blob: cdf3a07b792c0bdb273f3d14dd74eaa55ff8b174 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/client/client.h"
#include "kudu/client/schema.h"
#include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.h"
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.proxy.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/metadata.pb.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/join.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/integration-tests/cluster_itest_util.h"
#include "kudu/integration-tests/cluster_verifier.h"
#include "kudu/master/master.h"
#include "kudu/master/master.pb.h"
#include "kudu/master/master.proxy.h"
#include "kudu/master/sys_catalog.h"
#include "kudu/mini-cluster/external_mini_cluster.h"
#include "kudu/mini-cluster/mini_cluster.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_controller.h"
#include "kudu/tools/tool_test_util.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tserver.pb.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/net_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/sockaddr.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/socket.h"
#include "kudu/util/random.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
using kudu::client::KuduClient;
using kudu::client::KuduColumnSchema;
using kudu::client::KuduSchema;
using kudu::client::KuduSchemaBuilder;
using kudu::client::KuduTableCreator;
using kudu::client::sp::shared_ptr;
using kudu::cluster::ExternalDaemonOptions;
using kudu::cluster::ExternalMaster;
using kudu::cluster::ExternalMiniCluster;
using kudu::cluster::ExternalMiniClusterOptions;
using kudu::cluster::MiniCluster;
using kudu::consensus::LeaderStepDownRequestPB;
using kudu::consensus::LeaderStepDownResponsePB;
using kudu::rpc::RpcController;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::tuple;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::unordered_set;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace master {
static Status CreateTable(ExternalMiniCluster* cluster,
const std::string& table_name) {
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
RETURN_NOT_OK(cluster->CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
KuduSchema schema;
KuduSchemaBuilder b;
unique_ptr<KuduTableCreator> table_creator(client->NewTableCreator());
return table_creator->table_name(table_name)
.set_range_partition_columns({ "key" })
// Test class for testing addition/removal of masters to a Kudu cluster.
class DynamicMultiMasterTest : public KuduTest {
void SetUpWithNumMasters(int num_masters) {
// Initial number of masters in the cluster before adding a master.
orig_num_masters_ = num_masters;
// Reserving a port upfront for the new master that'll be added to the cluster.
ASSERT_OK(MiniCluster::ReserveDaemonSocket(MiniCluster::MASTER, orig_num_masters_ /* index */,
kDefaultBindMode, &reserved_socket_));
reserved_hp_ = HostPort(reserved_addr_);
reserved_hp_str_ = reserved_hp_.ToString();
void StartCluster(const vector<string>& extra_master_flags,
bool supply_single_master_addr = true) {
opts_.num_masters = orig_num_masters_;
opts_.supply_single_master_addr = supply_single_master_addr;
opts_.extra_master_flags = extra_master_flags;
cluster_.reset(new ExternalMiniCluster(opts_));
// Bring up a cluster with bunch of tables and ensure the system catalog WAL
// has been GC'ed.
// Out parameter 'master_hps' returns the HostPort of the masters in the original
// cluster.
void StartClusterWithSysCatalogGCed(vector<HostPort>* master_hps,
const vector<string>& extra_flags = {}) {
// Using low values of log flush threshold and segment size to trigger GC of the
// sys catalog WAL
vector<string> flags = {"--master_support_change_config", "--flush_threshold_secs=0",
flags.insert(flags.end(), extra_flags.begin(), extra_flags.end());
// Verify that masters are running as VOTERs and collect their addresses to be used
// for starting the new master.
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, master_hps));
// Function to fetch the GC count of the system catalog WAL.
auto get_sys_catalog_wal_gc_count = [&] (int master_idx) {
int64_t sys_catalog_wal_gc_count = 0;
return sys_catalog_wal_gc_count;
vector<int64_t> orig_gc_count(orig_num_masters_);
for (int master_idx = 0; master_idx < orig_num_masters_; master_idx++) {
orig_gc_count[master_idx] = get_sys_catalog_wal_gc_count(master_idx);
// Function to compute whether all masters have updated the system catalog WAL GC count.
// Ideally we could just check against the leader master but the leader master could
// potentially change hence checking across all masters.
auto all_masters_updated_wal_gc_count = [&] {
int num_masters_gc_updated = 0;
for (int master_idx = 0; master_idx < orig_num_masters_; master_idx++) {
if (get_sys_catalog_wal_gc_count(master_idx) > orig_gc_count[master_idx]) {
return num_masters_gc_updated == orig_num_masters_;
// Create a bunch of tables to ensure sys catalog WAL gets GC'ed.
// Need to create around 1k tables even with lowest flush threshold and log segment size.
int i;
bool wal_gc_counts_updated = false;
for (i = 1; i < 1000; i++) {
if (all_masters_updated_wal_gc_count()) {
wal_gc_counts_updated = true;
string table_name = Substitute("Table.$0.$1", CURRENT_TEST_NAME(), std::to_string(i));
ASSERT_OK(CreateTable(cluster_.get(), table_name));
LOG(INFO) << "Number of tables created: " << i - 1;
if (wal_gc_counts_updated) {
// We are done here and no need to wait further.
MonoTime deadline = MonoTime::Now() + MonoDelta::FromSeconds(2);
while (MonoTime::Now() < deadline) {
if (all_masters_updated_wal_gc_count()) {
wal_gc_counts_updated = true;
ASSERT_TRUE(wal_gc_counts_updated) << "Timed out waiting for system catalog WAL to be GC'ed";
// Functor that takes a leader_master_idx and runs the desired master RPC against
// the leader master returning the RPC status and the optional MasterErrorPB::Code.
typedef std::function<
std::pair<Status, boost::optional<MasterErrorPB::Code>>(int leader_master_idx)> MasterRPC;
// Helper function that runs the master RPC against the leader master and retries the RPC
// if the expected leader master returns NOT_THE_LEADER error due to leadership change.
// Returns a single combined Status:
// - RPC return status if not OK.
// - IllegalState for a master response error other than NOT_THE_LEADER error.
// - TimedOut if all attempts to run the RPC against leader master are exhausted.
// - OK if the master RPC is successful.
Status RunLeaderMasterRPC(const MasterRPC& master_rpc, ExternalMiniCluster* cluster = nullptr) {
if (cluster == nullptr) {
cluster = cluster_.get();
int64_t time_left_to_sleep_msecs = 2000;
while (time_left_to_sleep_msecs > 0) {
int leader_master_idx;
const auto& rpc_result = master_rpc(leader_master_idx);
const auto& master_error = rpc_result.second;
if (!master_error) {
return Status::OK();
if (master_error != MasterErrorPB::NOT_THE_LEADER) {
// Some other master error.
return Status::IllegalState(Substitute("Master error: $0"),
// NOT_THE_LEADER error, so retry after some duration.
static const MonoDelta kSleepDuration = MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100);
time_left_to_sleep_msecs -= kSleepDuration.ToMilliseconds();
return Status::TimedOut("Failed contacting the right leader master after multiple attempts");
// Run ListMasters RPC, retrying on leadership change, returning the response in 'resp'.
void RunListMasters(ListMastersResponsePB* resp, ExternalMiniCluster* cluster = nullptr) {
if (cluster == nullptr) {
cluster = cluster_.get();
auto list_masters = [&] (int leader_master_idx) {
ListMastersRequestPB req;
RpcController rpc;
Status s = cluster->master_proxy(leader_master_idx)->ListMasters(req, resp, &rpc);
boost::optional<MasterErrorPB::Code> err_code(resp->has_error(), resp->error().code());
return std::make_pair(s, err_code);
ASSERT_OK(RunLeaderMasterRPC(list_masters, cluster));
// Verify the ExternalMiniCluster 'cluster' contains 'num_masters' and return the master
// addresses in 'master_hps'.
void VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(int num_masters, vector<HostPort>* master_hps,
ExternalMiniCluster* cluster = nullptr) {
ListMastersResponsePB resp;
NO_FATALS(RunListMasters(&resp, cluster));
ASSERT_EQ(num_masters, resp.masters_size());
for (const auto& master : resp.masters()) {
ASSERT_TRUE(master.role() == consensus::RaftPeerPB::LEADER ||
master.role() == consensus::RaftPeerPB::FOLLOWER);
ASSERT_EQ(consensus::RaftPeerPB::VOTER, master.member_type());
ASSERT_EQ(1, master.registration().rpc_addresses_size());
// Brings up a new master where 'master_hps' contains master addresses including
// the new master to be added.
void StartNewMaster(const vector<HostPort>& master_hps,
bool master_supports_change_config = true) {
vector<string> master_addresses;
for (const auto& hp : master_hps) {
// Start with an existing master daemon's options, but modify them for use in a new master
ExternalDaemonOptions new_master_opts = cluster_->master(0)->opts();
const string new_master_id = Substitute("master-$0", orig_num_masters_);
new_master_opts.wal_dir = cluster_->GetWalPath(new_master_id);
new_master_opts.data_dirs = cluster_->GetDataPaths(new_master_id);
new_master_opts.log_dir = cluster_->GetLogPath(new_master_id);
new_master_opts.rpc_bind_address = reserved_hp_;
auto& flags = new_master_opts.extra_flags;
{"--master_addresses=" + JoinStrings(master_addresses, ","),
"--master_address_add_new_master=" + reserved_hp_str_});
LOG(INFO) << "Bringing up the new master at: " << reserved_hp_str_;
new_master_.reset(new ExternalMaster(new_master_opts));
new MasterServiceProxy(new_master_opts.messenger, reserved_addr_,;
GetMasterRegistrationRequestPB req;
GetMasterRegistrationResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
ASSERT_OK(new_master_proxy_->GetMasterRegistration(req, &resp, &rpc));
if (master_supports_change_config) {
ASSERT_EQ(consensus::RaftPeerPB::NON_VOTER, resp.member_type());
ASSERT_EQ(consensus::RaftPeerPB::LEARNER, resp.role());
} else {
// For a new master brought that doesn't support change config, it'll be started
// as a VOTER and become FOLLOWER if the other masters are reachable.
ASSERT_EQ(consensus::RaftPeerPB::VOTER, resp.member_type());
ASSERT_EQ(consensus::RaftPeerPB::FOLLOWER, resp.role());
// Verify the cluster still has the same number of masters.
ListMastersResponsePB resp;
ASSERT_EQ(orig_num_masters_, resp.masters_size());
// Fetch a follower (non-leader) master index from the cluster.
Status GetFollowerMasterIndex(int* follower_master_idx) {
int leader_master_idx;
int follower = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < cluster_->num_masters(); i++) {
if (i != leader_master_idx) {
follower = i;
if (follower == -1) {
return Status::NotFound("No follower master found");
*follower_master_idx = follower;
return Status::OK();
// Adds the specified master to the cluster using the CLI tool.
// Unset 'master' can be used to indicate to not supply master address.
// Optional 'wait_secs' can be used to supply wait timeout to the master add CLI tool.
// Returns generic RuntimeError() on failure with the actual error in the optional 'err'
// output parameter.
Status AddMasterToClusterUsingCLITool(const HostPort& master, string* err = nullptr,
int wait_secs = 0) {
auto hps = cluster_->master_rpc_addrs();
vector<string> addresses;
for (const auto& hp : hps) {
vector<string> cmd = {"master", "add", JoinStrings(addresses, ",")};
if (master.Initialized()) {
if (wait_secs != 0) {
cmd.emplace_back("-wait_secs=" + std::to_string(wait_secs));
RETURN_NOT_OK(tools::RunKuduTool(cmd, nullptr, err));
// master add CLI doesn't return an error if the master is already present.
// So don't try adding to the ExternalMiniCluster.
if (err != nullptr && err->find("Master already present") != string::npos) {
return Status::OK();
return cluster_->AddMaster(new_master_);
// Removes the specified master from the cluster using the CLI tool.
// Unset 'master_to_remove' can be used to indicate to not supply master address.
// Returns generic RuntimeError() on failure with the actual error in the optional 'err'
// output parameter.
Status RemoveMasterFromClusterUsingCLITool(const HostPort& master_to_remove,
string* err = nullptr,
const string& master_uuid = "") {
auto hps = cluster_->master_rpc_addrs();
vector<string> addresses;
for (const auto& hp : hps) {
vector<string> args = {"master", "remove", JoinStrings(addresses, ",")};
if (master_to_remove.Initialized()) {
if (!master_uuid.empty()) {
args.push_back("--master_uuid=" + master_uuid);
RETURN_NOT_OK(tools::RunKuduTool(args, nullptr, err));
return cluster_->RemoveMaster(master_to_remove);
// Verify one of the 'expected_roles' and 'expected_member_type' of the new master by
// making RPC to it directly.
void VerifyNewMasterDirectly(const set<consensus::RaftPeerPB::Role>& expected_roles,
consensus::RaftPeerPB::MemberType expected_member_type) {
GetMasterRegistrationRequestPB req;
GetMasterRegistrationResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
ASSERT_OK(new_master_proxy_->GetMasterRegistration(req, &resp, &rpc));
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsKey(expected_roles, resp.role()));
ASSERT_EQ(expected_member_type, resp.member_type());
// Fetch consensus state of the leader master.
void GetLeaderMasterConsensusState(consensus::RaftConfigPB* consensus_config) {
int leader_master_idx;
auto leader_master_addr = cluster_->master(leader_master_idx)->bound_rpc_addr();
consensus::ConsensusServiceProxy consensus_proxy(cluster_->messenger(), leader_master_addr,;
consensus::GetConsensusStateRequestPB req;
consensus::GetConsensusStateResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
ASSERT_OK(consensus_proxy.GetConsensusState(req, &resp, &rpc));
ASSERT_EQ(1, resp.tablets_size());
// Lookup the new_master from the consensus state of the system catalog.
const auto& sys_catalog = resp.tablets(0);
ASSERT_EQ(master::SysCatalogTable::kSysCatalogTabletId, sys_catalog.tablet_id());
const auto& cstate = sys_catalog.cstate();
*consensus_config = cstate.has_pending_config() ?
cstate.pending_config() : cstate.committed_config();
// Verify the newly added master is in FAILED_UNRECOVERABLE state and can't be caught up
// from WAL.
void VerifyNewMasterInFailedUnrecoverableState() {
consensus::RaftConfigPB config;
ASSERT_EQ(orig_num_masters_ + 1, config.peers_size());
int num_new_masters_found = 0;
for (const auto& peer : config.peers()) {
if (peer.permanent_uuid() == new_master_->uuid()) {
ASSERT_EQ(1, num_new_masters_found);
void VerifyDeadMasterInSpecifiedState(const string& dead_master_uuid,
consensus::HealthReportPB::HealthStatus expected_state) {
consensus::RaftConfigPB config;
ASSERT_EQ(orig_num_masters_, config.peers_size());
bool dead_master_found = false;
for (const auto& peer : config.peers()) {
if (peer.permanent_uuid() == dead_master_uuid) {
dead_master_found = true;
ASSERT_EQ(expected_state, peer.health_report().overall_health());
// Initiates leadership transfer to the specified master returning status of the asynchronous
// request.
static Status TransferMasterLeadershipAsync(ExternalMiniCluster* cluster,
const string& master_uuid) {
LOG(INFO) << "Transferring leadership to master: " << master_uuid;
int leader_master_idx;
auto leader_master_addr = cluster->master(leader_master_idx)->bound_rpc_addr();
consensus::ConsensusServiceProxy consensus_proxy(cluster->messenger(), leader_master_addr,;
LeaderStepDownRequestPB req;
LeaderStepDownResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
RETURN_NOT_OK(consensus_proxy.LeaderStepDown(req, &resp, &rpc));
if (resp.has_error()) {
return StatusFromPB(resp.error().status());
return Status::OK();
// Transfers leadership among masters in the 'cluster' to the specified 'new_master_uuid'
// verifies the transfer is successful.
static void TransferMasterLeadership(ExternalMiniCluster* cluster,
const string& new_master_uuid) {
ASSERT_OK(TransferMasterLeadershipAsync(cluster, new_master_uuid));
// LeaderStepDown request is asynchronous, hence using ASSERT_EVENTUALLY.
int leader_master_idx = -1;
ASSERT_EQ(new_master_uuid, cluster->master(leader_master_idx)->uuid());
// Verification steps after the new master has been added successfully and it's promoted
// as VOTER. The supplied 'master_hps' includes the new_master as well.
void VerifyClusterAfterMasterAddition(const vector<HostPort>& master_hps) {
// Collect information about the cluster for verification later before shutting
// it down.
UnorderedHostPortSet master_hps_set(master_hps.begin(), master_hps.end());
ASSERT_EQ(master_hps.size(), master_hps_set.size()) << "Duplicates found in master_hps";
unordered_set<string> master_uuids;
for (int i = 0; i < cluster_->num_masters(); i++) {
// Shutdown the cluster and the new master daemon process.
// This allows ExternalMiniCluster to manage the newly added master and allows
// client to connect to the new master if it's elected the leader.
LOG(INFO) << "Shutting down the old cluster";
LOG(INFO) << "Bringing up the migrated cluster";
opts_.num_masters = orig_num_masters_ + 1;
opts_.master_rpc_addresses = master_hps;
ExternalMiniCluster migrated_cluster(opts_);
for (int i = 0; i < migrated_cluster.num_masters(); i++) {
// Verify the cluster still has the same 3 masters.
ListMastersResponsePB resp;
NO_FATALS(RunListMasters(&resp, &migrated_cluster));
ASSERT_EQ(orig_num_masters_ + 1, resp.masters_size());
UnorderedHostPortSet hps_found;
unordered_set<string> uuids_found;
for (const auto& master : resp.masters()) {
ASSERT_EQ(consensus::RaftPeerPB::VOTER, master.member_type());
ASSERT_TRUE(master.role() == consensus::RaftPeerPB::LEADER ||
master.role() == consensus::RaftPeerPB::FOLLOWER);
ASSERT_EQ(1, master.registration().rpc_addresses_size());
HostPort actual_hp = HostPortFromPB(master.registration().rpc_addresses(0));
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsKey(master_hps_set, actual_hp));
ASSERT_TRUE(ContainsKey(master_uuids, master.instance_id().permanent_uuid()));
ASSERT_EQ(master_hps_set, hps_found);
ASSERT_EQ(master_uuids, uuids_found);
// Transfer leadership to the new master.
NO_FATALS(TransferMasterLeadership(&migrated_cluster, new_master_->uuid()));
shared_ptr<KuduClient> client;
ASSERT_OK(migrated_cluster.CreateClient(nullptr, &client));
ClusterVerifier cv(&migrated_cluster);
LOG(INFO) << "Verifying the first table";
NO_FATALS(cv.CheckRowCount(kTableName, ClusterVerifier::EXACTLY, 0));
LOG(INFO) << "Creating and verifying the second table";
// Perform an operation that requires replication to masters.
ASSERT_OK(CreateTable(&migrated_cluster, "second_table"));
NO_FATALS(cv.CheckRowCount("second_table", ClusterVerifier::EXACTLY, 0));
// Pause one master at a time and create table at the same time which will allow
// new leader to be elected if the paused master is a leader.
// Need at least 3 masters to form consensus and elect a new leader.
if (orig_num_masters_ + 1 >= 3) {
LOG(INFO) << "Pausing and resuming individual masters";
string table_name = kTableName;
for (int i = 0; i < orig_num_masters_ + 1; i++) {
cluster::ScopedResumeExternalDaemon resume_daemon(migrated_cluster.master(i));
NO_FATALS(cv.CheckRowCount(table_name, ClusterVerifier::EXACTLY, 0));
// See MasterFailoverTest.TestCreateTableSync to understand why we must
// check for IsAlreadyPresent as well.
table_name = Substitute("table-$0", i);
Status s = CreateTable(&migrated_cluster, table_name);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok() || s.IsAlreadyPresent());
// Function to prevent leadership changes among masters for quick tests.
void DisableMasterLeadershipTransfer() {
for (int i = 0 ; i < cluster_->num_masters(); i++) {
// Starting the cluster with following flag leads to a case sometimes
// wherein no leader gets elected leading to failure in ConnectToMaster() RPC.
// So instead set the flag after the cluster is running.
"leader_failure_max_missed_heartbeat_periods", "10.0"));
// Tracks the current number of masters in the cluster
int orig_num_masters_;
ExternalMiniClusterOptions opts_;
unique_ptr<ExternalMiniCluster> cluster_;
// Socket, HostPort, proxy etc. for the new master to be added
unique_ptr<Socket> reserved_socket_;
Sockaddr reserved_addr_;
HostPort reserved_hp_;
string reserved_hp_str_;
unique_ptr<MasterServiceProxy> new_master_proxy_;
scoped_refptr<ExternalMaster> new_master_;
static const char* const kTableName;
const char* const DynamicMultiMasterTest::kTableName = "first_table";
// Parameterized DynamicMultiMasterTest class that works with different initial number of masters.
class ParameterizedAddMasterTest : public DynamicMultiMasterTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<int> {
void SetUp() override {
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(, ParameterizedAddMasterTest,
// Initial number of masters in the cluster before adding a new master
::testing::Values(1, 2));
// This test starts a cluster, creates a table and then adds a new master.
// For a system catalog with little data, the new master can be caught up from WAL and
// promoted to a VOTER without requiring tablet copy.
TEST_P(ParameterizedAddMasterTest, TestAddMasterCatchupFromWAL) {
// Verify that masters are running as VOTERs and collect their addresses to be used
// for starting the new master.
vector<HostPort> master_hps;
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
ASSERT_OK(CreateTable(cluster_.get(), kTableName));
// Bring up the new master and add to the cluster.
ASSERT_OK(AddMasterToClusterUsingCLITool(reserved_hp_, nullptr, 4));
// Newly added master will be caught up from WAL itself without requiring tablet copy
// since the system catalog is fresh with a single table.
// Catching up from WAL and promotion to VOTER will not be instant after adding the
// new master. Hence using ASSERT_EVENTUALLY.
ListMastersResponsePB resp;
ASSERT_EQ(orig_num_masters_ + 1, resp.masters_size());
int num_leaders = 0;
for (const auto& master : resp.masters()) {
ASSERT_EQ(consensus::RaftPeerPB::VOTER, master.member_type());
ASSERT_TRUE(master.role() == consensus::RaftPeerPB::LEADER ||
master.role() == consensus::RaftPeerPB::FOLLOWER);
if (master.role() == consensus::RaftPeerPB::LEADER) {
ASSERT_EQ(1, num_leaders);
// Double check by directly contacting the new master.
{ consensus::RaftPeerPB::FOLLOWER, consensus::RaftPeerPB::LEADER },
// Adding the same master again should print a message but not throw an error.
string err;
ASSERT_OK(AddMasterToClusterUsingCLITool(reserved_hp_, &err));
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, "Master already present");
// Adding one of the former masters should print a message but not throw an error.
string err;
ASSERT_OK(AddMasterToClusterUsingCLITool(master_hps[0], &err));
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, "Master already present");
// This test goes through the workflow required to copy system catalog to the newly added master.
TEST_P(ParameterizedAddMasterTest, TestAddMasterSysCatalogCopy) {
vector<HostPort> master_hps;
ASSERT_OK(CreateTable(cluster_.get(), kTableName));
// Bring up the new master and add to the cluster.
string err;
ASSERT_OK(AddMasterToClusterUsingCLITool(reserved_hp_, &err));
ASSERT_STR_MATCHES(err, Substitute("Please follow the next steps which includes system catalog "
"tablet copy", reserved_hp_.ToString()));
// Newly added master will be added to the master Raft config but won't be caught up
// from the WAL and hence remain as a NON_VOTER.
ListMastersResponsePB list_resp;
ASSERT_EQ(orig_num_masters_ + 1, list_resp.masters_size());
for (const auto& master : list_resp.masters()) {
ASSERT_EQ(1, master.registration().rpc_addresses_size());
auto hp = HostPortFromPB(master.registration().rpc_addresses(0));
if (hp == reserved_hp_) {
ASSERT_EQ(consensus::RaftPeerPB::NON_VOTER, master.member_type());
ASSERT_TRUE(master.role() == consensus::RaftPeerPB::LEARNER);
// Double check by directly contacting the new master.
NO_FATALS(VerifyNewMasterDirectly({ consensus::RaftPeerPB::LEARNER },
// Verify new master is in FAILED_UNRECOVERABLE state.
// This health state update may take some round trips between the masters and
// hence wrapping it under ASSERT_EVENTUALLY.
// Adding the same master again should print a message but not throw an error.
string err;
ASSERT_OK(AddMasterToClusterUsingCLITool(reserved_hp_, &err));
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, "Master already present");
// Adding one of the former masters should print a message but not throw an error.
string err;
ASSERT_OK(AddMasterToClusterUsingCLITool(master_hps[0], &err));
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, "Master already present");
// Without system catalog copy, the new master will remain in the FAILED_UNRECOVERABLE state.
// So lets proceed with the tablet copy process for system catalog.
// Shutdown the new master
LOG(INFO) << "Shutting down the new master";
LOG(INFO) << "Deleting the system catalog";
// Delete sys catalog on local master
ASSERT_OK(tools::RunKuduTool({"local_replica", "delete",
"-fs_data_dirs=" + JoinStrings(new_master_->data_dirs(), ","),
"-fs_wal_dir=" + new_master_->wal_dir(),
// Copy from remote system catalog from any existing master.
LOG(INFO) << "Copying from remote master: "
<< cluster_->master(0)->bound_rpc_hostport().ToString();
ASSERT_OK(tools::RunKuduTool({"local_replica", "copy_from_remote",
"-fs_data_dirs=" + JoinStrings(new_master_->data_dirs(), ","),
"-fs_wal_dir=" + new_master_->wal_dir()}));
LOG(INFO) << "Restarting the new master";
// Wait for the new master to be up and running and the leader master to send status only Raft
// message to allow the new master to be considered caught up and promoted to be being a VOTER.
VerifyNewMasterDirectly({ consensus::RaftPeerPB::FOLLOWER, consensus::RaftPeerPB::LEADER },
// Verify the same state from the leader master
ASSERT_EQ(orig_num_masters_ + 1, list_resp.masters_size());
for (const auto& master : list_resp.masters()) {
ASSERT_EQ(1, master.registration().rpc_addresses_size());
auto hp = HostPortFromPB(master.registration().rpc_addresses(0));
if (hp == reserved_hp_) {
ASSERT_EQ(new_master_->uuid(), master.instance_id().permanent_uuid());
ASSERT_EQ(consensus::RaftPeerPB::VOTER, master.member_type());
ASSERT_TRUE(master.role() == consensus::RaftPeerPB::FOLLOWER ||
master.role() == consensus::RaftPeerPB::LEADER);
class ParameterizedRemoveMasterTest : public DynamicMultiMasterTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<tuple<int, bool>> {
void SetUp() override {
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, ParameterizedRemoveMasterTest,
// Initial number of masters in the cluster before removing a master
::testing::Values(2, 3),
// Whether the master to be removed is dead/shutdown
// Tests removing a non-leader master from the cluster.
TEST_P(ParameterizedRemoveMasterTest, TestRemoveMaster) {
// Keeping RPC timeouts short to quickly detect downed servers.
// This will put the health status into an UNKNOWN state until the point
// where they are considered FAILED.
// Verify that existing masters are running as VOTERs.
vector<HostPort> master_hps;
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// When an ExternalMiniCluster is restarted after removal of a master then one of the
// remaining masters can get reassigned to the same wal dir which was previously assigned
// to the removed master. This causes problems during verification, so we always try to
// remove the last master in terms of index for test purposes.
int leader_master_idx = -1;
ASSERT_NE(leader_master_idx, -1);
const int non_leader_master_idx = orig_num_masters_ - 1;
if (leader_master_idx == non_leader_master_idx) {
// Move the leader to the first master index
auto first_master_uuid = cluster_->master(0)->uuid();
NO_FATALS(TransferMasterLeadership(cluster_.get(), first_master_uuid));
ASSERT_NE(leader_master_idx, non_leader_master_idx);
const auto master_to_remove = cluster_->master(non_leader_master_idx)->bound_rpc_hostport();
const auto master_to_remove_uuid = cluster_->master(non_leader_master_idx)->uuid();
// A NO_OP operation is issued after assuming leadership so that ChangeConfig operation
// can be issued against the new leader in the current term.
// Don't know of a good way to wait/verify that the NO_OP operation has completed. Table
// creation helps with a new operation in the current term and is used later for verification.
// Hence creating a table after possible master leadership transfer and before initiating remove
// master ChangeConfig request.
ASSERT_OK(CreateTable(cluster_.get(), kTableName));
bool shutdown = std::get<1>(GetParam());
if (shutdown) {
LOG(INFO) << "Shutting down the master to be removed";
LOG(INFO) << "Detecting transition to terminal FAILED state";
VerifyDeadMasterInSpecifiedState(master_to_remove_uuid, consensus::HealthReportPB::FAILED);
// Verify the master to be removed is part of the list of masters.
ASSERT_NE(std::find(master_hps.begin(), master_hps.end(), master_to_remove), master_hps.end());
ASSERT_OK(RemoveMasterFromClusterUsingCLITool(master_to_remove, nullptr, master_to_remove_uuid));
// Verify we have one master less and the desired master was removed.
vector<HostPort> updated_master_hps;
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_ - 1, &updated_master_hps));
UnorderedHostPortSet expected_master_hps(master_hps.begin(), master_hps.end());
UnorderedHostPortSet actual_master_hps(updated_master_hps.begin(), updated_master_hps.end());
ASSERT_EQ(expected_master_hps, actual_master_hps);
ClusterVerifier cv(cluster_.get());
NO_FATALS(cv.CheckRowCount(kTableName, ClusterVerifier::EXACTLY, 0));
// Removing the same master again should result in an error
string err;
Status s = RemoveMasterFromClusterUsingCLITool(master_to_remove, &err, master_to_remove_uuid);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRuntimeError()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, Substitute("Master $0 not found", master_to_remove.ToString()));
// Attempt transferring leadership to the removed master
s = TransferMasterLeadershipAsync(cluster_.get(), master_to_remove_uuid);
Substitute("tablet server $0 is not a voter in the active config",
LOG(INFO) << "Shutting down the old cluster";
LOG(INFO) << "Bringing up the migrated cluster";
opts_.num_masters = orig_num_masters_ - 1;
opts_.master_rpc_addresses = updated_master_hps;
ExternalMiniCluster migrated_cluster(opts_);
for (int i = 0; i < migrated_cluster.num_masters(); i++) {
vector<HostPort> migrated_master_hps;
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_ - 1, &migrated_master_hps,
actual_master_hps.insert(migrated_master_hps.begin(), migrated_master_hps.end());
ASSERT_EQ(expected_master_hps, actual_master_hps);
ClusterVerifier mcv(&migrated_cluster);
NO_FATALS(mcv.CheckRowCount(kTableName, ClusterVerifier::EXACTLY, 0));
// Test that brings up a single master cluster with 'last_known_addr' not populated by
// not specifying '--master_addresses' and then attempts to add a new master which is
// expected to fail due to invalid Raft config.
TEST_F(DynamicMultiMasterTest, TestAddMasterWithNoLastKnownAddr) {
StartCluster({"--master_support_change_config"}, false /* supply_single_master_addr */));
// Verify that existing masters are running as VOTERs and collect their addresses to be used
// for starting the new master.
vector<HostPort> master_hps;
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Bring up the new master and add to the cluster.
string err;
Status actual = AddMasterToClusterUsingCLITool(reserved_hp_, &err);
ASSERT_TRUE(actual.IsRuntimeError()) << actual.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_MATCHES(err, "Invalid config to set as pending: Peer:.* has no address");
// Verify no change in number of masters.
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Test that attempts to add a new master without enabling the feature flag for master Raft
// change config.
TEST_F(DynamicMultiMasterTest, TestAddMasterFeatureFlagNotSpecified) {
NO_FATALS(StartCluster({ "--master_support_change_config=false" }));
// Verify that existing masters are running as VOTERs and collect their addresses to be used
// for starting the new master.
vector<HostPort> master_hps;
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Bring up the new master and add to the cluster.
NO_FATALS(StartNewMaster(master_hps, false /* master_supports_change_config */));
string err;
Status actual = AddMasterToClusterUsingCLITool(reserved_hp_, &err);
ASSERT_TRUE(actual.IsRuntimeError()) << actual.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_MATCHES(err, "Cluster does not support AddMaster");
// Verify no change in number of masters.
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Test that attempts to remove an existing master without enabling the feature flag for master
// Raft change config.
TEST_F(DynamicMultiMasterTest, TestRemoveMasterFeatureFlagNotSpecified) {
// Verify that existing masters are running as VOTERs.
vector<HostPort> master_hps;
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Try removing non-leader master.
int non_leader_master_idx = -1;
auto master_to_remove = cluster_->master(non_leader_master_idx)->bound_rpc_hostport();
string err;
Status s = RemoveMasterFromClusterUsingCLITool(master_to_remove, &err);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRuntimeError()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_MATCHES(err, "Cluster does not support RemoveMaster");
// Try removing leader master
int leader_master_idx = -1;
auto master_to_remove = cluster_->master(leader_master_idx)->bound_rpc_hostport();
string err;
Status s = RemoveMasterFromClusterUsingCLITool(master_to_remove, &err);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRuntimeError()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_MATCHES(err, "Cluster does not support RemoveMaster");
// Verify no change in number of masters.
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Test that attempts to request a non-leader master to add a new master.
TEST_F(DynamicMultiMasterTest, TestAddMasterToNonLeader) {
// Verify that existing masters are running as VOTERs and collect their addresses to be used
// for starting the new master.
vector<HostPort> master_hps;
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Bring up the new master and add to the cluster.
// Verify sending add master request to a non-leader master returns NOT_THE_LEADER error.
// It's possible there is a leadership change between querying for leader master and
// sending the add master request to non-leader master and hence using ASSERT_EVENTUALLY.
AddMasterRequestPB req;
AddMasterResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
*req.mutable_rpc_addr() = HostPortToPB(reserved_hp_);
int leader_master_idx;
ASSERT_TRUE(leader_master_idx == 0 || leader_master_idx == 1);
int non_leader_master_idx = !leader_master_idx;
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->master_proxy(non_leader_master_idx)->AddMaster(req, &resp, &rpc));
ASSERT_EQ(MasterErrorPB::NOT_THE_LEADER, resp.error().code());
// Verify no change in number of masters.
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Test that attempts to request a non-leader master to remove a master.
TEST_F(DynamicMultiMasterTest, TestRemoveMasterToNonLeader) {
// Verify that existing masters are running as VOTERs and collect their addresses to be used
// for starting the new master.
vector<HostPort> master_hps;
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// In test below we use the master RPC directly to the non-leader master and a retry
// will have unintended consequences hence disabling master leadership transfer.
// Verify sending remove master request to a non-leader master returns NOT_THE_LEADER error.
RemoveMasterRequestPB req;
RemoveMasterResponsePB resp;
RpcController rpc;
int leader_master_idx;
ASSERT_TRUE(leader_master_idx == 0 || leader_master_idx == 1);
int non_leader_master_idx = !leader_master_idx;
*req.mutable_rpc_addr() = HostPortToPB(cluster_->master(leader_master_idx)->bound_rpc_hostport());
// Using the master proxy directly instead of using CLI as this test wants to test
// invoking RemoveMaster RPC to non-leader master.
ASSERT_OK(cluster_->master_proxy(non_leader_master_idx)->RemoveMaster(req, &resp, &rpc));
ASSERT_EQ(MasterErrorPB::NOT_THE_LEADER, resp.error().code());
// Verify no change in number of masters.
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Test that attempts to add a master with missing master address and a non-routable incorrect
// address.
TEST_F(DynamicMultiMasterTest, TestAddMasterMissingAndIncorrectAddress) {
// Verify that existing masters are running as VOTERs and collect their addresses to be used
// for starting the new master.
vector<HostPort> master_hps;
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Bring up the new master and add to the cluster.
// Empty HostPort
string err;
Status actual = AddMasterToClusterUsingCLITool(HostPort(), &err);
ASSERT_TRUE(actual.IsRuntimeError()) << actual.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, "must provide positional argument master_address");
// Non-routable incorrect hostname.
string err;
Status actual = AddMasterToClusterUsingCLITool(
HostPort("non-existent-path.local", Master::kDefaultPort), &err);
ASSERT_TRUE(actual.IsRuntimeError()) << actual.ToString();
"Network error: unable to resolve address for non-existent-path.local");
// Verify no change in number of masters.
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Test that attempts to remove a master with missing master address and a non-existent
// hostname.
TEST_F(DynamicMultiMasterTest, TestRemoveMasterMissingAndIncorrectHostname) {
// Verify that existing masters are running as VOTERs.
vector<HostPort> master_hps;
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Empty HostPort.
string err;
Status actual = RemoveMasterFromClusterUsingCLITool(HostPort(), &err);
ASSERT_TRUE(actual.IsRuntimeError()) << actual.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, "must provide positional argument master_address");
// Non-existent hostname.
HostPort dummy_hp = HostPort("non-existent-path.local", Master::kDefaultPort);
string err;
Status actual = RemoveMasterFromClusterUsingCLITool(dummy_hp, &err);
ASSERT_TRUE(actual.IsRuntimeError()) << actual.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, Substitute("Master $0 not found", dummy_hp.ToString()));
// Verify no change in number of masters.
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Test that attempts to remove a master with mismatching hostname and uuid.
TEST_F(DynamicMultiMasterTest, TestRemoveMasterMismatchHostnameAndUuid) {
// Verify that existing masters are running as VOTERs.
vector<HostPort> master_hps;
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Master leadership transfer could result in a different error and hence disabling it.
// Random uuid
Random rng(SeedRandom());
auto random_uuid = std::to_string(rng.Next64());
int non_leader_idx = -1;
auto master_to_remove = cluster_->master(non_leader_idx)->bound_rpc_hostport();
ASSERT_NE(random_uuid, cluster_->master(non_leader_idx)->uuid());
string err;
Status actual = RemoveMasterFromClusterUsingCLITool(master_to_remove, &err, random_uuid);
ASSERT_TRUE(actual.IsRuntimeError()) << actual.ToString();
Substitute("Mismatch in UUID of the master $0 to be removed. "
"Expected: $1, supplied: $2.", master_to_remove.ToString(),
cluster_->master(non_leader_idx)->uuid(), random_uuid));
// Verify no change in number of masters.
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// Test that attempts removing a leader master itself from a cluster with
// 1 or 2 masters.
class ParameterizedRemoveLeaderMasterTest : public DynamicMultiMasterTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<int> {
void SetUp() override {
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, ParameterizedRemoveLeaderMasterTest, ::testing::Values(1, 2));
TEST_P(ParameterizedRemoveLeaderMasterTest, TestRemoveLeaderMaster) {
// Verify that existing masters are running as VOTERs and collect their addresses to be used
// for starting the new master.
vector<HostPort> master_hps;
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
// In test below a retry in case of master leadership transfer will have unintended
// consequences and hence disabling master leadership transfer.
int leader_master_idx;
const auto master_to_remove = cluster_->master(leader_master_idx)->bound_rpc_hostport();
string err;
Status s = RemoveMasterFromClusterUsingCLITool(master_to_remove, &err);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRuntimeError()) << s.ToString();
if (orig_num_masters_ == 1) {
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, Substitute("Can't remove master $0 in a single master "
"configuration", master_to_remove.ToString()));
} else {
ASSERT_GT(orig_num_masters_, 1);
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, Substitute("Can't remove the leader master $0",
// Verify no change in number of masters.
NO_FATALS(VerifyNumMastersAndGetAddresses(orig_num_masters_, &master_hps));
} // namespace master
} // namespace kudu