blob: de74d35ca400986efae57181621606d57a81dcf2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/clock/hybrid_clock.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/clock/mock_ntp.h"
#include "kudu/clock/test/mini_chronyd.h"
#include "kudu/clock/time_service.h"
#include "kudu/common/timestamp.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/casts.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/join.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/mini-cluster/external_mini_cluster.h"
#include "kudu/mini-cluster/webui_checker.h"
#include "kudu/util/atomic.h"
#include "kudu/util/curl_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/faststring.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/net_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/random.h"
#include "kudu/util/random_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/scoped_cleanup.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
using kudu::cluster::ExternalMiniCluster;
using kudu::cluster::ExternalMiniClusterOptions;
using std::string;
using std::thread;
using std::vector;
namespace kudu {
namespace clock {
class ClockTest : public KuduTest {
: metric_entity_(METRIC_ENTITY_server.Instantiate(&metric_registry_,
"clock-test")) {
MetricRegistry metric_registry_;
scoped_refptr<MetricEntity> metric_entity_;
class MockHybridClockTest : public ClockTest {
clock::MockNtp* mock_ntp(const HybridClock& clock) {
return down_cast<clock::MockNtp*>(clock.time_service());
TEST_F(MockHybridClockTest, TestMockedSystemClock) {
google::FlagSaver saver;
FLAGS_time_source = "mock";
HybridClock clock(metric_entity_);
Timestamp timestamp;
uint64_t max_error_usec;
ASSERT_OK(clock.NowWithError(&timestamp, &max_error_usec));
ASSERT_EQ(timestamp.ToUint64(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(max_error_usec, 0);
// If we read the clock again we should see the logical component be incremented.
ASSERT_OK(clock.NowWithError(&timestamp, &max_error_usec));
ASSERT_EQ(timestamp.ToUint64(), 1);
// Now set an arbitrary time and check that is the time returned by the clock.
uint64_t time = 1234 * 1000;
uint64_t error = 100 * 1000;
ASSERT_OK(clock.NowWithError(&timestamp, &max_error_usec));
HybridClock::TimestampFromMicrosecondsAndLogicalValue(time, 0).ToUint64());
ASSERT_EQ(max_error_usec, error);
// Perform another read, we should observe the logical component increment, again.
ASSERT_OK(clock.NowWithError(&timestamp, &max_error_usec));
HybridClock::TimestampFromMicrosecondsAndLogicalValue(time, 1).ToUint64());
// Test that, if the rate at which the clock is read is greater than the maximum
// resolution of the logical counter (12 bits in our implementation), it properly
// "overflows" into the physical portion of the clock, and maintains all ordering
// guarantees even as the physical clock continues to increase.
// This is a regression test for KUDU-1345.
TEST_F(MockHybridClockTest, TestClockDealsWithWrapping) {
google::FlagSaver saver;
FLAGS_time_source = "mock";
HybridClock clock(metric_entity_);
Timestamp prev = clock.Now();
// Update the clock from 10us in the future
// Now read the clock value enough times so that the logical value wraps
// over, and should increment the _physical_ portion of the clock.
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
Timestamp now = clock.Now();
ASSERT_GT(now.value(), prev.value());
prev = now;
ASSERT_EQ(1012, HybridClock::GetPhysicalValueMicros(prev));
// Advance the time microsecond by microsecond, and ensure the clock never
// goes backwards.
for (int time = 1001; time < 1020; time++) {
Timestamp now = clock.Now();
// Clock should run strictly forwards.
ASSERT_GT(now.value(), prev.value());
// Additionally, once the physical time surpasses the logical time, we should
// be running on the physical clock. Otherwise, we should stick with the physical
// time we had rolled forward to above.
if (time > 1012) {
ASSERT_EQ(time, HybridClock::GetPhysicalValueMicros(now));
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(1012, HybridClock::GetPhysicalValueMicros(now));
prev = now;
class HybridClockTest : public ClockTest {
: clock_(metric_entity_) {
void SetUp() override {
HybridClock clock_;
// Test that two subsequent time reads are monotonically increasing.
TEST_F(HybridClockTest, NowValuesIncreaseMonotonically) {
const Timestamp now1 = clock_.Now();
const Timestamp now2 = clock_.Now();
ASSERT_LT(now1.value(), now2.value());
// Tests the clock updates with the incoming value if it is higher.
TEST_F(HybridClockTest, UpdateLogicalValueIncreasesByAmount) {
Timestamp now = clock_.Now();
uint64_t now_micros = HybridClock::GetPhysicalValueMicros(now);
// increase the logical value
uint64_t logical = HybridClock::GetLogicalValue(now);
logical += 10;
// increase the physical value so that we're sure the clock will take this
// one, 200 msecs should be more than enough.
now_micros += 200000;
auto now_increased = HybridClock::TimestampFromMicrosecondsAndLogicalValue(
now_micros, logical);
Timestamp now2 = clock_.Now();
ASSERT_EQ(logical + 1, HybridClock::GetLogicalValue(now2));
ASSERT_EQ(HybridClock::GetPhysicalValueMicros(now) + 200000,
// Test that the incoming event is in the past, i.e. less than now - max_error
TEST_F(HybridClockTest, WaitUntilAfterCase1) {
MonoTime no_deadline;
MonoTime before = MonoTime::Now();
Timestamp past_ts;
uint64_t max_error;
ASSERT_OK(clock_.NowWithError(&past_ts, &max_error));
// make the event 3 * the max. possible error in the past
Timestamp past_ts_changed = HybridClock::AddPhysicalTimeToTimestamp(
MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(-3 * static_cast<int64_t>(max_error)));
ASSERT_OK(clock_.WaitUntilAfter(past_ts_changed, no_deadline));
MonoTime after = MonoTime::Now();
MonoDelta delta = after - before;
// The delta should be close to 0, but it takes some time for the hybrid
// logical clock to decide that it doesn't need to wait.
ASSERT_LT(delta.ToMicroseconds(), 25000);
// The normal case for transactions. Obtain a timestamp and then wait until
// we're sure that tx_latest < now_earliest.
TEST_F(HybridClockTest, WaitUntilAfterCase2) {
const MonoTime before = MonoTime::Now();
// we do no time adjustment, this event should fall right within the possible
// error interval
Timestamp past_ts;
uint64_t past_max_error;
ASSERT_OK(clock_.NowWithError(&past_ts, &past_max_error));
// Make sure the error is at least a small number of microseconds, to ensure
// that we always have to wait.
past_max_error = std::max(past_max_error, static_cast<uint64_t>(2000));
Timestamp wait_until = HybridClock::AddPhysicalTimeToTimestamp(
Timestamp current_ts;
uint64_t current_max_error;
ASSERT_OK(clock_.NowWithError(&current_ts, &current_max_error));
// Check waiting with a deadline which already expired.
MonoTime deadline = before;
Status s = clock_.WaitUntilAfter(wait_until, deadline);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsTimedOut()) << s.ToString();
// Wait with a deadline well in the future. This should succeed.
MonoTime deadline = before + MonoDelta::FromSeconds(60);
ASSERT_OK(clock_.WaitUntilAfter(wait_until, deadline));
MonoTime after = MonoTime::Now();
MonoDelta delta = after - before;
// In the common case current_max_error >= past_max_error and we should have waited
// 2 * past_max_error, but if the clock's error is reset between the two reads we might
// have waited less time, but always more than 'past_max_error'.
if (current_max_error >= past_max_error) {
ASSERT_GE(delta.ToMicroseconds(), 2 * past_max_error);
} else {
ASSERT_GE(delta.ToMicroseconds(), past_max_error);
TEST_F(HybridClockTest, TestIsAfter) {
Timestamp ts1 = clock_.Now();
// Update the clock in the future, make sure it still
// handles "IsAfter" properly even when it's running in
// "logical" mode.
Timestamp now_increased = HybridClock::TimestampFromMicroseconds(
HybridClock::GetPhysicalValueMicros(ts1) + 1 * 1000 * 1000);
Timestamp ts2 = clock_.Now();
// Thread which loops polling the clock and updating it slightly
// into the future.
void StresserThread(HybridClock* clock, AtomicBool* stop) {
Random rng(GetRandomSeed32());
Timestamp prev(0);
while (!stop->Load()) {
Timestamp t = clock->Now();
CHECK_GT(t.value(), prev.value());
prev = t;
// Add a random bit of offset to the clock, and perform an update.
Timestamp new_ts = HybridClock::AddPhysicalTimeToTimestamp(
t, MonoDelta::FromMicroseconds(rng.Uniform(10000)));
// Regression test for KUDU-953: if threads are updating and polling the
// clock concurrently, the clock should still never run backwards.
TEST_F(HybridClockTest, TestClockDoesntGoBackwardsWithUpdates) {
vector<thread> threads;
AtomicBool stop(false);
for (auto& t : threads) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
threads.emplace_back([&]() { StresserThread(&clock_, &stop); });
TEST_F(HybridClockTest, TestGetPhysicalComponentDifference) {
Timestamp now1 = HybridClock::TimestampFromMicrosecondsAndLogicalValue(100, 100);
Timestamp now2 = HybridClock::TimestampFromMicrosecondsAndLogicalValue(200, 0);
MonoDelta delta = clock_.GetPhysicalComponentDifference(now2, now1);
MonoDelta negative_delta = clock_.GetPhysicalComponentDifference(now1, now2);
ASSERT_EQ(100, delta.ToMicroseconds());
ASSERT_EQ(-100, negative_delta.ToMicroseconds());
TEST_F(HybridClockTest, TestRideOverNtpInterruption) {
Timestamp timestamps[3];
uint64_t max_error_usec[3];
// Get the clock once, with a working NTP.
ASSERT_OK(clock_.NowWithError(&timestamps[0], &max_error_usec[0]));
// Try to read the clock again a second later, but with an error
// injected. It should extrapolate from the first read.
FLAGS_inject_unsync_time_errors = true;
ASSERT_OK(clock_.NowWithError(&timestamps[1], &max_error_usec[1]));
// The new clock reading should be a second or longer from the
// first one, since SleepFor guarantees sleeping at least as long
// as specified.
MonoDelta phys_diff = clock_.GetPhysicalComponentDifference(
timestamps[1], timestamps[0]);
ASSERT_GE(phys_diff.ToSeconds(), 1);
// The new clock reading should have higher error than the first.
// The error should have increased based on the clock skew.
int64_t error_diff = max_error_usec[1] - max_error_usec[0];
ASSERT_NEAR(error_diff, clock_.time_service()->skew_ppm() * phys_diff.ToSeconds(),
// Now restore the ability to read the system clock, and
// read it again.
FLAGS_inject_unsync_time_errors = false;
ASSERT_OK(clock_.NowWithError(&timestamps[2], &max_error_usec[2]));
ASSERT_LT(timestamps[0].ToUint64(), timestamps[1].ToUint64());
ASSERT_LT(timestamps[1].ToUint64(), timestamps[2].ToUint64());
// This scenario emulates slow initialisation of the hybrid clock's underlying
// time source while Kudu servers are busy with bootstrapping (in this
// particular case, the time source is the built-in NTP client). During the
// bootstrapping, the embedded web servers are flooded with requests to the
// '/metrics' URLs. Kudu masters and tablet servers should not crash and be able
// to start and function as expected once the time source is up and running.
// In addition, this scenario verifies the presence of time-specific metrics in
// the data retrieved from the '/metrics' endpoint.
TEST_F(HybridClockTest, SlowClockInitialisation) {
const vector<string> kExtraFlags =
{ "--hybrid_clock_inject_init_delay_ms=100" };
ExternalMiniClusterOptions opts;
opts.num_masters = 3;
opts.num_ntp_servers = 1;
opts.extra_master_flags = kExtraFlags;
opts.extra_tserver_flags = kExtraFlags;
// The PeriodicWebUIChecker needs to know the addresses which master and
// tserver embedded web servers are bound to. So, first start all the
// processes, then stop them, and then instantiate the PeriodicWebUIChecker
// passing information on the bound addresses which will be used upon next
// start of masters/tservers. This way there will be requests coming to the
// embedded web servers while Kudu servers are bootstrapping.
ExternalMiniCluster cluster(opts);
auto ntp_servers = cluster.ntp_servers();
ASSERT_EQ(1, ntp_servers.size());
auto* ntp_server = ntp_servers.front();
Status ntp_server_resumer_status;
thread ntp_server_resumer([&] {
ntp_server_resumer_status = ntp_server->Resume();
// Start pounding the master and tserver's web server.
PeriodicWebUIChecker checker(cluster, MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(1),
"", { "/metrics" }, { "/metrics" });
// Start bootstrapping masters and tablet servers.
// Make sure certain time-related metrics are present.
vector<string> addresses;
addresses.reserve(cluster.num_masters() + cluster.num_tablet_servers());
for (auto idx = 0; idx < cluster.num_masters(); ++idx) {
for (auto idx = 0; idx < cluster.num_tablet_servers(); ++idx) {
EasyCurl c;
for (const auto& addr : addresses) {
faststring buf;
ASSERT_OK(c.FetchURL(strings::Substitute("http://$0/metrics", addr), &buf));
const auto str = buf.ToString();
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(str, "builtin_ntp_error");
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(str, "builtin_ntp_local_clock_delta");
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(str, "builtin_ntp_max_errors");
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(str, "builtin_ntp_time");
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(str, "hybrid_clock_error");
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(str, "hybrid_clock_extrapolating");
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(str, "hybrid_clock_extrapolation_intervals");
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(str, "hybrid_clock_max_errors");
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(str, "hybrid_clock_timestamp");
// A simple scenario to verify that 'auto' is recognized as one of the possible
// time sources: the auto-selection works and the resulting hybrid clock
// is functional.
TEST_F(HybridClockTest, TimeSourceAutoSelection) {
FLAGS_time_source = "auto";
HybridClock clock(metric_entity_);
const auto s = clock.Init();
bool preconditions_satisfied = true;
if (!s.ok()) {
// In a testing environment where the auto-detected time source is 'system'
// (the local machine clock synchronized by the kernel NTP discipline),
// it doesn't make much sense running the test if corresponding system calls
// return an error (e.g., EPERM) or the clock is not synchronized.
// The code below is for a few cases like that: it's a set of cases seen
// so far in the wild.
if (s.IsRuntimeError()) {
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), "Operation not permitted");
preconditions_satisfied = false;
} else if (s.IsServiceUnavailable()) {
s.ToString(), "Error reading clock. Clock considered unsynchronized");
preconditions_satisfied = false;
if (!preconditions_satisfied) {
LOG(WARNING) << "preconditions are not satisfied, skipping the test";
Timestamp timestamp[2];
uint64_t max_error_usec[2];
ASSERT_OK(clock.NowWithError(&timestamp[0], &max_error_usec[0]));
ASSERT_OK(clock.NowWithError(&timestamp[1], &max_error_usec[1]));
ASSERT_LE(timestamp[0].value(), timestamp[1].value());
TEST_F(HybridClockTest, TestNtpDiagnostics) {
FLAGS_time_source = "system";
HybridClock clock(metric_entity_);
// Even if HybridClock's initialization failed, the point of this scenario
// is to verify that diagnostics run appropriate tools. By design, the set
// of tools run these purposes doesn't depend on the initialization status.
WARN_NOT_OK(clock.Init(), "clock initialization failed");
vector<string> log;
string s = JoinStrings(log, "\n");
// This is to verify that appropriate diagnostic tools are run or at least
// attempted to run. The tools might not be available, and that's expected
// pre-condition as well. The output either contains report from the tools or
// error messages that corresponding binaries cannot be found. In either case
// it proves the tools were attempted to run to collect NTP-related diagnostic
// information.
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s, "ntptime");
ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(s, "chronyc");
#endif // #if defined(KUDU_HAS_SYSTEM_TIME_SOURCE) ...
} // namespace clock
} // namespace kudu