blob: bdf2b54b2bb93715617bb2a732c0c9e2552ef8b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/rebalance/placement_policy_util.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/rebalance/rebalance_algo.h"
#include "kudu/rebalance/rebalancer.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
using std::map;
using std::ostream;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace rebalance {
// TODO(aserbin): consider renaming the structures below XxxInfo --> Xxx
// Information on a table.
struct TestTableInfo {
const string id;
const int replication_factor;
const vector<string> tablet_ids;
// Information on tablet servers in the same location.
struct TabletServerLocationInfo {
const string location;
const vector<string> ts_ids;
// Information on tablet replicas hosted by a tablet server.
struct TabletServerReplicasInfo {
const string ts_id;
const vector<string> tablet_ids;
// Describes a cluster with emphasis on the placement policy constraints.
struct TestClusterConfig {
// The input information on the test cluster.
const vector<TestTableInfo> tables_info;
const vector<TabletServerLocationInfo> ts_location_info;
const vector<TabletServerReplicasInfo> replicas_info;
// The expected information on placement policy violations and moves
// to correct those.
const vector<PlacementPolicyViolationInfo> reference_violations_info;
const vector<Rebalancer::ReplicaMove> reference_replicas_to_remove;
// Transform the definition of the test cluster into the ClusterLocalityInfo
// and TabletsPlacementInfo.
void ClusterConfigToClusterPlacementInfo(const TestClusterConfig& tcc,
ClusterLocalityInfo* cli,
TabletsPlacementInfo* tpi) {
// TODO(aserbin): add sanity checks on the results
ClusterLocalityInfo result_cli;
TabletsPlacementInfo result_tpi;
for (const auto& table_info : tcc.tables_info) {
TableInfo info; =;
info.replication_factor = table_info.replication_factor;
EmplaceOrDie(&result_tpi.tables_info,, std::move(info));
for (const auto& tablet_id : table_info.tablet_ids) {
EmplaceOrDie(&result_tpi.tablet_to_table_id, tablet_id,;
for (const auto& location_info : tcc.ts_location_info) {
const auto& location = location_info.location;
// Populate ts_uuids_by_location.
auto& ts_uuids = LookupOrEmplace(&result_cli.servers_by_location,
location, set<string>());
ts_uuids.insert(location_info.ts_ids.begin(), location_info.ts_ids.end());
for (const auto& ts_id : ts_uuids) {
EmplaceOrDie(&result_cli.location_by_ts_id, ts_id, location);
for (const auto& replica_info : tcc.replicas_info) {
const auto& ts_location = FindOrDie(result_cli.location_by_ts_id,
// Populate replica_num_by_ts_id.
replica_info.ts_id, replica_info.tablet_ids.size());
for (const auto& tablet_id : replica_info.tablet_ids) {
// Populate tablets_info.
auto& tablet_info = LookupOrEmplace(&result_tpi.tablets_info,
tablet_id, TabletInfo());
tablet_info.config_idx = 0; // hard-coded for this type of test
auto& ri = tablet_info.replicas_info;
// For these tests, the first tablet in the list is assigned leader role.
ri.empty() ? ReplicaRole::LEADER : ReplicaRole::FOLLOWER_VOTER });
// Populate tablet_location_info.
auto& count_by_location = LookupOrEmplace(
&result_tpi.tablet_location_info, tablet_id, unordered_map<string, int>());
++LookupOrEmplace(&count_by_location, ts_location, 0);
*cli = std::move(result_cli);
*tpi = std::move(result_tpi);
bool operator==(const PlacementPolicyViolationInfo& lhs,
const PlacementPolicyViolationInfo& rhs) {
return lhs.tablet_id == rhs.tablet_id &&
lhs.majority_location == rhs.majority_location &&
lhs.replicas_num_at_majority_location ==
ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const PlacementPolicyViolationInfo& info) {
s << "{tablet_id: " << info.tablet_id
<< ", location: " << info.majority_location
<< ", replicas_num_at_majority_location: "
<< info.replicas_num_at_majority_location << "}";
return s;
bool operator==(const Rebalancer::ReplicaMove& lhs,
const Rebalancer::ReplicaMove& rhs) {
// The config_opid_idx field is ingored in tests for brevity.
return lhs.tablet_uuid == rhs.tablet_uuid &&
lhs.ts_uuid_from == rhs.ts_uuid_from;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Rebalancer::ReplicaMove& info) {
s << "{tablet_id: " << info.tablet_uuid
<< ", ts_id: " << info.ts_uuid_from << "}";
return s;
// The order of elements in the container of reported violations
// and the container of replica movements to fix the latter doesn't
// matter: they are independent by definition (because they are reported
// in per-tablet way) and either container must not have multiple entries
// per tablet anyway. For the ease of comparison with reference results,
// let's build ordered map out of those, where the key is tablet id
// and the value is the information on the violation or candidate replica
// movement.
typedef map<string, PlacementPolicyViolationInfo> PPVIMap;
typedef map<string, Rebalancer::ReplicaMove> ReplicaMovesMap;
void ViolationInfoVectorToMap(
const vector<PlacementPolicyViolationInfo>& infos,
PPVIMap* result) {
PPVIMap ret;
for (const auto& info : infos) {
ASSERT_TRUE(EmplaceIfNotPresent(&ret, info.tablet_id, info));
*result = std::move(ret);
void ReplicaMoveVectorToMap(
const vector<Rebalancer::ReplicaMove>& infos,
ReplicaMovesMap* result) {
ReplicaMovesMap ret;
for (const auto& info : infos) {
ASSERT_TRUE(EmplaceIfNotPresent(&ret, info.tablet_uuid, info));
*result = std::move(ret);
void CheckEqual(const vector<PlacementPolicyViolationInfo>& lhs,
const vector<PlacementPolicyViolationInfo>& rhs) {
PPVIMap lhs_map;
NO_FATALS(ViolationInfoVectorToMap(lhs, &lhs_map));
PPVIMap rhs_map;
NO_FATALS(ViolationInfoVectorToMap(rhs, &rhs_map));
ASSERT_EQ(lhs_map, rhs_map);
void CheckEqual(const vector<Rebalancer::ReplicaMove>& lhs,
const vector<Rebalancer::ReplicaMove>& rhs) {
ReplicaMovesMap lhs_map;
NO_FATALS(ReplicaMoveVectorToMap(lhs, &lhs_map));
ReplicaMovesMap rhs_map;
NO_FATALS(ReplicaMoveVectorToMap(rhs, &rhs_map));
ASSERT_EQ(lhs_map, rhs_map);
// A shortcut for DetectPlacementPolicyViolations() followed by
// FindMovesToReimposePlacementPolicy().
Status FindMovesToFixPolicyViolations(
const TabletsPlacementInfo& placement_info,
const ClusterLocalityInfo& locality_info,
vector<PlacementPolicyViolationInfo>* violations_info,
std::vector<Rebalancer::ReplicaMove>* replicas_to_remove) {
vector<PlacementPolicyViolationInfo> violations;
RETURN_NOT_OK(DetectPlacementPolicyViolations(placement_info, &violations));
if (violations.empty()) {
// Nothing to do: no placement policy violations found.
if (violations_info) {
return Status::OK();
placement_info, locality_info, violations, replicas_to_remove));
*violations_info = std::move(violations);
return Status::OK();
class ClusterLocationTest : public ::testing::Test {
void RunTest(const vector<TestClusterConfig>& test_configs) {
for (auto idx = 0; idx < test_configs.size(); ++idx) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("test config index: $0", idx));
const auto& cfg = test_configs[idx];
ClusterLocalityInfo cli;
TabletsPlacementInfo tpi;
ClusterConfigToClusterPlacementInfo(cfg, &cli, &tpi);
vector<PlacementPolicyViolationInfo> violations;
vector<Rebalancer::ReplicaMove> moves;
ASSERT_OK(FindMovesToFixPolicyViolations(tpi, cli, &violations, &moves));
NO_FATALS(CheckEqual(cfg.reference_violations_info, violations));
NO_FATALS(CheckEqual(cfg.reference_replicas_to_remove, moves));
TEST_F(ClusterLocationTest, PlacementPolicyViolationsNone) {
const vector<TestClusterConfig> configs = {
// Single-replica tablets, all in one location: no violation to report.
{ "T0", 1, { "t0", "t1", "t2", } },
{ "L0", { "A", } },
{ "L1", { "B", } },
{ "L2", { "C", } },
{ "A", { "t0", "t1", "t2", } },
{ "B", {} },
{ "C", {} },
// One RF=3 tablet, one replica per location: no violations to report.
{ "T0", 3, { "t0", } },
{ "L0", { "A", } },
{ "L1", { "B", } },
{ "L2", { "C", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } },
{ "B", { "t0", } },
{ "C", { "t0", } },
TEST_F(ClusterLocationTest, PlacementPolicyViolationsSimple) {
const vector<TestClusterConfig> configs = {
// One RF=3 table with one tablet, all the replicas in one of the three
// locations. In addition, one RF=1 table with one tablet has its single
// replica in the same location.
{ "T0", 3, { "t0", } },
{ "X0", 1, { "x0", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", "C", } },
{ "L1", { "D", } },
{ "L2", { "E", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } }, { "B", { "t0", } }, { "C", { "t0", "x0", } },
{ "D", {} },
{ "E", {} },
{ { "t0", "L0", 3 }, },
{ { "t0", "C" }, }
// One RF=3 tablet, two locations.
{ "T0", 3, { "t0", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", } },
{ "L1", { "C", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } },
{ "B", { "t0", } },
{ "C", { "t0", } },
{ { "t0", "L0", 2 }, },
// One RF=3 tablet, majority of replicas in one of three locations.
{ "T0", 3, { "t0", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", } },
{ "L1", { "C", } },
{ "L2", { "D", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } }, { "B", { "t0", } },
{ "C", { "t0", } },
{ "D", {} },
{ { "t0", "L0", 2 }, },
{ { "t0", "B" }, }
TEST_F(ClusterLocationTest, PlacementPolicyViolationsMixed) {
const vector<TestClusterConfig> configs = {
// Two tables: one of RF=3 and another of RF=1. For both two tablets of the
// former, the replica distribution violates the placement policy.
{ "T0", 3, { "t0", "t1", } },
{ "X0", 1, { "x0", "x1", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", "C", } },
{ "L1", { "D", "E", } },
{ "L2", { "F", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } }, { "B", { "t0", "x0", } }, { "C", { "t0", } },
{ "D", { "t1", "x1", } }, { "E", { "t1", } },
{ "F", { "t1", } },
{ { "t0", "L0", 3 }, { "t1", "L1", 2 }, },
{ { "t0", "B" }, { "t1", "E" } }
// Four RF=3 tablets: the replica placement of two tablets is OK,
// but the placement of the two others' violates the placement policy.
{ "T0", 3, { "t0", "t1", "t2", "t3", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", "C", } },
{ "L1", { "D", "E", } },
{ "L2", { "F", } },
{ "A", { "t0", "t2", } }, { "B", { "t0", "t3", } }, { "C", { "t0", } },
{ "D", { "t1", "t2", } }, { "E", { "t1", "t3", } },
{ "F", { "t1", "t2", "t3", } },
{ { "t0", "L0", 3 }, { "t1", "L1", 2 }, },
{ { "t0", "B" }, { "t1", "E" } }
// That's a scenario to verify how FixPlacementPolicyViolations() works when
// there isn't a candidate replica to move. In general (i.e. in case of RF
// higher than 3), the existence of more than two locations does not guarantee
// there is always a way to distribute tablet replicas across locations
// so that no location has the majority of replicas.
TEST_F(ClusterLocationTest, NoCandidateMovesToFixPolicyViolations) {
const vector<TestClusterConfig> configs = {
// One RF=5 tablet with the distribution of its replica placement violating
// the placement policy.
{ "T0", 5, { "t0", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", "C", "D", } },
{ "L1", { "E", } },
{ "L2", { "F", } },
// Tablet server D doesn't host any replica of t0.
{ "A", { "t0", } }, { "B", { "t0", } }, { "C", { "t0", } },
{ "E", { "t0", } },
{ "F", { "t0", } },
{ { "t0", "L0", 3 }, },
// One RF=7 tablet with the distribution of its replica placement violating
// the placement policy.
{ "T0", 7, { "t0", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", } },
{ "L1", { "F", } },
{ "L2", { "G", } },
{ "L3", { "H", } },
// Tablet server E doesn't host any replica of t0. The idea is to
// verify that FindMovesToReimposePlacementPolicy() does not command
// moving a replica within the same location to E or from F, G, or H
// to F.
{ "A", { "t0", } }, { "B", { "t0", } }, { "C", { "t0", } },
{ "D", { "t0", } },
{ "F", { "t0", } },
{ "G", { "t0", } },
{ "H", { "t0", } },
{ { "t0", "L0", 4 }, },
// One RF=6 tablet with replica placement violating the placement policy.
{ "T0", 6, { "t0", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", "C", } },
{ "L1", { "D", "E", } },
{ "L2", { "F", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } }, { "B", { "t0", } }, { "C", { "t0", } },
{ "D", { "t0", } }, { "E", { "t0", } },
{ "F", { "t0", } },
{ { "t0", "L0", 3 }, },
for (auto idx = 0; idx < configs.size(); ++idx) {
SCOPED_TRACE(Substitute("test config index: $0", idx));
const auto& cfg = configs[idx];
ClusterLocalityInfo cli;
TabletsPlacementInfo tpi;
ClusterConfigToClusterPlacementInfo(cfg, &cli, &tpi);
vector<PlacementPolicyViolationInfo> violations;
ASSERT_OK(DetectPlacementPolicyViolations(tpi, &violations));
NO_FATALS(CheckEqual(cfg.reference_violations_info, violations));
vector<Rebalancer::ReplicaMove> moves;
auto s = FindMovesToReimposePlacementPolicy(tpi, cli, violations, &moves);
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsNotFound()) << s.ToString();
TEST_F(ClusterLocationTest, PlacementPolicyViolationsEvenRFEdgeCases) {
const vector<TestClusterConfig> configs = {
// One location, RF=2 and RF=4.
{ "T0", 2, { "t0", } },
{ "T1", 4, { "t1", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", } },
{ "A", { "t0", "t1", } },
{ "B", { "t0", "t1", } },
{ "C", { "t1", } },
{ "D", { "t1", } },
{ { "t0", "L0", 2 }, { "t1", "L0", 4 }, },
// Two locations, RF=2.
{ "T0", 2, { "t0", "t1", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", } },
{ "L1", { "D", "E", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } }, { "B", { "t0", } },
{ "D", { "t1", } }, { "E", { "t1", } },
{ { "t0", "L0", 2 }, { "t1", "L1", 2 }, },
// Three locations, RF=2.
{ "T0", 2, { "t0", "t1", "t2", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", } },
{ "L1", { "C", "D", } },
{ "L2", { "E", "F", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } }, { "B", { "t0", } },
{ "C", { "t1", } }, { "D", { "t2", } },
{ "E", { "t1", } }, { "F", { "t2", } },
{ "t0", "L0", 2 },
{ "t1", "L2", 1 },
{ "t2", "L2", 1 },
// Four locations, RF=2.
{ "T0", 2, { "t0", "t1", } },
{ "L0", { "A", } },
{ "L1", { "B", } },
{ "L2", { "C", } },
{ "L3", { "D", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } },
{ "B", { "t0", } },
{ "C", { "t1", } },
{ "D", { "t1", } },
{ "t0", "L1", 1 },
{ "t1", "L3", 1 },
// Two locations, RF=2 and RF=4.
{ "T0", 2, { "t0", } },
{ "T1", 4, { "t1", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", "C", } },
{ "L1", { "D", "E", "F", } },
{ "A", { "t0", "t1", } }, { "B", { "t0", "t1", } },
{ "D", { "t1", } }, { "E", { "t1", } },
{ { "t0", "L0", 2 }, { "t1", "L1", 2 }, },
// Two locations, two tablets, RF=2.
{ "T0", 2, { "t0", "t1", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", } },
{ "L1", { "C", "D", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } }, { "B", { "t0", } },
{ "C", { "t1", } }, { "D", { "t1", } },
{ { "t0", "L0", 2 }, { "t1", "L1", 2 }, },
// Three locations, RF=4.
{ "T0", 4, { "t0", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", } },
{ "L1", { "D", "E", } },
{ "L2", { "F", "G", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } }, { "B", { "t0", } },
{ "D", { "t0", } },
{ "F", { "t0", } },
{ { "t0", "L0", 2 }, },
TEST_F(ClusterLocationTest, PlacementPolicyViolationsEvenRF) {
const vector<TestClusterConfig> configs = {
// Three locations, RF=6.
{ "T0", 6, { "t0", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", "C", } },
{ "L1", { "D", "E", "F", } },
{ "L2", { "G", "H", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } }, { "B", { "t0", } }, { "C", { "t0", } },
{ "D", { "t0", } }, { "F", { "t0", } },
{ "H", { "t0", } },
{ { "t0", "L0", 3 }, },
{ { "t0", "B" }, }
// Three locations, RF=8.
{ "T0", 8, { "t0", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", "C", } },
{ "L1", { "D", "E", "F", "G", } },
{ "L2", { "H", "J", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } }, { "B", { "t0", } }, { "C", { "t0", } },
{ "D", { "t0", } }, { "E", { "t0", } }, { "F", { "t0", } },
{ "G", { "t0", } },
{ "H", { "t0", } },
{ { "t0", "L1", 4 }, },
{ { "t0", "D" }, }
TEST_F(ClusterLocationTest, PlacementPolicyViolationsNoneEvenRF) {
const vector<TestClusterConfig> configs = {
// Three locations, RF=6.
{ "T0", 6, { "t0", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", "C", } },
{ "L1", { "D", "E", "F", } },
{ "L2", { "G", "H", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } }, { "B", { "t0", } },
{ "D", { "t0", } }, { "E", { "t0", } },
{ "G", { "t0", } }, { "H", { "t0", } },
// Three locations, RF=8.
{ "T0", 8, { "t0", } },
{ "L0", { "A", "B", "C", } },
{ "L1", { "D", "E", "F", } },
{ "L2", { "G", "H", } },
{ "A", { "t0", } }, { "B", { "t0", } }, { "C", { "t0", } },
{ "D", { "t0", } }, { "E", { "t0", } }, { "F", { "t0", } },
{ "G", { "t0", } }, { "H", { "t0", } },
} // namespace rebalance
} // namespace kudu