = {
rootPath = rootDir.toUri.toString,
tables = tableNames,
kuduMasterAddresses = harness.getMasterAddressesAsString,
fromMs = fromMs,
toMs = toMs,
forceFull = forceFull
* A convenience method to create backup options for tests.
def createRestoreOptions(
tableNames: Seq[String],
tableSuffix: String = "-restore"): RestoreOptions = {
rootPath = rootDir.toUri.toString,
tables = tableNames,
kuduMasterAddresses = harness.getMasterAddressesAsString,
tableSuffix = tableSuffix
def backupAndValidateTable(
tableName: String,
expectedRowCount: Long,
expectIncremental: Boolean = false) = {
val options = createBackupOptions(Seq(tableName))
// Run the backup.
validateBackup(options, expectedRowCount, expectIncremental)
def runBackup(options: BackupOptions): Boolean = {
// Log the timestamps to simplify flaky debugging."nowMs: ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
val hts = HybridTimeUtil.HTTimestampToPhysicalAndLogical(kuduClient.getLastPropagatedTimestamp)"propagated physicalMicros: ${hts(0)}")"propagated logical: ${hts(1)}"), ss)
def validateBackup(
options: BackupOptions,
expectedRowCount: Long,
expectIncremental: Boolean): Unit = {
val io = new BackupIO(ss.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration, options.rootPath)
val tableName = options.tables.head
val table = harness.getClient.openTable(tableName)
val backupPath = io.backupPath(table.getTableId, table.getName, options.toMs)
val metadataPath = io.backupMetadataPath(backupPath)
val metadata = io.readTableMetadata(metadataPath)
// Verify the backup type.
if (expectIncremental) {
assertNotEquals(metadata.getFromMs, 0)
} else {
assertEquals(metadata.getFromMs, 0)
// Verify the output data.
val schema = BackupUtils.dataSchema(table.getSchema, expectIncremental)
val df =
assertEquals(expectedRowCount, df.collect.length)
def restoreAndValidateTable(tableName: String, expectedRowCount: Long) = {
val options = createRestoreOptions(Seq(tableName))
val restoreTableName = KuduRestore.getRestoreTableName(tableName, options)
val rdd = kuduContext.kuduRDD(ss.sparkContext, s"$restoreTableName")
assertEquals(rdd.collect.length, expectedRowCount)
def runRestore(options: RestoreOptions): Boolean = {, ss)
def validateTablesMatch(tableA: String, tableB: String, ownersMatch: Boolean = true): Unit = {
val tA = kuduClient.openTable(tableA)
val tB = kuduClient.openTable(tableB)
if (ownersMatch) {
assertEquals(tA.getOwner, tB.getOwner)
} else {
assertNotEquals(tA.getOwner, tB.getOwner)
assertNotEquals("", tA.getOwner);
assertEquals(tA.getComment, tB.getComment)
assertEquals(tA.getNumReplicas, tB.getNumReplicas)
assertTrue(schemasMatch(tA.getSchema, tB.getSchema))
assertTrue(partitionSchemasMatch(tA.getPartitionSchema, tB.getPartitionSchema))
def schemasMatch(before: Schema, after: Schema): Boolean = {
if (before eq after) return true
if (before.getColumns.size != after.getColumns.size) return false
(0 until before.getColumns.size).forall { i =>
columnsMatch(before.getColumnByIndex(i), after.getColumnByIndex(i))
def columnsMatch(before: ColumnSchema, after: ColumnSchema): Boolean = {
if (before eq after) return true
Objects.equal(before.getName, after.getName) &&
Objects.equal(before.getType, after.getType) &&
Objects.equal(before.isKey, after.isKey) &&
Objects.equal(before.isNullable, after.isNullable) &&
defaultValuesMatch(before.getDefaultValue, after.getDefaultValue) &&
Objects.equal(before.getDesiredBlockSize, after.getDesiredBlockSize) &&
Objects.equal(before.getEncoding, after.getEncoding) &&
.equal(before.getCompressionAlgorithm, after.getCompressionAlgorithm) &&
Objects.equal(before.getTypeAttributes, after.getTypeAttributes)
Objects.equal(before.getComment, after.getComment)
// Special handling because default values can be a byte array which is not
// handled by Guava's Objects.equals.
// See
def defaultValuesMatch(before: Any, after: Any): Boolean = {
if (before.isInstanceOf[Array[Byte]] && after.isInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]) {
util.Objects.deepEquals(before, after)
} else {
Objects.equal(before, after)
def partitionSchemasMatch(before: PartitionSchema, after: PartitionSchema): Boolean = {
if (before eq after) return true
val beforeBuckets = before.getHashBucketSchemas.asScala
val afterBuckets = after.getHashBucketSchemas.asScala
if (beforeBuckets.size != afterBuckets.size) return false
val hashBucketsMatch = (0 until beforeBuckets.size).forall { i =>
HashBucketSchemasMatch(beforeBuckets(i), afterBuckets(i))
val beforeRangeHashSchemas = before.getRangesWithHashSchemas.asScala
val afterRangeHashSchemas = after.getRangesWithHashSchemas.asScala
if (beforeRangeHashSchemas.size != afterRangeHashSchemas.size) return false
for (i <- 0 until beforeRangeHashSchemas.size) {
val beforeHashSchemas = beforeRangeHashSchemas(i).hashSchemas.asScala
val afterHashSchemas = afterRangeHashSchemas(i).hashSchemas.asScala
if (beforeHashSchemas.size != afterHashSchemas.size) return false
for (j <- 0 until beforeHashSchemas.size) {
if (!HashBucketSchemasMatch(beforeHashSchemas(j), afterHashSchemas(j))) return false
if (!Objects.equal(beforeRangeHashSchemas(i).lowerBound, afterRangeHashSchemas(i).lowerBound)
|| !Objects
.equal(beforeRangeHashSchemas(i).upperBound, afterRangeHashSchemas(i).upperBound))
return false
hashBucketsMatch &&
Objects.equal(before.getRangeSchema.getColumnIds, after.getRangeSchema.getColumnIds)
def HashBucketSchemasMatch(before: HashBucketSchema, after: HashBucketSchema): Boolean = {
if (before eq after) return true
Objects.equal(before.getColumnIds, after.getColumnIds) &&
Objects.equal(before.getNumBuckets, after.getNumBuckets) &&
Objects.equal(before.getSeed, after.getSeed)
* Captures the logs while the wrapped function runs and returns them as a String.
def captureLogs(f: () => Unit): String = {
val logs = new CapturingLogAppender()
val handle = logs.attach()
try {
} finally {