blob: 5115afc809a5012bc1e1eecb4143c7b67d6e7e42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
class Sockaddr;
extern const int kServersMaxNum;
static constexpr const char* const kWildcardIpAddr = "";
static constexpr const char* const kLoopbackIpAddr = "";
// A container for a host:port pair.
class HostPort {
HostPort(std::string host, uint16_t port);
explicit HostPort(const Sockaddr& addr);
bool Initialized() const {
return !host_.empty();
// Parse a <host>:<port> pair into this object.
// If there is no port specified in the string, then 'default_port' is used.
// Note that <host> cannot be in IPv6 address notation.
Status ParseString(const std::string& str, uint16_t default_port);
// Similar to above but allow the address to have scheme and path, e.g.
// <host>
// <host>:<port>
// <fs>://<host>:<port>/<path>
// Note that both scheme and path are ignored.
Status ParseStringWithScheme(const std::string& str, uint16_t default_port);
// Resolve any addresses corresponding to this host:port pair.
// Note that a host may resolve to more than one IP address.
// 'addresses' may be NULL, in which case this function simply checks that
// the host/port pair can be resolved, without returning anything.
Status ResolveAddresses(std::vector<Sockaddr>* addresses) const;
std::string ToString() const;
const std::string& host() const { return host_; }
void set_host(const std::string& host) { host_ = host; }
uint16_t port() const { return port_; }
void set_port(uint16_t port) { port_ = port; }
size_t HashCode() const;
// Parse a comma separated list of "host:port" pairs into a vector
// HostPort objects. If no port is specified for an entry in the
// comma separated list, 'default_port' is used for that entry's
// pair.
static Status ParseStrings(
const std::string& comma_sep_addrs, uint16_t default_port, std::vector<HostPort>* res);
// Similar to above but uses a vector of strings 'addrs' as input parameter.
static Status ParseAddresses(const std::vector<std::string>& addrs, uint16_t default_port,
std::vector<HostPort>* res);
// Similar to above but allow the addresses to have scheme and path,
// which are ignored.
static Status ParseStringsWithScheme(
const std::string& comma_sep_addrs, uint16_t default_port, std::vector<HostPort>* res);
// Takes a vector of HostPort objects and returns a comma separated
// string containing of "host:port" pairs. This method is the
// "inverse" of ParseStrings().
static std::string ToCommaSeparatedString(const std::vector<HostPort>& hostports);
// Returns true if addr is within range.
static bool IsLoopback(uint32_t addr);
// Returns dotted-decimal ('') representation of IP address in addr.
static std::string AddrToString(uint32_t addr);
std::string host_;
uint16_t port_;
bool operator==(const HostPort& hp1, const HostPort& hp2);
inline bool operator!=(const HostPort& hp1, const HostPort& hp2) {
return !(hp1 == hp2);
// Hasher of HostPort objects for UnorderedAssociativeContainers.
struct HostPortHasher {
size_t operator()(const HostPort& hp) const {
return hp.HashCode();
// Equality BinaryPredicate of HostPort objects for UnorderedAssociativeContainers.
struct HostPortEqualityPredicate {
bool operator()(const HostPort& hp1, const HostPort& hp2) const {
return hp1 == hp2;
typedef std::unordered_set<HostPort, HostPortHasher, HostPortEqualityPredicate>
// A container for addr:mask pair.
// Both addr and netmask are in big-endian byte order
// (same as network byte order).
class Network {
Network(uint32_t addr, uint32_t netmask);
uint32_t addr() const { return addr_; }
uint32_t netmask() const { return netmask_; }
// Returns true if the address is within network.
bool WithinNetwork(const Sockaddr& addr) const;
// Returns true if the network is within range.
bool IsLoopback() const;
// Returns addr part of addr:mask pair as string.
std::string GetAddrAsString() const;
// Parses a "addr/netmask" (CIDR notation) pair into this object.
Status ParseCIDRString(const std::string& addr);
// Parses a comma separated list of "addr/netmask" (CIDR notation)
// pairs into a vector of Network objects.
static Status ParseCIDRStrings(
const std::string& comma_sep_addrs, std::vector<Network>* res);
uint32_t addr_;
uint32_t netmask_;
// Parse and resolve the given comma-separated list of addresses.
// The resulting addresses will be resolved, made unique, and added to
// the 'addresses' vector.
// Any elements which do not include a port will be assigned 'default_port'.
Status ParseAddressList(const std::string& addr_list,
uint16_t default_port,
std::vector<Sockaddr>* addresses);
// Return true if the given port is likely to need root privileges to bind to.
bool IsPrivilegedPort(uint16_t port);
// Return the local machine's hostname.
Status GetHostname(std::string* hostname);
// Returns local subnets of all local network interfaces.
Status GetLocalNetworks(std::vector<Network>* net);
// Return the local machine's FQDN.
// If domain name is not available, FQDN returns hostname.
Status GetFQDN(std::string* hostname);
// Returns a single socket address from a HostPort.
// If the hostname resolves to multiple addresses, returns the first in the
// list and logs a message in verbose mode.
Status SockaddrFromHostPort(const HostPort& host_port, Sockaddr* addr);
// Returns true if the specified address 'addr' matches at least one of the
// addresses in 'ref_addresses'. The 'addr' itself must not be a wildcard, but
// any of the addresses in 'ref_addresses' may: both the address (i.e.
// and port wildcard (i.e. port 0) are supported. All the addresses must be in
// the IP notation, not UNIX socket or anything else. Only IPv4 addresses are
// supported since Sockaddr doesn't support IPv6 yet.
bool IsAddrOneOf(const Sockaddr& addr, const std::vector<Sockaddr>& ref_addresses);
// Converts the given list of Sockaddrs into a list of HostPorts that can be
// accessed from other machines, i.e. wildcards are replaced with the FQDN, the
// --host_for_tests gflag is honored with the expectation that 'addrs' is the
// list of locally bound or advertised addresses.
// In the case of other addresses, the returned HostPort will contain just the
// stringified form of the IP.
Status HostPortsFromAddrs(const std::vector<Sockaddr>& addrs,
std::vector<HostPort>* hps);
// Try to run 'lsof' to determine which process is preventing binding to
// the given 'addr'. If pids can be determined, outputs full 'ps' and 'pstree'
// output for that process.
// Output is issued to the log at WARNING level, or appended to 'log' if it
// is non-NULL (mostly useful for testing).
void TryRunLsof(const Sockaddr& addr, std::vector<std::string>* log = nullptr);
// BindMode lets you specify the socket binding mode for RPC and/or HTTP server.
// A) LOOPBACK binds each server to loopback ip address "".
// B) WILDCARD specifies "" as the ip to bind to, which means sockets
// can be bound to any interface on the local host.
// For example, if a host has two interfaces with addresses
// and, the server process can accept connection
// requests addressed to or
// C) UNIQUE_LOOPBACK binds each tablet server to a different loopback address.
// This affects the server's RPC server, and also forces the server to
// only use this IP address for outgoing socket connections as well.
// This allows the use of iptables on the localhost to simulate network
// partitions.
// The addresses used are 127.<A>.<B>.<C> where:
// - <A,B> are the high and low bytes of the pid of the process running the
// test (not the daemon itself).
// - <C> is the index of the server within the started test.
// This requires that the system is set up such that processes may bind
// to any IP address in the localhost netblock ( This seems
// to be the case on common Linux distributions. You can verify by running
// 'ip addr | grep' and checking that the address is listed as
// ''.
// Note: UNIQUE_LOOPBACK is not supported on macOS.
// Default: UNIQUE_LOOPBACK on Linux, LOOPBACK on macOS.
enum class BindMode {
// Gets a random port from the ephemeral range by binding to port 0 on address
// 'address' and letting the kernel choose an unused one from the ephemeral port
// range. The socket is then immediately closed and it remains in TIME_WAIT for
// 2*tcp_fin_timeout (by default 2*60=120 seconds). The kernel won't assign this
// port until it's in TIME_WAIT but it can still be used by binding it
// explicitly.
Status GetRandomPort(const std::string& address, uint16_t* port);
#if defined(__APPLE__)
static constexpr const BindMode kDefaultBindMode = BindMode::LOOPBACK;
static constexpr const BindMode kDefaultBindMode = BindMode::UNIQUE_LOOPBACK;
// Return the IP address that the daemon will bind to. If bind_mode is LOOPBACK,
// this will be and if it is WILDCARD it will be Otherwise,
// it is another IP in the local netblock indicated by the given index (which
// should range from (0, 62]). In this UNIQUE_LOOPBACK mode, if the same index
// is given twice, then the same IP address could return when the caller is from
// the same process.
std::string GetBindIpForDaemon(int index, BindMode bind_mode);
} // namespace kudu