blob: 67fb75028439a3c25e4abe099a306eb1458de52d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags_declare.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/casts.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/stl_util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/constants.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/messenger.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/outbound_call.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/proxy.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/reactor.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/result_tracker.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc-test-base.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_controller.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_header.pb.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_introspection.pb.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_sidecar.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rtest.pb.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/serialization.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/transfer.h"
#include "kudu/security/test/test_certs.h"
#include "kudu/util/countdown_latch.h"
#include "kudu/util/env.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/sockaddr.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/socket.h"
#include "kudu/util/random.h"
#include "kudu/util/random_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/scoped_cleanup.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/stopwatch.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
namespace kudu {
namespace rpc {
class AcceptorPool;
} // namespace rpc
} // namespace kudu
using std::tuple;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::thread;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::vector;
namespace kudu {
using strings::Substitute;
namespace rpc {
// RPC proxies require a hostname to be passed. In this test we're just connecting to
// the wildcard, so we'll hard-code this hostname instead.
static const char* const kRemoteHostName = "localhost";
class TestRpc : public RpcTestBase, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<tuple<bool,bool>> {
TestRpc() {
bool enable_ssl() const {
return std::get<0>(GetParam());
bool use_unix_socket() const {
return std::get<1>(GetParam());
Sockaddr bind_addr() const {
if (use_unix_socket()) {
// Ensure multiple calls to bind_addr work by unlinking the socket file.
// The only way to reuse a socket file is to remove it with unlink().
Sockaddr addr;
return addr;
return Sockaddr::Wildcard();
static string expected_remote_str(const Sockaddr& bound_addr) {
if (bound_addr.is_ip()) {
return Substitute("$0 ($1)", bound_addr.ToString(), kRemoteHostName);
return bound_addr.ToString();
void TearDown() override {
// Ensure we cleanup the socket file on teardown.
std::string socket_path_ = GetTestSocketPath("rpc-test");
// This is used to run all parameterized tests with and without SSL, on Unix sockets
// and TCP.
testing::Combine(testing::Values(false, true),
testing::Values(false, true)),
[](const testing::TestParamInfo<tuple<bool, bool>>& info) {
return Substitute("$0_$1",
std::get<0>(info.param) ? "SSL" : "NoSSL",
std::get<1>(info.param) ? "UnixSocket" : "TCP");
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestMessengerCreateDestroy) {
shared_ptr<Messenger> messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("TestCreateDestroy", &messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
LOG(INFO) << "started messenger " << messenger->name();
// Test starting and stopping a messenger. This is a regression
// test for a segfault seen in early versions of the RPC code,
// in which shutting down the acceptor would trigger an assert,
// making our tests flaky.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestAcceptorPoolStartStop) {
int n_iters = AllowSlowTests() ? 100 : 5;
for (int i = 0; i < n_iters; i++) {
shared_ptr<Messenger> messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("TestAcceptorPoolStartStop", &messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
shared_ptr<AcceptorPool> pool;
ASSERT_OK(messenger->AddAcceptorPool(bind_addr(), &pool));
Sockaddr bound_addr;
if (!use_unix_socket()) {
ASSERT_NE(0, bound_addr.port());
TEST_F(TestRpc, TestConnHeaderValidation) {
MessengerBuilder mb("TestRpc.TestConnHeaderValidation");
const int conn_hdr_len = kMagicNumberLength + kHeaderFlagsLength;
uint8_t buf[conn_hdr_len];
ASSERT_OK(serialization::ValidateConnHeader(Slice(buf, conn_hdr_len)));
// Regression test for KUDU-2041
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestNegotiationDeadlock) {
// The deadlock would manifest in cases where the number of concurrent connection
// requests >= the number of threads. 1 thread and 1 cnxn to ourself is just the easiest
// way to reproduce the issue, because the server negotiation task must get queued after
// the client negotiation task if they share the same thread pool.
MessengerBuilder mb("TestRpc.TestNegotiationDeadlock");
if (enable_ssl()) mb.enable_inbound_tls();
shared_ptr<Messenger> messenger;
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServerWithCustomMessenger(&server_addr, messenger, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
// Test making successful RPC calls.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestCall) {
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to " << server_addr.ToString();
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(p.ToString(), Substitute("kudu.rpc.GenericCalculatorService@"
"{remote=$0, user_credentials=",
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
// Test for KUDU-2091 and KUDU-2220.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestCallWithChainCertAndChainCA) {
// We're only interested in running this test with TLS enabled.
if (!enable_ssl()) return;
string rpc_certificate_file;
string rpc_private_key_file;
string rpc_ca_certificate_file;
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
SCOPED_TRACE(strings::Substitute("Connecting to $0", server_addr.ToString()));
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl(),
rpc_certificate_file, rpc_private_key_file, rpc_ca_certificate_file));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(p.ToString(), strings::Substitute("kudu.rpc.GenericCalculatorService@"
"{remote=$0, user_credentials=",
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
// Test for KUDU-2041.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestCallWithChainCertAndRootCA) {
// We're only interested in running this test with TLS enabled.
if (!enable_ssl()) return;
string rpc_certificate_file;
string rpc_private_key_file;
string rpc_ca_certificate_file;
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
SCOPED_TRACE(strings::Substitute("Connecting to $0", server_addr.ToString()));
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl(),
rpc_certificate_file, rpc_private_key_file, rpc_ca_certificate_file));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(p.ToString(), strings::Substitute("kudu.rpc.GenericCalculatorService@"
"{remote=$0, user_credentials=",
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
// Test making successful RPC calls while using a TLS certificate with a password protected
// private key.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestCallWithPasswordProtectedKey) {
// We're only interested in running this test with TLS enabled.
if (!enable_ssl()) return;
string rpc_certificate_file;
string rpc_private_key_file;
string rpc_ca_certificate_file;
string rpc_private_key_password_cmd;
string passwd;
rpc_ca_certificate_file = rpc_certificate_file;
rpc_private_key_password_cmd = strings::Substitute("echo $0", passwd);
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
SCOPED_TRACE(strings::Substitute("Connecting to $0", server_addr.ToString()));
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl(),
rpc_certificate_file, rpc_private_key_file, rpc_ca_certificate_file,
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(p.ToString(), strings::Substitute("kudu.rpc.GenericCalculatorService@"
"{remote=$0, user_credentials=",
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
// Test that using a TLS certificate with a password protected private key and providing
// the wrong password for that private key, causes a server startup failure.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestCallWithBadPasswordProtectedKey) {
// We're only interested in running this test with TLS enabled.
if (!enable_ssl()) return;
string rpc_certificate_file;
string rpc_private_key_file;
string rpc_ca_certificate_file;
string rpc_private_key_password_cmd;
string passwd;
// Overwrite the password with an invalid one.
passwd = "badpassword";
rpc_ca_certificate_file = rpc_certificate_file;
rpc_private_key_password_cmd = strings::Substitute("echo $0", passwd);
// Verify that the server fails to start up.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
Status s = StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl(), rpc_certificate_file, rpc_private_key_file,
rpc_ca_certificate_file, rpc_private_key_password_cmd);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRuntimeError()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), "failed to load private key file");
// Test that connecting to an invalid server properly throws an error.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestCallToBadServer) {
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Sockaddr addr = Sockaddr::Wildcard();
Proxy p(client_messenger, addr,,
// Loop a few calls to make sure that we properly set up and tear down
// the connections.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Status s = DoTestSyncCall(&p, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName);
LOG(INFO) << "Status: " << s.ToString();
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNetworkError()) << "unexpected status: " << s.ToString();
// Test that RPC calls can be failed with an error status on the server.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestInvalidMethodCall) {
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to " << server_addr.ToString();
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
// Call the method which fails.
Status s = DoTestSyncCall(&p, "ThisMethodDoesNotExist");
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRemoteError()) << "unexpected status: " << s.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), "bad method");
// Test that the error message returned when connecting to the wrong service
// is reasonable.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestWrongService) {
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client with the wrong service name.
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, "localhost", "WrongServiceName");
// Call the method which fails.
Status s = DoTestSyncCall(&p, "ThisMethodDoesNotExist");
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRemoteError()) << "unexpected status: " << s.ToString();
"Service unavailable: service WrongServiceName "
"not registered on TestServer");
// If the server has been marked as having registered all services, we should
// expect a "not found" error instead.
s = DoTestSyncCall(&p, "ThisMethodDoesNotExist");
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRemoteError()) << "unexpected status: " << s.ToString();
"Not found: service WrongServiceName "
"not registered on TestServer");
// Test that we can still make RPC connections even if many fds are in use.
// This is a regression test for KUDU-650.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestHighFDs) {
// This test can only run if ulimit is set high.
const int kNumFakeFiles = 3500;
const int kMinUlimit = kNumFakeFiles + 100;
if (env_->GetResourceLimit(Env::ResourceLimitType::OPEN_FILES_PER_PROCESS) < kMinUlimit) {
LOG(INFO) << "Test skipped: must increase ulimit -n to at least " << kMinUlimit;
// Open a bunch of fds just to increase our fd count.
vector<RandomAccessFile*> fake_files;
ElementDeleter d(&fake_files);
for (int i = 0; i < kNumFakeFiles; i++) {
unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> f;
ASSERT_OK(Env::Default()->NewRandomAccessFile("/dev/zero", &f));
// Set up server and client, and verify we can make a successful call.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
// Test that connections are kept alive between calls.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestConnectionKeepalive) {
// Only run one reactor per messenger, so we can grab the metrics from that
// one without having to check all.
n_server_reactor_threads_ = 1;
keepalive_time_ms_ = 500;
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to " << server_addr.ToString();
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
ReactorMetrics metrics;
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.num_server_connections_) << "Server should have 1 server connection";
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.num_client_connections_) << "Server should have 0 client connections";
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.num_server_connections_) << "Client should have 0 server connections";
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.num_client_connections_) << "Client should have 1 client connections";
SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(2 * keepalive_time_ms_));
// After sleeping, the keepalive timer should have closed both sides of
// the connection.
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.num_server_connections_) << "Server should have 0 server connections";
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.num_client_connections_) << "Server should have 0 client connections";
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.num_server_connections_) << "Client should have 0 server connections";
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.num_client_connections_) << "Client should have 0 client connections";
// Test that idle connection is kept alive when 'keepalive_time_ms_' is set to -1.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestConnectionAlwaysKeepalive) {
// Only run one reactor per messenger, so we can grab the metrics from that
// one without having to check all.
n_server_reactor_threads_ = 1;
keepalive_time_ms_ = -1;
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to " << server_addr.ToString();
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
ReactorMetrics metrics;
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.num_server_connections_) << "Server should have 1 server connection";
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.num_client_connections_) << "Server should have 0 client connections";
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.num_server_connections_) << "Client should have 0 server connections";
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.num_client_connections_) << "Client should have 1 client connections";
// After sleeping, the connection should still be alive.
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.num_server_connections_) << "Server should have 1 server connections";
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.num_client_connections_) << "Server should have 0 client connections";
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.num_server_connections_) << "Client should have 0 server connections";
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.num_client_connections_) << "Client should have 1 client connections";
// Test that the metrics on a per connection level work accurately.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestClientConnectionMetrics) {
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client with one reactor so that we can grab the metrics from just
// that reactor.
LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to " << server_addr.ToString();
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
// Here we queue a bunch of calls to the server and test that the sender's
// OutboundTransfer queue is indeed populated with those calls. Unfortunately,
// we have no surefire way of controlling the queue directly; a fast client
// reactor thread or a slow main thread could cause all of the outbound calls
// to be sent before we test the queue size, even though the server can't yet process them.
// So we repeat the entire exercise until we get a non-zero queue size.
// We'll send several calls asynchronously to force RPC queueing on the sender side.
constexpr int n_calls = 1000;
AddRequestPB add_req;
AddResponsePB add_resp;
string big_string(8 * 1024 * 1024, 'a');
// Send the calls.
vector<unique_ptr<RpcController>> controllers;
CountDownLatch latch(n_calls);
for (int i = 0; i < n_calls; i++) {
unique_ptr<RpcController> rpc(new RpcController());
// Attach a big sidecar so that we are less likely to be able to send the
// whole RPC in a single write() call without queueing it.
int junk;
ASSERT_OK(rpc->AddOutboundSidecar(RpcSidecar::FromSlice(big_string), &junk));
p.AsyncRequest(GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName, add_req, &add_resp,
controllers.back().get(), [&latch]() { latch.CountDown(); });
auto cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&](){
// Test the OutboundTransfer queue.
DumpConnectionsRequestPB dump_req;
DumpConnectionsResponsePB dump_resp;
ASSERT_OK(client_messenger->DumpConnections(dump_req, &dump_resp));
ASSERT_EQ(1, dump_resp.outbound_connections_size());
const auto& conn = dump_resp.outbound_connections(0);
ASSERT_GT(conn.outbound_queue_size(), 0);
#ifdef __linux__
if (!use_unix_socket()) {
// Test that the socket statistics are present. We only assert on those that
// we know to be present on all kernel versions.
ASSERT_GT(conn.socket_stats().rtt(), 0);
ASSERT_GT(conn.socket_stats().rttvar(), 0);
ASSERT_GT(conn.socket_stats().snd_cwnd(), 0);
ASSERT_GT(conn.socket_stats().send_bytes_per_sec(), 0);
// Unblock all of the calls and wait for them to finish.
// Verify that all the RPCs have finished.
for (const auto& controller : controllers) {
// Test that outbound connections to the same server are reopen upon every RPC
// call when the 'rpc_reopen_outbound_connections' flag is set.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestReopenOutboundConnections) {
// Set the flag to enable special mode: close and reopen already established
// outbound connections.
FLAGS_rpc_reopen_outbound_connections = true;
// Only run one reactor per messenger, so we can grab the metrics from that
// one without having to check all.
n_server_reactor_threads_ = 1;
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to " << server_addr.ToString();
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
// Verify the initial counters.
ReactorMetrics metrics;
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_server_connections_);
// Run several iterations, just in case.
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(i + 1, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_server_connections_);
// Test that an outbound connection is closed and a new one is open if going
// from ANY_CREDENTIALS to PRIMARY_CREDENTIALS policy for RPC calls to the same
// destination.
// Test that changing from PRIMARY_CREDENTIALS policy to ANY_CREDENTIALS policy
// re-uses the connection established with PRIMARY_CREDENTIALS policy.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestCredentialsPolicy) {
// Only run one reactor per messenger, so we can grab the metrics from that
// one without having to check all.
n_server_reactor_threads_ = 1;
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to " << server_addr.ToString();
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
// Verify the initial counters.
ReactorMetrics metrics;
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_server_connections_);
// Make an RPC call with ANY_CREDENTIALS policy.
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.num_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.num_client_connections_);
// This is to allow all the data to be sent so the connection becomes idle.
// Make an RPC call with PRIMARY_CREDENTIALS policy. Currently open connection
// with ANY_CREDENTIALS policy should be closed and a new one established
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName,
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(2, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.num_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(2, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.num_client_connections_);
// Make another RPC call with ANY_CREDENTIALS policy. The already established
// connection with PRIMARY_CREDENTIALS policy should be re-used because
// the ANY_CREDENTIALS policy satisfies the PRIMARY_CREDENTIALS policy which
// the currently open connection has been established with.
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(2, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.num_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(2, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.num_client_connections_);
// Test that proxies with different network planes will open separate connections to server.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestConnectionNetworkPlane) {
// Only run one reactor per messenger, so we can grab the metrics from that
// one without having to check all.
n_server_reactor_threads_ = 1;
// Keep the connection alive all the time.
keepalive_time_ms_ = -1;
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up clients with default and non-default network planes.
LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to " << server_addr.ToString();
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p1(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
Proxy p2(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
// Verify the initial counters.
ReactorMetrics metrics;
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.num_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.num_client_connections_);
// Make an RPC call with the default network plane.
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p1, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.num_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(1, metrics.num_client_connections_);
// Make an RPC call with the non-default network plane.
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p2, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(2, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(2, metrics.num_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(2, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(2, metrics.num_client_connections_);
// Make an RPC call with the default network plane again and verify that
// there are no new connections.
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p1, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(2, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(2, metrics.num_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(2, metrics.total_client_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(0, metrics.total_server_connections_);
ASSERT_EQ(2, metrics.num_client_connections_);
// Test that a call which takes longer than the keepalive time
// succeeds -- i.e that we don't consider a connection to be "idle" on the
// server if there is a call outstanding on it.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestCallLongerThanKeepalive) {
// Set a short keepalive.
keepalive_time_ms_ = 1000;
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
// Make a call which sleeps longer than the keepalive.
RpcController controller;
SleepRequestPB req;
req.set_sleep_micros(3 * 1000 * 1000); // 3 seconds.
SleepResponsePB resp;
req, &resp, &controller));
// Test a call which leaves the TCP connection idle for extended period of time
// and verifies that the call succeeds (i.e. the connection is not closed).
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestTCPKeepalive) {
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
FLAGS_tcp_keepalive_probe_period_s = 1;
FLAGS_tcp_keepalive_retry_period_s = 1;
FLAGS_tcp_keepalive_retry_count = 1;
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
// Make a call which sleeps for longer than TCP keepalive probe period,
// triggering TCP keepalive probes.
RpcController controller;
SleepRequestPB req;
req.set_sleep_micros(8 * 1000 * 1000); // 8 seconds.
SleepResponsePB resp;
req, &resp, &controller));
// Test that the RpcSidecar transfers the expected messages.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestRpcSidecar) {
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
// Test a zero-length sidecar
DoTestSidecar(&p, 0, 0);
// Test some small sidecars
DoTestSidecar(&p, 123, 456);
// Test some larger sidecars to verify that we properly handle the case where
// we can't write the whole response to the socket in a single call.
DoTestSidecar(&p, 3000 * 1024, 2000 * 1024);
DoTestOutgoingSidecarExpectOK(&p, 0, 0);
DoTestOutgoingSidecarExpectOK(&p, 123, 456);
DoTestOutgoingSidecarExpectOK(&p, 3000 * 1024, 2000 * 1024);
// Test sending the maximum number of sidecars, each of them being a single
// character. This makes sure we handle the limit of IOV_MAX iovecs per sendmsg
// call.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestMaxSmallSidecars) {
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
Random rng(GetRandomSeed32());
vector<string> strings(TransferLimits::kMaxSidecars);
for (auto& s : strings) {
s = RandomString(2, &rng);
ASSERT_OK(DoTestOutgoingSidecar(&p, strings));
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestRpcSidecarLimits) {
// Test that the limits on the number of sidecars is respected.
RpcController controller;
string s = "foo";
int idx;
for (int i = 0; i < TransferLimits::kMaxSidecars; ++i) {
ASSERT_OK(controller.AddOutboundSidecar(RpcSidecar::FromSlice(Slice(s)), &idx));
RpcSidecar::FromSlice(Slice(s)), &idx).IsRuntimeError());
// Construct a string to use as a maximal payload in following tests
string max_string(TransferLimits::kMaxTotalSidecarBytes, 'a');
// Test that limit on the total size of sidecars is respected. The maximal payload
// reaches the limit exactly.
RpcController controller;
int idx;
ASSERT_OK(controller.AddOutboundSidecar(RpcSidecar::FromSlice(Slice(max_string)), &idx));
// Trying to add another byte will fail.
int dummy = 0;
string s2(1, 'b');
Status max_sidecar_status =
controller.AddOutboundSidecar(RpcSidecar::FromSlice(Slice(s2)), &dummy);
ASSERT_STR_MATCHES(max_sidecar_status.ToString(), "Total size of sidecars");
// Test two cases:
// 1) The RPC has maximal size and exceeds rpc_max_message_size. This tests the
// functionality of rpc_max_message_size. The server will close the connection
// immediately.
// 2) The RPC has maximal size, but rpc_max_message_size has been set to a higher
// value. This tests the client's ability to send the maximal message.
// The server will reject the message after it has been transferred.
// This test is disabled for TSAN due to high memory requirements.
vector<int64_t> rpc_max_message_values;
for (int64_t rpc_max_message_size_val : rpc_max_message_values) {
// Set rpc_max_message_size
FLAGS_rpc_max_message_size = rpc_max_message_size_val;
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
RpcController controller;
// KUDU-2305: Test with a maximal payload to verify that the implementation
// can handle the limits.
int idx;
ASSERT_OK(controller.AddOutboundSidecar(RpcSidecar::FromSlice(Slice(max_string)), &idx));
PushStringsRequestPB request;
PushStringsResponsePB resp;
Status status = p.SyncRequest(GenericCalculatorService::kPushStringsMethodName,
request, &resp, &controller);
ASSERT_TRUE(status.IsNetworkError()) << "Unexpected error: " << status.ToString();
// Remote responds to extra-large payloads by closing the connection.
// Linux
"Connection reset by peer"
// Linux domain socket
"|Broken pipe"
// While reading from socket.
"|recv got EOF from"
// Linux, SSL enabled
"|failed to read from TLS socket"
// macOS, while writing to socket.
"|Protocol wrong type for socket"
// macOS, sendmsg(): the sum of the iov_len values overflows an ssize_t
"|sendmsg error: Invalid argument");
// Test that timeouts are properly handled.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestCallTimeout) {
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
// Test a very short timeout - we expect this will time out while the
// call is still trying to connect, or in the send queue. This was triggering ASAN failures
// before.
NO_FATALS(DoTestExpectTimeout(&p, MonoDelta::FromNanoseconds(1)));
// Test a longer timeout - expect this will time out after we send the request,
// but shorter than our threshold for two-stage timeout handling.
NO_FATALS(DoTestExpectTimeout(&p, MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(200)));
// Test a longer timeout - expect this will trigger the "two-stage timeout"
// code path.
NO_FATALS(DoTestExpectTimeout(&p, MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(1500)));
// Inject 500ms delay in negotiation, and send a call with a short timeout, followed by
// one with a long timeout. The call with the long timeout should succeed even though
// the previous one failed.
// This is a regression test against prior behavior where the connection negotiation
// was assigned the timeout of the first call on that connection. So, if the first
// call had a short timeout, the later call would also inherit the timed-out negotiation.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestCallTimeoutDoesntAffectNegotiation) {
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
FLAGS_rpc_negotiation_inject_delay_ms = 500;
NO_FATALS(DoTestExpectTimeout(&p, MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(50)));
ASSERT_OK(DoTestSyncCall(&p, GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName));
// Only the second call should have been received by the server, because we
// don't bother sending an already-timed-out call.
auto metric_map = server_messenger_->metric_entity()->UnsafeMetricsMapForTests();
auto* metric = FindOrDie(metric_map, &METRIC_rpc_incoming_queue_time).get();
ASSERT_EQ(1, down_cast<Histogram*>(metric)->TotalCount());
static void AcceptAndReadForever(Socket* listen_sock) {
// Accept the TCP connection.
Socket server_sock;
Sockaddr remote;
CHECK_OK(listen_sock->Accept(&server_sock, &remote, 0));
MonoTime deadline = MonoTime::Now() + MonoDelta::FromSeconds(10);
size_t nread;
uint8_t buf[1024];
while (server_sock.BlockingRecv(buf, sizeof(buf), &nread, deadline).ok()) {
// Basic test for methods_by_name(). At the time of writing, this isn't used by
// Kudu, but is used in other projects like Apache Impala.
TEST_F(TestRpc, TestMethodsByName) {
std::unique_ptr<CalculatorService> service(
new CalculatorService(metric_entity_, result_tracker_));
const auto& methods = service->methods_by_name();
ASSERT_EQ(8, methods.size());
// Starts a fake listening socket which never actually negotiates.
// Ensures that the client gets a reasonable status code in this case.
TEST_F(TestRpc, TestNegotiationTimeout) {
// Set up a simple socket server which accepts a connection.
Sockaddr server_addr = Sockaddr::Wildcard();
Socket listen_sock;
ASSERT_OK(StartFakeServer(&listen_sock, &server_addr));
// Create another thread to accept the connection on the fake server.
thread acceptor_thread([&listen_sock]() { AcceptAndReadForever(&listen_sock); });
SCOPED_CLEANUP({ acceptor_thread.join(); });
// Set up client.
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
bool is_negotiation_error = false;
&p, MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100), false, &is_negotiation_error));
// Test that client calls get failed properly when the server they're connected to
// shuts down.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestServerShutsDown) {
// Set up a simple socket server which accepts a connection.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
Socket listen_sock;
ASSERT_OK(StartFakeServer(&listen_sock, &server_addr));
// Set up client.
LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to " << server_addr.ToString();
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
// Send a call.
AddRequestPB req;
AddResponsePB resp;
vector<unique_ptr<RpcController>> controllers;
// We'll send several calls async, and ensure that they all
// get the error status when the connection drops.
int n_calls = 5;
CountDownLatch latch(n_calls);
for (int i = 0; i < n_calls; i++) {
controllers.emplace_back(new RpcController());
p.AsyncRequest(GenericCalculatorService::kAddMethodName, req, &resp, controllers.back().get(),
[&latch]() { latch.CountDown(); });
// Accept the TCP connection.
Socket server_sock;
Sockaddr remote;
ASSERT_OK(listen_sock.Accept(&server_sock, &remote, 0));
// The call is still in progress at this point.
for (const auto& controller : controllers) {
// Shut down the socket.
// Wait for the call to be marked finished.
// Should get the appropriate error on the client for all calls;
for (const auto& controller : controllers) {
Status s = controller->status();
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNetworkError()) <<
"Unexpected status: " << s.ToString();
// Any of these errors could happen, depending on whether we were
// in the middle of sending a call while the connection died, or
// if we were already waiting for responses.
// ECONNREFUSED is possible because the sending of the calls is async.
// For example, the following interleaving:
// - Enqueue 3 calls
// - Reactor wakes up, creates connection, starts writing calls
// - Enqueue 2 more calls
// - Shut down socket
// - Reactor wakes up, tries to write more of the first 3 calls, gets error
// - Reactor shuts down connection
// - Reactor sees the 2 remaining calls, makes a new connection
// - Because the socket is shut down, gets ECONNREFUSED.
// EINVAL is possible if the controller socket had already disconnected by
// the time it trys to set the SO_SNDTIMEO socket option as part of the
// normal blocking SASL handshake.
// ENOTCONN is possible simply because the server closes the connection
// after the connection is established.
ASSERT_TRUE(s.posix_code() == EPIPE ||
s.posix_code() == ECONNRESET ||
s.posix_code() == ESHUTDOWN ||
s.posix_code() == ECONNREFUSED ||
s.posix_code() == EINVAL ||
s.posix_code() == ENOTCONN)
<< "Unexpected status: " << s.ToString();
// Test handler latency metric.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestRpcHandlerLatencyMetric) {
constexpr uint64_t sleep_micros = 20 * 1000;
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServerWithGeneratedCode(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
RpcController controller;
SleepRequestPB req;
SleepResponsePB resp;
ASSERT_OK(p.SyncRequest("Sleep", req, &resp, &controller));
const unordered_map<const MetricPrototype*, scoped_refptr<Metric> > metric_map =
scoped_refptr<Histogram> latency_histogram = down_cast<Histogram*>(
scoped_refptr<Counter> queue_overflow_rejections = down_cast<Counter*>(
LOG(INFO) << "Sleep() min lat: " << latency_histogram->MinValueForTests();
LOG(INFO) << "Sleep() mean lat: " << latency_histogram->MeanValueForTests();
LOG(INFO) << "Sleep() max lat: " << latency_histogram->MaxValueForTests();
LOG(INFO) << "Sleep() #calls: " << latency_histogram->TotalCount();
ASSERT_EQ(1, latency_histogram->TotalCount());
ASSERT_EQ(0, queue_overflow_rejections->value());
ASSERT_GE(latency_histogram->MaxValueForTests(), sleep_micros);
ASSERT_TRUE(latency_histogram->MinValueForTests() == latency_histogram->MaxValueForTests());
// TODO: Implement an incoming queue latency test.
// For now we just assert that the metric exists.
ASSERT_TRUE(FindOrDie(metric_map, &METRIC_rpc_incoming_queue_time));
static void DestroyMessengerCallback(shared_ptr<Messenger>* messenger,
CountDownLatch* latch) {
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestRpcCallbackDestroysMessenger) {
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Sockaddr bad_addr = Sockaddr::Wildcard();
CountDownLatch latch(1);
AddRequestPB req;
AddResponsePB resp;
RpcController controller;
Proxy p(client_messenger, bad_addr, "xxx-host", "xxx-service");
p.AsyncRequest("my-fake-method", req, &resp, &controller,
[&client_messenger, &latch]() {
DestroyMessengerCallback(&client_messenger, &latch);
// Test that setting the client timeout / deadline gets propagated to RPC
// services.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestRpcContextClientDeadline) {
const uint64_t sleep_micros = 20 * 1000;
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServerWithGeneratedCode(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
SleepRequestPB req;
SleepResponsePB resp;
RpcController controller;
Status s = p.SyncRequest("Sleep", req, &resp, &controller);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRemoteError()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), "Missing required timeout");
ASSERT_OK(p.SyncRequest("Sleep", req, &resp, &controller));
// Test that setting an call-level application feature flag to an unknown value
// will make the server reject the call.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestApplicationFeatureFlag) {
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServerWithGeneratedCode(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
{ // Supported flag
AddRequestPB req;
AddResponsePB resp;
RpcController controller;
Status s = p.SyncRequest("Add", req, &resp, &controller);
SCOPED_TRACE(strings::Substitute("supported response: $0", s.ToString()));
ASSERT_EQ(resp.result(), 3);
{ // Unsupported flag
AddRequestPB req;
AddResponsePB resp;
RpcController controller;
Status s = p.SyncRequest("Add", req, &resp, &controller);
SCOPED_TRACE(strings::Substitute("unsupported response: $0", s.ToString()));
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRemoteError()) << s.ToString();
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestApplicationFeatureFlagUnsupportedServer) {
auto savedFlags = kSupportedServerRpcFeatureFlags;
SCOPED_CLEANUP({ kSupportedServerRpcFeatureFlags = savedFlags; });
kSupportedServerRpcFeatureFlags = {};
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServerWithGeneratedCode(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
{ // Required flag
AddRequestPB req;
AddResponsePB resp;
RpcController controller;
Status s = p.SyncRequest("Add", req, &resp, &controller);
SCOPED_TRACE(strings::Substitute("supported response: $0", s.ToString()));
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotSupported()) << s.ToString();
{ // No required flag
AddRequestPB req;
AddResponsePB resp;
RpcController controller;
Status s = p.SyncRequest("Add", req, &resp, &controller);
SCOPED_TRACE(strings::Substitute("supported response: $0", s.ToString()));
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestCancellation) {
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to " << server_addr.ToString();
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
int timeout_ms = 10;
for (int i = OutboundCall::READY; i <= OutboundCall::FINISHED_SUCCESS; ++i) {
FLAGS_rpc_inject_cancellation_state = i;
switch (i) {
case OutboundCall::READY:
case OutboundCall::ON_OUTBOUND_QUEUE:
case OutboundCall::SENDING:
case OutboundCall::SENT:
ASSERT_TRUE(DoTestOutgoingSidecar(&p, 0, 0).IsAborted());
ASSERT_TRUE(DoTestOutgoingSidecar(&p, 123, 456).IsAborted());
ASSERT_TRUE(DoTestOutgoingSidecar(&p, 3000 * 1024, 2000 * 1024).IsAborted());
DoTestExpectTimeout(&p, MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(timeout_ms), true);
case OutboundCall::TIMED_OUT:
DoTestExpectTimeout(&p, MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(1000));
case OutboundCall::CANCELLED:
case OutboundCall::FINISHED_ERROR: {
AddRequestPB req;
AddResponsePB resp;
RpcController controller;
Status s = p.SyncRequest("Add", req, &resp, &controller);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRemoteError()) << s.ToString();
case OutboundCall::FINISHED_SUCCESS:
DoTestOutgoingSidecarExpectOK(&p, 0, 0);
DoTestOutgoingSidecarExpectOK(&p, 123, 456);
DoTestOutgoingSidecarExpectOK(&p, 3000 * 1024, 2000 * 1024);
// Sleep briefly to ensure the timeout tests have a chance for the timeouts to trigger.
SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(timeout_ms * 2));
#define TEST_PAYLOAD_SIZE (1 << 23)
#define TEST_SLEEP_TIME_MS (500)
static void SleepCallback(uint8_t* payload, CountDownLatch* latch) {
// Overwrites the payload which the sidecar is pointing to. The server
// checks if the payload matches the expected pattern to detect cases
// in which the payload is overwritten while it's being sent.
memset(payload, 0, TEST_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
// Test to verify that sidecars aren't corrupted when cancelling an async RPC.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestCancellationAsync) {
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to " << server_addr.ToString();
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
RpcController controller;
// The payload to be used during the RPC.
unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> payload(new uint8_t[TEST_PAYLOAD_SIZE]);
// Used to generate sleep time between invoking RPC and requesting cancellation.
Random rand(SeedRandom());
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
SleepWithSidecarRequestPB req;
SleepWithSidecarResponsePB resp;
// Initialize the payload with non-zero pattern.
memset(payload.get(), 0xff, TEST_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
req.set_num_repetitions(TEST_PAYLOAD_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t));
int idx;
Slice s(payload.get(), TEST_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
ASSERT_OK(controller.AddOutboundSidecar(RpcSidecar::FromSlice(s), &idx));
CountDownLatch latch(1);
auto* payload_raw = payload.get();
req, &resp, &controller,
[payload_raw, &latch]() { SleepCallback(payload_raw, &latch); });
// Sleep for a while before cancelling the RPC.
if (i > 0) SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(rand.Uniform64(i * 30)));
ASSERT_TRUE(controller.status().IsAborted() || controller.status().ok());
// This function loops for 40 iterations and for each iteration, sends an async RPC
// and sleeps for some time between 1 to 100 microseconds before cancelling the RPC.
// This serves as a helper function for TestCancellationMultiThreads() to exercise
// cancellation when there are concurrent RPCs.
static void SendAndCancelRpcs(Proxy* p, const Slice& slice) {
RpcController controller;
// Used to generate sleep time between invoking RPC and requesting cancellation.
Random rand(SeedRandom());
auto end_time = MonoTime::Now() + MonoDelta::FromSeconds(
AllowSlowTests() ? 15 : 3);
int i = 0;
while (MonoTime::Now() < end_time) {
PushStringsRequestPB request;
PushStringsResponsePB resp;
int idx;
CHECK_OK(controller.AddOutboundSidecar(RpcSidecar::FromSlice(slice), &idx));
CHECK_OK(controller.AddOutboundSidecar(RpcSidecar::FromSlice(slice), &idx));
CountDownLatch latch(1);
request, &resp, &controller,
[&latch]() { latch.CountDown(); });
if ((i++ % 8) != 0) {
// Sleep for a while before cancelling the RPC.
CHECK(controller.status().IsAborted() || controller.status().IsServiceUnavailable() ||
controller.status().ok()) << controller.status().ToString();
// Test to exercise cancellation when there are multiple concurrent RPCs from the
// same client to the same server.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestCancellationMultiThreads) {
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to " << server_addr.ToString();
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
// Buffer used for sidecars by SendAndCancelRpcs().
string buf(16 * 1024 * 1024, 'a');
Slice slice(buf);
// Start a bunch of threads which invoke async RPC and cancellation.
constexpr int kNumThreads = 30;
vector<thread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumThreads; ++i) {
threads.emplace_back([&p, slice]() { SendAndCancelRpcs(&p, slice); });
// Wait for all threads to complete.
for (auto& t : threads) {
// Test performance of Ipv4 vs unix sockets.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestPerformanceBySocketType) {
static constexpr int kNumMb = 1024;
static constexpr int kMbPerRpc = 4;
static_assert(kNumMb % kMbPerRpc == 0, "total should be a multiple of per-RPC");
const vector<string> sidecars = { string(kMbPerRpc * 1024 * 1024, 'x') };
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
LOG(INFO) << "Connecting to " << server_addr.ToString();
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Stopwatch sw(Stopwatch::ALL_THREADS);
for (int i = 0; i < kNumMb / kMbPerRpc; i++) {
DoTestOutgoingSidecar(&p, sidecars);
LOG(INFO) << strings::Substitute(
"Sending $0MB via $1$2 socket: $3",
enable_ssl() ? "ssl-enabled " : "",
use_unix_socket() ? "unix" : "tcp",
// Test that call_id is returned in call response and accessible through RpcController.
TEST_P(TestRpc, TestCallId) {
// Set up server.
Sockaddr server_addr = bind_addr();
ASSERT_OK(StartTestServer(&server_addr, enable_ssl()));
// Set up client.
shared_ptr<Messenger> client_messenger;
ASSERT_OK(CreateMessenger("Client", &client_messenger, 1, enable_ssl()));
Proxy p(client_messenger, server_addr, kRemoteHostName,
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
AddRequestPB req;
RpcController controller;
AddResponsePB resp;
req, &resp, &controller));
ASSERT_EQ(req.x() + req.y(), resp.result());
ASSERT_EQ(i, controller.call_id());
} // namespace rpc
} // namespace kudu