blob: 658ed8292f335b1b9e922df5053cd48c155ce2cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags_declare.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "kudu/common/row_operations.pb.h"
#include "kudu/common/schema.h"
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol-test-util.h"
#include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.pb.h"
#include "kudu/consensus/metadata.pb.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/integration-tests/cluster_itest_util.h"
#include "kudu/integration-tests/cluster_verifier.h"
#include "kudu/integration-tests/external_mini_cluster-itest-base.h"
#include "kudu/integration-tests/mini_cluster_fs_inspector.h"
#include "kudu/integration-tests/test_workload.h"
#include "kudu/mini-cluster/external_mini_cluster.h"
#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_controller.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/metadata.pb.h"
#include "kudu/tablet/tablet.pb.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tserver.pb.h"
#include "kudu/tserver/tserver_service.proxy.h"
#include "kudu/util/countdown_latch.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
using kudu::consensus::RaftPeerPB;
using kudu::consensus::EXCLUDE_HEALTH_REPORT;
using kudu::itest::AddServer;
using kudu::itest::RemoveServer;
using kudu::itest::StartElection;
using kudu::itest::TServerDetails;
using kudu::itest::WaitForNumTabletsOnTS;
using kudu::itest::WaitForServersToAgree;
using kudu::itest::WaitUntilCommittedOpIdIndexIs;
using kudu::itest::WaitUntilTabletRunning;
using kudu::tablet::TABLET_DATA_READY;
using kudu::tablet::TABLET_DATA_TOMBSTONED;
using kudu::tserver::ListTabletsResponsePB;
using std::map;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
enum InstabilityType {
class TabletReplacementITest : public ExternalMiniClusterITestBase {
// Maps tablet identifier (UUID) into the set of TS UUIDs that host
// replicas of the tablet.
typedef map<string, vector<string>> TabletToReplicaUUIDs;
Status GetTabletToReplicaUUIDsMapping(const MonoDelta& timeout,
TabletToReplicaUUIDs* mappings) const;
// Depending on replica management mode the test is running, not all elements
// of ts_map_ are relevant. So, construct ts_map containing information on
// tablet servers which host tablet replicas.
void GetTsMapForReplicas(const vector<string>& replica_uuids,
unordered_map<string, TServerDetails*>* ts_map) const;
void TestDontEvictIfRemainingConfigIsUnstable(InstabilityType type,
bool is_3_4_3_mode);
Status TabletReplacementITest::GetTabletToReplicaUUIDsMapping(
const MonoDelta& timeout,
TabletToReplicaUUIDs* mappings) const {
map<string, set<string>> tablet_to_replicas;
for (const auto& e : ts_map_) {
vector<ListTabletsResponsePB::StatusAndSchemaPB> tablets;
RETURN_NOT_OK(itest::ListTablets(e.second, timeout, &tablets));
for (const auto& tablet : tablets) {
const auto& tablet_id = tablet.tablet_status().tablet_id();
TabletToReplicaUUIDs ret;
for (const auto& e : tablet_to_replicas) {
ret.emplace(e.first, vector<string>(e.second.begin(), e.second.end()));
return Status::OK();
void TabletReplacementITest::GetTsMapForReplicas(
const vector<string>& replica_uuids,
unordered_map<string, TServerDetails*>* ts_map) const {
decltype(ts_map_) ret;
for (const auto& uuid : replica_uuids) {
const auto it = ts_map_.find(uuid);
ASSERT_NE(ts_map_.end(), it);
ret[uuid] = it->second;
void TabletReplacementITest::TestDontEvictIfRemainingConfigIsUnstable(
InstabilityType type, bool is_3_4_3_mode) {
// The configuration is tuned to minimize chances of reporting on failed
// tablet replicas one-by-one. That's because by the scenario 2 replicas out
// of 3 are becoming unresponsive, and the scenario assumes the decision
// on whether to replace failed replicas is made knowing about both failed
// replicas.
const MonoDelta kTimeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(60);
constexpr auto kUnavailableSec = 3;
constexpr auto kTsToMasterHbIntervalSec = 2 * kUnavailableSec;
constexpr auto kConsensusRpcTimeoutSec = 2;
constexpr auto kNumReplicas = 3;
const vector<string> ts_flags = {
Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_3_4_3_mode),
Substitute("--follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec=$0", kUnavailableSec),
Substitute("--consensus_rpc_timeout_ms=$0", kConsensusRpcTimeoutSec * 1000),
Substitute("--heartbeat_interval_ms=$0", kTsToMasterHbIntervalSec * 1000),
// 'update_tablet_stats_interval_ms' should be larger than 'heartbeat_interval_ms'.
Substitute("--update_tablet_stats_interval_ms=$0", (kTsToMasterHbIntervalSec + 1) * 1000),
const vector<string> master_flags = {
Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_3_4_3_mode),
// Additional tablet server is needed when running in 3-4-3 replica management
// scheme to allow for eviction of failed tablet replicas.
const auto kNumTservers = is_3_4_3_mode ? kNumReplicas + 1 : kNumReplicas;
NO_FATALS(StartCluster(ts_flags, master_flags, kNumTservers));
TestWorkload workload(cluster_.get());
workload.Setup(); // Easy way to create a new tablet.
TabletToReplicaUUIDs tablet_to_replicas;
ASSERT_OK(GetTabletToReplicaUUIDsMapping(kTimeout, &tablet_to_replicas));
// There should be only one tablet.
ASSERT_EQ(1, tablet_to_replicas.size());
// It takes some time to bootstrap all replicas across all tablet servers
ASSERT_EQ(kNumReplicas, tablet_to_replicas.cbegin()->second.size());
const string tablet_id = tablet_to_replicas.cbegin()->first;
const auto& replica_uuids = tablet_to_replicas.cbegin()->second;
// Wait until all replicas are up and running.
for (const auto& uuid : replica_uuids) {
ASSERT_OK(WaitUntilTabletRunning(ts_map_[uuid], tablet_id, kTimeout));
// Elect a leader.
const auto& kLeaderId = replica_uuids[0];
TServerDetails* leader_ts = ts_map_[kLeaderId];
ASSERT_OK(StartElection(leader_ts, tablet_id, kTimeout));
decltype(ts_map_) ts_map;
NO_FATALS(GetTsMapForReplicas(replica_uuids, &ts_map));
// Wait for NO_OP.
ASSERT_OK(WaitForServersToAgree(kTimeout, ts_map, tablet_id, 1));
consensus::ConsensusStatePB cstate_initial;
ASSERT_OK(GetConsensusState(leader_ts, tablet_id, kTimeout, EXCLUDE_HEALTH_REPORT,
const auto& kFollower1Id = replica_uuids[1];
const auto& kFollower2Id = replica_uuids[2];
// Shut down both followers and wait for enough time that the leader thinks they are
// unresponsive. It should not trigger a config change to evict either one.
switch (type) {
// Sleep to make sure the leader replica recognized the stopped/shutdown
// followers as unresponsive according to
// --follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec. Since unreachable peers
// are not considered viable per PeerMessageQueue::SafeToEvictUnlocked(),
// which makes that calculation based on --consensus_rpc_timeout_ms, we also
// wait until that timeout expires to proceed. This ensures that later, when
// we resume a follower, the leader does not consider itself unreachable,
// which was a bug that we had (KUDU-2230) and that this test also serves as
// a regression test for.
auto min_sleep_required_sec = std::max(kUnavailableSec, kConsensusRpcTimeoutSec);
min_sleep_required_sec = std::max(min_sleep_required_sec, kTsToMasterHbIntervalSec);
SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromSeconds(2 * min_sleep_required_sec));
consensus::ConsensusStatePB cstate;
ASSERT_OK(GetConsensusState(leader_ts, tablet_id, kTimeout, EXCLUDE_HEALTH_REPORT, &cstate));
// It's possible the leader only registered one replica as failed when
// sending its report to the master, so the master may have requested a
// change config request to add non-voter. Regardless, there should be no
// new committed config since a majority is down.
<< "Leader should not have issued any config change";
switch (type) {
// At this point the majority of voters is back online, so the leader should
// evict the failed replica, resulting in Raft configuration update.
consensus::ConsensusStatePB cstate;
ASSERT_OK(GetConsensusState(leader_ts, tablet_id, kTimeout, EXCLUDE_HEALTH_REPORT, &cstate));
cstate_initial.committed_config().opid_index() +
(is_3_4_3_mode ? 1 : 0))
<< "Leader should have issued config change to evict failed follower;"
<< " the consensus state is: " << cstate.DebugString();
// Test that the Master will tombstone a newly-evicted replica.
// Then, test that the Master will NOT tombstone a newly-added replica that is
// not part of the committed config yet (only the pending config).
TEST_F(TabletReplacementITest, TestMasterTombstoneEvictedReplica) {
MonoDelta timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(30);
vector<string> ts_flags = { "--enable_leader_failure_detection=false" };
int num_tservers = 5;
vector<string> master_flags = { "--master_add_server_when_underreplicated=false" };
NO_FATALS(StartCluster(ts_flags, master_flags, num_tservers));
TestWorkload workload(cluster_.get());
workload.Setup(); // Easy way to create a new tablet.
const int kLeaderIndex = 0;
TServerDetails* leader_ts = ts_map_[cluster_->tablet_server(kLeaderIndex)->uuid()];
const int kFollowerIndex = 4;
TServerDetails* follower_ts = ts_map_[cluster_->tablet_server(kFollowerIndex)->uuid()];
// Figure out the tablet id of the created tablet.
vector<ListTabletsResponsePB::StatusAndSchemaPB> tablets;
ASSERT_OK(WaitForNumTabletsOnTS(leader_ts, 1, timeout, &tablets));
string tablet_id = tablets[0].tablet_status().tablet_id();
// Wait until all replicas are up and running.
for (int i = 0; i < cluster_->num_tablet_servers(); i++) {
tablet_id, timeout));
// Elect a leader (TS 0)
ASSERT_OK(StartElection(leader_ts, tablet_id, timeout));
ASSERT_OK(WaitForServersToAgree(timeout, ts_map_, tablet_id, 1)); // Wait for NO_OP.
// Wait until it has committed its NO_OP, so that we can perform a config change.
ASSERT_OK(WaitUntilCommittedOpIdIndexIs(1, leader_ts, tablet_id, timeout));
// Remove a follower from the config.
ASSERT_OK(RemoveServer(leader_ts, tablet_id, follower_ts, timeout));
// Wait for the Master to tombstone the replica.
ASSERT_OK(inspect_->WaitForTabletDataStateOnTS(kFollowerIndex, tablet_id,
if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
// The rest of this test has multi-second waits, so we do it in slow test mode.
LOG(WARNING) << "not verifying that a newly-added replica won't be tombstoned; "
"run with KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to verify";
// Shut down a majority of followers (3 servers) and then try to add the
// follower back to the config. This will cause the config change to end up
// in a pending state.
unordered_map<string, TServerDetails*> active_ts_map = ts_map_;
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(1, active_ts_map.erase(cluster_->tablet_server(i)->uuid()));
// This will time out, but should take effect.
Status s = AddServer(leader_ts, tablet_id, follower_ts, RaftPeerPB::VOTER,
ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsTimedOut()) << s.ToString();
ASSERT_OK(inspect_->WaitForTabletDataStateOnTS(kFollowerIndex, tablet_id, { TABLET_DATA_READY },
ASSERT_OK(WaitForServersToAgree(timeout, active_ts_map, tablet_id, 3));
// Sleep for a few more seconds and check again to ensure that the Master
// didn't end up tombstoning the replica.
ASSERT_OK(inspect_->CheckTabletDataStateOnTS(kFollowerIndex, tablet_id, { TABLET_DATA_READY }));
// Test for KUDU-2138: ensure that the master will tombstone failed tablets
// that have previously been evicted.
TEST_F(TabletReplacementITest, TestMasterTombstoneFailedEvictedReplicaOnReport) {
const MonoDelta kTimeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(30);
const int kNumServers = 4;
{"--master_tombstone_evicted_tablet_replicas=false"}, kNumServers));
TestWorkload workload(cluster_.get());
workload.Setup(); // Easy way to create a new tablet.
// Determine the tablet id.
string tablet_id;
vector<string> tablets = inspect_->ListTablets();
tablet_id = tablets[0];
// Determine which tablet servers have data. One should be empty.
unordered_map<string, TServerDetails*> active_ts_map = ts_map_;
int empty_server_idx = -1;
string empty_ts_uuid;
consensus::ConsensusMetadataPB cmeta_pb;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumServers; i++) {
consensus::ConsensusMetadataPB cmeta_pb;
if (inspect_->ReadConsensusMetadataOnTS(i, tablet_id, &cmeta_pb).IsNotFound()) {
empty_ts_uuid = cluster_->tablet_server(i)->uuid();
ASSERT_EQ(1, active_ts_map.erase(empty_ts_uuid));
empty_server_idx = i;
ASSERT_NE(empty_server_idx, -1);
// Wait until all replicas are up and running.
for (const auto& e : active_ts_map) {
ASSERT_OK(WaitUntilTabletRunning(e.second, tablet_id, kTimeout));
// Select a replica to fail by shutting it down and mucking with its
// metadata. When it restarts, it will fail to open.
int idx_to_fail = (empty_server_idx + 1) % kNumServers;
auto* ts = cluster_->tablet_server(idx_to_fail);
ASSERT_OK(inspect_->ReadConsensusMetadataOnTS(idx_to_fail, tablet_id, &cmeta_pb));
ASSERT_OK(inspect_->WriteConsensusMetadataOnTS(idx_to_fail, tablet_id, cmeta_pb));
// Wait until the replica is evicted and replicated to the empty server.
// Restart the tserver and ensure the tablet is failed.
// Upon restarting, the master will request a report and notice the failed
// replica. Wait for the master to tombstone the failed follower.
ASSERT_OK(inspect_->WaitForTabletDataStateOnTS(idx_to_fail, tablet_id,
// Ensure that the Master will tombstone a replica if it reports in with an old
// config. This tests a slightly different code path in the catalog manager
// than TestMasterTombstoneEvictedReplica does.
TEST_F(TabletReplacementITest, TestMasterTombstoneOldReplicaOnReport) {
MonoDelta timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(30);
vector<string> ts_flags = { "--enable_leader_failure_detection=false" };
vector<string> master_flags = { "--master_add_server_when_underreplicated=false" };
NO_FATALS(StartCluster(ts_flags, master_flags));
TestWorkload workload(cluster_.get());
workload.Setup(); // Easy way to create a new tablet.
const int kLeaderIndex = 0;
TServerDetails* leader_ts = ts_map_[cluster_->tablet_server(kLeaderIndex)->uuid()];
const int kFollowerIndex = 2;
TServerDetails* follower_ts = ts_map_[cluster_->tablet_server(kFollowerIndex)->uuid()];
// Figure out the tablet id of the created tablet.
vector<ListTabletsResponsePB::StatusAndSchemaPB> tablets;
ASSERT_OK(WaitForNumTabletsOnTS(leader_ts, 1, timeout, &tablets));
string tablet_id = tablets[0].tablet_status().tablet_id();
// Wait until all replicas are up and running.
for (int i = 0; i < cluster_->num_tablet_servers(); i++) {
tablet_id, timeout));
// Elect a leader (TS 0)
ASSERT_OK(StartElection(leader_ts, tablet_id, timeout));
ASSERT_OK(WaitForServersToAgree(timeout, ts_map_, tablet_id, 1)); // Wait for NO_OP.
// Wait until it has committed its NO_OP, so that we can perform a config change.
ASSERT_OK(WaitUntilCommittedOpIdIndexIs(1, leader_ts, tablet_id, timeout));
// Shut down the follower to be removed, then remove it from the config.
// We will wait for the Master to be notified of the config change, then shut
// down the rest of the cluster and bring the follower back up. The follower
// will heartbeat to the Master and then be tombstoned.
// Remove the follower from the config and wait for the Master to notice the
// config change.
ASSERT_OK(RemoveServer(leader_ts, tablet_id, follower_ts, timeout));
ASSERT_OK(itest::WaitForNumVotersInConfigOnMaster(cluster_->master_proxy(), tablet_id, 2,
// Shut down the remaining tablet servers and restart the dead one.
// Wait for the Master to tombstone the revived follower.
ASSERT_OK(inspect_->WaitForTabletDataStateOnTS(kFollowerIndex, tablet_id,
class EvictAndReplaceDeadFollowerITest :
public TabletReplacementITest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<bool> {
// Test that unreachable followers are evicted and replaced.
TEST_P(EvictAndReplaceDeadFollowerITest, UnreachableFollower) {
const bool is_3_4_3_mode = GetParam();
MonoDelta kTimeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(30);
const vector<string> ts_flags = {
Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_3_4_3_mode),
const vector<string> master_flags = {
Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_3_4_3_mode),
constexpr auto kNumReplicas = 3;
// Additional tablet server is needed when running in 3-4-3 replica management
// scheme to allow for eviction of failed tablet replicas.
const auto kNumTservers = is_3_4_3_mode ? kNumReplicas + 1 : kNumReplicas;
NO_FATALS(StartCluster(ts_flags, master_flags, kNumTservers));
TestWorkload workload(cluster_.get());
workload.Setup(); // Easy way to create a new tablet.
TabletToReplicaUUIDs tablet_to_replicas;
ASSERT_OK(GetTabletToReplicaUUIDsMapping(kTimeout, &tablet_to_replicas));
// There should be only one tablet.
ASSERT_EQ(1, tablet_to_replicas.size());
// It takes some time to bootstrap all replicas across all tablet servers
ASSERT_EQ(kNumReplicas, tablet_to_replicas.cbegin()->second.size());
const string tablet_id = tablet_to_replicas.cbegin()->first;
const auto& replica_uuids = tablet_to_replicas.cbegin()->second;
// Wait until all replicas are up and running.
for (const auto& uuid : replica_uuids) {
ASSERT_OK(WaitUntilTabletRunning(ts_map_[uuid], tablet_id, kTimeout));
// Elect a leader.
const auto& kLeaderId = replica_uuids.front();
TServerDetails* leader_ts = ts_map_[kLeaderId];
ASSERT_OK(StartElection(leader_ts, tablet_id, kTimeout));
decltype(ts_map_) ts_map;
NO_FATALS(GetTsMapForReplicas(replica_uuids, &ts_map));
// Wait for NO_OP.
ASSERT_OK(WaitForServersToAgree(kTimeout, ts_map, tablet_id, 1));
// Shut down the follower to be removed. It should be evicted.
const auto& kFollowerId = replica_uuids.back();
// Expected OpId index of the committed config:
// * with AddServer, Promote and RemoveServer, the opid_index will be 4.
// * with RemoveServer and AddServer, the opid_index will be 3.
const auto expected_opid_index = is_3_4_3_mode ? 4 : 3;
expected_opid_index, leader_ts, tablet_id, kTimeout));
class DontEvictIfRemainingConfigIsUnstableITest :
public TabletReplacementITest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<bool> {
// Regression test for KUDU-2048 and KUDU-2230. If a majority of followers are
// unresponsive, the leader should not evict any of them.
TEST_P(DontEvictIfRemainingConfigIsUnstableITest, NodesDown) {
TestDontEvictIfRemainingConfigIsUnstable(NODE_DOWN, GetParam());
TEST_P(DontEvictIfRemainingConfigIsUnstableITest, NodesStopped) {
TestDontEvictIfRemainingConfigIsUnstable(NODE_STOPPED, GetParam());
// Regression test for KUDU-1233. This test creates a situation in which tablet
// bootstrap will attempt to replay committed (and applied) config change
// operations. This is achieved by delaying application of a write at the
// tablet level that precedes the config change operations in the WAL, then
// initiating a tablet copy to a follower. The follower will not have the
// COMMIT for the write operation, so will ignore COMMIT messages for the
// applied config change operations. At startup time, the newly
// copied tablet should detect that these config change
// operations have already been applied and skip them.
TEST_F(TabletReplacementITest, TestRemoteBoostrapWithPendingConfigChangeCommits) {
const MonoDelta timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(30);
vector<string> ts_flags;
vector<string> master_flags;
// We will manage doing the AddServer() manually, in order to make this test
// more deterministic.
NO_FATALS(StartCluster(ts_flags, master_flags));
TestWorkload workload(cluster_.get());
workload.Setup(); // Convenient way to create a table.
const int kLeaderIndex = 0;
TServerDetails* leader_ts = ts_map_[cluster_->tablet_server(kLeaderIndex)->uuid()];
const int kFollowerIndex = 2;
TServerDetails* ts_to_remove = ts_map_[cluster_->tablet_server(kFollowerIndex)->uuid()];
// Wait for tablet creation and then identify the tablet id.
vector<ListTabletsResponsePB::StatusAndSchemaPB> tablets;
ASSERT_OK(WaitForNumTabletsOnTS(leader_ts, 1, timeout, &tablets));
string tablet_id = tablets[0].tablet_status().tablet_id();
// Wait until all replicas are up and running.
for (int i = 0; i < cluster_->num_tablet_servers(); i++) {
tablet_id, timeout));
// Elect a leader (TS 0)
ASSERT_OK(StartElection(leader_ts, tablet_id, timeout));
ASSERT_OK(WaitForServersToAgree(timeout, ts_map_, tablet_id, 1)); // Wait for NO_OP.
// Write a single row.
ASSERT_OK(WriteSimpleTestRow(leader_ts, tablet_id, RowOperationsPB::INSERT, 0, 0, "", timeout));
// Delay tablet applies in order to delay COMMIT messages to trigger KUDU-1233.
// Then insert another row.
"tablet_inject_latency_on_apply_write_op_ms", "5000"));
// Kick off an async insert, which will be delayed for 5 seconds. This is
// normally enough time to evict a replica, tombstone it, add it back, and
// Tablet Copy a new replica to it when the log is only a few entries.
tserver::WriteRequestPB req;
tserver::WriteResponsePB resp;
CountDownLatch latch(1);
rpc::RpcController rpc;
Schema schema = GetSimpleTestSchema();
ASSERT_OK(SchemaToPB(schema, req.mutable_schema()));
AddTestRowToPB(RowOperationsPB::INSERT, schema, 1, 1, "", req.mutable_row_operations());
leader_ts->tserver_proxy->WriteAsync(req, &resp, &rpc,
[&latch]() { latch.CountDown(); });
// Wait for the replicate to show up (this doesn't wait for COMMIT messages).
ASSERT_OK(WaitForServersToAgree(timeout, ts_map_, tablet_id, 3));
// Manually evict the server from the cluster, tombstone the replica, then
// add the replica back to the cluster. Without the fix for KUDU-1233, this
// will cause the replica to fail to start up.
ASSERT_OK(RemoveServer(leader_ts, tablet_id, ts_to_remove, timeout));
ASSERT_OK(itest::DeleteTablet(ts_to_remove, tablet_id, TABLET_DATA_TOMBSTONED,
ASSERT_OK(AddServer(leader_ts, tablet_id, ts_to_remove, RaftPeerPB::VOTER, timeout));
ASSERT_OK(WaitUntilTabletRunning(ts_to_remove, tablet_id, timeout));
ClusterVerifier v(cluster_.get());
ClusterVerifier::EXACTLY, 2));
latch.Wait(); // Avoid use-after-free on the response from the delayed RPC callback.
} // namespace kudu