blob: fe0958392d1a66d414468bcbb8149285f0d21bef [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/tablet/compaction_policy.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags_declare.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <glog/stl_logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/stringprintf.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/numbers.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/split.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/mock-rowsets.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/rowset.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/rowset_info.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/rowset_tree.h"
#include "kudu/util/env.h"
#include "kudu/util/faststring.h"
#include "kudu/util/path_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/stopwatch.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace kudu {
namespace tablet {
class TestCompactionPolicy : public KuduTest {
void RunTestCase(const RowSetVector& vec,
int size_budget_mb,
CompactionSelection* picked,
double* quality) {
RowSetTree tree;
BudgetedCompactionPolicy policy(size_budget_mb);
ASSERT_OK(policy.PickRowSets(tree, picked, quality, /*log=*/nullptr));
// Simple test for budgeted compaction: with three rowsets which
// mostly overlap, and a high budget, they should all be selected.
TEST_F(TestCompactionPolicy, TestBudgetedSelection) {
// This tests the overlap-based part of compaction policy and not the
// rowset-size based policy.
FLAGS_compaction_small_rowset_tradeoff = 0.0;
* [C ------ c]
* [B ----- a]
* [A ------- b]
const RowSetVector rowsets = {
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("C", "c"),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("B", "a"),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("A", "b")
constexpr auto kBudgetMb = 1000; // Enough to select all rowsets.
CompactionSelection picked;
double quality = 0.0;
NO_FATALS(RunTestCase(rowsets, kBudgetMb, &picked, &quality));
ASSERT_EQ(rowsets.size(), picked.size());
// Since all three rowsets are picked and each covers almost the entire key
// range, the sum of widths is about 3 while the union width is 1, so the
// quality score should be between 1 and 2.
ASSERT_GE(quality, 1.0);
ASSERT_LE(quality, 2.0);
// Test for the case when we have many rowsets, but none of them
// overlap at all. This is likely to occur in workloads where the
// primary key is always increasing (such as a timestamp).
TEST_F(TestCompactionPolicy, TestNonOverlappingRowSets) {
// This tests the overlap-based part of compaction policy and not the
// rowset-size based policy.
FLAGS_compaction_small_rowset_tradeoff = 0.0;
/* NB: Zero-padding of string keys omitted to save space.
* [0 - 1] [2 - 3] ... [198 - 199]
const auto kNumRowSets = AllowSlowTests() ? 10000 : 100;
RowSetVector rowsets;
for (auto i = 0; i < kNumRowSets; i++) {
rowsets.emplace_back(new MockDiskRowSet(
StringPrintf("%010d", i * 2),
StringPrintf("%010d", i * 2 + 1)));
constexpr auto kBudgetMb = 128;
CompactionSelection picked;
double quality = 0.0;
NO_FATALS(RunTestCase(rowsets, kBudgetMb, &picked, &quality));
ASSERT_EQ(0.0, quality);
// Similar to the above, but with some small overlap between adjacent
// rowsets.
TEST_F(TestCompactionPolicy, TestTinyOverlapRowSets) {
// This tests the overlap-based part of compaction policy and not the
// rowset-size based policy.
FLAGS_compaction_small_rowset_tradeoff = 0.0;
/* NB: Zero-padding of string keys omitted to save space.
* [0 - 11000]
* [10000 - 21000]
* ...
* [990000 - 1001000]
const auto kNumRowSets = AllowSlowTests() ? 10000 : 100;
RowSetVector rowsets;
for (auto i = 0; i < kNumRowSets; i++) {
rowsets.emplace_back(new MockDiskRowSet(
StringPrintf("%09d", i * 10000),
StringPrintf("%09d", i * 10000 + 11000)));
constexpr auto kBudgetMb = 128;
CompactionSelection picked;
double quality = 0;
NO_FATALS(RunTestCase(rowsets, kBudgetMb, &picked, &quality));
// With such small overlaps, no compaction will be considered worthwhile.
ASSERT_EQ(0.0, quality);
// Test case with 100 rowsets, each of which overlaps with its two
// neighbors to the right.
TEST_F(TestCompactionPolicy, TestSignificantOverlap) {
// This tests the overlap-based part of compaction policy and not the
// rowset-size based policy.
FLAGS_compaction_small_rowset_tradeoff = 0.0;
/* NB: Zero-padding of string keys omitted to save space.
* [0 ------ 20000]
* [10000 ------ 30000]
* [20000 ------ 40000]
* ...
* [990000 - 1010000]
constexpr auto kNumRowSets = 100;
RowSetVector rowsets;
for (auto i = 0; i < kNumRowSets; i++) {
rowsets.emplace_back(new MockDiskRowSet(
StringPrintf("%010d", i * 10000),
StringPrintf("%010d", (i + 2) * 10000)));
constexpr auto kBudgetMb = 64;
CompactionSelection picked;
double quality = 0.0;
NO_FATALS(RunTestCase(rowsets, kBudgetMb, &picked, &quality));
// Each rowset is 1MB so the number of rowsets picked should be the number of
// MB in the budget.
ASSERT_EQ(kBudgetMb, picked.size());
// In picking 64 of 100 equally-sized and -spaced rowsets, the union width is
// about 0.64. Each rowset intersects the next in half its width, which makes
// the sum of widths about 2 * 0.64 = 1.28, if we ignore the smaller overlap
// between the ith and (i + 2)th rowsets. So, the quality score should be
// around 0.64.
ASSERT_GT(quality, 0.5);
// Test the adjustment we make to the quality measure that penalizes wider
// solutions that have almost the same quality score. For example, with no
// adjustment and inputs
// [ -- A -- ]
// [ -- B -- ]
// [ -- C -- ]
// compacting {A, B, C} results in the same reduction in average tablet height
// as compacting {A, B}, but uses more I/O. We'd like to choose {A, B} if
// A, B, and C are large, but {A, B, C} if A, B, and C are small.
TEST_F(TestCompactionPolicy, TestSupportAdjust) {
constexpr auto kBudgetMb = 1000; // Enough to select all rowsets.
CompactionSelection picked;
double quality = 0.0;
// For big rowsets, compaction should favor just compacting the two that
// overlap.
const auto big_rowset_size = FLAGS_budgeted_compaction_target_rowset_size * 0.9;
const RowSetVector big_rowsets = {
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("A", "B", big_rowset_size),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("A", "B", big_rowset_size),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("B", "C", big_rowset_size),
NO_FATALS(RunTestCase(big_rowsets, kBudgetMb, &picked, &quality));
ASSERT_EQ(2, picked.size());
// The widths of A and B are both 0.67, so with the adjustment the quality
// score should be a little less than 0.67.
ASSERT_GE(quality, 0.6);
// For small rowsets, compaction should favor compacting all three.
const auto small_rowset_size = FLAGS_budgeted_compaction_target_rowset_size * 0.3;
const RowSetVector small_rowsets = {
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("A", "B", small_rowset_size),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("A", "B", small_rowset_size),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("B", "C", small_rowset_size),
NO_FATALS(RunTestCase(small_rowsets, kBudgetMb, &picked, &quality));
ASSERT_EQ(3, picked.size());
ASSERT_GE(quality, 0.6);
static RowSetVector LoadFile(const string& name) {
RowSetVector rowsets;
const string path = JoinPathSegments(GetTestExecutableDirectory(), name);
faststring data;
CHECK_OK_PREPEND(ReadFileToString(Env::Default(), path, &data),
strings::Substitute("unable to load test data file $0", path));
const vector<string> lines = strings::Split(data.ToString(), "\n");
for (const auto& line : lines) {
if (line.empty() || line[0] == '#') continue;
const vector<string> fields = strings::Split(line, "\t");
CHECK_EQ(3, fields.size()) << "Expected 3 fields on line: " << line;
const int size_mb = ParseLeadingInt32Value(fields[0], -1);
CHECK_GE(size_mb, 1) << "Expected size at least 1MB on line: " << line;
rowsets.emplace_back(new MockDiskRowSet(fields[1] /* min key */,
fields[2] /* max key */,
size_mb * 1024 * 1024));
return rowsets;
// Realistic test using data scraped from a tablet containing 200GB+ of YCSB
// data. This test can be used as a benchmark for optimizing the compaction
// policy, and also serves as a basic regression/stress test using real data.
TEST_F(TestCompactionPolicy, TestYcsbCompaction) {
const RowSetVector rowsets = LoadFile("testdata/ycsb-test-rowsets.tsv");
RowSetTree tree;
vector<double> qualities;
for (int budget_mb : {128, 256, 512, 1024}) {
BudgetedCompactionPolicy policy(budget_mb);
CompactionSelection picked;
double quality = 0.0;
LOG_TIMING(INFO, strings::Substitute("computing compaction with $0MB budget",
budget_mb)) {
ASSERT_OK(policy.PickRowSets(tree, &picked, &quality, /*log=*/nullptr));
LOG(INFO) << "quality=" << quality;
int total_size = 0;
for (const auto* rs : picked) {
total_size += rs->OnDiskBaseDataSizeWithRedos() / 1024 / 1024;
ASSERT_LE(total_size, budget_mb);
// Since the budget increased in each iteration, the qualities should be
// non-decreasing.
ASSERT_TRUE(std::is_sorted(qualities.begin(), qualities.end())) << qualities;
// Regression test for KUDU-2251 which ensures that large (> 2GiB) rowsets don't
// cause integer overflow in compaction planning.
TEST_F(TestCompactionPolicy, KUDU2251) {
// Raise the target size to keep the quality score in the same range as for
// "normal size" rowsets.
FLAGS_budgeted_compaction_target_rowset_size = 1L << 34;
// Same arrangement as in TestBudgetedSelection.
const RowSetVector rowsets = {
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("C", "c", 1L << 31),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("B", "a", 1L << 32),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("A", "b", 1L << 33)
constexpr auto kBudgetMb = 1L << 30; // Enough to select all rowsets.
CompactionSelection picked;
double quality = 0.0;
NO_FATALS(RunTestCase(rowsets, kBudgetMb, &picked, &quality));
ASSERT_EQ(rowsets.size(), picked.size());
ASSERT_GT(quality, 1.0);
ASSERT_LT(quality, 2.0);
// Test that we don't compact together non-overlapping rowsets if doing so
// doesn't actually reduce the number of rowsets.
TEST_F(TestCompactionPolicy, TestSmallRowsetCompactionReducesRowsetCount) {
constexpr auto kBudgetMb = 1000000; // Enough to select all rowsets in all cases.
const auto num_rowsets = 100;
// Use rowsets close enough to the target size that 'num_rowsets' count of
// them compacted together does not reduce the count of rowsets.
const auto rowset_size =
FLAGS_budgeted_compaction_target_rowset_size * (1 - 1.0 / (num_rowsets - 1));
RowSetVector rowsets;
CompactionSelection picked;
double quality = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_rowsets; i++) {
// [0 - 1][1 - 2] ... [98 - 99][99 - 100] built up over time.
StringPrintf("%010d", i),
StringPrintf("%010d", i + 1),
NO_FATALS(RunTestCase(rowsets, kBudgetMb, &picked, &quality));
// There should never be a worthwhile compaction.
ASSERT_EQ(0.0, quality);
// Test that the score of compacting two rowsets decreases monotonically as the
// size of the two rowsets increases, and that the tradeoff factor is set
// correctly so that a compaction actually reduce the count of rowsets.
TEST_F(TestCompactionPolicy, TestSmallRowsetTradeoffFactor) {
constexpr auto kBudgetMb = 1000; // Enough to select all rowsets in all cases.
CompactionSelection picked;
double quality = 0.0;
double prev_quality = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
// Compact two equal-sized rowsets that are various fractions of the target
// rowset size.
const double target_size_bytes =
for (const auto divisor : { 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 }) {
SCOPED_TRACE(strings::Substitute("divisor = $0", divisor));
const auto size_bytes = target_size_bytes / divisor;
* [A -- B][B -- C]
const RowSetVector rowsets = {
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("A", "B", size_bytes),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("B", "C", size_bytes),
NO_FATALS(RunTestCase(rowsets, kBudgetMb, &picked, &quality));
// The quality score should monotonically decrease.
ASSERT_LE(quality, prev_quality);
prev_quality = quality;
// As a spot check of the prioritization, we should stop wanting to compact
// when the divisor is two or one.
if (divisor > 2) {
ASSERT_EQ(rowsets.size(), picked.size());
} else {
ASSERT_LT(quality, FLAGS_compaction_minimum_improvement);
// However, compacting a target rowset size's worth of data with it split
// between more than two rowsets should result in a compaction.
const auto size_bytes = target_size_bytes / 3;
* [A -- B][B -- C][C -- D]
const RowSetVector rowsets = {
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("A", "B", size_bytes),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("B", "C", size_bytes),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("C", "D", size_bytes),
NO_FATALS(RunTestCase(rowsets, kBudgetMb, &picked, &quality));
ASSERT_EQ(rowsets.size(), picked.size());
ASSERT_GT(quality, FLAGS_compaction_minimum_improvement);
// Compaction policy is designed so that height-reducing compactions should
// generally take priority over size-based compactions. So, in particular,
// given a layout like
// [ -- 32MiB -- ] [ 8MiB ][ 8 MiB ][8 MiB ][ 8MiB ]
// [ -- 32MiB -- ]
// and a budget of 64MiB, the policy should choose to compact the two
// overlapping rowsets despite the fact that that selection has a size-score
// of 0, while compacting one or more of the 8MiB rowsets has a big size score.
TEST_F(TestCompactionPolicy, TestHeightBasedDominatesSizeBased) {
constexpr auto kBigRowSetSizeBytes = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
constexpr auto kSmallRowSetSizeBytes = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
constexpr auto kBudgetMb = 64;
const RowSetVector rowsets = {
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("A", "B", kBigRowSetSizeBytes),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("A", "B", kBigRowSetSizeBytes),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("C", "D", kSmallRowSetSizeBytes),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("D", "E", kSmallRowSetSizeBytes),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("E", "F", kSmallRowSetSizeBytes),
std::make_shared<MockDiskRowSet>("F", "G", kSmallRowSetSizeBytes),
CompactionSelection picked;
double quality = 0.0;
NO_FATALS(RunTestCase(rowsets, kBudgetMb, &picked, &quality));
ASSERT_EQ(2, picked.size());
for (const auto* rowset : picked) {
ASSERT_EQ(kBigRowSetSizeBytes, rowset->OnDiskSize());
namespace {
double ComputeAverageRowsetHeight(
const vector<std::pair<string, string>>& intervals) {
RowSetVector rowsets;
for (const auto& interval : intervals) {
RowSetTree tree;
double rowset_total_height, rowset_total_width;
return rowset_total_width > 0 ? rowset_total_height / rowset_total_width : 0.0;
} // anonymous namespace
class KeySpaceCdfTest : public KuduTest {
static void AssertWithinEpsilon(double epsilon,
double expected,
double actual) {
ASSERT_GE(actual, expected - epsilon);
ASSERT_LE(actual, expected + epsilon);
// Test the computation of average rowset heights. This isn't strictly used in
// compaction policy, but this is a convenient place to put it, for now.
TEST_F(KeySpaceCdfTest, TestComputingAverageRowSetHeight) {
// No rowsets.
EXPECT_EQ(0.0, ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ }));
/* A rowset that's one key wide.
* |
EXPECT_EQ(0.0, ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "A" } }));
/* A single rowset.
* [ --- ]
EXPECT_EQ(1.0, ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "B" } }));
/* Two rowsets with no empty space between.
* [ --- ][ --- ]
EXPECT_EQ(1.0, ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "B" }, { "B", "C" } }));
/* Three rowsets with no empty spaces between.
* [ --- ][ --- ][ --- ]
EXPECT_EQ(1.0, ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "B" },
{ "B", "C" },
{ "C", "D" } }));
/* Two rowsets with empty space between them.
* [ --- ] [ --- ]
EXPECT_EQ(1.0, ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "B" }, { "C", "D" } }));
/* Three rowsets with empty space between them.
* [ --- ] [ --- ] [ --- ]
EXPECT_EQ(1.0, ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "B" },
{ "C", "D" },
{ "E", "F" } }));
/* Three rowsets with empty space between them, and one is a single key.
* [ --- ] | [ --- ]
EXPECT_EQ(1.0, ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "B" },
{ "C", "C" },
{ "D", "D" } }));
/* Two rowsets that completely overlap.
* [ --- ]
* [ --- ]
EXPECT_EQ(2.0, ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "B" }, { "A", "B" } }));
/* Three rowsets that completely overlap, but two are single keys, and the
* overlaps are on the boundaries.
* [ --- ]
* | |
EXPECT_EQ(1.0, ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "B" },
{ "A", "A" },
{ "B", "B" } }));
/* Three rowsets that completely overlap.
* [ --- ]
* [ --- ]
* [ --- ]
EXPECT_EQ(3.0, ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "B" },
{ "A", "B" },
{ "A", "B" } }));
/* Three rowsets that completely overlap, but one is a single key.
* [ --- ]
* [ --- ]
* |
EXPECT_EQ(2.0, ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "C" },
{ "A", "C" },
{ "B", "B" } }));
/* Two rowsets that partially overlap.
* [ --- ]
* [ --- ]
EXPECT_EQ(1.5, ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "C" }, { "B", "D" } }));
// Now the numbers stop being round so we'll check for being within some small
// range of an expected number.
constexpr auto epsilon = 0.001;
/* Three rowsets that partially overlap.
* [ --- ]
* [ --- ]
* [ --- ]
ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "C" },
{ "B", "D" },
{ "C", "E" } }));
/* Three rowsets that partially overlap.
* [ --- ]
* [ --- ]
* [ --- ]
ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "C" },
{ "B", "D" },
{ "A", "C" } }));
/* Five rowsets that partially overlap.
* [ --- ][ --- ]
* [ --- ]
* [ --- ][ --- ]
ComputeAverageRowsetHeight({ { "A", "C" }, { "C", "E" },
{ "B", "D" },
{ "A", "C" }, { "C", "E" } }));
/* A messy collection of rowsets overlapping in all kinds of ways.
* [ --- ][ --- ] [ --- ] [ --- ]
* [ --- ] [ --- ]
* [ --- ] | [ --- ] |
{ { "A", "C" }, { "C", "E" }, { "F", "G" }, { "H", "J" },
{ "B", "D" }, { "F", "I" },
{ "A", "C" }, { "D", "D" }, { "F", "G" }, { "I", "I" } }));
// A regression test for KUDU-2704. If rowsets are larger than the target size
// but there is fruitful height-based compaction that is within budget, it
// might not occur because the size-based portion of the rowset's value is
// negative.
TEST_F(TestCompactionPolicy, TestKUDU2704) {
CompactionSelection picked;
double quality = 0.0;
constexpr auto kNumRowSets = 100;
const auto big_rowset_size = FLAGS_budgeted_compaction_target_rowset_size * 2;
const auto budget_mb = 2 * big_rowset_size / 1024 / 1024;
RowSetVector rowsets;
for (auto i = 0; i < kNumRowSets; i++) {
rowsets.emplace_back(new MockDiskRowSet(
StringPrintf("%010d", i * 2),
StringPrintf("%010d", i * 2 + 1),
// Add one rowset overlapping the first rowset, so that it decreases average
// rowset height to compact this one and the first one, but the average rowset
// height doesn't decrease by much.
rowsets.emplace_back(new MockDiskRowSet("0000000000",
NO_FATALS(RunTestCase(rowsets, budget_mb, &picked, &quality));
// We should still pick two rowsets because we do not allow the above-target
// size of the rowsets to hurt compaction based on average height reduction.
ASSERT_EQ(2, picked.size());
ASSERT_GT(quality, 0.0);
} // namespace tablet
} // namespace kudu